Lord of Fire

4. The Monkey Spirit, Vumala


Hovering just a few feet away from Zuko was an unusual creature. The creature looked to be a monkey with almost pearl like black fur and a long bushy tail. What made it unusual was that it had six hands and arms.

On its twisted face it had a smirk like grin with its vicious looking teeth shown.

“Hello Victor!” It greeted him.

Victor was taken back by the strange monkey that it knew his real name. Looking into a nearby pond of water he noticed he was still in the body of Zuko.

He knew for certain this wasn't any purgatory so there was only one solution, he was in the spirit world. The flying monkey infront of him was most certainly a spirit.

That still did not explain how the monkey knew his real name. The gift he mentioned before might be a glue he thought.

“The spirit world huh?” He began. “Who are you and how do you know my real name!?” He immediately damanded.

The big smile of the spirit quickly vanished. Its blood red eyes staring a hole through Zuko. As if it was seeing beyond just his body but at the soul of Victor inhabiting the body.

“Vumala is my name,” it said in a calm deep voice. “I know you because we brought you here. The reason doesn't matter at the moment. All you need to know is that you need to get stronger!”

Silence broke out as neither said a word. Victor trying to think of a possible reason he might have been brought here. Based on his limited knowledge of this world, there ought not to be forces capable of transmigrating souls to other worlds.

He only saw the original series and its sequel. He wasn't fan enough to read the comics and books he saw around the internet.

Even with that limited knowledge he never heard of anything powerful enough do what this spirit monkey was insinuating.

Maybe it was just a bluff on his limited world knowledge. Zuko’s memories were less than helpful in anything about the spirits and their strange abilities.

There was no need to think about it for now. He was just curious about this getting stronger the monkey mentioned.

“Stronger than a fully realised Avatar?” he simply asked.

The creepy smile returned in Vumala. Almost like he held back the urge to laugh.

“You mean the vessel of that bitch Raava!?” He answered. “For what we have planned you need to be the strongest bender on the planet. That includes the Avatar.”

Zuko’s eyes widened in expectation. His imagination began to run wild with all the possibilities of bending the four elements.

“I can see the enthusiasm in your eyes,” Vumala proceeded. “You cannot bend all the elements, that is impossible without the assistance of an A-class such as myself or Raava.”

Victor’s enthusiasm vanished like a flame flashed out by a gust of wind.

“You already have everything you need to surpass that bitch and her vessel. You have the knowledge of Iroh to guide you. The most powerful Firebender, plus your own memories from your previous life. With my special gifts it should only take you a few years.”

When he spoke of the need to get strong the spirit emitted an immensely dominating aura. Like all it cared for was that Zuko became strong. He desperately wanted to know the reason why but the monkey already said he was on a need to know basis.

Suddenly they both heard a faint voice distorted in the distance.

“Before you go,” Vumala began. “The Avatar must live for as long as possible until I tell you otherwise!” The seriousness in his voice sent a shiver down the back of Zuko.

It was like Vumala could read his thoughts. Maybe he could, one could never know of the spirits and their strange abilities.



Zuko found himself to the sound of a banging on his door.

“Yes!?” He called with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

“We are ready to depart,” the soldier reported. “Your uncle wanted to see you on the bridge with the captain!”

“I will be out in a moment!” He answered impatiently.

The footsteps of the soldier departed away from his chamber. Living him finally alone to process what just transpired.

He wondered how he could have ended up in this world. Now he finally had an answer. Although the particular answer only raised more questions.

‘Who did he mean when he said we? Why must I not kill the Avatar? Why exactly did he bring me to this world? Who else could he be working with?’ The endless questions flowed through his mind

Atleast now he knew why he felt so much more powerful and felt a stronger connection to fire. Even sitting in his chamber alone and away from the full might of the sun. He felt more powerful than ever.

Even as powerful as he felt, Vumala out right stated his uncle was stronger. Perhaps he was wrong but from what he remembered of the series, Fire Lord Ozai looked stronger.

Perhaps all he needed was training to get used to this abilities. That meant he had to ask his uncle for far more advanced firebending techniques. Maybe even lightning generation.

With his thoughts made up, he exited his chamber to the bridge. Entering the bridge he was met by his uncle and the captain of the ship.

“What's going on?” He asked.

“The rest of the crew have done an extensive inspection of the ship and have discovered extensive damage to the exterior and hull of the ship.” The young Captain Mui reported.

“At this rate we won't be able to keep up with the Avatar and his bison.” Iroh added.

“Then we need to get to a base and make repairs!” Zuko suggested immediately.

“The closest base is atleast 2 days away at our current pace,”  Mui said. “Even then it will take a further 3 days to make repairs. It might be difficult to get a trail of the Avatar.”

“It doesn't really matter anymore,” Zuko replied. “Now that we know the Avatar is alive he won't be able to hide for long. Besides... I know where he will be.”

“How do you know that?” Iroh asked after exchanging a glance with Mui.

“It's just a feeling I got from him,” Zuko answered. “For now let's just repair the ship.”

After the brief conversation Zuko exited the room. Iroh and Mui were left stunned by the lack of eagerness for the Prince to go after the Avatar.

“He was so impatient for 3 years but now that he's prey is within his grasp, he seems to have lost his fire.” Mui observed.

“Indeed, his brief encounter with the Avatar seems to have made him alter his mindset.” Iroh agreed.

“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”

“Only time will tell, Captain Mui.”

“For now I will plot a course to the nearest Fire Nation base with a port,” Mui turned to his equipment sprawled out on a large desk.

The old General Iroh left the room with his thoughts preoccupied by the sudden change of his nephew.

Although the change wasn't much, he still knew his nephew enough to sense it.

The most obvious was the lack of fire that raged whenever the Avatar was mentioned. Just a few moments ago it appeared he could care less about the wherabouts of the Avatar.


Back in the swamp of Vumala in the spirit world was that familiar looking Monkey.

As he sat hovering under a red shrine, a shadowy figure appeared right infront of him.

“Great Vumala, I have arrived,” the shadow in large robes announced.

Vumala slowly opened its blood red eyes and looked down on the cloaked figure.

“A new player has arrived on the board,” he revealed in that ominous voice. “Do you remember your orders?”

“Of course, Great Vumala.”

“Failure is not an option.” Vumala threatened. “Phase One is up to you, remember that!”

“We will not fail you, you have my word!”

Upon those words the cloaked figure vanished back to the physical world.

He came to be sitted alone in an empty room. Surrounded by fire torches that stood high to almost reach the ceiling.

“Commander Sir!” A loud obnoxious voice suddenly called from behind.

“Come in!” Ordered the cloak.

In stepped a young man dressed in the fiery red of the Fire Nation.

“The acquisition of the Earth Kingdom village has been completed!” the young man reported.

“Good,” the commander said and stood up to turn to his subordinate. “Inform Lieutenant Xu that I will be returning to base. He is to assume control until I say otherwise.”

“Yes Sir!”

The young man immediately exited the dark room only lit by torch light. As soon as the young man left, the commander removed his hood.

A tall thin man in his thirties with a wide bushy moustache. Spikey black hair that descended down as side burns and almost shaped itself into a pair of horns.

Revealing himself to be the infamous Commander Zhao of the Fire Nation.

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