Chapter 7: Chapter-7-DeathEarth

After 2 weeks;

-...??huuuh?!...ow!(said Lee because he was hit by a terrible headache) what...what happened? Ow...my head! Where is Dooc! Erasmus?!....Jiu?...

Lee began to move, limping on one leg because the explosion had crushed the bone in his leg.

-I can't drag myself out of this hole! So Lee spotted a stick he had used to walk to the edge of the hole.

(The explosion caused a huge hole of 1900 kilometers.)

Lee was thrown 1890 kilometers from the explosion site, because she was right in the middle of the explosion, and everyone knows that a nuclear bomb cannot create a crater of 1900 kilometers. Therefore, Jiu, or whoever took the bombs, made adjustments that made the explosion much more devastating, with shockwaves reaching up to 2000 kilometers.)

-I'm no longer in the quiet forest, am I? said Lee, hearing children crying, a lot of blood, fire, explosions, the sky covered in smoke, and 4 countries almost destroyed.

-Dooc!....Dooc! Dooc where are you! Then, from the crater, a person with a huge cloak fell, landing in front of Lee.

-Dooc left you, just like Jiu, Nonary, Erasmus... don't you think we're even?

-Who are you supposed to be!

And then, that person took off their mask.

-!!!!!.....it can't be..... said Lee, seeing their face.

-You left me alone, left me for no one, just for this? For Nova? To become an important person?....not to mention that you completely forgot about me!...Tell me, why?

Lee was frozen in the situation.

-Tell me... why...

-...nnn... I don't know...

Then that person walked towards the black smoke, eventually losing their physical form in the smoke.

-...wait... don't leave... SOKII! And an unstoppable crying took over her.

After about 4 minutes, someone else came down from the crater.

Lee stopped crying and said;


-Lee... I'm so glad you're okay! Dooc said, hugging her.

-Dooc?.... where's Soki?

-Soki?!!! Who's Soki?! Dooc pretended to be clueless.

-Wait! Get off me! Lee said, standing up.

-You erased my memory, didn't you!?

-hey, hey, what are we talking about? I didn't erase anyone's memory! Why would you think that?

-Then why can't I remember Soki? Or the incident at the hospital?

-Don't ask me! How do you know those doctors didn't do that to you? Why are you blaming me!

-Because I was with you the whole time! And the doctors didn't put me to sleep at all when I was at the hospital! Back then, I was still thinking about you and Soki, and when I came to Caraxiania, I couldn't remember anything! You must be behind this story!

-It wasn't me! Why would I do that?!


-I didn't even know you had royal blood! You told me!

-You knew Jiu! And you knew he had another sister!

Their entire discussion was interrupted by an army of beasts slowly emerging from the smoke of the explosion.

-Today! Lee, you will meet your death! Jiu said from in front of the army.

-So you still won't calm down, will you?! Lee said.

-Lee! You can't fight him! He's too strong!

-You be quiet!

-But you have to listen to me! We need to find the book! Quickly.

-No!... I'm tired of running. If it weren't for Jiu, my whole life wouldn't have been ruined by one decision... the decision to come with you.

-I'm going to look for the book! When you need me, you know where I live!" And with that, Dooc climbed up the crater, leaving Lee alone to fight against Jiu and his army.

-Come on! Are we starting? Or are we having a staring contest?!"

-Alright then!... Attack!!" Jiu commanded.

Jiu's entire army was destroyed... because Soki had also entered the fight. Who now, is a demigod because she uses Kayura's power, or Kayura uses her.

În engleză, textul se traduce astfel:


"Now you remember me."

"I'm so sorry, I didn't forget about you! Dooc erased my memory."

"Don't worry, I heard the whole conversation."

-Alright, let's make Jiu pay!

And the two of them destroyed Jiu's entire army. Only Jiu was left alive.

-You really have some nerve, don't you!

-It depends on who's asking, Soki said.

-Hahahahhaha... my army will never die!... just like their king!

And with those words, the entire army was reincarnated, and the battles began again.

-You are quite good... but let's see how you handle a higher rank?

And then, behind Jiu, Lee's grandparents and Soki's parents appeared.

Then, the entire army formed a circle around the two girls.


-.....What have you done to them!

-Me? I just gave them the chance to see you for the last time! Something nice, right? Now fight!

