Let You Be The Director, And You Go To The Army To Direct The Military Exercise?

Chapter 204

Chapter 204 Seals, Start Action! Go!

The Office of the President of the Lighthouse State is a mess.

“Haha! I’m glad to hear it! This time, the Lighthouse Kingdom has made a big mistake! 99

“Mr. Andrew, the whole operation was planned by you, and the coordinates of the attack are – you provided.

Who would have thought that President Harden would do such a brainless thing?

“Gentlemen and ladies, I’m sure you all know what happened.”5

“This time, the Lighthouse Country is a big shame.

Of those reporters under the stage, which one is not a monkey spirit?

Silver Ring Snake took a sip of water and nodded.

“Even if we don’t do this, the Intelligence Bureau of the Lighthouse Nation will kill us.

Fortunately, the lighthouse country has military bases all over the world.

“However, it also puts pressure on us.

“That’s more than 200 hostages!

“Let the guys get ready, count the time, their special forces are coming soon…”

There are also many media that directly open live broadcasts.

“I just want to know, when will the hostages be rescued?”

“Rationally speaking, I should be angry at the terrorist acts of terror, emotionally speaking…hahahaha…”

“Our group of people simply intends to live, and we have no intention of taking hostages as a condition for negotiation.”5

Several heavy gunships landed.

No matter what the final result is, this time the lighthouse country has lost its face!

Many people suddenly sank in their hearts.

“Haha, I love to hear it! The people of the Lighthouse Country should be damned!”

Someone laughed.

After all, the status of the Minister of Defense is much higher than that of him, and he did not dare to directly refute it.

With multiple media reports at the same time, the entire Dragon Kingdom’s network is boiling.

“Is Captain Roderick a little too careful?”

Yes, this is one of the elite special forces that the Lighthouse Nation is proud of – the Navy SEALs.

“I’m a reporter from CNN TV!

For them, fighting terrorists is not that important at all.

“Squad, you need to avoid their sight, climb to the top of the building, and attack from the top down.”5

After talking for more than ten minutes, the spokesperson stopped.

What’s important is that as President Harden’s popularity plummets, their chances of taking office greatly increase!

“It’s easy for you to say.

“This time, we will never compromise with terrorists! 35

Another reporter stood up and exclaimed.

“Captain, I paid attention to the information outside.”

Soon, the whole world was boiling.

For Zai Nodang of the Lighthouse Country, this is simply a big pie from the sky!

“The good thing is that these terrorists are so inexperienced.

but now……

“You all study it carefully.”

The spokesman pointed at a reporter casually.

“UAV team, you are responsible for the reconnaissance of the enemy situation on the scene, remember not to alert them.”

someone said.

“Squad Three, you go through the back door, sneak in silently, fight silently, and cut off the enemy’s back path.”

“Please rest assured that the powerful lighthouse country is capable of dealing with any crisis!

“Viper mercenary group, welcome to join the great cause, let’s work together to overthrow the evil beacon country!”

“Slander! This is Chi Guoguo’s slander!”

Before waiting for the CNN reporter to ask questions, he hastily finished his speech and ordered another reporter.

“As long as we can cut in at the first time, we can win the battle!

“This is the legendary world’s strongest intelligence agency? 35

“The most important thing is that after finding out that the attack has failed and that something has slipped through the net.

Roderick’s eyes flashed, and he said in a deep voice.

But for them…

“But this time, we are rescuing the hostages!”

“Everyone, everyone already knows.

But if you put it in Su Meng’s eyes, you will only send him three words – don’t worry!

After all, for the Lighthouse State, compromise with terrorists?

“The reason is because the Lighthouse Kingdom is plotting the D1 individual exoskeleton of the Dragon Kingdom.”

“We now have more than 200 colleagues who are facing terrorist threats and could die at any time at gunpoint.99

Longguo has no CNN signal, but it doesn’t mean that Longguo’s netizens don’t know about it.

“Everyone! Get started!”

“Squad Four, you are the sniper squad, look for the sniper spot as soon as possible and get ready.”

“Information team, you are responsible for signal suppression on the scene and cut off communication between them.”

“The Viper Mercenary Corps are really warriors!”

“Judging from the current information, there are about 40 terrorists, all of whom were mercenaries before, and have a certain combat effectiveness.

That is absolutely impossible!

“Many people have taken to the streets to demand that we guarantee the safety of our citizens overseas!

“You can all fail such a simple task? Are you pretending to be Xiang in your mind?

“It is unexpected that the special forces of the lighthouse country will be killed.”

As he was talking, someone suddenly walked in in a hurry.

Director Andrew reluctantly raised his head and said weakly.

