Loki’s Successor System

Chapter 56: The Truth of the past

"Open your eyes, Jin. See the truth." the words trailed off and entered Jin's ears.

Overheard, he flew up, and jolted in his seat. He looked around. He was in a car? In the backseat of a car. He sat on the left, a strange child in the middle, and Flint to the right.

He quickly tossed his head at Flint. "Where am I!? What did you—"

Flint smirked. "Can't recognize your own self. Look in the front seat maybe … you'll recognize them…"

He looked in the front seat. Two adults were in the front seat. A familiar woman, and a man no less familiar. This whole setting seemed familiar to him, like it's happened before. Who could they be?

"A real man doesn't hit his wife!" shouted the woman in the passenger seat.

"Wife? Ohh please. I cheated so many times even I think I deserve some sorta disqualification."

"You think I don't know that!? You think I don't know you have other women!? You really think I still love you, don't you?"

"Who would want you to love them? You fucking whore!"

"You're swearing when your own son's in the car!"

"Do I look like I give a fuck? I'm tired of you, woman. Give me one reason not to pull my car aside and beat you so bad that you—"

"Because your son's in the car! The son who loves you so much!"

The man looked back at the little boy in the backseat. Then, he looked ahead again. "If I kill you, what does it matter to him? What difference would it make!?"

"So you see no problem in killing his mother? How would he look at you afterward, huh? How would he ever call you human, when he's seen that you're a monster. An evil feral beast! You're no man!"

The man took his eyes off the road to snarl at his wife. Then he moved a hand from the steering wheel and slapped her to her face. "You fucking bitch! Embarrassing me in front of my son!?"

The woman's body jolted. She placed a hand upon her cheek and kept it there. "You're a beast! And you're hitting because of the truth!?"

He raised a hand, and hurled it into her face again. The slap sounded through the car. "Woman, I've had it with you!"

"Mommy, Daddy! Stop it!" cried the little boy.

The woman looked back at the boy. "Look at what you're making our little son go through? He's been seeing us like this since he knew us!" she placed a caressing hand upon her son's face. "Don't worry, Jin. Remember what I—"

The man yanked her hand away from the little boy. Then, he clenched his fist, and scored a blow to her face. "Ain't no prostitute touchin' my son!"

"Please, Daddy! Stop! Stop it!"

The woman placed a hand upon her numb face—that felt like it's swollen already—and her visage began to wry sorrowfully. Tears trickled down her cheeks. "You're really a monster! You're gonna beat—your wife—on a highway!? And just because I caught you cheating … that means I'm a whore!?"

He punched her in the face. "Shut the fuck up!!!" droplets of saliva sprayed from his gaped mouth.

"Please, stop it! Stop hitting mommy! Stop it, stop it!" The boy screamed so loud that he felt as if his lungs would bleed.

The father took his eyes off of the road. Then he leaned in on his son, with a charging hand. He hurled a slap across the child's face. "What'd I tell you about talking to me like that!?"

The car began to sway toward the opposite lane of cars on the highway.

"The road! Watch the road!" shouted the woman.

The man quickly focused on the road again, and set the car back on track, pulling the steering wheel to straighten the vehicle. He screwed his face. "You're trying to kill me in this car! That's what you're trying to do … both of you!" he mashed down on the gas.

The car sped up significantly. Zooming up the road.

"I'm gonna bash your face in once we get home. I'm through with this—all of this."

"What did we ever do to you—"

He balled his fist and punched her to the face again. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!"

"You're a monster! A devil!" yelled the woman in his face. "You killed your own brother and now your own family!?"

A barrage of attacks unveiled in the front seat. Punches and slaps to the abdomen, to the face, to the chest. Repeated blows to already hit places. The car veered left and right on the road.

The boy in the backseat didn't bother. He sat quiescently in quietude. He could no longer hear his parents. Silence. His brows started to knit. His draw clenched.

Slowly, he raised a hand with outstretched fingers. His parents continued fighting each other. The boy boiled with rage. His face scrunched. He tinged. His tongue clicked. "STOP IT!!!" he screamed as best he could.

A dragged his hand up in a sideward motion. The entire car flew from the ground as such that the wheels were spinning in the air. The vehicle then quickly pitched off the fly over, and quickly hurtled downward.

The car fell from no less than fifteen meters and crashed into the road of a highway below. The bumper and bonnet crashed first. Metal bending and twisting. Glass shattering and resounding. Whilst the rest of the car remained in the air.

The little boy was hit with nothing but blackness and silence.

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