Levels to Zero

Chapter 2: PROLOGUE





Long time ago before the war, before the humans turned against the gifted, they all lived together, one happy nation. No one knows what, or where, or how the war started, but everyone felt it.


 It was so sudden, the once loved and respected super humans became prey to their own people, their lands became their own hunting ground and with nothing left to do they fought back, with everything they had, but they seemed to be no match for the technology that emerged from nowhere. And soon they were banned from certain parts of the nation. They became social rejects, treated like animals and put against their own kind.

 They had fallen completely, gazed upon with nothing but contempt and disgust

 These super humans were ranked according to their powers, called and respected by their 'levels'. There were seven levels in total and there was no changing or advancement in this system, the level stayed the same forever. And your level defined your place in life.


 Each child was normal till they turned seven, then they were taken to the mirroring ceremony, where they stand before their people and then assesed by the mirror and their levels are revealed. It was always a big day for every child, your level defined your social status. And at best everyone hoped to be above a seven, and at least hoped to possess all the powers in their grade

Note; there are actually eight levels in total, but being a level eight was the same as being a human, so they were most times not regarded as levels, but still had the healing abiliies of the levels.

 The levels went as follows;

There were seven levels in total. Being a seven meant that one was pretty basic, barely above a normal human. Sevens were usually seen as the weak links and as such were treated differently due to their weak somewhat human nature. Their powers were mostly similar to witch craft, they mostly dealt with witch craft, most times found in Churches to carry exorcisms, or on the streets practicing black magic, mostly talking to spirits and being a host for them. Their powers fell under Necromancy, the ability to communicate with ghosts. Most times this level could be mistaken for crazy, unhinged people.


 Level six; this level was rather seen as travelers, lone wolves and they hardly moved with more than two people, considered selfish and sly. They mostly worked as spies and thieves and rats used to get information. Their powers include; Invisibility, teleportation and telekinesis.

 Level five;

 This level was mostly regarded as the lesser protectors, more powerful than a six, but they were still low in rank and were used for security, and they sometimes dabbled in fraud and they could double as spies. Their powers included; self duplication, force fields creation, and phasing (the ability to walk through solid structures).


Level four;

This level although powerful due to their ability to mess with one's mind were however not strong enough to lead. They were however useful for investigations and making hypnotic illusions. They powers are; mind reading, illusion making, and telepathy and healing powers. They were easily spotted due to their elf like features.


Level three;

 Being in this level made them strong minded but however they could still fall prey to the ministrations of a level four. Their powers included; element bending (chemical bending), and shape shifting and portal opening. Threes and fours were usually together when it came to heists, one opened a portal and another created the illusions. They were the only pair that had no issue working together. They were usually found among most tight knit twins or siblings closer in age.


These levels were the most common; however the remaining two were rare levels and hardly occurred, they were mostly strong minded people and were closer to immortality. As the rules appear, the lower your level (that is in a countdown format) the closer you were to immortality.


Level two

 Nicknamed ghosts due to their extremely pale features, and are mostly from the Northern cold regions. They were seen as nature's apprentices, due to their ability to their ability to bend the elements of nature to their will, their ability to change the weather (Atmokinesis), and the last of their powers being molecular combustion and were shifting. Having the will of fighters they were always regarded as the warrior level, reckless and dauntless, usually found on the field of battle. They barely aged, and were most times seen as terrorists due to their spontaneous behavior. They were hard to control and believed strongly in independence.


Level one.


A.k.a super humans, they were everything; super fast, super strong, great hearing, sometimes regarded as a living human detector. They had the ability to absorb power makes them hard to beat, they were seen as natural leaders and only occurred once in a long time. They had the ability to self combust and change their appearance (biokinesis).



 These were all the levels the world knew and acknowledge. But with the human uprising and the killing of the super humans, there was no hope left for the levels.

But there was a level like no other, one so rare that no one had ever seen…

 But from the ruble a hero is born, unknown of her blessings and ignorant of her talents, her coming about will bring a new regime to the nation.

 It was time for something new; it was time for their prosecutors to see a level that they had never seen before.

A power house so strong a thousand men couldn't stop, she is, she was and she will be

So Welcome to the Nation of Ares

Join the journey of her new hero

Welcome to a land of possibilities

But don't forget to step out of the shadows, you are gonna wanna be around when your honor is being restored

Welcome to the place of your dreams or night mares, whichever one you choose

Welcome to a new era,

To a new world,

But most of all

Welcome to …






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