Life of a Dominant F*tanari

Life of a Dominant F*tanari Chapter 39/ 10: Drive to Work

I left with Alex, still in a daze with Crystal. I had my arm around her shoulders as I escorted her back to her car. She handed me the last of the lunch box, and I took out the last Burrito. I took a large bite, but I finished it quickly so I could talk to my Girlfriend. Soon we were out the doors, and I turned to her, "Although it was fun playing with you in the room. I don't know if it was such a good idea," I said finally as the walk had been quiet.

"Oh, Why is that?" Crystal asked back. I looked around at all the clothing people around me wore as they made their way back to class from their lunch in their uniforms.

"Because you stick out like a cute thumb." I said, "Everyone noticed, and I am not sure if I am going to get in trouble." I told her truthfully. "I really did enjoy your company although, I have to ask this. Do you have a bit of a sadistic side?"

"What?" Crystal looked surprised at my question, and I chuckled.

"Do you not realize it?" I asked her, "I don't know if you didn't notice, but you love doing things to my Skank. Like cruel things, just as you take pleasure in doing the same thing to Jake, I have no problem with this, to be honest. I like having an assistant sometimes torturing them a little more." I said with a sharp grin. "Choking my skank with your ass while I fuck her pussy today was nice to see too. A normal choking for my skank wasn't out of the question either today." I finished with a smirk.

"I-" Crystal seemed almost out of it for a second before she nodded, "You are right, I- I think," Crystal seemed genuinely weirded out by the realization. "I normally would never do things like that." Crystal said, "I have never taken the initiative with a Dom before. I love when you take that freedom away. I love it when you do that to me too. It feels natural to join you, though..." Crystal's voice trailed off.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked her as Crystal seemed concerned.

"Yeah," Crystal replied. "I feel slightly confused, though. I need some time to think. I will be here to pick you up after school, though. I want to see Samantha too for a moment to talk to her." Crystal continued.

Crystal moved to get in her car, and I stopped her. "Hey," I said, and I pulled her into a kiss. I took a couple of moments to make sure I raided her entire mouth with passion. Crystal never resisted and seemed to melt into me. I heard the bell and broke the kiss. "Be careful driving, and I hope you can think clearly as you want. I want you to know too that I like both sides of you too. Okay?" I said, holding her eyes with my own.

For a moment, it seemed Crystal wanted to pull away and get in her car, but I held her still, demanding an answer with my eyes. "Okay," Crystal replied. Her confusion seemed legitimate, though.

"Okay, I will see you later," I said, stepping back letting her go, "I look forward to it."

Crystal got in her car as I walked away. I watched her wave before leaving, wondering what just happened. I don't know why but Crystal seemed almost concerned with having even the slightest bit of dominant behavior. When I brought it up, she seemed confused, and I didn't like that.

My concern grew as I made it to my class as the bell rang. During class, I took notes on what the teacher said without it really entering my head. I was concerned with the reaction to my observation. I only knew Crystal for a week now, and I wondered if everything was okay.

Before I knew it, the class was over, and I had a couple of sheets of paper with the notes on the class. I sighed, knowing that I would have to study this later, and was happy that I at least took the notes. One thing I learned over the years in school was that other people's notes mostly sucked. Some were illegible chicken scratches, while some were just missing the information that was needed.

There were different types of note-takers, and my style was to write everything down. What the teacher wrote on the board and what the teacher said as much as possible. This allowed me to find most of the information I could as school was mostly memorization.

I sighed and left class towards the Teachers locker room. I changed into my gym outfit and put on my weights to go out to the gymnasium. As I did so, Mr. Trimmers came up to me.

