Lord of Solples

Chapter 88

31. Corrupt Elves (2).


Hirkan looks at the red lake in front of his eyes.

The size of the lake was about 30 sq. ft. It was not small, but it was closer to a spring than a lake, a size that was too large to overburden.

The water that was filling the lake was called the Red Lake. It wasn’t an ominous feeling of red. Rather, I felt like I would smell sour fruit if I stayed.

Hirkan sits directly in front of the lake. Then he used his hand as a ladle to float the water of the lake. Similar in taste to less ripe fruits, a pale sour and bitter bitterness hovers over the mouth.

‘It’s been a long time. ’

That taste, it can’t be delicious.

It’s not even worth a taste.

It tasted like soju to Hirkan. It’s not delicious. It’s just a taste that reminds me of something when I drink it.

Hirkan was wet with memories for a while.

‘As I was working on the basics here, I was able to identify possibilities, and I was able to embrace dreams. ’

The early stages of Hajeongtal Guild formation were the extreme of poverty. Everyone had no money, so they wore items below their level or items of normal grade. You hunt really hard because you don’t have enough item specs.

It was the only time anyone near was bothered by the slaughter or found a monster corpse that had been thrown away for some other reason. I didn’t care about quests, I didn’t dream about titles, and I just focused on hunting to level up.

It was here, Red Lake, where the Hajj Tal Guild suffered little, attained level 100, and after being promoted, chopped the basics before a full Raid.

I saw an opportunity here.

Hirkan, he showed me the possibilities. Confidence that you can! The confidence to produce results, even if not the best, gave that confidence to the Hajj Tal Guild by the presence of Hirkan. Hirkan himself was also able to embrace such confidence. I could see the possibilities.


Now it’s just a bitter memory.

Hirkan, who robbed the lake of the water left in his hand, stood up and raised his head.

Then something heavy moved away from Hirkan’s eyes.

‘You’re already here. ’

It must be a monster coming from the lake where Hirkan stands.

All the monsters in the Red Lake have such a habit.

That is why we make the area by this lake. There were dozens of lakes the size of which Hirkan now sees, and those who want to hunt here take the lake to the stage.

All those who come to the lake in front of Hirkan are monsters of Hirkan.

Of course, Hirkan must be prepared to meet him. Hirkan has chosen to stop him.

He’s the only one. ’

There was already a man set to greet the monster.


Hirkan pulls the Skeleton Statue out of his pocket. The sculpture he brought out was not a statue made of bones that Hirkan used to carry around.

A jewel.

The appearance of a sculpture made by carving material jewels was similar to that of a Skeleton Warrior wearing a Bone Armor.

There was also a difference. The design was a little different from the present armor summoned by Hirkan. It was fully armed, not only partially armed, but crucially shielded.

Skeleton Knight Piece.

Hirkan throws that piece of skeleton knight to the ground. The thrown jewel has the appearance of a Skeleton Knight at a fast pace.

The Mouth of Hirkan looks up at the Skeleton Knight.

‘He’s cool whenever he sees him. ’

A heavy-bodied skeleton knight with a two-metre sniffing kidney carries an intensity and aura incomparable with a skeleton warrior.

It wasn’t just a big one. There was no crumbliness in the ordinary skeleton warrior’s arms, red between the skulls sparkling elegantly, and black smoke emanating from the breath of his teeth.

[Special Ability ‘Knight’ is activated.]

[Special Ability ‘Conductor’ is activated.]

In addition, the skeleton articles revealed their presence more clearly through system alerts with the advent of the satellite.

Skeleton Knight’s Special Ability, Knight and Conductor activated.

Knights are an option that increases the ability of Skeleton Knights as the number of Skeleton Warriors summoned increases. Whenever 1 Skeleton Warrior is added, the ability of Skeleton Knight rises by 5 percent, and now it rises up to 25 percent.

A conductor is a special ability that increases when summoned Skeleton Warriors battle around Skeleton Knights. Currently, the ability increases by 10 per cent. In addition, conductor skills overlap with skeleton science as well as Madness Helm. The moment the Skeleton Knight appeared, the Skeleton Warrior and

Skeleton Wizard’s ATK becomes scary.

The Skeleton Knight skill also has a passive option that allows you to summon 3 more Skeleton Loads based on the F rank.

Hirkan didn’t stop here.

Hirkan scatters the skull fragments. Eight Skeleton Warriors and two Skeleton Wizards appeared. Hirkan scatters the same pieces of skull again. Nine pieces of skull were scattered.

Seven Skeleton Warriors and two Skeleton Wizards appeared.

Nineteen in total!

Including Skeleton Knights is twenty!

This was the maximum power Hirkan could summon now. Hirkan smiles at the pack of skeletons.

