Like Rabbits

Ch 14. Dirty wolves and seductive foxes

It wasn't until I was well out of the library that I realized how 'in-danger' I might have been. My wrist ached badly and I was pretty sure it was broken... I had been scratched as well, having pulled away from her grip towards then end, her dagger-like claws left small cuts along my hand which looked far worse than they felt. That woman was a mystery to me, 'Lycia', who she was and what she intended aside, she had really hurt me, and the most frightening aspect was how easily she had done it...


Even if she wanted to catch my heart, a girl shouldn't be that forceful! 

I caught my breath, calm enough now to notice the book I still held in my unbroken hand. Having been too concerned with fleeing the scene I ended up taking it without noticing, the title itself a mystery, but it should certainly be related to magic circles if it was left in that section. More importantly, I was bleeding and my hand was possibly broken, I needed treatment and there was only one place that could help.

"Hello?" I called out, opening the door to the nurse's office.

A rustling noise came from inside the room.

Looking around, it was fairly dark inside and the windows had the drapes pulled. Only with my rabbit eyesight was I able to make my way. Opening the blinds on my way to let some light into the room.

"Rena? You're there right? It's Fenton."

"Mm." A soft voice responded from deeper in the room, behind a patient curtain, followed by a sloth-like rustling of bedsheets. She must have been sleeping.

Pushing the cloth curtain aside, I went to where had I heard her voice. Holding my arm tenderly against my stomach.

"Sorry to bother you, Ms. Rena, I need some help-!?"

Past the cloth divider, I saw a woman's shape underneath the thin blanket, her chest heaving steadily as she breathed in and out peacefully, apparently still somewhat asleep.

"Sorry to interrupt you when you're sleeping. " I apologized, not stopping to wonder why the school nurse would be sleeping during work hours. It knew it was a fairly quiet time for her, given that most of the students hadn't started any serious training yet, injuries should be quite rare still. 


"Um... Ms. Rena?" I asked, still waiting as she did not respond at all to my presence.

"...Mm" She muttered before tossing onto her side.

Sleep talking?

I hesitated. Already feeling awkward about the situation, but my hand really did need treatment. Reaching out with my other hand, I planned to wake her up as gently as I could. Shaking her exposed shoulder slightly, she refused to budge, barely noticing my efforts and instead rolling over to her front, the blanket catching between her legs and unrolling enough to expose more of her body.

She... was naked! Entirely!

I looked away.

Why was she naked?! I couldn't help looking again, half in disbelief. 

Her breasts were completely revealed, in full view while she slept.

"Ms. Rena! Wake up please!" I squeaked at her, flustered by her body as I tried to think only pure thoughts.

"Mm. Who's there?" The nude nurse complained groggily.

"I-it's me, Fenton... but more importantly, Ms. Rena... your clothes!"

"Ah..." she realized belatedly, sitting up and moving off the bed slowly, seeming unconcerned about exposing herself.

Nearby was a pile of her clothes, and I watched in half-shock and half-arousal as she bent to pick them up, her delicate lady parts laid bare to my eyes, only slightly obscured by her fluffy tail. 

By the time she was dressed, I felt light-headed. The stimulation was too much for me.

"Sorry." She apologized. "I was sleepy."

I nodded in a daze, accepting her half-hearted explanation, but she continued staring at me in silence, her eyes moving down towards my crotch. A cold bead of sweat formed on my brow. 

" you need help with that?" She asked, her stares only made me more conscious of the erection I had developed earlier. 

I gulped. Another drop of sweat formed next to the other as I contemplated my options. 

"I... I don't... what?" Was I hearing things?

She stared with more intensity.

"You're hurt."

My wrist which I was holding flat against my stomach started to ache again, and with it a sudden realization dawned on me.  Relieved now that I knew I had misunderstood her. 

"Yeah... I, uh got hurt by accident." Not knowing how to explain the situation, I tried to gloss over the event. "So... do you think you can fix it?" I motioned to my hand.

