Life of a Dominant F*tanari

Life of a Dominant F*tanari week 2 Chapter 68/ 39: Walk Home

The heat enveloped us, and I couldn't help but smile. I had lost track of time, and Becky, Tracy, and Crystal were all looking a little out of it. I had helped clean them up and placed them in the Jacuzzi helped them relax. I was releasing my tension and sexual tension. I leaned back, and I looked around as Becky seemed the most out of it. No, It was more like she was in deep thought about something. Her facial expression was between a satisfied smile and a frown that I couldn't really comprehend.

The room was silent, and Tracy leaned against me on my left side while Crystal occupied the right. It was nice to relax, and I decided that I should head home tonight. I should also see about getting people home but seeing the look in Becky, and I wondered what she thought had her so deep in thought.

"You okay?" I asked, looking at Becky breaking the silence that had overcome us after sex.

"I'm," Becky paused for a moment, "I am not sure," Becky admitted, "Don't get me wrong," Becky said, looking at me, "I fucking enjoyed what just happened to me. It was amazing and insane, and it feels so good when you control me," Becky continued, and I leaned back, listening to her. "I just, I just," Becky looked to be struggling with what she wanted to say, "I feel so good; I love that feeling of being dominated by you. It feels almost like a euphoria dream and a high. Like a drug enters my system, and the world almost feels surreal how much you turn me on." I was surprised how this conversation was going, "It scares me," Becky confessed, "I am almost scared of myself and how I act around you," Becky continued, "Your control, I feel like a totally different person. I have submitted to others before. But never as completely or compulsively as I have with you," Becky finished.

Becky went silent, and I didn't know how to respond. I felt like my mouth was hanging open with the confession. I didn't know how to start or what to say. I felt like I had just been dumped in the deep end, and I noticed Crystal looking at Becky with an understanding expression. "Hey, Becky, Come here," Crystal said, "Come sit on her lap and just feel contact with your Mistress for a bit." Crystal told her, and Becky moved from across from me, placing herself in my lap.

I was still lost on what to say as I was still very new to this, and I just pulled her closer. Tracy and Crystal gave her a little bit of space, and I kissed her neck. But I just nestled my head there, and Becky leaned into it. I felt some fragility coming from Becky, and I felt it in my bones that I needed to stay silent at this moment.

The atmosphere turned a little awkward as I tried just to offer companionship. I was a little lost at the moment, and I felt like I should say something while my instinct told me that I wouldn't do any good saying something in the end. This feeling wasn't comfortable to me as I knew that I was the reason for it.

I recently noticed Tracy wanted to say something to me but couldn't work up the courage to say something. I thought about it as I held Becky tight against my breasts without saying anything. After a short while, the tension I didn't notice seemed to flow out of her, and she relaxed in my arms.

I didn't know how to handle this, and time passed silently, and I felt Tracy's gaze. It took a while, too, but I didn't want to continue sitting in the Jacuzzi, and I slowly moved Becky to the side, "How about I make us all some dinner?" I put out there gathering all their attention, "What?" I asked as three women looked at me.

"I have had one baked good you made me, and you put your semen in it," Tracy commented.

I chuckled as Becky and Crystal turned to look at her. "It was delicious, wasn't it," I told her with a tone that spoke more than just words. Tracy nodded, not saying anything else on that matter, making the other two women pout for no elaboration. "I think I need to head home and make sure that I have laundry, and I got all my stuff since I don't believe that I brought it all here," I said, returning to the main topic as I got up out of the water.

"I thought you were going to put me in place all night?" Becky asked, and she blushed, returning to the water, which she promptly backed off.

"I would," I told her, "But I do have other social and pressing concerns. But, I also think you need time away from me already to think. We will see each other soon, and it is not like I am abandoning you in the cold." I reminded her, and I also believe I never made that promise. But so many things have been happening in my life lately; that I felt like I was losing grip on everything going on.

Becky's blush was deep and but she let her head resurface, and I got a towel as no one made to join me. "Ladies, You can talk since I will go make some food. Relax, and I will call you up when I am done," I finished, and I no longer stayed in the bathroom with them. I heard some talking, and I knew that I was the reason for the awkward atmosphere. Because I set myself as the Mistress of multiple women, I knew this might happen, but I felt a little hurt.

