Lord God Investigator

Chapter 5 - Slaughter

Compared to Luo Feng’s top card in the stockade, Meng Xinghun couldn’t produce a half-fire, but lowered his head. Wasn’t his life the same as the sister Yao in the stockade?

At least sister Yao is willing to pay to redeem her body, and she has the day to get her head out, but about him, who can redeem his body? When will he be able to get ahead, is he going to waste it like Ye Xiang?

He couldn’t help but wonder, how valuable is it to redeem himself?

He knew immediately how valuable his redemption silver was.

Luo Feng didn’t wait for Boss Gao to reply, he touched the table of the Eight Immortals, and a sack appeared on the table out of thin air like a trick. He picked up his finger, and the rope of the sack that was **** broke, and there was a sound of clattering and crackling in the casino.

This half-person-high sack is full of beads-crystal clear, colorful, colored glass beads that scatter a rainbow halo under the light.

The colored glaze beads are of different sizes, colorful, and exquisite workmanship. They are all round and round, and the glaze material is also extremely uniform. There are no traces of sand holes, pores and blemishes inside. Some transparent beads have unexpectedly carved three-dimensional images of small animals. The little rabbits, kittens, little butterflies, little fish, and little shrimps are lifelike. With the rotation of the beads, the little animals inside can be seen in circles, just like a piece of transparent amber enclosing the little animals.

Merchants returning from the Silk Road used to traffic such colored glaze orbs from the extreme west. Compared with the orbs in the sack, their appearance and color are simply inferior stones. They are not precious stones at all, but they are auctioned in the capital. On the court, even the inferior glass beads sold a hundred taels of gold!

There are thousands of glazed orbs in this bag.

Hundreds of thousands of taels of gold. This is the redemption price that the weirdos offered to Meng Xinghun. Converted into RMB, it is worth 300 yuan. As evidenced by Luo Feng’s invoice for buying fish tanks with decorative glass **** at the small commodity wholesale market, it is a real deal. huge sum of money!

And the weird man threw the beads out without hesitation. He was not afraid that the beads would break when they fell on the ground. It was as if it was not a bag of precious orbs, but a bag of stones.

Many orbs rolled on the table of the Eight Immortals, and more orbs rolled off the table of the Eight Immortals and scattered on the ground to the casino.

The gambling shop, which was still noisy before, fell silent for a moment. The high-rollers who gambled opened their mouths and made silent expressions, but the dice in their hands were not thrown out, and their eyes were pulled out of the dice cup, dumbfounded. Staring at the orb rolling across the floor, the light reflected by the orb almost dazzled their eyes.

Boss Gao is a very wealthy woman. Throwing fifty thousand taels of silver is just a joke, and I feel happy, but fifty thousand taels of silver is different from hundreds of thousands of taels of gold. There are hundreds of thousands of taels of gold piled there. It’s different from the glazed orb rolling in front of the eyes.

Treasures are called treasures, firstly because of their beauty, and secondly because they are scarce, extremely rare and very beautiful. Things are suddenly rolling all over the house. Even a wealthy woman like the tall boss can’t help but briefly Lost.

But she quickly recovered, and said to Luo Feng with a smile: “It seems that the Wei family is indeed a famous family in the wealthy side. The famous family often travels in chariots and servants. Why is the steward of Ah Fu? Come alone and walk the rivers and lakes with such a large fortune, are you afraid of encountering bandits?”

Luo Feng said: “Wei’s family motto is’be a low-key man, do things high-profile,” but don’t pay attention to any extravagance. This time I got news from Master Meng, the villain was in a hurry and came in a hurry, and the guards were also behind.”

Elder Gao laughed even more, shook his head and said: “This bag of pearls can’t pay for it.”

Luo Feng also smiled and said: “Boss Gao is indeed a well-known businesswoman with a radius of thousands of miles. The villain also understands the principles of doing business. Sitting on the ground raises the price and repays the money on the spot. If this bag of beads is not in the eyes of the boss, then think Whoever wants to present it again is whether he wants a tall glass and silver mirror, or a fragrant flower oil brewed from the essence of a hundred flowers, or the self-ringing bell of Francis…”

Boss Gao shook his head and said, “Adding a human head is enough.”