"Angela," MR. Trimmers began, "I thought to formally tell you that I am releasing you to Mrs. Grendiers clutches. She says that you might have some talent in Volleyball and thinks you might be a secret weapon or something. I can understand that with some of the physical prowess that you have shown. Although I might be a little more skeptical about you making up for years of practice, I have decided to give you a minimum grade of eighty percent as long as you are around for tests. I-"

I cut him off, "Mr. Trimmers," I began rushed, "EIghty percent is a little low for how well I have been doing. Just use my tests as a grade without the marks on projects you give while I am in Mrs. Grendiers hands. Just give me the average grade among the tests for them, Please. If I do bad on them, then rightfully, my grade lowers." I finished looking him in the eyes, "One thing though, is my average grades among my courses last year was a Four-point O. If I lose that, I will be severely affected on my grades. So if you give me an eighty percent, you will lower my overall score unacceptably."

Mr. Trimmers looked at me, surprised. "You are in the gym class with grades like that?" He asked me, and I felt offended. "Okay, I will use your average over your other studies to keep your grade average. Once your back in my hands for tests, though, I will make sure you know the material and are up to standard." He finished, and I nodded.

"Thank you," I replied, holding back a sigh of relief.

"Hey, If it isn't the student, I get to torture for an entire class." Mrs. Grendier walked up in her own Gym outfit. "Mr. Trimmers, Thanks for helping out the team. I will return the favor if I get one of the students you need 'extra' attention on in the fall." The smirk she gave him was returned, and Mr. Trimmers went off to yell at the class of girls to head outside.

"Good," Mrs. Grendier said with a smirk turning to me. "Feels weird this year he gets the girls class, and I get the boys in the fall. Someone in administration fucked up, and I don't think we have yelled at them enough for them to understand that." Mrs. Grendier commented. "Time to set up!" She blew a whistle unnecessarily. I started to help her move the equipment out, and the net was set up quickly. It took five minutes; then we went back in for the balls.

That was when things turned into a new hell of her spiking the ball into various parts of my side of the court that I had to recover. Mrs. Grendier was merciless in making me jump all over, recovering again and again. She made sure to put them in painful spots. Running and jumping at these balls became my entire universe as I became the focus of her attention. Finally, I heard her whistle, and the balls stopped flying at me.

"Your biggest problem is a lack of experience." She told me bluntly, "That can only be made up for by time. The second is those weights are getting in the way." Mrs. Grendier grimaced at that point. "You need something that won't get in the way while still weighing you down. I like the fact you have added extra body weight, but you will also need to spend some time before a competition with them off, or you are going to be off the mark. Being eighty pounds lighter will affect your accuracy a lot more than you might think." Mrs. Grendier watched me thinking.

"Okay, Half the class is over, and I had you digging out in recovery. This isn't your strongest suit since you only got about half in. Let's do something more fun. I will let you do some spikes to work on your accuracy and jumps." Mrs. Grendier said after a couple of minutes of thinking. "Volleyball is all about timing and technique. If you can get both down, all you will need is to trust and rely on your teammates to do what you can't."

"Mrs. Grendier," I said while nodding, "I would like your help finding some better weights if you don't mind. I would also like to increase the weight to a hundred and forty pounds. So twenty more pounds on each limb while I exercise." I told her.

Mrs. Grendier paused and looked at me, "I will see what I can do. I might be able to, but no promises on the arm and leg weights. Now, I will call out which place on the opposite side as I toss the ball to you for spiking. The closer, the better. Let's start; we do not have much time." Mrs. Grendier said, her tone turning serious.

I nodded, and I found myself running up and spiking balls as she called out spots just before I hit the ball. It was hard, and I often missed as she called it out. I was running back and forth as she tossed the ball up into hard places to spike from. Some were close to the net, and others were farther. The Farther from the net they were, the more she told me to make them go into the back area of the opponent's court.

I was dripping in sweat as I tried to put them in spots, often putting them out. Still, before the bell rang and It was time to clean up, my missing was getting better and better. Her whistle sounded, and we started to clean up. I started to help her bring down the net and put the balls away from as the girls from class came into the gym. I didn't stop moving, though, and gathered up the balls around the gym.

Soon the gym was clean of our equipment, and I made it to the Teacher's locker room and stripped. I looked around and heard a buzz. I realized I didn't have my phone and looked in my bag, finding my phone.