"You've been my only patient this year, and you've already come to see Rena twice." Rena remarked unexpectedly, and with a belated reaction she looked away shyly. Acting as if  I was flirting with her.

"I guess I just get hurt a lot..." I said while laughing nervously, trying to dispel the awkward mood. Not really know where she was going with this. 

"Do you like Rena?" She asked, suddenly throwing out a dangerous accusation. How did she come up with that?

"--! W-why would you ask that?!"

"Even if you want to come see Rena, you can't get hurt on purpose."

"!? I'm not doing it intentionally!" I forcefully denied her accusation.

"Oh..." She looked disappointed, her tails ceasing their activity behind her.

"I was... sparring. With another student. I think her name was Lycia... she was a lot stronger than me."

"I know her." Rena nodded along with my words. 

"Yeah, I guess that name doesn't mean... wait. You know her?"

Rena abruptly exited the curtain around the patient recovery bed she had been sleeping on, walking with determination towards her desk area and cabinets. I looked out curiously before following along. 

Seeing her bending over carelessly again, rifling through files without any concern for my presence, I fought the urge to peek at her from behind. At least she had clothes on now, but her skirt fit so tightly, especially around the hips that I hardly needed to imagine at all what was underneath. Not that I needed to imagine, I had seen it all just moments earlier.

Gulping nervously, I wiped the multiple drops of sweat which had formed on my forehead. This woman... she was too careless!

Facing away from the oblivious fox, I tried counting floor tiles as I fought away worldly temptations. My mental meditation interrupted in short order by a tapping on my shoulder.

Rena held a small leather-bound book in her hands, laying it flat on the table in front of me.

[Name: Lycia Fenrir]

I found my eyes glued to the name. Fenrir... but that was... they were criminals! I gulped again, sweating even more intensely as a tingle of danger crept up my spine. I suddenly got the feeling Lycia intended to do something far different than what I had initially thought. No wonder she knew me. Fenrir... those guys hated my guts!

A set of breasts poked against my back, breaking me out of my trance.

"This girl?" Ms. Rena asked, pressing herself against me, with no apparent clue as to how a normal male student would react to such contact.

"Uh, yes!" I squeaked again unintentionally. "This is definitely her!"

Nearly being sent into a coughing fit when I read the girl's three-sizes recorded under Lycia's name along with her height and weight. I didn't need to know how big Lycia's butt and breasts were! Even though... they were certainly big! How a girl that slender could pack such large... nevermind! Skipping that information, my eyes flitted down the page.

[Magic Capacity: 24]

W-what! My ears jumped in surprise, straightening up stiff in the air. 24!!! She had twenty times more magic than I did!??

"Never practiced sword arts before... Rena doesn't think so. First circle most likely, she's too fit and her body's capacity for magic is too developed."

Rena left me with a bombshell admission. First circle? You were only supposed to learn that kind of thing in a controlled environment, namely at an academy like Ashton or under strict military control. Sure there were legal exceptions, especially to the well connected, but if her family were criminals, who knows what methods they could employ to get their hands on these kinds of secrets.

Trying to hide my fear, I swallowed down my words. My tongue feeling like sandpaper within my mouth.

"Ms. Rena, could you... do you think you could heal me then? I-uh, I should be getting home soon."

She sat down on a chair, patting her lap as if gesturing for me to sit.

Turning my head to the side, I looked at her questioningly. She didn't want me to sit in her lap... did she? No no no...


"Uh, Ms. Rena, perhaps we could do this while standing?"

"Sit here." She patted her lap, looking at me with pure eyes. Did she really not understand what was wrong with this situation?

Not having the guts to explain, I sat down hesitantly, feeling guilty as I enjoyed the sensation of her lap.

"Hand." She gestured, holding her palm up as if she expected for me to place my hand in hers.