‘Not as much as Richrich, but now it’s a little necromancer. ’

In front of Hirkan like that….


Beyond the Red Lake, a large lizard of 20 metres in length with a vigilant crowd of skeletons, five spiny lizards with spears on its back, and an impressive thorn lizard flew its tongue.

Hirkan, it was the appearance of a tune for his video views.



A skeleton knight and a large thorn lizard collide in front of the shield.


The Skeleton Knight was pushed, but did not go back.

Kung, kung!

While the Thorn Lizard repeatedly taps the shield with my head to knock down such a Skeleton Knight.

Shh, shh, shh!

Skeleton warriors shoot at the Thorn Lizard. Some of them climb over the body of the thorn lizard, others move near the body of the thorn lizard, wielding a knife.

Shh, shh!

The tough Thorn Lizard’s hide did not allow for deep wounds, but the expensive weapons the Skeleton Warriors were carrying produced a clear wound anyway.

Kiey, Kiey!

A thorn lizard bursts into tears. With a cry, he turns away from the Skeleton Knight. I moved my massive body like a clockwork, in a position to wipe everything around me.

The wavelength was intense when a giant 20-metre-long monster turned around with all its power. Several Skeleton Warriors flew through the body.

But the Skeleton Knight didn’t fly. The one who avoided the flying tail with a leap lands with the sword in his hand.


The Skeleton Knight’s Sword creates a deep, long wound in the thorn lizard’s body.


The Thorn Lizard stops bending and stares at the Skeleton Knight.


In the meantime, four huge lumps of fire flew towards the body of a thorn lizard, drawing a parabola. On the other side of the Skeleton Knight, they were the magic thrown by the Skeleton Wizards, using Golem as a wall.

The magic begins to spread as soon as it falls on the back of a thorn lizard.


The fire seemed like mane hair.

The magical Skeleton Wizards begin casting the second magic. A small lump of fire was created between the hands of the boneless. As the Skeleton Wizards continue to move their hands as if they were joking, the size of the fire begins to grow.

The Thorn Lizard flies straight to the Skeleton Wizard.


However, Golem could not allow it. Golem blocks the thorn lizard’s charge with my body. Golem was also pushed back, but not over.


I heard a cry from the mouth of a thorn lizard that seemed to be unbearable.

In the meantime, four Skeleton Warriors with horns on their heads moved. They threw themselves at a giant lizard that was incomparable to my body without any fear.

The only audience looking at the view, Hirkan put the candy out of his pocket in his mouth.


I immediately swallowed the candy.


Then I immediately took out a small bottle and swallowed what was in it.


The finish was gum. Hirkan chewed the gum as hard as he could to suck out the clutter in the gum.

The look on Hirkan’s face, eating something relentlessly, was not good.

“There’s no magic left. ’

The sight of twenty skeletons and golems fighting was the best stage the Necromancer could show, but the magic power needed for that stage was outside Hirkan’s abilities.

It was a natural outcome. As long as Hirkan didn’t concentrate all his abilities on magic, it was too much to call for this kind of troops at once. It was also a waste beyond the pack.

Hirkan doesn’t know that.

Nevertheless, the reason for doing this.

“Still, the footage will work. ’

It’s because of two rabbits.

I needed to shoot a full necromancer combat video to commemorate the 100th level. All jobs are the same, but the moment you get promoted, the job itself feels different.

Very rare are Necromancer videos over 100 levels. For Hirkan, making this video was like buying a lottery with some guaranteed winnings.

It was also necessary to imprint the presence. It’s not just a peculiar necromancer, it’s basically a necromancer. That way, it won’t be easy for other people to complain, right?

‘Skill is also rising. ’

The second reason was skill proficiency. In order to increase the skill rank, it is advantageous to have more different types of battles than to simply have more battles. Combating medium- and large-sized monsters is a big help in ranking up.

The problem is that it is difficult to hunt medium-sized monsters in a normal field. Mostly monsters, boss. It was wise to waste your skills recklessly on the best stage to fill a skill rank-up.

This is why Hirkan eats expensive recovery items from time to time with his backpack in battle.

‘But in this hunt, there will be a deficit….. for the time being, I should eat something cheap. ’

Of course, I still wrote it.

I’m eating something a week more expensive than my own food, but I can’t feel comfortable in it.

It’s just…

‘You fight well, but you fight well. ’

Even if you don’t have yourself, it only comforts the skeleton men who fight well.

In the meantime, a note came to Hirkan.

A note to the entire community that everyone joins if a user is hunting on the Red Lake.

Hirkan looks at the battle once and opens a note.

[Corrupted Grey Cockatries moving east.]

After seeing the warning message, Hirkan frowned.

‘I still can’t catch it. ’

Corrupted Grey Cockatrice.

