Let the Villain Go

Chapter 226

In General Jiang’s main palace, the meeting was held in full swing.

Shennai had already approached, and the strength of several nearby strongholds had also gathered in Spring City. Xin Ziming of Qilin, Su Wenguang of Proton, Han Youming of Winter City, and even the members of Genesis were led by Kong Haobo to assist against the enemy.

Some of their houses got destroyed by the Shennai and they fled with bloody hatred. Some were unable to keep the base because of their weak strength, and could only move away from their homes.

In the face of overly powerful enemies, the homeless warriors finally put aside all the prejudices and barriers of the past, one after another, clenched their teeth and fists, and waited for a fight with Shennai.

“The walls of the base have been reinforced and expanded. The grain reserves are still barely enough to last for a while. The biggest problem now is how to deal with that kind of half-demons,” General Jiang put away the immaturity and impetuosity of the past. He took the responsibility with sincerity like never before.

“Judging by the shape and number of the half-demons, it is still very difficult to keep the walls. Now that the city is so densely populated, once a wall gets broken through and a half-demon comes in, the consequences would be simply unimaginable.” He touched his chin and pondered, “I can’t figure it out. Since those half-human demons have their own consciousness, why would they listen to Li Chengzhou so much?”

“This is because of Li Chengzhou’s own power.” Xin Ziming said, “His power is ‘temptation’.”

“Temptation?” Everyone didn’t quite understand. Most of them hadn’t even heard of that ability.

“This is a rare mental power.” Xin Ziming explained, “It’s as if my silver eye can bring people into an illusion. This ability of his can induce the most primitive desire in the heart of others. A kind of emotion. People who have been under the influence of his ability for a long time will fall into extreme collective emotions such as collective mania, bloodthirsty, excitement or worship once Li Chengzhou shows his ability.”

“You also have a mental power, can you compete with him?” Ye Peitian asked.

“The attacking ability of most spiritual saints is still mainly based on individual precision strikes, such as mine. But Li Chengzhou’s ability is more suitable for simple and rough group control. This is why he can control so many demons in one breath. Those people who have been living under the control of mental strength for a long time form a conditioned reflex to his control, especially when they are ordered to perform acts similar to killing, it is difficult for me to compete with his control.”

All the people fell into silence.

“Spring City is already the last base in the Central Plains region that can compete with Shennai. If Spring City is lost, the entire Central Plains region would no longer be able to compete with Shennai. Shennai will restore its former status.” Xin Ziming was in a heavy mood, “So no matter how difficult it is to fight, we cannot retreat. I can’t do it alone, and I will take all the spiritual saints to the head of the city.”

At that moment, Chu Qianxun came in from outside the door, “There is a person with a special and powerful mental control ability that may be able to contend with Li Chengzhou.

“Oh! Who?” Xin Ziming asked quickly.

Chu Qianxun hesitated and quietly said a few words in Ye Peitian and Xin Ziming’s ears.

“Is it true?” Xin Ziming was very surprised and couldn’t believe his ears, “Will he be willing to help?”

Chu Qianxun nodded seriously.

The day of the decisive battle finally arrived.

When those half-demons of tens of meters high emerged from the billowing smoke, people finally realized the horror of this army.

Not only did they have an absolutely amazing advantage in size and strength, but they were also a lot in number.

“This, so many demons, how can we stop them?”

“No, we will be killed. Once the city wall is broken. We will all die.”

Fear occupied the minds of most ordinary soldiers and people at this time.

The ground shook under the half-demon’s feet. It opened the mouth of the abyss, and swallowed several half-demons into the bottomless abyss. The yellow sand rolled up, and the giant yellow sand giant climbed out of the ground. He rushed toward the half-demons swarming.

The sky darkened, and the black thunder cloud pressed against the city’s head, and the stormy snow fell from the cloud. The sharp ice edge squeezed the wind and pierced the body of the enemy. The half-demon raised his neck and roared in pain as harshly as humans.

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