-I can't get close to them..., Soki said in shock.

Neither can I. I can't attack them!

-If I found their weaknesses, soon they will be my new slaves, Jiu said to himself.

Lee's grandparents and Soki's parents grew by 4 more meters, and their muscle mass increased.

-Let's see you now! Jiu said.

-We have to do something! Lee said.

-No! We can't! We need to leave, now!

-.....It can't be... you're really behind this story.

-Excuse me?!

-Dooc! Show yourself, now! Lee shouted at Soki.

And Soki's body shrank, thus Dooc emerged from his form.

-You really have some nerve! Why do you want me to leave here? What are you hiding!

-Lee! We need to leave, now!-

-How many times do I have to tell you I'm not running anymore!

-But it's coming!

-Who's coming?!

And at that moment, the mysterious brunette appeared again, grabbing Dooc by the throat.

When Lee noticed, she tried to stop him, but the brunette moved so quickly that Lee didn't even realize he was behind her, striking her vital point.

Lee had fallen to the ground, and the brunette had taken Dooc and fled with him.

-Lee!! Jiu shouted, running quickly towards her.

-I promise I'll bring you back to normal once I stop Nova!

But in fact, Lee had anticipated the brunette's attack and had protected her vital point with her hand, but because the brunette hit quite hard, Lee still had a headache. So Lee heard Jiu's words and then pretended to be unconscious so that Jiu and his army would leave her alone and search for Dooc peacefully.

Five weeks had passed since Lee started the search, and all she had come across were dead carcasses, blood, and fire as far as the eye could see.

-I've been going for a maximum of six weeks and I haven't found anything! And I can't take it anymore! I'm hungry, I'm sleepy, and I'm thirsty. I haven't slept at all! Why is it so painful to have friends?!' And Lee decided to take a short break.

The place where she sat was sheltered from the black smoke that had slowly dissipated, which gave Lee the chance to see Dooc's house.

-!!!I found her!...I can't believe it! Hahahaha...Dooc! Dooc? I'm here! Lee shouted. When she reached the door, she noticed that the door was locked.

So Lee knocked and shouted at the door, hoping that Dooc would open it for her. But it wasn't Dooc in the house; it was Jiu. He had tied Soki and Dooc to a chair, with two guards beside each of them.

Jiu pulled Lee inside and immobilized her, following the fate of the two.

-Lee...I gave you a chance to escape from all this! Why are you here?Jiu said.

-Lee didn't answer him and looked into his eyes.

-Hmm, do you think you can impress me by looking at me like that?' Jiu said.

-No... not at all.'And Lee struck his heirs.

Jiu fell to the ground in pain while Lee untied herself from the rope and attacked the guard; after the guard, the others came as well.

-Dooc! Soki! Free yourselves!

Lee killed the five guards and helped Dooc and Soki to untie themselves.

-Come on! Quickly!

When Lee grabbed the doorknob, she got electrocuted, so Dooc intended to try too.

-The door won't open anymore! Dooc said.

-Hahahahahaha! Did you really think I didn't have a plan B?! Guards!!

And the entire army surrounded the house while Jiu resurrected the killed guards;

-Get up, you slugs! You're not even good enough to keep a puppy in a cage! Catch them!

Jiu recaptured the three and this time put them in an incubator.

-So... now, I will have to find a way to get rid of you. Especially you! Lee...

-Why do you want us dead?! You're the one who's been following us! Lee said.

-Me?? Pff! Not even close! And I've heard that all three of you can use Nova, right?!

-Yeah, and?!' Dooc replied.

-Well, you see... I am not satisfied with the power gained from each star! Nova is much stronger than that! And once you become a Kayura... you will be able to become the new creator!

-So! I will take your Nova power.

-Take it! I don't want power! Lee said.

-I think I forgot to mention... whoever is a user of Nova and then loses their powers, dies! Because once Nova enters your blood or being, it controls every movement, every thought, and once it disappears, nothing works for you anymore!

-You're lying!! I lost mine and nothing happened to me! Lee said.

-That's because you are of royal blood! And those of royal blood can survive the Nova power, while common people....

-We can't let him take our powers!Dooc said.

-Exactly! We have to do something! Lee said.

-Maybe Jiu caught us in the incubator, but we have this!' Dooc said, showing Lee and Soki The Book of Yesterday and Today.