Estimated level is currently between 130 and 140 levels. It is never a low level. As long as you have a corrupt title here, you should see it as a boss monster, not a normal monster.

‘Well, of course I can’t catch it. ’

You must be a member of Guild Raid Tech Group 1 in your 30s in order to capture a Boss Monster of Level 140.

However, even if the Raid team does not reach that level, the schedule is tight for a week. Then it is not easy for them to reschedule and move to catch the monsters that suddenly appeared in the Red Lake.

‘It must be hard to come here. ’

At the same time, Red Lake is a stage where no one can claim it. As the Raid Training Camp is named, it is a valuable place for various guilds as well as for those who do not join the guild. If any place claims ownership, it will be subject to tremendous repudiation.

There’s a problem in a house that doesn’t have an owner, but is there anyone who would like to actively solve the problem?

‘None of them will go out there to catch this. ’

The most crucial problem is that the ransom of the users here is enormous.

Here, only a level 100 user is Hirkan. Most users are over 120 levels, and there are also over 130 levels.

A level that falls within the top 1 percent of the Warlord. It’s hard to get here with just pure skill. Warlord started the game in the early days and spent a lot of money on the game. Warlords are those who think of games as their own life games.

They are quick to calculate and fast to judge. There is no way they will be able to calculate such risks.

On the contrary.

You said Ferato, right? ’

If you choose to catch Corrupt Grey Cockatries in this situation, you must have other schemes.

I saw one announcement that Hirkan made to the community, the announcement to recruit Corrupt Grey Cockatries.

Golden Brothers, Ferato. He was currently recruiting for this corrupt monster.

‘Taking risks means having merit. ’

I don’t know exactly what I’m after, but Hirkan didn’t think Ferato really made that decision in his heart to love Red Lake here.

Hirkan smiles in reminiscence of the Ferato.

‘If you wait, I’ll bet on it myself. ’

In fact, Hirkan is also in a hurry. You have to catch him to get a clue to chase down the corrupt elf. If the guild is in its thirties, Hirkan has no choice but to intervene in the process.

However, it is also true that Hirkan is too burdensome to catch alone. It is wise to hold hands with Ferato.

Just don’t have to put your hands out first.

If you wait, Ferato will make you a sufficiently attractive offer later.

Especially if you watch the battle footage Hircan will post soon, you will make a big bet for Ferrari or Hircan Posep.

Hirkan smiled.

‘Luck will follow you this time. ’



A member of the Golden Brothers Guild, the Underfoot Guild, he had a background that most Warlord users would envy in many ways.

It was level 134, the top level enough, and I couldn’t even get down on my knees.

But the fact that he was in Red Lake was the clearest proof of his poor standing within the Gold Brothers.

‘This time, I have to catch this and prove my ability to get into Group 1. ’

If he was really good, he would be part of the Golden Brothers’ Raid, not here.

I’m not good enough, so I was thrown into the Red Lake here to build my skills.

Members of the 2nd class.

That was the position of the Ferato.

Of course I didn’t like Ferrari or this sage. Furthermore, he did not think he lacked his skills compared to those of Ferrara or Group I. I just think that I didn’t become Group 1 because I didn’t have a seat.

‘Somehow…. ’

I’ve waited until now.

But the recent rumors prompted him urgently.

‘We have to get up to Group 1 before the guild merges somehow. ’

As the Big Smile Guild shakes, rumors have spread that several underfoot guilds, including the Golden Brothers, are targeting the Big Smile Guild’s location through mergers.

It was just a rumor, but the possibility was enough. If the rumors were true, then Ferato’s rivals would be more numerous. Before that, I needed to become a member of Group I.

That’s why I was looking for Corrupt Grey Cockatrice.

If you play a crucial role in capturing the boss monster or other monsters, you will be reevaluated. This Raid will remain a career even if you don’t become Group 1 right now.

The problem was that there were no candidates.

‘One way or another, there are only three parties and sixteen candidates to date….. but we need to gather thirty. ’

Most of the users who come to the Red Lake burn their bodies. Those who thought it would be better to hunt at other hunting grounds. There was only one way to increase the number of applicants in that situation.

Providing a merit to take risks.

However, I could not afford such merit to Ferato at this time. The guild can’t help him.

‘What do we do? ’

That’s what set his troubles free.


“Phu? Long time no see. ”

Yeah, how’s it going?

“It’s always me. ”

You said you were recruiting for the Corrupt Grey Cockatrice Raid.

“Did the rumors get there? ”

I don’t need a rumor. You can only see it once. There’s someone who wants to talk to you about it, but what do you want to do? You want to talk about it?

“Who is it?”

Apollo Guild, a well-funded guild. He said he wanted to talk to you.

It was the Apollo Guild.

31. Corrupt Elves (2). Ends

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