Lord: More Children, More Blessings, Build A Family Of Gods

Chapter 82 The Soul Of The Ancient Red Dragon, The Perfume Popular Among Ladies

This child of Lifa's is evaluated as a Silver rank.

It can be considered average.

On the other hand, Fleur gave Rennes a big surprise.

She gave birth to another awakened elf-blooded child.

It received a Gold rank evaluation.

The rewards given by the system are also quite good.

In addition to the guaranteed cultivation reward, there is also a legendary weapon - the Sunfire Divine Sword blueprint, as well as a high-level magic aptitude.

There's nothing much to say about the high-level magic aptitude.

It increases Rennes' affinity for magic and enhances meditation efficiency.

After the aptitude is improved,

Rennes can obtain magic cultivation rewards from the system again, and the quality can also be greatly improved.

It can be considered a pretty good reward.

As for the Sunfire Divine Sword blueprint, it is impressive.

As everyone knows,

the quality of weapons and equipment on the Roland Continent is roughly divided into six levels:

Inferior, Ordinary, Fine, Inheritance, Epic, and Legendary.

And then there are artifacts used by divine beings.

Let's not discuss these extraordinary weapons and equipment for now.

In other words,

legendary weapons are the strongest equipment that mortals can create.

Each one possesses unimaginable power.

In the vast Roland Continent, there are less than a hundred pieces of this level of weapons and equipment.

Places like the Lance Duchy don't even have one.

You can imagine how rare they are.

Although what Rennes obtained is not a legendary weapon, it is the blueprint for crafting one.

But its value is beyond doubt.

After all,

with the blueprint,

as long as there are enough materials and a skilled enough blacksmith, one can continuously forge legendary weapons.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart,

Rennes chose to claim all the rewards immediately.

His Qi cultivation reached 130 years' worth and merged into his body.

Rennes clearly felt the total amount of Qi in his body increase significantly.

But he is still far from breaking through to the 15th stage.


the fusion of the high-level magic aptitude made his spiritual power become even more active.

The absorption speed of the free elemental energy in the air increased by nearly twice.

When all the cultivation and aptitude rewards were fully integrated.

Next second.

A stack of paper made from some kind of high-level Warcraft leather suddenly appeared in front of Rennes.

Rennes immediately turned green.

No way.

The difficulty of crafting this legendary weapon is too damn high.

According to the blueprint.

The required materials for forging the Divine Sword of the Fiery Sun are as follows:

Main material: Starfall Iron, Ancient Red Dragon Heart, Ancient Red Dragon Soul.

Auxiliary materials: Mithril, Adamantite, Legendary Fire Elemental Gem, Star Sand...

Let's not talk about the auxiliary materials for now.

The main materials are simply out of reach.

Starfall Iron.

As the name suggests, it is a hard substance derived from the fragments of stars falling into the Roland Continent.

It possesses powerful star energy and is indestructible in nature.

However, this stuff is extremely rare.

I heard that one gram costs millions of gold coins.

And it's not even available on the market.

As for the Ancient Red Dragon Heart and Ancient Red Dragon Soul, they are even more difficult to obtain.

You see.

Ancient Red Dragon refers to a red dragon that has lived for tens of thousands of years.

For a top-tier extraordinary race like a dragon, whose strength automatically increases while lying down.

Age represents strength.

If it has lived for ten thousand years, it means that the red dragon definitely possesses demi-god level power.

Reaching the pinnacle of the main material plane.

The difficulty of obtaining the heart and soul of such a monster is simply off the charts.

Apart from the materials.

This legendary weapon also requires a high level of skill from the blacksmith.

The blacksmith profession is roughly divided into: blacksmith apprentice, junior blacksmith, intermediate blacksmith, advanced blacksmith, master blacksmith, grandmaster blacksmith, grandmaster of blacksmithing.

Only by reaching the grandmaster of blacksmithing can one have the confidence to forge this legendary weapon.

Only a grandmaster of blacksmithing can guarantee a 100% success rate in forging.

You can imagine how difficult it is to forge this legendary weapon.

Of course.

With such a high difficulty in crafting the Divine Sword of the Fiery Sun, its power is naturally terrifying.

When wielding this sword.

Immune to fire elemental damage, while enhancing one's own fire attribute attacks by 10-100 times (depending on the strength of the wielder).

