Little Mermaid Dressed As a Scientist

Chapter 6

Chapter 5:

At first, Zhou Suiyu did not associate the little guy who stole food on the island with the Little Mermaid. After all, he clearly heard the Little Mermaid singing in the sea.

Unless the person singing in the sea is not a mermaid, or the little mermaid has the ability to clone, it is impossible for it to sing in the sea and go ashore to steal food at the same time.

But the problem is that for several days, as long as there is a familiar song in the sea, Zhou Suiyu will lose something in the kitchen.

This next week, Sui Yu finally couldn’t help laughing and believing that even if it wasn’t the little mermaid who stole it, this matter definitely has nothing to do with the little mermaid singing in the sea.

I just don’t know why even mermaids now know how to use tricks, it’s unbelievably smart!

In fact, the day after the food was lost, Zhou Suiyu installed surveillance cameras in the kitchen. But the problem is that the guy who stole the food moved very quickly, and the surveillance recorded the other party several times, but each time it recorded a high-definition figure. It looks a bit human, but Zhou Suiyu thinks it shouldn’t be human, because normal human beings can’t have such sharp and agile skills.

He even sent the surveillance footage back to the research institute, but after asking all over the research institute, no one could figure out what it was all about.

Zhou Suiyu also tried to stay still after hearing the singing, and continued to stay in the room to monitor the kitchen. But the problem is that as long as he doesn’t appear on the beach, the guy who steals food will never act, and the little mermaid in the sea will stop after singing for a while. Unless someone else shows up on the beach, the little mermaid will continue to sing and the things in the kitchen will fly away like wings.

As for the means of installing detectors on the bottom of the sea, Zhou Suiyu had not thought about it, but this mermaid sang so much that he would change places in one night.

The sea is so big, and everywhere is the stage for this mermaid.

Where did Zhou Suiyu get so many submarine probes to chase and block this guy?

So much so that Xu Qingshu came back with the supply ship a week later, and Zhou Suiyu’s understanding of the Little Mermaid was still at the basic stage of “love singing, maybe gluttonous” a week ago.

Of course, even this is slightly stronger than Xu Qingshu.

After all, he heard the Little Mermaid sing a few times, and Xu Qingshu didn’t even touch the side of the mermaid except when he was attacked by an unknown creature at sea.

Xu Qingshu didn’t seem to be in a good mood either. He went back to his room to put down his luggage and was ready to go to sea again. He couldn’t blame him for being impatient, mainly because he had been delayed in the hospital for an extra week this time, and the research on the Little Mermaid had not made any progress so far. He didn’t want to lose to Zhou Suiyu three months later.

Zhou Suiyu saw that his hand was still bandaged and was about to go out to sea. After hesitating for a few seconds, he still took the initiative to stop him: “Don’t look for it, I know the trace of the mermaid.”

Xu Qingshu moved his hand for a while, then slowly turned his head to look at him: “You know?”

“Well.” Zhou Suiyu nodded, “It seems to be singing in the sea every day these few nights.”

Xu Qingshu’s eyes were heavy, and his expression could not be seen as he asked with anger and anger: “Why did you tell me this, you know that we are competitors now…”

As if thinking of some possibility, Xu Qingshu’s originally fair face quickly turned red: “…I don’t need your charity and sympathy.”

Zhou Suiyu looked at him blankly: “You think too much, I just need your cooperation.”

Zhou Suiyu briefly talked about what happened during Xu Qingshu’s absence. Of course, Zhou Suiyu didn’t mention the attribute that the Little Mermaid might be a hidden foodie. First, no one will believe this kind of words, and secondly, as Xu Qingshu said, the two are still competitors, so there is no need to know everything.

He just told Xu Qingshu that the little mermaid would come out to sing every night recently, but he couldn’t find out the exact location of the little mermaid by himself, so he hoped that Xu Qingshu would be able to patrol the sea with a submarine probe during that time. It would be great if you could run into the Little Mermaid head-on like the first time.

After all, the first priority of research, of course, still needs to intersect with the research object as much as possible.

Although Xu Qingshu did not like Zhou Suiyu, but the public returned to the public and private to the private, so in the end he reluctantly accepted Zhou Suiyu’s proposal.

Of course, there was something he didn’t quite understand.

“Why do you stand on the beach and listen when the mermaid sings? You can go to sea with me and look for her!”

Zhou Suiyu: “You don’t understand.”

Xu Qingshu expressed his doubts with his eyes – he really didn’t understand.

Zhou Suiyu said faintly: “If I don’t stand there, the little mermaid will stop singing for a while, and then it will be even harder for you to find her. Only when I stand there will she sing longer!”

Xu Qingshu looked at him in shock for a while: “You mean, this is a mermaid who needs an audience when she sings??”

Zhou Suiyu: “…If you have to understand it this way, it’s not impossible.”

Xu Qingshu: “…”

According to Zhou Suiyu’s plan, Xu Qingshu adjusted the time to go to sea from daytime to night.