I wasn't about to stand here and eavesdrop as I gathered my panties and bra, which at some point, I kicked into a corner. They remain unscathed from our sexual activities, which I would not say for the rest of the basement. I looked it over and couldn't help but feel the swelling of pride dominating three women simultaneously. Crystal helped in many ways acting as an assistant and teasing the other while I was occupied. It was something that I wasn't sure how to approach either.

I threw that out of my mind, though, as I put on my panties and bra and headed upstairs into the kitchen. I found the apron that Crystal was wearing and wore it before looking in the fridge. It felt like it had been a couple of days since I last cooked, and looking into Crystal's fridge still definitely felt weird for multiple reasons. Still, I scavenged something and searched the pantries looking for what I could work with for dinner. I looked at the phone I scavenged while grabbing my panties and bra and looked at the time. I winced at how late it was, and I knew that I would only have time to cook, eat and go.

I thought about it, though, and I wanted to walk home. I decided I would walk Tracy home and give her the chance to talk to her. With those thoughts, I found more or less everything I was going to find. I didn't have too much time to cook, but I found the basics for some chicken fried rice, and I found a bag of pre-cooked frozen shrimp to add to it. I found the rice cooker, and I set myself to work. It wasn't the healthiest meal, but I worked it all off even if it wasn't optimal. I took pleasure in the small things.

I started with chopping and preparing the rice with spices that Crystal had readily available. I smiled at the familiar movements of food prep and worked quickly getting things ready when I took a moment to get the stove ready. It was nice and relaxing after shooting my load multiple times to do something like make something. My mind purposefully strayed away from the thoughts on Becky and the possibility of making something as I worked. With everything chopped up, I started to the actual cooking portion and felt better and better.

It wasn't too long, though, when I heard footsteps up the stairs and knew that the ladies had finished whatever conversation they wanted to have without me. I hummed to an unknown beat as I swung my hips, working my way through the cooking. I didn't want to be the one to start the conversation, so I continued in silence as I heard more feet coming up the stairs. The aroma of food began to permeate into the air as I hummed and continued to swing my hips.

"That the latest album from the Frankstar group?" Crystal asked as she came into the kitchen, making me turn. I saw Tracy with a slight blush watching me as I worked.

"No Idea, I listen to music but not that often, and I do not think I have purchased an album before, to be honest. Rather save my money to go to the gym, or I guess toys now too." I replied, going back to frying the chicken, making sure the chicken was cooked properly. I then turned over to the rice cooker to turn it on. "I like music, don't get me wrong, but I think that you need to work with a baseline of nothing then use music to motivate you past your normal boundaries, so I don't listen to it that often," I smiled, "When I do though I tend to exceed my own expectations," I couldn't help but brag on that note.

"Interesting," Crystal replied, and I continued to work in relative silence as I heard Becky now coming up the stairs. I didn't look as I started to pour in other vegetables that I chopped up for the meal, and I heard Becky sit down at the table as I worked. It seemed none of them wanted to do anything other than watch me work until Crystal said, "You know, Watching your ass swing like that while you work is like watching a fascinating show."

I smiled, but when I turned my head, there wasn't a trace of that smile, "Oh, I think I hear someone that wants a punishment later," I told her, but my tone kept the jab back. I continued to rock out to the same song repeatedly as I continued cooking and adding ingredients as they all started to come together. "Set the table, It isn't much, but it should feed us all," I told them.

I heard some movement and saw Crystal get to works since this was her kitchen. Soon it was all set, and I quickly asked for a bowl to mix it all in as the rice cooker made the noise that it was ready. I started to put it all together and mix it up in the bowl and smiled as I put it down on the table. It was all together neatly, and I loved that I did an excellent job like usual. The smell was good, and it was simple and nutritious and most of all.

As I set it down, "Wow, That is a lot of food," Tracy said.

"Yup, Eat up!" I smiled, "Don't need to overfill yourselves; anything you don't eat, I will eat it no problem," I told them with a smile and began to dig in. The food was a lot, and everyone filled their plates; and Crystal jumped up to her fridge to grab some soy sauce, and I smiled, taking some to use myself. There was enough salt, but it is nice to change it a little when you have a lot.

