Chapter 235: Chapter 1
To the outside world Becky Loudon was a typical middle class mother; divorced with one son and living in a small town in a friendly community. The neighbors were friendly enough and gossiped about each other like people in all neighborhoods. Becky liked the neighborhood, but didn't know many people, which was okay with her. She was pretty much like them with one exception; she had an overwhelming desire to make love to her son.
It started two years earlier, after Becky's son John graduated from high school. He was a handsome boy, tall for eighteen years and looked older. His blue eyes, brown hair and strong facial features made him very popular with the ladies. Although not a straight "A" student, he had always done well in school. He played soccer and spent his spare time reading and exercising. Becky was proud of him and they became close when his father left her for a young slut. Becky wasn't sure exactly when her view of her son started to change. It might have been an incident that occurred after his eighteenth birthday. She had walked into his room and saw him lying on his workout bench lifting weights. He was busy and didn't notice her standing just inside the doorway. From her view of his legs she could see the muscles in his calves and thighs straining and glistening with sweat. Her eyes, almost unconsciously, traveled up his body. When she reached his midsection she almost gasped. He had on a pair of very tight stretch workout shorts and the bulge in the center was clearly outlined. As much as she wanted to she could not draw her eyes away. It had been quite some time since she had had real sex, although she did pleasure herself often with a vibrator she kept hidden in her underwear drawer. Now staring at her son's clearly outlined testicles and cock made her quiver with unwanted pleasure. From that time on, as much as she fought it, her dreams were of her son.
For several years Becky chastised herself for her wanton thoughts about her own son, but that didn't change anything. She wondered if there was something wrong with her and if she needed to seek help. Then something happened that changed everything. She was surfing the Internet one day and decided to visit an erotic story site. It was not the first time she had done so, but this time she searched the category for mom/son incest stories. She found several from one particular author and began to read. Before she was very far into the first story she was rubbing her pussy. The story portrayed a mother similar to her who agonized over her feelings toward her son. Eventually the mother had given in and made love to her son. The story really struck home with Becky. By the third climax she was exhausted. Still she went to bed that night and masturbated again, this time with John in the place of the son in the story. The following day she was reading the stories again and incredibly at the end of the story, the mother became pregnant with her son's child. That was not something Becky had allowed herself to consider. But it must have been buried somewhere deep in her mind because the thought of being impregnated by her own son excited her like nothing ever had, so much so that she climaxed several more times before she fell into an exhausted sleep.
For the next week, Becky read more of the author's stories and then looked at the statistic's and comments sections. She was surprised to find that the incest stories were the most downloaded of all stories. In fact, several of this author's incest stories had been downloaded almost two million times each. It occurred to Becky that there were at least two million people who liked incest stories as she did. When she read the comments she was also surprised that many of them were from women. Some were thanking the author for making them feel like they were not alone and giving them the courage to act on their desires. Suddenly, Becky too realized that she was not alone. If all these people found incest exciting, could it be so wrong, she wondered. From there Becky did more research and found that incest was not as uncommon as many people thought. She found that it had occurred throughout history and in some countries it was rampant. Many of the royalty in Europe were born as a result of incest. Even in the ancient world incest was rampant. All of this was quite an eye opener for her.
After her research Becky found that she was more excited then before and her dreams and fantasies became very graphic and, of course, always involved John. She wrote to the author of the stories and told him of her fantasies. He forwarded her several more stories, which encouraged her to act on her fantasy. Becky, embolden now, began to plan on how to seduce her son. She printed and then left several of the stories lying around to see what happened. Over the next several days she found that the stories had been moved and she was certain that her son had seen them, if not read them. She was so excited she could have climaxed at a single touch. The following day she grew even bolder and took off her pink panties and left them under the desk where the stories were lying. Later, after her son had come home and gone to his room, she checked and realized, with great excitement, that her panties were missing.
Later that evening she noticed her son gazing at her with what might have been desire, but she couldn't be sure. When she went to take shower that night she opened the hamper to throw in her panties and saw the pink panties lying on top. With a trembling hand she reached down and picked them up. She gasped ... the crotch was soaked with what had to be sperm. As she stared at what she thought was fresh cum she found her shaking hands bringing the panties closer to her mouth. Suddenly she stuck out her tongue and tasted the creamy liquid. Oh my God, she thought, it is cum. Her hands were trembling as she pulled the panties from her mouth and on impulse stepped into them pulling them up her thighs. A gasp escaped her lips when the sticky fluid reached her freshly shaven pussy mound. She reached down and pressed the sodden crotch to her pussy and then she rushed to her bedroom and threw herself onto the bed. Without closing the door fully she began to masturbate. She pressed the sodden cloth to her swollen pussy as she rubbed her clit. She could feel her son's sperm smearing across her smooth flesh and some even drip down her lips. Then she pushed the crotch into her pulsing opening, forcing some of the sperm inside her. The realization that she was pushing live sperm into her unprotected pussy took her over the top. She gasped and moaned as waves of pleasure rushed over her. When one climax ended, another began until she almost passed out. When she finally recovered and opened her eyes she thought she saw movement outside her door. Could that be John, she wondered? Incredibly the thought of that made her slip her hand between her legs and she began all over again.