Crystal: Sorry for how I acted at the end of Lunch; I still need to think about it, and I feel more emotional than usual (you already know why). I am out in the parking lot, though, ready to pick you up.

I read it, and I understood. I was going to assume that something like this would happen since it was her time of the month. I could become a real bitch in my time of the month when it came. As I thought about it, I grimaced. It should be starting sometime next week, and I wasn't looking forward to it. I sighed and didn't want to think about it sending a quick text back.

Angela: I just finished in the Gym, and I will be out there soon. Also, it is okay. I understand, and I guess I should warn you that I might be worse than you think during my time of the month.

I then closed the phone and gathered my things while taking off the weights. Crystal wouldn't mind a little sweat, and I was hoping for there to be a shower at Samantha's place of business for me since I planned to start running there when I had appointments. I didn't want Crystal to drive me every time I had an appointment.

I moved down the halls at a brisk pace after packing up. I moved, and I noticed the sissy boy just before I exited the school. He looked at me then quickly turned away towards one of his friends with red hair that seemed to be growing longer like Jakes was. I was tempted to stop him and force him to call me Mistress but decided against it pretty quickly.

Jake wasn't ready for me to destroy his life yet. I was already putting down the foundation no need to start prematurely.

I exited the school and quickly found Crystal's BMW and walked towards the passenger seat, opening the door before jumping in. "Hey," I said, leaning over kissing her, "I hope you are starting to feel better," I said with candor.

"I am having some cramps at the moment but nothing too serious. After your comments, this afternoon though, my emotions have been out of wack. If I am going, being honest, I wish you made your comment another day." Crystal said with a grimace.

I kissed her lips again and pulled back, "That is my bad." I said, "I didn't take into account the moment. I was curious, and I wanted to ask. For now, let's try to forget about it, and we can talk about it later with a tub of ice cream on your lap to digest." I finished with a smirk.

Crystal opened her mouth and closed it with a smile. She then pressed a button, and the car turned on. "You better listen to me over a tub of Ice cream." Her pout made her seem like a brat, and I couldn't help but chuckle with sympathy.

Hormones sucked.

"I am not going to lie, though," I said, turning to Crystal, "You will find me on my period much more," I stopped to think about it, "Intense."

"What do you mean?" Crystal asked, "I usually fluctuate, so I don't understand what you mean by that."

"I hate the pain that goes through me, I can only use tampons, and I feel like crap usually like I am sure that you do," I said, looking at her. I then sighed and leaned back in the car seat, "I get emotionally intense usually. I don't know why since usually everything else is light. But My hormones go crazy, and I get intense. I don't have any other way of explaining it. I don't get teary or anything else, just; Intense." I tried and failed to explain.

Crystal snuck a peek at me but turned to the road, "Well, I hope you get intense during sex. You already got a nice vibe going on. I can only imagine what that jacked-up looks like." I could then see a blush on her face as she came to a stop at a light.

"You little minx, You're getting yourself turned on thinking of me being intense," I confronted my girlfriend.

"I totally am," Crystal confessed with a large smile. "I want you to be so intense while dominating me. I need to stop thinking about it, though, before I jump you." Crystal pressed the gas to peddle, and I was tempted to play with her tonight.

I watched her as she drove, and we headed farther than I thought. The run here would be longer than I thought, but I didn't care. I felt like I was stagnating recently with getting a girlfriend and the inability to find new weights. This was a welcome length for a run to work as long as they had showers.

Seconds later, we were in front of a brick building with no markings on the outside of it with a small parking lot off to the side. It was a nondescript building that I would never have found or been curious about without knowing it was my new workplace.

The building looked plain, and I noticed only a single steel door. "Wow, The place looks almost creepy; how plain it is," I commented with a smirk.