Everyone, almost naked except some underwear, continued to eat, and the silence was broken when Becky said, "Hey, I plan on sleeping the night here Crystal, You mind?"

"No, Problem, you can sleep with me or in my spare. Either works for me," Crystal smiled, "We can stay up and chat if you want to talk about some things as well," Crystal continued looking at me.

"Thanks, Today," Becky cut herself off there, and I knew that something about today bothered her a lot, and I pretended not to hear. It seemed that was what was wanted, and I think that the meekness that she showed after me not immediately reacting to her begging showed that maybe she needed to talk to someone. Crystal was her friend even if she was also my Girlfriend. It wasn't something I would ask about in the end. If Becky wanted to talk to me, she would.

I wasn't about to pry into someone's private life, even if it included me. I knew that Becky had something on her mind, and it was about me. That had become clear to me in the last hour or so, and she didn't seem to want to make it my business yet.

Still, I think I will mark her later, though, with something representing me. It was an idea that came about today, and I really liked the thought of my brand. Something that meant it belonged to me, and I looked forward to the meeting with Samantha on that.

I continued to eat another forkful when I turned to Tracy, "Skank, I will walk you home since you live close to where I live, and I want to walk." I told her.

Tracy smiled and nodded, "Thank you, Mistress," Tracy replied, and her smile seemed genuine, and I nodded. We continued to eat with an award atmosphere all around. So many unspoken words that I almost wanted to stand up and order them to speak. It was almost maddening the atmosphere around the table.

"Wow, Although it is something simple, it is really good," Becky commented to me, and I smiled at her.

"Thank you," I replied as I took another serving without remorse.

"No, Seriously, To be honest, I wasn't expecting much, but this is really good even without the soy," Becky insisted as she ate.

"Again, Thank you, I have been cooking for the past four years since I started to get more into exercise. My mom taught me enough to make sure I don't burn anything and I kind of experimented since then," I told her. "I don't really cook for my parents since my mom usually cooks dinners. So I appreciate the feedback."

"Why have you cooked for so long?" Becky asked curiously.

"My mom is an artist, and she works unusual hours a lot. She makes an effort, but a lot of the time, I cook for myself. Unless she is trying to make an effort to make breakfast for me, But with my unusual hours and me sleeping over at Crystal's more and more lately, I am not sure what she is thinking on this front." I shrugged, "Nothing unusual, I guess, But I have never lived someone else's life, so I am not sure. What I do know is apparently I am not bad at cooking chicken fried rice," I smiled at her as I finished.

Becky smiled in return, and that atmosphere returned. Unspoken words became the theme of this meal, which I found infuriating since I knew a conversation needed to be done without me there. It continued, though, even as everyone else began just to watch me eat. Soon I was done, as was all the food I prepared, which made some of them look at me, "Where you stuff all that food?" Tracy finally asked as they all looked at me.

"Inside my stomach," I replied with a wry smile, "I eat a lot and burn even more calories in my workouts. Just ask Crystal; I work out hard when I do. If you want to, though, you can try and match me next time I go," I smiled, challenging them all.

"Don't try her," Crystal warned, "I only had to watch for a small amount of time to see how much she tortures herself just on a treadmill," Crystal shuddered, "Sorry, Babe, But you work out hard, and it's mean to let someone fall into that trap. No matter how masochistic."

I shrugged, "You make it sound like I am a masochist," I replied, standing up getting ready to gather my things. "I am not, and I can prove otherwise at a later time," I told them all with a smile that made them all chuckle.

I moved on through going upstairs and getting my stuff and getting dressed. I smiled as I gathered my extra clothes, and I decided to buy new clothes with my first paycheck. I was starting to get sick of bringing clothes back and forth. I wanted something for when I was here and not having to deal with the fact that I had Nothing in my Girlfriend's place. Most of my clothing was old now, too and except for my bras and some of my panties were a couple of years old now.

My parents didn't have enough money to buy me new clothes every year, and I wanted to splurge a little on myself again. I smiled and thought about things as I cleaned up my stuff and left the extra outfit here, but my gym stuff had to come with me. I finished packing my backpack, then froze as I almost forgot something and went and found the Backpacks that we took to the convention and grabbed the new chastity cages that I bought. I found them quickly, and I put everything together with my bag feeling like I may have overpacked, and I slung it on my back before going to get my shoes on.

