Like Rabbits

Ch 5. Conflict in the classroom

Upon entering the classroom, I saw a chalkboard with my teacher's name on it. "Ms. Clara Sommer".
Strangely enough, despite it being my first time in the classroom, I seemed to recognize the teacher. It was the blonde haired woman who had conducted the blessing ceremony, her tied up neatly in a ponytail, with a somewhat professional looking dress on. Professional for a knight, that is. Balancing between formal attire and ease of movement, the hem was cut a good deal higher than would be normal for a woman's outfit. Marveling at the expensive looking sword she had on, just as last time.

Having stepped into the classroom, she had now clearly noticed me, giving me the same surprised look that I was making.

"Fenton? Are you looking for your classroom?" She looked confused as to why she would be seeing me here, but looking back down on the paper I had in my hand, there was no doubt. When I was first admitted, this is the name and room they gave me.

"Uh, Ms. Sommer, I think you're my teacher."

Her eyes widened, glancing down at the papers she had on her desk she started reading the names. Holding it up just enough that I could see the backside, names listed, mine included. I saw her frowning after failing to find my name, clearing my voice to get her attention.

"There's a backside as well."

Slowly she turned the page over, her cheeks going red as she found the backside.

"I didn't realize there was a back to the sheet." She looked embarrassed, putting a hand over her face. "I even sent that one girl out after I couldn't find her name..."

Confirming my theory that she was a natural airhead.

"You can take any seat that you like."

Even if she said that, there were only two seats left, positioned far in the back. And from the intense looks of disgust I was getting from my fellow classmates, I didn't have much choice in which I could take either. Opting for the farthest corner seat so that I could leave a small buffer between me and the nearest student, whichever student that Clara had mistakenly sent out would probably be upset about sitting next to me, but there wasn't any I could do for that.

Sitting down quietly while I waited for class to start, I gazed out beyond the window wistfully. Taking in the academy's gardens and perfect view of the city instead of paying minding the uncomfortable stares I was receiving.

Even the Rabbit God had settled down for the time being, giving me a much needed moment of peace. After the emotional rollercoaster I had gone through in the morning, I'd finally managed to compose myself. And with good timing too.

The girl who had been sent out by Clara had just now returned, visibly irritated too. Not saying a word to the teacher who was apologizing profusely. To my surprise, I recognized the girl as well. It was Ella. Ella Hartford.

"Don't ever come near me again" Or something like that, I remembered her words, or rather, warning from this morning. The current situation a bit ironic that she was now left with no choice but to sit down next to me.

And when she saw who it was she would be sitting next to, she was none too happy. Glaring at me the whole time before she finally sat down.

When everyone was here, Ms. Sommer decided to begin the class, passing out sheets which were basically just daily schedules for us as students.

Today's schedule was especially light, only a half-day really, some students needed to move into the dorms after all. I had opted out of it, due to wanting to stay with my family, but I did have that option open to me throughout the year.

The first item on the schedule today, homeroom, was especially long. Probably for the purpose of socializing with all our new classmates. Seeing as nobody seemed much inclined to associate with me, I just stayed to myself, listening in to other people's conversations with my elongated rabbit ears positioned atop my head, which twitched every so often when I heard a new name being introduced.

There were more than a few beastkin in the class, but unsurprisingly, even they weren't willing to introduce themselves. Given that they were here to raise their own status, what was the use hanging out with someone who was already pegged by the school as a social pariah.

The teacher, Clara, kept stealing glances my way. Perhaps worried about the way her class structure was beginning to develop. The school didn't necessarily demand that everyone had to get along, rather it liked to encourage rivalries and competition as part of the curriculum, but perhaps seeing a student in this situation was difficult for her to handle.

And so the hour passed, with me sitting alone in the corner, except for a certain Rabbit God who floated alongside me, watching the room as silently as I did. The school's clock-tower ringing out on the hour, twelve times, letting us know it was now noon, and that this class was now over.

Maybe it was because it was a shorter day today, but the schedule didn't allow for any time between activities for lunch today. We were going to have a tour of the facilities, led by Clara, and head home for the day. Not that I was complaining, lacking any appetite for food right now.

Clara had the students line up, starting at the door, and ending at our row in the back of the class. Ella was the second to last, which put me at the far end of the line. Waiting for Clara's instructions before following her out.

Outside the classroom, unexpectedly, the lightly-greyed principle was out greeting the students with a polite nod and a smile. William Ashton. How I envied him, how I looked up to him. A legendary knight like him.

He paused when it was my turn to walk by, holding his gaze with a strange but polite smile. Somewhat unsettling.

"Fenton Fuzzear." He said softly.

"Uh, yes sir!" I responded, snapping to attention. My heart skipping a beat.

"How would you like to take a walk around campus with me?" He said while looking at me with those same eyes, he looked kind but there was something about it that I couldn't quite place.

"Uh, it would be an honor sir!" I responded with enthusiasm. To have the legendary knight himself guide me around campus? It was like a dream come true.

And so, the two of us split off from the group. Walking in the opposite direction, making our own way down to the academy grounds.

Neither of us spoke, while I just stole glances up at the man, watching him with veneration. The Ashtons were an immensely powerful family, one of the biggest politically, and especially militarily. Their bloodline was strong, having developed a special brand of magic that only they could use. With devastating effects on the battlefield. This man was the peak of everything I aspired to be. If I was only half as strong as he was, then nobody would ever look down on rabbitkin again.

The Rabbit God continued his silence, observing the situation from the side. A frown on his face as he watched the two of us walk.

"Say, Mr. Fuzzear. How have you been enjoying your first day on campus?"

"Very much sir. Thank you for asking. I like it very much, and I'm honored to be here."

"Yes, I imagine it is quite an honor for you. You're the first rabbitkin we've ever taken in, after all."

I didn't quite get it, but I smiled all the same. And the two of us walked into the garden area which separated the main school building from the training grounds.

"Do you know the history of this school?"

I nodded slightly.

"This is a prestigious institution, my great grandfather started it, after all. The greatest knight the empire has ever seen, Ashford Ashton. That's why the success of the Ashton family is the success of this academy, and in the same way the reputation of this academy is the reputation of the Ashton family. My family. We're a clean school with a clean record, and that reflects well on our family even to this day. Do you understand what I'm telling you?"

"Uh, I think so sir?" I said.

"I'm talking about you, Fenton." The man said to me, using his height to tower over me.

A foreboding feeling swept over me.

"I heard about that blessing of yours, the whole school did. The entire board wants to expel you, myself included. This is an institution for learning, not your private screwing ground." He spat out the words with some disgust.

I felt his venom in the pit of my stomach, a deep, gnawing humiliation. Looking down with gritted teeth.

"It was already a mistake to let a rabbitkin like you in. That said, you've already been admitted. And by the word of the charter, the one my grandfather wrote, only questions about your actions or academic record are grounds for expulsion. You're on thin ice, rabbit."

I took his words without complaint, but the feeling of un-justice grew within me like a lesion.

"If I so much as hear of a scandal, then you're done. Done. Are we clear?"

"Yes, Principle Ashton." I replied, not bearing to look him in the eye after such a humiliating lecture.

"Good." The man walked off, leaving me alone in the school gardens.

Adrenaline pumped through my ears, the sound so loud it was deafening. With what had happened this morning, I thought there was nothing that could humiliate me more. I was wrong. Just because of my blessing? Just because I was a rabbit? It was all so wrong.

"What a dickhead." The Rabbit God finally broke his silence.

"Want to get back at him?" He said while floating onto my shoulder, speaking to me in that moment the sweetest words I had ever heard.

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