"It is actually a selling point to the customers I heard Samantha say. She said that if it were in an even more abandoned area of town, though, it would stick out, and the clients wouldn't like that. The place is only an hour's drive from the city's airport too. It blends in with all the other stores nearby, making this place look like a warehouse for those businesses." Crystal told me as we were getting out of her car. I started to walk in when she moved towards the back and opened it up.

I then remembered the things, and I followed her. I grabbed a hanger with my outfit inside a black bag to hide the contents. I also grabbed a silver box and instantly realized this must be make=up.

"Make-up?" I asked.

"More like lotions and things for later but also some make-up. You are going with a more athletic Tomboy feel, I thought, and putting on too much Makeup will only detract from that." Crystal commented as she brought down the trunk with a slam. "Come on, and I am sure Samantha is waiting for you." We moved towards the building as I heard the horn beep twice as Crystal locked its doors.

I carried the outfit over my shoulder while the silver box was pressed against my hip as I carried it on my other side. When we got to the building and Crystal knocked on the door hard. The loud bangs as her fist collided with the door sounded a little loudly, and the door was opened quickly. When the door opened, two muscular men looked at me. One was a black-skinned man with large muscles looking like a fighter. He was dressed in a black suit, looking very professional though it's just the white shirt under the jacket did nothing to hide such prominent muscles. On the other side was a White male with almost matching muscles and in the same type of outfit.

"Nice Muscles, bro," I couldn't help but comment, "Don't forget flexibility though if you were looking to scrap. If you can't hit the target, you can't do damage." Something my teacher always told me, but neither looked impressed.

Both looked at me with a raised eyebrow, and Crystal turned to the black man, "Hey Alex, This is the trainee Samantha told you about," Crystal then turned to the White guy, "Howard, how are the kids?" She asked.

"Wife has been taking good care of them, but I have been taking them out to free her weekends. Mother is in the hospital, though, so I can only give her the days I am off though unfortunately. Although, the boss said if I need time of to help, I can go take care of the kids for my wife during this hard time." Howard replied.

"Oh, That is terrible to hear," Crystal stopped to say, "Is her mother okay?"

"Doctors think she might need surgery, but I haven't been able to get the full details yet. Last two nights been comforting my wife after kids in bed." Howard replied.

"Hey, Howard, if you need me to cover the door for a couple of nights, just ask." Alex jumped in with a barely audible accent in his voice that I couldn't pin.'

"I know you got me," Howard said, "Just like I got you in an emergency. But tonight, we both know we can't take off."

"Something up?" Crystal asked as I decided to keep my mouth closed.

"Ah, Client for Mistress Verra," Howard replied, "You are right; Boss is waiting for you upstairs." Howard finished.

I was too busy looking at the impressive muscles on the men and the subsequent conversation that I didn't look around. When I entered, though, it was not exactly as I thought it would be. The place looked almost too fancy. The walls were wood flooring that looked expensive, with some carpet runners down them in a velvet red. I didn't know what I thought but all it was, was a hallway to stairs with doors on either side. Crystal walked quickly, and I followed. As I walked, I could hear only the sound of our footsteps.

As I looked around, I found some paintings that I didn't care about, and we went up the stairs and did the same thing on this floor but with different art pieces. I then noticed the small numbers in the corner of the doorframes done in some style I had never seen before. I didn't pay it much mind when we went up the third set of stairs, and things changed.

At the top of these stairs was a simple three doors. Each door had a sign with simple, bold letters on it. First read "Staff Only" The second Read "New Customer Sign up" The last said, "Bosses Office."

Three different signs all meaning different things, and Crystal opened up the door to the Bosses Office. I felt a slight nervousness that I quickly suppressed before following her in.


Thank you for reading, I will soon be finishing Week 5 of this story on Amazon. 

Also, I brought out a new Short Story on Amazon. I now have two; if you are interested and have Kindle Unlimited, you can check it out as part of your Subscription. I hope you continue to enjoy my Story! :D

The Bullied Masochist Futanari


I Sissified My Step Bro


Also, I have released some Illustrations that I have on Patreon for free on my Discord. Check it out at:

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