Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1124: Lost in Oasis (six)

Chapter 1124 Lost in the Oasis

At the same time, Africa, somewhere in the Sahara Desert, [the lost oasis - the city of the dead].

"Is it here?" Beddyville walked out of the bridge and landed on the deck of the gold ship. From here you can overlook everything in the oasis.

Before arriving at the deck, the werewolf felt an inexplicable damp heat head-on.

The time is more than seven o'clock in the evening, the sun has just come down the mountain, but it has been exposed for a whole day, and the heat is still preserved by the greenhouse protected under the glass stratum. It seems that it will not cool down in a moment. .

Moreover, most of the water vapor that is transpiration from the vegetation remains in the greenhouse, causing the surrounding air to be wet and sticky, giving people the feeling of being in the steam room.

it's too hot. This is the heaven of the plants, but it is steam **** for people.

Beddyville subconsciously took off a coat and wore a thin shirt. If he can, he even wants to take off his trousers, because at this moment his shorts have been soaked in sweat, and sticking to his **** with his underwear, it is extremely uncomfortable.

The werewolf deliberately ignored this discomfort and walked to the edge of the deck to observe the dense and scary green belt.

"Where is the oasis here, it is a tropical rainforest here." Bettiville snarled.

"However," Arthur also took off his robes and went to the light: "You can't deny that it's beautiful here."

The werewolf nodded subconsciously, and Arthur said it was quite right. At this time, the sun has already gone down. The main source of light in this oasis is the light of the stars and moons from the zenith of the glass.

But these stars are not bleak. Not also. They are refracted in the numerous glass walls and small ceilings of the city of the dead, showing a dreamlike seven-color brilliance. This brilliance has been expanded countless times under numerous refractions, evenly scattered throughout the oasis, shining everything at least to the extent that the naked eye can see.

And in the woods of the oasis, it is even more lively. The night-light worms with pale green light live in this extremely clean, unpolluted pure land, and their little light is no less inferior to the stars in the sky. The light of the night worms is also reflected in the world surrounded by glass sand, expanding hundreds of times, making the road on the ground easy to pass.

The sky is the Xinghai, and the underground is also the Xinghai. There is a misty mist between the two pieces of Xinghai. This is an overview of the city of the dead.

Beddyville now understands why the ancients did not set up lighting in this oasis.

On the one hand, this is because it is a secret supply station, and the lights at night will only reveal its existence;

On the other hand, the natural environment of this oasis can be "self-sufficient", and it can have enough lighting at night, and things like lights are simply wasting energy.

King Arthur jumped off the deck of the battleship and landed lightly on the ground in the oasis. In addition to the dirt and weeds on the ground, there are a lot of transparent glass sands. Therefore, when the Cavaliers landed, they could not help but give a rustling of sand rubbing the upper.

The Cavaliers were not very satisfied with the sound they made when they landed. He snorted: "Oh, we have finally arrived. The question now is how to get Evan and Tristan from the top of the zenith [City of the Dead]."

The werewolf also used the tungsten tortoise whip to wrap the armrests on the edge of the deck, and used the cushion of the whip to fall silently: "Or maybe they are waiting outside, the task of finding [Desert Rose] is left to us to complete. enough?"

"Beddyville, are you talking about this again?" King Arthur glanced at the werewolf as if he was teaching his own child: "You are a companion who performs the task together. Why do you and Tristan and Ivan always get together? Quarrel when you meet?"

"I don't. It's the embarrassment they first looked for." Bettiville defended himself.

"Really?" The Cavalier sent a skeptical look to the werewolf and stared at Bedieville for a guilty conscience. The werewolf smashed his head and quickly opened the subject: "In any case, the task is to pick up the [Desert Rose] in this wood, right? It’s just a flower, it’s not a dangerous task. We are really enough for both of us."

"On this point, the system can't agree." A small golden scarab goblet flew down from the gold ship and landed on Bedieville's shoulder.

The little beetle sounded Eve's voice, cold and inorganic: "Although I don't know which plant you are looking for [Desert Rose], they are in the [Zero Area] of the 73rd supply station. The possibility is very large. Unfortunately, due to the biochemical leak crisis, [Zero Area] is currently in isolation."

