Leisurely Beast World: Plant Some Fields, Have Some Cubs

Chapter 49

Chapter 49 The Snake Beast’s Vision of the Future

“You know him?” Curtis couldn’t help being so suspicious.

“I don’t know.” Bai Qingqing anxiously grabbed Curtis’s arm: “You tell me why he died? Are you … poisonous?”

Curtis couldn’t help but smile, with a tone of pride from the strong: “My snake venom has no medicine to solve. He is a three-stripe beast. He died not so fast, but it can only support one day at most.”

Bai Qingqing sinks in his heart, and raises the volume: “It’s impossible! All things are mutually exclusive, poisonous must have an antidote, you must have a way to rescue him, right?”

Curtis hummed, his eyes flashed with surprise, “You are so smart.”

Bai Qingqing let out a small sigh of relief and couldn’t care about a cold war with Curtis. He looked at Curtis with a curious look: “What is the antidote?”

Curtis rolled the tip of his tail in front of him. His tip was scorched, and black and red almost merged together.

“Here is where I produced the venom, and then transported it to fangs, probably like this, only the scales on my tail can detoxify the snake.” Curtis explained carefully.

Bai Qingqing leaned closer, and suddenly reached out his hand: “I pull out.”

“Hiss ” Curtis’s tail flickered and twisted a few times, seeming to hurt very much.

Bai Qingqing hurriedly put his hand holding the scales behind him and smiled at Curtis twice: “It hurts you? Sorry.”

Curtis smiled indulgently and shook his head: “It’s okay.”

Bai Qingqing uncomfortably bowed his head to avoid staring at Curtis, fooling around, and being a villain would be a complete villain, and suddenly it became good enough to make her hard to hate.

“Sleep, they will find here sooner or later. Let’s leave here tomorrow and settle down further?” Said Curtis.

Settlement is very incredible for the wandering beasts. They are used to wandering wandering, and it is difficult to stay in a place for a long time.

Generally, the wandering male will give birth to this idea, but it is just to find the female and take root for the female.The female is too delicate to withstand the rush.

But most wandering beasts do not have this consciousness, so the death rate of the wandering beast’s partner is very high.

“Where do you want to go?” Bai Qingqing asked, naturally she didn’t want to go far, which would make it harder for Parker to find herself.But when she stopped, she was more afraid that Curtis would do nothing to move her.

“Go to the beach first. If you like it, let’s settle there.” Curtis’s eyes faintly expressed: “When you feel passionate, we will mate and lay a nest of snake eggs every year. ”

Bai Qingqing: “…”

Bai Qingqing suddenly remembered that the females here have sex-estrus once a year. Does Curtis say that the litter per year is calculated according to the female sex-estrus or the pregnancy period?

Thinking of this, Bai Qingqing asked curiously: “Well, how long is the pregnancy period of your snakes and beasts?”

Curtis thought about it quietly and said, “If you have enough food, you will be able to give birth in 30 days. If you feel bad in the cold season and the food is not enough, the time may be doubled.”


If she really had that relationship with Curtis, how many nests had to be born that year?The nest will become a snake cave!The pigs are not born with this kind!terrible!

Although I never thought of laying eggs for Curtis, the picture would make people think about it.

Curtis chuckled twice, “Oh, what race are you?”

“Probably ape clan.” Bai Qingqing sighed, she is a different kind of world.I am missing, and I don’t know how sad my parents are. Fortunately, there is a younger brother at home who can take care of my parents.

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