What matters is the votes!

“So the military is still needed…”

“It’s terrible! We are a great beacon country, how could we be held hostage?”

Accompanied by the sound of helicopter propellers.

“A group of evil terrorists are slandering the great lighthouse country and threatening the safety of the citizens of the lighthouse country!”5

“I think it should be the strongest idiot concentration camp in the world!””

Not only in the lighthouse country, but in many countries around the world, the live broadcast caused a sensation.

Seeing that everyone was finally serious, Roderick nodded.

The reporter stood up and said loudly.

“Excuse me, Mr. Spokesman, is this true?”

For a time, many people in Yedang began to celebrate with each other.

“In this operation, your intelligence agency is simply stupid!”

The staff hurried out to smooth things out.

Director Andrew was so scolded that he couldn’t lift his head.

“They are defensive battles, and they have an innate advantage, so it’s not surprising to have such a result.”

More than a hundred Lighthouse Navy SEALs jumped out of the car.

The spokesperson was also a little numb, so he had to bite the bullet and say.

The passion he said on stage was surging, but in the ears of reporters and netizens…that’s all?

“I have sent the topographic map of the CNN reporter station to everyone’s tactical terminal.”

Many people laughed, someone added.

“You even lost more than 40 people?”

For the lighthouse state politics.

Except for a bunch of empty words, there is nothing substantive!

His spit star was about to spray both people’s faces.

The pressure is so great!

“Then in front of the whole world, pull them together and perish together!

I knew this was the problem!

Following his orders, more than a hundred members of the SEALs, like ghosts, quickly dispersed.

“They said that the reason why they launched a terrorist attack on the Dragon Country’s peacekeeping force in Cylia was because they were instructed by the Lighthouse Intelligence Bureau.

“We want to be free! We want to be safe! We are taxpayers and the government must make sure we can walk the world safely!”

“He also said he would come to rescue the hostages.”

“So this time the task is very difficult for us.”

Everyone agreed and began to prepare.

“Finally, I have a bad breath. Last time I said that the Tomahawk missile was launched to avenge us. Now it is exposed? It is to kill people!”5

I just don’t know what they think about each other.

“Second squad, you are responsible for attacking from the main gate and attracting the enemy’s firepower.

Seeing that the reporter below not only did not accept his explanation, but raised his hand to ask questions more and more enthusiasm.

“If it is a large mercenary group such as Blackwater, Arctic Fox, and MPRI, it is worthy of attention.

“Now the whole world is watching our jokes!”

Soon from the nearest military base, the special forces were transferred.

“Excuse me, Mr. Spokesperson, what is the lighthouse government going to do?

“This time, in order to avoid the grass and the snake, we can’t use the method of helicopter airborne, we can only push on the ground and sneak in silently. 99

“If we could have fired a few missiles at that time, none of this would have happened.

“What should we do? Shouldn’t you come up with countermeasures?

“Compared with the people of the Dragon Kingdom?”

“Is this the legendary ‘SEAL’?”


When there were more than 1,000 meters away from the destination, the convoy stopped.

“The gang of idiots from the Intelligence Bureau? Pull them out and shoot them! 35

……. ask for flowers.

“A bunch of idiots! Are they still shirking their responsibilities now?

Silver Ring Snake nodded and said lightly.

“Idiots! A bunch of idiots!”

“This is Chi Guoguo’s terrifying act!”

But what else can be done?

“Where’s your intelligence agency?”

In front of him, the Director of Intelligence and the Minister of Defense bowed their heads and said nothing.


Therefore, with their help, this incident detonated the lighthouse country in an instant.

“What did they say? We are plotting the D1 individual exoskeleton of the Dragon Kingdom? How is it possible! We are the strongest country in the world!

“Mr. President, this is indeed our job error.

“Is it the face of your intelligence officers, engraved with the characters of the Intelligence Bureau of the Lighthouse State? 35

“As expected, our case has made a splash all over the world. 99

This conference has almost attracted the attention of the whole world.

Someone next to them looked at them with envious eyes and muttered.

“The Lighthouse State will definitely not recognize it, and it is impossible to leave them alone.”

I had already guessed that it was impossible for him to admit it.

“How are you guys? Is anyone holding back?

“The lighthouse country is too shameless, and it still wants to corrupt our money? Dream about it!”

“It’s just a small mercenary group.

Holy crap! How did you get the bitter master?

“Venom… what is that?”

The only countermeasure, that is, special operations, rescue the hostages.

“Whether it’s combat skills, equipment, troops…we are above them.

When it comes to live broadcast a few times, everyone finally pays attention.