Laying my aching hand in hers, she closed her fingers gingerly. A warm light flowed from her fingertips into mine, sending waves of tingles down my previously painful hand.

Minutes passed like this, possibly hours, it was hard to tell as the passage of time dragged on. It felt so comfortable that at some point I had fallen asleep. I'd never been healed before, not like this anyway, and healers being so rare it was a rare treat to be treated one-on-one like this. There were probably fewer than a few thousand in the empire, and yet here I was being spoiled by one.

Yawning deeply, I opened my sleepy eyes...


I was leaning my head on something? Something soft... and bouncy. I realized what it was belatedly. 

Trying to sit up, I felt how heavy my body had become. An unnatural tiredness filled every muscle fiber, making it feel as if my body was made of lead. I was mildly alarmed, but the calming presence I felt against my head kept me from panicking. Somehow I felt very safe around Rena.

"Mm. It's okay." A hand petted my rabbit ears, feeling the velvet-like fur that lined them.

"It's a side-effect from the treatment. You'll feel better in the morning."

In the morning...? The words registered with me slowly.

"You don't think I can make it home on my own?" I protested meekly, feeling lightheaded, almost as if I were intoxicated. 

"Mm." The fox-eared nurse responded, seeming to think about what I had said for a while.

Silence settled between us, so much time passing that I thought she had forgotten what we were talking about.

"Do you live on campus?" She finally asked.

"...Yes?" I answered, still in a confused state as I drew out the key from my pocket. Showing it to her and the number it had on it.

"Okay." She responded, picking me up unexpectedly, and with relative ease. At first I was surprised by her strength, but then I noticed she wasn't the one lifting me, or rather nobody was lifting me. I was floating! Floating like how the rabbit god did. 

"Magic?!" I squeaked weakly, so tired that was barely able to struggle. 


"Ms. Rena is a mage?" Well... I suppose given that she was a healer, being a mage was also a given? I had simply never put the two together before.

Without answering my question, Rena walked off to the nearest window. Fiddling with the latch before she finally managed to get it open.

"Um... Ms. Rena?"

She looked at me with a blank expression. Without warning, I began floating towards the open window.

She couldn't be... we were leaving through the window?

And sure enough, that was exactly what she did. To her credit, it was much more peaceful process than I expected. Once through, I was suspended in the air, dangling over a potential multi-storied drop.

Next, Rena floated out to meet me. Her fluffy-blonde foxtails trailing behind her like puffy kites.

Picking me up without a word, the two of us flew into the now-turned night sky. Our path illuminated only by moonlight and the intermittent lanterns and lamps of the city.

The sensation of flying through the air was quite exhilarating, especially when it involved being alone with such a beautiful girl, but my enthusiasm was dampened considerably by the sight of the ground growing more distant as we flew higher. Ignoring all impropriety, I clung to Rena in terror as my rabbit-based fear of heights kicked in.

A few heart pounding minutes later we were safely on the ground, looking up at the mansion-like front entrance of the house the Academy had lent out to me.

"Uh... Rena, thank you so much for the ride! To be honest... I didn't really expect for you to take me all the way home. I feel bad for asking you to do something so unreasonable."

"It's okay." She replied with her usual hard-to-read expression.

Inserting the key until I heard the *click*, I relied on Rena for support as we made our way in.

"You can just set me down somewhere, I-"

"Brother!" A voice greeted us as soon as the door was open.

Feriha stood near the entrance, dressed up in a full maid uniform, frills, dress, lace, pantyhose and all.

"--Feriha!?" I was somewhat to surprised to see her, especially dressed up like this. Why wasn't she at home? That is, at our normal home... and where'd she get the clothes?

She looked surprised at first to see Rena with me, but soon broke out into a pleased grin. Her brown-colored bunny ears flopping to-and-fro with excitement.

"You brought guests!" Feriha exclaimed, grabbing Rena's hand. "Please, come in!" She beamed while ushering the fox-woman and myself inside, closing the door behind us with another *click*.

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