Tracy came back up the stairs, obviously from the basement in her clothes, with a small smile. Becky and Crystal joined her still in their underwear, and I almost felt like I was being sent off somewhere with Tracy. I didn't mind it, and I kissed Becky on the lips, "Cumdump, I will see you soon," I told her with a smile, then I kissed Crystal, pulling her into me making her moan a little, "Be good, See you soon," The I motioned to Tracy, and we went out the door.

I walked to the gate, opened it up, and it closed behind us without incident. I smiled as I took a walk with Tracy for the first time without anything pressing. The slight wind in the autumn air was nice, and it blew my damp hair back a little as well as Tracy's.

I sighed at the pleasure as we walked down the street with Tracy near me but clearly separated. We walked for several minutes in silence down the lamp-lit roads of the town. We walked on the sidewalk, and I matched Tracy's much slower pace than I could do. Tracy seemed to be wanting to say something again, and I wondered if she would speak.

Time passed a little, but we were still aways away from our home at this pace. "Mistress," Tracy said in the mutual silence, "Angela," Tracy began again, and I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes?" I replied, keeping my name for her to myself for the moment.

"I, I don't know how to ask my question." Tracy began anew, "I need to know the answer, but I am afraid of the answer since I think I already know the answer." Tracy said, and I let her gather her thoughts as we continued down the path. "I can't wait any longer, and I have to ask." Tracy sighed audibly and turned to look at me as I raised an eyebrow in response. "What do you think of me?"

That was anti-climatic, I thought, but I knew that my answer would lead to more conversation. This was important to her, and I decided to think about Tracy.

I met Tracy in a dark time, and to be honest with myself, and I raped her with Blackmail. I believed that she deserved it for trying to get her boyfriend to rape me. With that in mind, I didn't have a very good opinion of her. But since I started treating her like a skank. I noticed a change in her. On that, I am sure that she is beginning to notice. I have only trained her for a short amount of time, no matter how long the last two weeks have felt. No, I noticed the longing and the excitement this week when she saw my cock.

Tracy was addicted to me, and she had helped me realize some things. My opinion on her, although not the greatest, I had done some pretty fucked up things to her too. The only difference was that I had done Nothing to deserve the initial strike. I wasn't up to forgive that, but I think I would like her somewhat with more training and some limitations with a sense to ask for forgiveness.

Was that selfish? I didn't know. I was new to relationships since I had been bullied for years. Technically I still had no friends. Only a Girlfriend and a boss that I took some advice from. I had no one else to ask and discuss these things with, and I couldn't help but audible sigh as we continued to walk.

"I am going, being honest with you," I told her. "I don't like to lie, and when I do, I prefer to tell the truth in a way still," I said, looking at her as our feet moved us forward along the sidewalk. "I am not a fan of you; you know the reason behind that," I said bluntly.

Tracy nodded, "I," Tracy paused in her words even as our feet moved us down this lonely night as a car passed by us. "I am ashamed of myself," Tracy admitted. The look on her face made me believe that "I did something bad. I know I did something bad when I talked to Jake. I don't know how to say it, but he talked about you a lot while we dated," Tracy said, and I was insanely interested. "Like it was almost obsessive how much he talked about you. It was never in a good light. It was always in this way about how you did this or that in school, and it annoyed him. Or he pushed you against the locker getting in your face. He told me about how you would look at him like you were pretending to be meek. Like he thought you were questioning his dominance over you while not saying anything. It annoyed him," Tracy chuckled as we continued to walk before continuing her rant, " It was about you seeming to question his superiority over him. It drove him crazy. He couldn't even articulate what he meant about what pissed him off so much about you." Tracy looked at me, "Oh, I understand now; you are a wolf, You were wearing sheep's clothing, and he felt that. You were letting him trample over you. That made him mad since he didn't understand what was going on. At least that is what I think." Tracy looked up into the starless sky, and I looked up too, seeing the lights of an airplane pass by. "No, there is no excuse for my actions. I know that now, I know that, and you are punishing me for that. I understand that. And fuck it, I am starting almost against my will like it. No, I am starting to love it—your treatment. But I owe you an explanation for my actions. The reason. The need for why I convinced him to put you in your place as I said at the time." Tracy continued. I could see the tears in her eyes as she continued. They weren't pitying tears. They were remorseful ones as she turned to look at me.