Comes with meteor showers, city-burning flames, summoning a legion of fire elementals, and six other legendary magic spells (9th circle) that are enough to easily destroy a large city.

It can be said that among legendary weapons, the Divine Sword of the Fiery Sun is also the most top-tier existence.


"The thing is a good thing!"


"Unfortunately, I am not worthy of owning it now."


Rennes shook his head, a bitter smile appearing on his face.


Whether it's the materials or the master of forging, he can't handle it now.


He can only wait for the right time in the future to create this unparalleled legendary weapon.


He sighed.


Rennes carefully placed this blueprint in the deepest secret compartment of the family treasury for safekeeping.


Time flows like water.


Another month has passed.


During this time, nothing major happened.


Every day, Rennes takes care of his wife and children, and works on perfecting the extraction magic array.


Under his diligent research.


The energy consumption of the extraction magic array has been reduced by more than ten times compared to before.


Now, to extract a ton of flowers, it only requires the consumption of magic crystals worth about 150 gold coins.


This is also the limit.


After all.


Currently, Rennes only has a mastery of basic magic array knowledge.


To further reduce the energy consumption of the extraction magic array, it requires a higher level of magic array knowledge.


One must possess a higher level of magic array knowledge.


"However, this level is almost enough."


Rennes thought to himself.


Considering the current energy consumption of the magic array.


The manufacturing cost of a bottle of perfume is about 30 gold coins.


Although it is still somewhat expensive, it can already be used for commercial purposes.


After all.


He intends to sell the perfume as a luxury item to wealthy women and noble girls.


Pricing it at 100 gold coins per bottle should not be a problem.


Thinking of this.


Rennes immediately started arranging a large number of extraction magic arrays and building a perfume factory.


As for the perfume formulas.

从萃取魔法阵出世那一刻起, Rennes就安排可靠的人进行摸索了。

Since the birth of the extraction magic array, Rennes has arranged reliable people to explore it.


Up to now, he has accumulated several quite good perfume formulas.


Half a month later.


The first batch of perfumes has been successfully produced.


A total of fifty bottles.


Among them are three different scented perfumes.


Rennes named them respectively: "Blue Love", "Fiery Enchantress", and "Dark Night Jasmine".


Among them, "Blue Love" is mainly made from the essence of a flower called "Blue Rose", with a fresh and elegant fragrance, suitable for young people.

The Fire Red Enchantress is primarily made of red roses, with a long-lasting sweet fragrance that is unforgettable. It is more suitable for mature women.

As for the Dark Night Jasmine, it is quite unique. It is made mainly from a low-level magical plant called Black Jasmine, and it emits an extraordinary fragrance that enhances a person's sense of mystery.

After trying them out,

These three perfumes immediately received enthusiastic praise from 800 people, including Janice.

The first batch of fifty bottles of perfume were sold out immediately.

They were completely divided up.

Regarding this, Rennes didn't say anything.

After all,

One should spoil their own wife.

Naturally, such a good thing should be used by the wife first.

If necessary, another batch of perfumes can be made for sale.

Three days later,

The second batch of perfumes was not yet completed,

And Rennes was surprised to find that many noble ladies came to buy them.

It turned out that

Janice and others had attended a high society tea party a few days ago.

The special fragrance on their bodies caught the attention of many noble ladies.

After inquiring about the source of this special fragrance from Janice and others, the term "perfume" instantly became popular among the high society circle.

No need for promotion at all.

In less than a day.

The second batch of one hundred bottles of perfume sold out.

An average price of two hundred gold coins per bottle.

Profit reached four times the amount.

Seeing how profitable it was to make money from these wealthy ladies, Rennes immediately expanded production.

Under his vigorous support,

the perfume industry in the territory of Habbs changed day by day,

developing at an extremely fast pace.

In less than a month's time,

The number of perfume factories has increased from one to fifteen.

The production of perfumes has greatly increased.

At the same time, the amount of gold coins earned is also increasing.

In just one month,

it has earned over a hundred thousand gold coins for Rennes.

And this number is still rapidly expanding.

It can be foreseen

that in the near future, perfume factories will definitely become a money-making weapon no less than sugar factories.

With money,

the second phase of the territory construction plan can also be put on the agenda.

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