Lord of Fire is a Gamer

35 Training And The Road

''UGGH!'' Kunyo let out a loud groan as he lifted the weight for the last time, putting it to the side this time.

-Two weeks ago-

Megumin's powers were mostly around explosions but she had access to almost every low-level spell.

''I can create weights but I'm not sure if they would be enough for you.''

''They're not actually spells, but I can create their effects just by willing them to happen'' she said to Kunyo as she got to work.

At first, she tried to create the densest metal she could but Kunyo could do 20 reps before getting tired. That was way too inefficient.

When that didn't work, she came up with another idea.

''Give me an hour, I have an idea but I need to practice with it first.'' she said and left abruptly with an excited smile on her face.

And just an hour after that she came back with a proud smile.

''Behold and bow before my unparalleled genius! HAHAHAHA'' she presented her newest application of explosion.

She condensed and sealed the explosions to such a degree, they could be held by hand but they were heavy enough that they would shatter the ground if it fell.

As Kunyo was genuinely impressed by her skills and applauded, Megumin continued.

''I have to thank you Kunyo! I knew it was the right choice to come with you! If it wasn't for you, I could never even think of such use for the explosions!''

'Well, they don't really count as explosions at this point but yeah.'

They were incredible.


Kunyo checked his Status and smiled brightly and what he saw. His strength rank was finally A+

Name: Kunyo

Title: Fire Nation Mid-class Noble, Second Coming of Combustion God

Class: Firebender


HP: 100%







Not only his Strength but also his Vitality increased thanks to his intense training.

Despite his lack of interest in the more physical side of his powers, he was still somewhat satisfied and happy after seeing his efforts pay off. He worked VERY intensely for this after all. He was mostly sure it was Gamer's Mind and Gamer's Body that kept him sane and alive at this point.

If his body wasn't modified there is no way he could work out this much without any side effects and if his mind wasn't modified he probably have difficulties during the intense training.

''MEGUMIN!'' he called out to her. ''I'm done!''

She appeared next to him with juice in both of her hands, handing one of them to him as she sipped from the other.

''We are finally going out?'' she inquired.

''Yeah.'' Quest's limit was 1 month and he doubted he could reach to S class in strength in 2 weeks. It was next to impossible.

Reaching from A- to A was easy. It only took 2 days but that was mostly because his strength rank was A- for a long time by now. He was pretty much halfway through the rank.

It took 12 days of very intense training to reach A to A+ rank.

It was meaningless to even try to reach S- rank in just 14 days.


In a flash, they appeared in the place they were in 14 days ago.

Unfortunately, Megumin couldn't move her divine realm independently. It moved with her, it was a part of her.

She couldn't just pop into it and move it somewhere else while she was inside of it. It would be like teleporting at that point and unfortunately, despite being so convenient, the divine realm of hers wasn't THAT convenient.

They hopped onto the Zuko. Megumin on the front and petting the beast as she looked around while Kunyo sat on the back and held her by the stomach, preventing her from falling.

Fortunately, the mount was really fast and they didn't have any ''mortal'' issues.

They could summon food anytime they wanted. Long hours of riding a beast didn'T hurt their butts and they practically almost never needed sleep.

As Kunyo's body attributes increased, he was slowly getting farther and farther from a normal human. Practicing didn't just make his muscles bigger and denser. Unlike a normal human, his overall body in general gets better by every standard.

He needed to sleep only 5 hours a week and he could go on without any food for weeks while living without any water for days. It took a while for him to realize it as his body didn't suddenly improve and these changes didn't suddenly appear. They were gradual, it was rather slow progress for his fast paced general improvement. The requirements for staying alive were getting smaller and smaller every single day.

'Do I even need to find a way to become immortal? Even if I'm not immortal right now (which's something I'm still not sure about) it looks like I will become immortal simply by becoming stronger.'

Along the way, they destroyed some bandit camps there and there for their stress relief but other than that, their road was pretty straightforward without any struggles.


''FINALLY!'' Megumin screamed as she jumped down from Zuko. I could totally understand her feelings.

I got Zuko into my inventory as I got down as well.

Road was boring and stale. Finally getting to a shore felt heavenly.

''Boring road on Zuko is over, now we get to experience the boring road on a ship.'' I said jokingly. It would be boring, but I actually think it would be a nice change of pace.

I honestly doubted it could be worse than what we went through for the last few days but it would still suck.

''Even been on a ship?'' I asked Megumin.

She nodded silently as her eyes scanned around.

''You won't get seasick then?'' I asked just in case. She is a Goddess, I doubt she can get seasick but- wait.

Aqua is a Goddess too but she puked whenever she drank too much. Does that mean Megumin can puke too? Will she puke rainbows?


My last few days (and probably the next few days) were so boring I can waste all my energy for something worthless like this.

'No Kunyo, it's not worthless. It's for science.'

Yeah, I need to know if I would puke rainbows when I become a God too. Totally for science.

But to my despair, she shook her head with a confident smile.

''Something like the ocean is easy for me to conquer hehe. It will never defeat me.''

Her talk was getting more and more like this for the last few days of our journey. I guess this is her way of battling her boredom?

''Actually, why are we even taking a ship?'' I asked as an idea came to my mind.


''I can just fly us there. It would probably be faster, although I can't guarantee comfort.''

I really wanted to see her in a ship and possibly puke (what the fuck is wrong with me? It's the boredom's fault for sure) but my research can wait. I have never seen her drink anything alcoholic but I can convince her. I have time. Not today, not tomorrow, but one day.

It's weird how I got used to her so easily. I couldn't think of living with her for centuries before the journey but our long road confirmed my suspicions.

I like her and I don't mind spending my years with her.


God that sounded pretentious as fuck but whatever.

''Okay.'' she finally accepted.

''Do you want the more comfortable one or the faster one?''

''Comfort comes first.'' she answered without missing a beat.

Yep, that's my Megumin.


Shaking my head, I take her in my hands in bridal carry as she yelps and take off by using jet thrusters from my feet.

If she said the fast road, I would take her to my back and use my hands as thrusters as well but whatever.

I shut down the voice at the back of my head calling me Simp. She did so much for me, just carrying her like this is nothing.

''Enjoying the view?'' I ask with a grin.

She isn't looking at the sea, she was looking at my body.

She quickly her head away

''Y-yeah! Sea is so beautiful, I kind of missed it.''

''Hmmm, sure. Sea is beautiful.'' I teased lightly.

''I-I I swear I was looking at the sea, you must be imagining things!'' she said abruptly with a huge blush on her face that I wasn't supposed to see because she turned the back of her head to me.

'I can still see your ears burning red you know.' I thought to myself with amusement.

Maybe, this trip wouldn't be so boring.


[An: I will be honest with you, the last part of the chapter was unexpected even for me. It kinda came out of nowhere didn't it? Originally it was supposed to end with them going to the island, this chapter was supposed to solely focus on what happened during their travels. But I felt like it was too short and that deep feelings part came out. Romance isn't one of the main focuses of the story so it felt pretty out of place after I wrote it lol. I was about to delete it but it's actually good character development, not only that but also the development of their relationship. It would be weird if nothing changed after that long road trip so it stays. Take care.]

1.6k words


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