Chapter 5: chapter-5-A new beginning.

(Let it be, I will start it now!)

Lee and Dooc entered the house;

(Lee was standing while Dooc was sitting on a small stool);

- Tell me! What's the deal with Jiu? How do you know each other? Lee asked.

- Huu!...Lee, I can't tell you! It would be too much stress for you to find out!

- But I want the truth! Lee said. Come on! Tell me!

- No! Why didn't you tell Soki your secret? Dooc asked in a raised tone.

- Soki?.....who...who is Soki?! Lee asked, looking at Dooc confused.

- What?! How do you not remember Soki! Your best friend! Who you abandoned after you blew up the whole hospital?! Dooc said.

- What?! When did this happen?! Lee asked.

- Lee? What happened to you? Dooc asked.

- A,...nothing?

- No,...you don't remember anything! Lee! Who am I! Dooc asked.

But Lee didn't respond and fainted on the floor;

- Lee! Lee what is it? What happened to you! I need to quickly cast a spell to bring her back!...the pulse!

- Huh!! Her heart isn't beating anymore, she has no pulse, she's not breathing? Dooc was worried."


Lee started to float, he opened his eyes and took a big gulp of air. Then he fell back to the floor.

- Lee! What happened to you?! Dooc said. Did something happen? Do you need anything?

- Dooc... I... I'm going to lose... PRANK!! :)) Lee shouted.

- Lee, you scared me!!! That's not nice! Dooc said.

- Since when do you know how to use Nova? Dooc asked.

- Oh come on! I took on a monster form and I can't pull a prank? Hahahahaha! Look how pale you got! Hahahahahaha.

- Okay! But you know that whoever uses Nova dies after 24 hours, right?

- Wait, what?! Lee exclaimed, getting up from the floor.

- I was kidding! I got you! Dooc said.

- "It's not nice!" Lee said.

- "Okay... do you want to eat something?" Dooc asked Lee.

- "Hmm... sure, why not, but you should know that I want you to answer all my questions!" Lee said.

- "Huh!" Dooc sighed. "Fine!"

Afterward, Lee knelt next to a small table. Dooc had a big house but small things.

- "Dooc? Why are you so small?" Lee asked.

- "That's how we Caranians are."

"After Dooc said that, he turned around with a tray full of floating black cubes.

'What kind of drug is that?' Lee asked jokingly.

-Touch one and you'll see," Dooc said, laughing a little.

"Hehehe... come on! Try one!"

"Okay, but it doesn't have any instructions?" Lee asked.

"Nooo... but I'll tell you how to use them!" said Dooc. "First, take a black cube. Then, press the yellow circle and tell it what food you want to eat."

"Seriously?!?!" Lee was amazed. Then he took a cube, pressed the yellow circle, and said;


"Huh! Really? It's just chocolate," said Dooc.

"Just chocolate? JUST CHOCOLATE?!?" Lee exaggerated.

"Dooc, it's the most famous chocolate in the world! In the universe!"

"So you want to be trendy, huh? You don't have to be trendy to be authentic; true value comes from being yourself," Dooc told Lee. But by the time Dooc said this cheesy quote, Lee had finished all the chocolate.

"Did you eat all the chocolate?" Dooc asked Lee.

"What?? Noooo," Lee replied.

"Want more?" Dooc asked.

"Eh! Better answer my questions," Lee said.

"-Oh darn! I really thought you would forget!" said Dooc.

- Where does Jiu know you from?

- Jiu is an acquaintance.

- Why didn't you tell me I have a brother in space?!

- Because I didn't know he was your brother!

- What happens in space?

- I don't know!

- But you live here! Lee raised his voice.

- I live here but I don't know everything!

- Is space in danger? Lee asked calmly this time.

- ...yes, and it's all Jiu's fault!

- Do you have a family? Lee asked Dooc.

- ...no! I don't have any. Dooc suddenly took off his glasses.

- Why? said Lee. Why don't you have any? What happened to her?

- Lee. I have to go.

- Huh...

Wait... where? Where are you going? Lee asked.

- I have someone to visit. Dooc said, leaving through the door. Stay here!

- Huh... where is he going? Lee wondered.

Lee stayed a few more minutes, walking in circles, thinking about why Dooc wasn't coming back.