Zhou Suiyu: “You are like this, at 6 o’clock in the evening, you should drive the boat to the sea on time, stay a little farther away, so as not to be discovered by the mermaid, and then wait until about 7 o’clock, and then slowly approach this sea area.”

Xu Qingshu: “What’s the point of this time?”

There is nothing to be particular about, mainly because Zhou Suiyu usually cooks dinner at 7:00 pm. Several times, as soon as he brought the bowl, the mermaid began to sing to seduce him-because it was so punctual that Zhou Suiyu even There was an illusion, as if the mermaid also wanted to eat a hot meal.

But I couldn’t tell Xu Qingshu this directly, so Zhou Suiyu said vaguely: “Anyway, the mermaid started singing at about this point.”

At 6:00, Xu Qingshu set sail on time.

Zhou Suiyu, who stayed on the island, started to prepare dinner.

Today, the material ship just brought the supplies ashore, so Zhou Suiyu is now considered a “big family”. Coupled with his desperate desire to completely unravel the mystery of the mermaid tonight, he began to get ready to eat again.

It’s still the same principle as last time, and strive to be fragrant, sour, spicy and fresh. It is best to smell it to make people’s index fingers move and adrenaline soars.

In the end, Zhou Suiyu cooked a total of three dishes, a fish head with chopped peppers, a braised pork, and a casserole with eggplant. After everything was done, Zhou Suiyu sat at the dining table and ate while quietly waiting for the familiar singing voice. sounded.

But seeing that the hour hand was almost pointing to 8 o’clock, the little mermaid’s song never sounded.

Not only Zhou Suiyu on the island was puzzled, but even the oarfish in the cave couldn’t understand what medicine was being sold in Shen An’an’s gourd.

The oarfish has been very happy to cooperate with Shen An’an during this time, and as the old saying goes, it is easy to change from frugality to luxury, and from luxury to frugality is difficult. I have eaten big fish and meat with Shen An’an for a while, and now I have returned to raw food again. The simple life of small fish and shrimp, oarfish always find it boring.

So he couldn’t help but ask Shen An’an again after a while: “Aren’t we going out tonight?”

Shen An’an is also struggling with this issue.

There is an old saying in China that there are only three things.

She had used the same trick as the oarfish three times, and even if the scientist on the island was slow to respond, he would definitely have come to it at this moment.

Shen Anan didn’t believe that he would not act at all.

And when the oarfish went out to sea during the day today, he saw the scientist who was stunned by him before also came back. Before, there was only one person on the island. Shen Anan felt that there was still a chance of winning, but now it has become two people. The situation seems to be It’s kind of bad!

Seeing her hesitation, Huang Oiyu asked ironically, “Then should we go, or should we go, or should we go?”

Go… definitely still going.

She smelled the aroma of braised pork just now, who can bear this?

But you can’t always use the trick of “Tiaohu Lishan”, you have to think of a new trick…

Shen An’an shook the fish’s tail and thought for a while, and then made a decisive decision: “Tonight, let’s switch. You go to the reef and pretend to be me, and I’ll go to the shore to steal vegetables.”

The oarfish hesitated and said, “…Can this work? I can’t sing.”

Shen An’an: “I’ll sing. After the scientist on the island comes, you lie down on the reef. Come, I’ll give you this piece of red silk.”

As Shen Anan said that, she draped the roll of red silk she had previously draped over the oarfish.

She has made a new dress for herself during this period of time, although because of the limited tools, she simply cut three holes in a piece of cloth, one for the neck and two for the hands, but it is the so-called good-looking mermaid. It looks good even in a sack, so when Shen Anan took a selfie in the sea, she was quite satisfied with her new look.

It is precisely because of the new look that the piece of red silk she wore before is no longer available, and now it just comes in handy.

The oarfish doesn’t mind going to the reef and pretending to be a mermaid. Anyway, even if it is discovered by humans, it’s a big deal.

In fact, he was more worried about Shen Anan than himself.

After all, Shen An’an has no way to evolve her legs yet. She can swim a thousand meters a day in the sea, but once she gets ashore, the little mermaid who doesn’t even have legs may not walk as fast as a human being.

It’s not entirely unreasonable for the oarfish to worry, but Shen An’an has long thought about it: “So I need a mount.”

After speaking, Shen Anan looked at the old turtle beside him.

The old turtle, who was inexplicably played, was stunned for a while, then waved his hands in panic: “No, no, I can’t…”

“You can.” Shen Anan looked at him with loving and encouraging eyes, and said, “You can even beat the rabbit.”

Old Turtle: “…???”

In the war between parents and bear children, the bear children are usually victorious. So even if the old turtle was reluctant, he finally agreed to accompany Shen Anan on this trip.

Seeing the old turtle let go, the oarfish immediately became excited: “Then what are we waiting for, let’s go!”

Shen An’an: “Not yet.”

The oarfish and the old turtle looked at her in confusion, and then heard Shen Anan caressing her hair embarrassedly and said, “I have to wash my hair first, this is the social etiquette of the goddess.”


The author has something to say: other people’s heroines are working hard to fall in love, and my heroine is working hard to eat.

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