"I was his Girlfriend. I was his lover. He took my virginity, and I liked him. No, I loved him, and here he was never stopped talking about another woman; An attractive woman. You have large breasts; you have a great figure, tall and sporty. The only downside was something the entire school knew was that you had a cock." Tracy explained. "I hated it, though, that he spent so much of his attention on you. I tried to get him to stop bothering you just to spend more time with me!" Tracy exclaimed with hot tears still pouring down her face. "I wanted my boyfriend to pay attention to me. I gave him my first time, and he still talked about you more than me. He was constantly planning things with his friends to ambush you after classes. It was like he loved you more than he loved me with how much he wanted to abuse you." Tracy continued, and I didn't know how to feel as Tracy continued. "You were everything to him, and I hated you for that. I hated everything about you for that. I hated you with a passion for that. You were taking up a larger amount of my love's time than I was. I wanted it to stop, and finally, I couldn't take it anymore, and I wanted you to go."

Tracy looked ashamed down at our slowly moving feet. "I wanted you to leave, so I told him over summer if he wants you to break down. Show his dominance over you and know that you are under him. That would be to rape you. To conquer you and to take your virginity. Hell," Tracy started to laugh, but I knew that the emotion she wasn't feeling was humor. "I don't even feel like I meant it at first, to be honest. Maybe I did. I hated myself a little at the moment I said it to him. The look he gave me was like a eureka moment. Like I had given him an idea that I knew at that moment wouldn't leave his mind." The tears flowed as she looked at me, "That was the moment I convinced him. I didn't need to say more than that. But I was the one who put the idea in his head. The disgusting words that made him come to you." Tracy's tears continued to flow, "How did I love someone like him," She sobbed.

"That day on the first day of school, I couldn't find him." Tracy said, her eyes open, looking up at the sky again as we continued our walk, "No," Tracy stopped herself looking at me again, "I knew where he was, and I looked everywhere but there that morning. Everyone knew your routine in school. You constantly ran like you were on the track team. Everyone knew you changed there early in the morning. That isn't a secret. No one wanted to come there early to pick on you, though." Tracy continued, "I didn't want to face the consequences of my words. So I looked everywhere else. Then, I saw Jake in the afternoon. He wouldn't let me close to him. Or interact with him, really. I was mad, Angry. The look on his face showed Shame. I didn't know what happened, and he wouldn't tell me." Tracy looked down again, "I lost control of my emotions, and I found you after school. Then, I don't need to say the rest." Tracy finished and looked at me.

I looked into her eyes, and I knew she told me her truth, and I didn't know how to feel. I wasn't sure if I even wanted to know the story behind it. My mind was turbulent, and I knew why she took so long saying what she said, and I wasn't sure how to respond. "I am not asking for forgiveness, I," Tracy started to chuckle again, "You, You are a bitch, you know?" Tracy said.

This time I raised an eyebrow, and Tracy scoffed, "Don't look at me like that. I deserved it, and I know that now. But, FUCK!" Tracy exclaimed at me, "I feel wet just thinking about your cock in my ass now. I know things about myself I don't even know I wish to know about myself. I want you to be my Mistress. And I like you, and I like the authentic no-nonsense bitch that you are. You both take my shit and don't. You call me out on things, and the way you fuck me is epic, to say the least. I only want you to give me a chance to make up for what I did." Tracy concluded, " I don't know what Jake did or didn't do to you. I cannot even bring myself to be shameless enough to ask. But please, Give me a chance."



Thank you for Reading. I have released the next 50 Chapters of Galaxy Hunter online for everyone to enjoy! I hope you will check it out on Amazon! I also have a bunch of Short stories for you to enjoy! 

Stories of a Futanari S ranked Adventurer: Meeting a Pair.

The Rich Girls Futanari Maid is a Masochist: Discovery

Check them out if you're interested. Thank you all again for enjoying my story. Please Comment, Rate, and Review the Story if you are interested in doing so

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