- Where could he be? It's been 4 hours since he left, said Lee.

- I have to go look for him. Because if Jiu has captured him!... oh no! DOOC!

And with that, Lee ran out the door, searching for Dooc throughout the village.

It has become evening;

- Dooc! Dooc where are you? Lee shouted, stopping for a moment.

- hhmmm, where did you go?

After all the shouting and running, Lee was extremely tired, so she went home to Dooc to rest a bit and see if Dooc had returned.

When she arrived there, she could barely enter the house because she was extremely exhausted and could hardly take a step. So she leaned against the wall of the house;

- huhhhh, where....are you...Dooc? And she dozed off."

In the house;

- Where could she be at this hour? I told her to stay inside. Where could she be? Hmmm. Dooc wondered.

- I should go and look for her. I hope she hasn't gone too far. After all, she's only 17! Dooc said, opening the door. But Lee had woken up before Dooc decided to go look for her, so she heard Dooc's words.

- And so what if I'm 17?! Lee said, stepping out from behind the wall and startling Dooc.

- Aaah! Lee! You scared me! Where have you been? Dooc said.

- Oh, don't start with "Where have you been?"! Where have you been?! I've been looking for you all day, and there's no sign of you.

- Well... I...

- You... you... - Lee echoed - you've been lying to me ever since you brought me here! I don't believe anything you say. And she angrily went inside.

- Lee, wait! Dooc said.

- Leave me alone!

Lee went upstairs where she found an empty room with a big black bed, throwing herself onto it. But she didn't stay quiet for long and came out to the door shouting;

-AND SO WHAT IF I'M 17?! DO YOU THINK I CAN'T HANDLE MYSELF?" After that, she went into the room, slamming the door behind her.

After about an hour and a half, Lee managed to fall asleep again, but;

-huh?! What is....this?....Mom? Is that you, Mom? Mom! Lee had dreamed of a person with a black aura standing next to her bed and looking at her. But after a while, that person got closer to Lee and took her in their arms.

-What are you? Lee asked.

But the mysterious person didn't answer and took a step back.

Then, Lee felt as if someone was biting her legs; after she looked at her legs, a huge black hole appeared that made her fall into the void, and a deep voice repeated;

-Give me the key, give me the key, give me the key...Lee kochiiro!

Here's the translation in English:

-NOOOO! Lee screamed, waking up immediately.

-What the hell was that?! Lee wondered. After gathering all her attention, she went to the window, where a star lit up the entire sky.

-...huuuhh! Lee sighed calmly.

After that, she quietly went down the stairs so Dooc wouldn't hear her and stepped outside onto the porch;

She kept staring at the star that had caught her attention, letting a tear roll down her face.

After a minute, the door opened, and Dooc sat next to Lee. At that moment, the star simply vanished, leaving Lee with a question mark.

-"Why are you out here at this hour?" Dooc asked Lee.

Lee was still a bit upset with him, so she didn't answer.

After seeing that Lee didn't want to respond, Dooc sat next to her.

-"Dooc?.....why do stars disappear?" Lee asked him, noticing that three stars she had been watching were disappearing one by one.

-"Well... I think you already know that a star is a sun, right?"

-"I worked at a planetarium, did you forget?" Lee replied.

-"Yeah... those 'stars,' like that one, are dominated by Jiu because he wants to make his name as known as possible and his kingdom as wide as possible, because he only wants power... anyway, stars disappear because once Jiu captures a galaxy, all the sunlight goes to him. Thus, he has so much power that he could destroy four universes at once. But after he uses that power, he's just a guy with inferior strength.

-But not all stars have planets orbiting around them."

-"Yes, that's why Jiu only dominates stars with a solar system. He leaves the others alone; nobody knows why."

-"I wonder why Jiu is evil?" Lee asked Dooc.

-"I really don't know... so? Are we going back inside?"

-"Hmmmm...." Lee thought for about 10 seconds and then said,

-"Okay...! Let's go. But I'm not sleepy anymore, are you?" Lee asked.

-"A little, but I'll stay with you until you fall asleep."

-"Huh! I'm not a child anymore!" Lee said.

-"Okay, fine! I won't say that anymore," Dooc said, starting to laugh.

The two went inside where they sat on two normal-sized armchairs, talking and sharing stories.

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