“Shameless lighthouse country, the wicked have their own grind!”

After all, the coverage of CNN is there!

“Captain Roderick, isn’t it thirty or forty mercenaries?

The spokesperson also has a sense of peace.

“How is it possible to back down?”

“Mr President, we absolutely cannot admit that we are behind it.

“Even the peacekeeping troops of the Dragon Kingdom can destroy so many without taking any damage with D1, we are not even inferior to the people of the Dragon Kingdom, right?

“Isn’t it D1? Isn’t there a sale in the arms market now? Can’t the lighthouse country just buy it?”

Anyway, for them, it’s not what you say, but what I think!

He had to make a look of righteous indignation, raising his arms and shouting.

“As a beacon nation, I am very disappointed with this administration!

The speaker is also a bit eloquent…

“This is terrorists making excuses for their terrorist acts!

“If we are careless and cause the casualties of the hostages, it will be a big loss in front of the whole world!

“Mr. President, the whole beacon country is boiling right now.

“All the terrorists and all the hostages, all in one hall.”

“Our purpose is to attract those special forces.35

“Everyone knows it.”

“Otherwise it would be a scandal that shook the world.”

“And still found such a bunch of idiots?”

When the press spokesman stepped onto the podium, the flashing lights below almost blinded him.

Are you throwing the pot?

“Similarly, the Lighthouse State will surely keep all its citizens safe!”

“Someone will definitely be sent to kill us and rescue these journalists.35

“It’s just a single soldier exoskeleton, how could we attack the peacekeeping force because of this?39

“This is a slander against the lighthouse government and the people!”

CNN correspondent in Seria stands.

“Follow the further development of the situation, the viper has resisted, we are cheering for you! 39

His performance seems to be in place.

Isn’t it normal to fall into a hole?

The rattlesnake shook his head and smiled bitterly.

“We have formulated a rigorous rescue plan and will ensure their safety.

The spokesperson cursed inwardly.

“Instead of dying like that, it’s better to do it vigorously.

“During the transaction, your identities were actually guessed?

“Next, I will do the division of labor!

“Fighting terrorism has always been one of the important missions of the Lighthouse State!”

“The most important thing is that you seem to have forgotten that this is live!””

“But the lighthouse country still refuses to admit it.”

This acting ability is really bad.

President Harden is already furious, smashing almost everything he sees.

“This is the country that claims to be the strongest lighthouse in the world? Can’t even research a D1?

“Next, you!”

All the reporters raised their hands in unison.

“Anyone with a little brain will not believe this ridiculous reason!

“The people upstairs don’t understand it at first glance. The D1 sold by Longguo is a foreign trade version, and its performance must be castrated. They use it themselves, which is the best.”9

Several terrorists couldn’t handle it, but now it has been broadcast live around the world.

“Team Five…”

Amid the commotion, the Lighthouse Government quickly held a press conference.

Along a number of lines, quickly headed towards that lonely small building… a.

“In order to rob our D1, the Lighthouse Country actually resorted to such a rude means? Shameless!

“This time it was broadcast live, which means that a lot of information about those terrorists was publicly exposed. 35

The Minister of Defense was instantly angry.

In the convoy, Captain Roderick began to brief the situation.

“It requires us to attack from several directions at the same time.”

The rattlesnake came over and handed the ring snake a bottle of water.

Seeing this, President Harden became more and more furious.

He directly boarded a pile of military vehicles that had been prepared for a long time, and left quickly.

He has a lot of experience, and the division of labor is quickly done.

“Besides, we have more than 100 people, and they are only 30 or 40 people.

“Many people have seen through the ugly face of the lighthouse man now.

The cabin door opened, and more than a hundred heavily armed lighthouse soldiers jumped out.

Is it important to lose face in the Lighthouse State?

As the No. 1 figure in the lighthouse country’s military, he is naturally not that easy to mess with.

“No wonder they suddenly launched Tomahawk cruise missiles to kill people?”

“This is for sure.”

The two fell silent for a while.

“You don’t even know the details of the Dragon Kingdom’s peacekeeping force, so you dare to take action rashly?”

“We must rescue our citizens as soon as possible and kill those terrorists.55

Roderick’s face was serious and he said with a cold snort.

“As we all know, the lighthouse country’s scientific research capabilities and military strength are number one in the world!”

“The lighthouse country is so shameless? If you can’t steal other people’s things, you will kill people?”

On the Internet, this live broadcast directly aired the headlines of all media, and netizens left messages one after another.

“There are 246 hostages taken and we need to rescue them. 35

“The specific measures involve confidentiality and it is inconvenient to inform.

“And now the whole world is watching us.


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