Luo Feng said: “Whose head do you want? The villain can get it tonight.”

Gao Lao Avenue: “Your head.”

Luo Feng laughed and said, “Unexpectedly, Happy Forest is a black shop. The bosses and the bosses can do business, and they want to have both wealth and wealth.”

There are four kinds of people in martial arts that cannot be provoked casually, beggars, monks, women, and children.

The gibberish young man in front of Boss Gao did not belong to any of the four kinds of people.

There is a kind of person in martial arts who is often provoked and provoked by others, and that is the young guy with hairless mouth.

Luo Feng belongs to this kind of person.

Whether a store is a black shop or not depends on whether it has black value. If it is worth a black shop, Happy Forest can naturally be a black shop. Besides, Happy Forest is originally a black shop.

The armchair where Luo Feng sits is equipped with a mechanism. As soon as the machine spring is opened, a ring will pop up on the armrest. There is a dark hole on the back of the chair. There are seven or seventy-nine blue barking poisonous needles hidden inside. , Even an elephant will die within half an hour.

There are two hiding holes under the stone bricks under the Grand Master’s chair. Two swordsmen hide in them. As long as their hands are sent upwards, the sword can pierce the legs of the person sitting on the chair and nail him firmly. on the chair.

On the beam above the Grand Master’s chair are hidden four fishing nets. The nets are woven with silk and steel wire. There are countless steel barbs. As long as they are covered, the more you struggle, the tighter the net becomes. The hook is coated with anesthetic, and you will become a soft-footed shrimp if you are covered by this net.

What’s more, this young man drank the tea on the table unsuspectingly. Even if the head of the Tang Sect in Shuzhong came, he did not dare to drink it. Drinking it would not die, but within two hours I can’t move a finger inside.

Boss Gao didn’t let the hidden person do it, just want to see what other tricks the young man can play in front of him, and whether he would conjure up the glazed silver mirror, potpourri oil and self-ringing bell.

Luo Feng laughed enough and said, “Your price is too high. Let’s make a price again, let’s see if Boss Gao is willing to accept it.”

Gao Lao Avenue: “Go ahead.”

Luo Feng pointed to all the gamblers in the gambling house one by one, and finally pointed his finger on the ground and on the beams of the house, and he was impatient and simply drew a big circle.

He slowly said: “Except for this bag of beads, plus some heads and lives, everyone’s heads in this room except for Mr. Gao and Young Master Meng are happy with the lives of all the living creatures within a radius of ten miles. This price is high. Boss, can you catch it?”

Boss Gao’s face changed.

She hadn’t made any response yet, and the few high-rollers in the room who had been quiet for a long time spoke first.

“The boy is so loud, I am not afraid that the wind will flash my tongue!”

“Do you know who the old man is?”

“A three-year-old child, holding money to pass the market, is really reckless.”

“Boss Gao, the rules of the rivers and lakes, you have a part when you see him, we will help you take care of him, and the beads will give us some points.”

The first person to stand out was a man in brocade clothes, with dark skin, red cheeks, and unusually thick arms. This person is the master of the Helopeng family of this generation, and his family’s horizontal training is extremely famous in the northwest, and his status in the arena can stand against the heads of any sect in contemporary times.

The man put the two iron guts in his hand, walked behind Luo Feng, patted the table with his hand, and when he moved his hand, two thin discus discs appeared when he pressed his palm over the table, but the Huanghuali table top None of the pits came out.

This palm strength has been practiced to the point where you can send and receive freely, let alone a wooden tabletop, that is, there is a piece of tofu underneath, and the tofu will not break under a palm.

Luo Feng Yu Guang glanced at him, and said that this dragon set came at the right time, and the mere F-level plot characters will not increase the vigilance of the Lord God if they are killed. It depends on my method to kill chickens without creating new tricks. Can’t scare this group of monkeys!

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