Legendary Shelter Survival Guide

Chapter 213: Bone Ash Concrete Slab

2 days later,


Lucas knocked at the concrete brick a few times and all of them made a solid hitting noise.

"It is most probably done," John stated from the side and moved his hand around the concrete too.

Lucas didn't say anything and pulled the wooden stencil's one side toward him, the wood came out in a second with a breaking sound.

"You should use something to pull it out."

The wood had broken into two parts, not something Lucas wanted to happen.

"Don't have time."

Lucas pulled every wood piece breaking them in the process but in the end, only the concrete remained with some wood pieces stuck to it.

John sighed hard seeing Lucas impatiently breaking things just to look at the rewards.

"Woah…" Lucas was surprised with how the concrete slab was looking like, it was not too high in length because of a lack of raw material but the slab was also looking very sturdy.

Lucas picked it up from one side overlooking the fact that the slab was around 10 kgs tops.

He smacked the corner of the slab a few times on the ground with less strength and the slab had sturdiness better than some monsters around.

"Hm, I did not expect it to be this good in the first try, Lucas. I am very surprised." John said with a plain expression helping the case that he wasn't really surprised with the results.

Lucas picked the club up completely and tried to get its description like usual.


Bone Ash concrete slab


A sturdy slab that can be intact even after being hit by a level 2 skill. It is made and handled very crudely showing just how inexperienced the maker was. The resources were wasted while making this slab which led to its downgrading.


"I can't believe I am successful this time. It's the same as when I made the potion for the first time Uncle John!"

"Yeah," John smiled while looking at Lucas who was very excited about this new creation in the shelter.

"We should sand it down and remove the wood pieces to show this piece to the others and the trade partners. This is going to be game-changing for them."

Lucas nodded in response clearly very happy with the development, he went into his workshop and brought out a small wooden slab that was covered with sand and something.

"I am all ready with the equipment this time."

"I can see that."

Making the crude sandpaper was very easy with the help of his herbalism skills.

Lucas had used the paste of a plant whose insides were very sticky, just like glue.

Lucas first applied the glue on the wooden surface and then used a small quantity of sand, only to replace it with a lot of sand.

And just like that, Lucas was able to make his first sandpaper which could not be possible without his set of skills.

Lucas made the first grind on the concrete which made a very screeching noise. Both Lucas and John looked at the sandpaper with a smile, it had a line of dust on it.

Lucas started grinding it again only this time, he was faster.

"You don't have to do a lot of grinding, just make it presentable. This sandpaper won't last a long time."

"Yeah, can you bring me more of these sanding woods? It's in my workshop."

John only nodded and went inside the workshop, it was the first time he went there on his own.

His eyes wandered everywhere, he looked at all the slabs with things written on them that looked like formulas.

If John had not known beforehand, his first guess would have been that the workshop belonged to a caveman scientist using slabs of rocks to write his formulas on.

In the corner, there were three sanding woods and to not make them all diminish at one time which was a high possibility, John took only one for the time being.

When he got out, Lucas had already sanded one of the large surface area'd sides. It was now looking very clean with a somewhat even surface.

But the only downside was that the sanding wood that Lucas had had already lost all the sand.

"This thing is very inefficient, were the sanding papers back home also this bad?"

Lucas asked while throwing it to the side annoyed as to how little it lasted compared to how much time he had given to make it.

"It depends on how much you could spend, cheap sand paper was not that good but better than what you were using but industrial sand paper are the ones that were considered the best."

"Hm" Lucas took the sanding wood from John and started sanding again, only this time, he was slower and more powerful than before.

He sanded a good surface with only one swipe due to his strength but as a result, the sandpaper had diminished in a matter of seconds.

"Trash!" Lucas threw the second one too in annoyance and John couldn't help but shake his head.

"You have sanded the two big surfaces, that is making it look clean enough. You also took out all the wood pieces from the side so that is a good thing."

"Alright, I will take it upstairs to show everyone. Bye, Uncle John!"

Lucas went running up the stairs with the slab above his head, he did his best not to crash it into the wall but could not help it. It was a good durability test too.


He used his feet to open the gate of the shelter completely. Only to see everyone were sitting in the middle eating.

"Is it supper time already?"

Others looked at him and the slab on his head, thinking whether he should be the one asking question with something like that on his head.

"Wait, is it finished?" Jerry got up, his beard filled with crumbs of dried meat.

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