"Life, biochemical leak crisis?!" Bettiville heard this, and suddenly there was a cold in his back. He knew that things would not go so smoothly.

"In these thousands of years, even if the administrators are dead, the main computer at the supply station is still operating, and independently researching various genetically modified ingredients." Eve explained: "In order to develop easier growth It is more convenient to harvest or eat the wartime food."

"However, the system played off, and made a horrible biochemical monster. Interesting." Arthur sneered and picked it up, as if he had expected this to happen.

"Positive solution. The development system of the 73rd replenishment station ignores the safety agreement and privately creates genetically modified plants that are environmentally safe. These plants can not only produce food through photosynthesis, but also attack surrounding organisms to accelerate growth. It is extremely aggressive, and once it leaks out, it will inevitably cause great damage to the entire ecological environment of Africa. Therefore, the zero area of ​​the supply station has been isolated, and the area is very dangerous, and only authorized persons can enter."

"And we are authorized people, still not authorized?" Arthur could not help but ask.

"In the system search. The agent of Bediville and his entourage made an application to enter the supply station an hour ago. The system has applied for a license to enter the zero area. The authorization will be passed after ten seconds, ten. Nine, eight"

"Oh, great." The werewolf shrugged. "Eve, you originally intended to let us enter the zero area to die, right? All this is actually your plan! You have a cold-blooded computer without conscience!"

"The authorization was successfully passed." Eve ignored Badiville's scolding and said with no emotion: "Beddyville's acting captain and his entourage, a total of four people, can now enter the zero zone."

An icy blue light emerged from the golden scarab and formed a fixed path on the ground, guiding Betteville to the area where the system wanted them to enter.

"Where, what are you angry with, Brady." Arthur laughed like a joke: "Eve is going to let us in to solve the problem of biochemical leaks in this place. If so, let's take a trip. This It’s just a matter of what you need, it’s fair – Eve, you said that there are four people in the company, are you counting Evan and Tristan? But they can’t get outside the zenith?”

"The ship will start immediately and pick them up." Eve did not feel emotional.

The gold boat dropped Bediwell and Arthur and began to rise and head toward the ceiling. It seems that it should know a certain secret channel, and let Tristan and Evan outside the glass zenith come in.

The golden scarab goblet on Beddyville's shoulders also changed shape, eventually becoming a ring of wrist thickness, shaped just to fit over Bedford's wolf ears.

"Please wear this to keep in touch, Biddyville is acting as the captain." Eve's voice came from the earrings, which was clearer than before; the holographic light from the earrings was also more conspicuous. It even emits a faint ice blue glow that brightens the environment within a few yards around Bedyville.

"Funny computer, playing people play" "Wolfman is not happy to bring earrings, and his mouth is still secretly concealing Eve."

"Let's go," Arthur urged. "Look at this, Tristan and Ivan will come later. Before we meet with them, let's explore the way."

Bedyville snorted and followed the light of the way to the front. They began to go deep into this lush tropical rainforest and proceeded cautiously.

They walked through the forest path, passing between countless shrubs and trees that were named and not named. The wonderful forest trail seems to be paved with special glass masonry, which has no half weeds and is very comfortable to walk on. In addition to the dirt in the space on both sides of the trail, it is covered with crystal sand and has a different kind of elegance.

Named [The Sky of the Sky], a light blue flower that specializes in attracting night worms, is planted on both sides of the trail. They reflect the blue light of the moon in the moonlight.

Thousands of luminous insects are attracted by the aroma of these small flowers, and they linger on both sides of the path. The pale green fluorescence from them makes the crystal sand on the ground shine. These glass-like transparent sands reflect each other and spread the light across the forest, making the ground of the jungle full of starlight. The water vapor around them fainted and spread the stars, and they seemed to be flickering, like real stars, rushing to shine in the misty night.

What a nice view. The more Bettyville is approaching, the more he can feel the beauty of this area.

The surrounding scenery is very beautiful, and it is beautiful under the night, and is shrouded in silence and serenity. No one would have thought that there would be a huge danger lurking in the depths of this quiet jungle.

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