-Hey! What are you giggling about over there?! Jiu said.

-Shut up for once! Soki said.

-But how do we open it? Lee said. I've tried everything Erasmus told me to do!

-But what is this book?! Soki asked.

-It's an ancient book written by the great Nova masters, which can tell you anything you want to know about Nova or about Genesis.

-So how do we open it?! Lee asked again.

-Hmmm, oh, I know! The book has some sort of latch, right? Soki said.

-Oh yes! Lee! Try using the key from around your neck!


Lee brought the key down from around his neck, and when he brought it close to the book, the rust on it disappeared, revealing a blue color dominating it.

-Is it really the key to life?!! Dooc exclaimed.

-What could it be? Soki asked.

-It doesn't matter! Lee, open the book!

-Okay everyone, who's ready to die?Jiu said, coming towards the incubator.

-Look here! The Dance of the Black Fox! We just need to focus, combine our powers, and create a huge ball that will destroy the incubator! Dooc said.

The three of them placed their hands on the incubator's glass and began.

-It's useless to use Nova! The glass is made to withstand absolutely anything! It's indestructible!

-What about the Dance of the Black Fox?

-What?! No! Don't do it, you fools! It's going to... Jiu was interrupted by a huge sphere of Nova that destroyed the whole house, as the other power was used to break the glass.

The three of them were in shock, along with all the guardians, including Jiu.

Dooc and Jiu woke up first.

-How foolish some creatures are!

-Jiu! I told you to stick to the plan!

-You... I won't listen to you anymore! And Jiu took a dagger from one of the guardians and killed Dooc right in front of Lee.

Lee was shocked, kneeling, and watching Dooc turn into a pool of blood.

-....hahaha...hahahhahaha...Ahahahahahahahahaha! You really have some nerve, don't you! -HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Lee laughed in pain like a madwoman.

-First my grandparents, and now my best friend?....hahahahaha...let me tell you something about me....insult me! Hit me! Curse at me!...but don't come near those I care about!

Then Lee used a large amount of magic to unlock her true power [OmegaNova].

(With this, you can use Nova to the fullest without hurting yourself. With it, you can also manipulate others or collect souls for more power.)

-Lee had transformed into a celestial being with a long dress and six white eyes.

Jiu had tried to keep Lee at a distance by throwing abilities at her. But Lee was so powerful that she became resistant to her own magic.

Jiu was crawling on the ground, weakened by the amount of power used, so in the end, he could no longer lift a finger. The guardians intervened and were killed just by Lee's aura. When she was about to kill Jiu, Lee felt a pain coming from her heart and fell to the ground.

-Hahaha! Did you really think you could kill me? Have you forgotten how much power I gather each day?

Lee returned to her normal human form, coughing up blood and becoming an easy target.

-Jiu hadn't done anything to Lee, just telling her:

-When you become a Kayura, you can be sure that you will rise to my rank. And he left. Lee quickly recovered and ran after Jiu to catch him, but Jiu had already gone too far.

Out of nowhere, Erasmus came with an egg and the Book of Yesterday and Today in his arms.

-Lee! Listen to me! You have to leave! Now! Kayura is right behind us!


-Yes! And he destroys everything in his path! Go! Take this board and fly off of Caraxiania!

-Okay! But what will you do?

-I have to stay! It's my home after all! Come on, go!

Lee had fled from Caraxiania, leaving Dooc and Soki behind, and ventured alone through space with a board that provided her air, along with the egg and the book she received from Erasmus.

Lee traveled continuously for 15 hours through space until she reached a completely different planet, but similar to Earth; its ground was red, and the water was even redder.

-Then, while Lee admired the beauty of the planet, the flying board stopped and Lee fell onto the mysterious planet. There;

-Aaaaaaaaa!! Lee screamed as she fell into the void.

-What is that sound?!' said a boy who was coming out of a cave.

And Lee fell right on top of him.

-Ouch! What the hell!'

They both got up;

-Who the hell are you?'

-I'm... my name is Lee. Where am I?!'

-You're on the Dead Earth! What are you doing here?'

'I'm... just visiting,' Lee said, thinking that the boy had heard about the big explosion and didn't want to scare him by telling him she came from Caraxiania.

-I'm Arcasas!

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