Chapter 211: Beast Tamer
"You will have to explain your taming skill from the start to me now. Do you have time?"
"Yes, I have already told you all about how I got this skill by taking care of Duke when he was just born. The skill itself came because of something Duke did. But anyways, I have the skill and it started with Duke, is that thing clear?"
Lucas nodded and persisted her to continue quickly.
"Now, I have a skill called 'Beast Taming', it helps me interact with the hearts of monsters or animals, and with the help of some bribery or manipulation, I can tame them into my tamed beasts."
"Oh, but what did you offer to… Duke?" Lucas had a hard time calling it Duke as he was accustomed to calling it the Basilon kid.
"That's the thing, I did not have to offer anything, Duke just came on his own. As for Lala here, I gave him some bribe with meat after I was successful in making it feel comfortable with me." Ella took a small piece of meat from her pocket and gave it to the rat who ate it ferociously.
"So, now what can you do with these tamed beasts?" Lucas said and willed it to be the last question as he had to go and see how the concrete slab was doing.
Ella smiled in response and looked at the rat, her eyes had a dim greyish glow in them that only Lucas was able to perceive due to the passiveness of his perceptive eyes.
The rat's nose sniffled a few times as it looked at Ella with its small eyes and then it jumped down from her shoulder.
Lucas looked at it with a narrowed gaze, his arms not showing but ready to hit the damn thing whenever it was necessary.
However the rat had nothing like aggression in mind, it got near Lucas, looked him in the eyes, and then crouched down completely. While its tail wagged from right to left.
"What the hell is it doing?"
"Kneeling to the leader. How cute~" Ella picked it up in her hand and kissed its small head in affection.
"Got respect from a rat? This day is so much better huh, Uncle John?"
Lucas looked at the guy and almost burst out in laughter, he was making a cringed or even a disgusted face while looking at his wife hugging the rat and kissing it.
"You don't like rats, Uncle John?" Lucas asked while holding his laughter.
"N-NO, I like them a lot," John said yet his face said otherwise. Lucas looked at him admitting defeat In front of Ella's judging look when it came to her beloved rat.
"So from your demonstration, I can conclude that you can control their minds?"
"No, I can make them listen to my command with the bond that I have with them. It is their own will that they are doing it."
She said and after addressing the fact that Lucas wanted more. She continued, "Just like how I made Lala kneel in front of you just for a small piece of meat as a reward."
"Ohh… that is fantastic, all animals and beasts can think about is food and nothing else. Those monsters also attack us because they want to eat something. It will be easy to manipulate them."
Lucas felt a nudge from the side which made him look at John who was trying to tell him something.
He looked at Ella again who was making a judging face.
"That may be true for others, but these cuties are not a slave to food, right Duke? You don't want food, right? Right?"
*" FOOD!! "*
"Not helping my case here, buddy." Ella only chuckled awkwardly and bid farewell to her beasts.
"Wow, she really likes her new pets huh."
"Don't even call them pets in front of her please, I made the mistake already."
Lucas could only laugh at the remark and he did not stop until he reached the basement again with John.
"I will be coming down here more than necessary now, not for my leather work but for counting the resources and everything related to it."
"Ah, that sounds harsh but remember, you were the one that chose this role." Lucas tried to lighten his tension, he was already feeling bad enough that John took such a boring role for the territory.
"You don't know me enough, Lucas. So I am going to tell you, there is nothing more I would like to do but keep up the data and statistics of something that I like. I like extreme organizing so it is also a great thing for me to properly rework on the whole storage and here."
Lucas observed him look at everything while saying this, he sighed in relief that the role was not a burden, as per what John said anyway.
"You can work on your leather work too whenever you want, some custom orders were also placed that you need to make in a week."
"Yeah… it was dumb to get that skill. It would have been better if you or others who make stuff learned it. So much more equal distributions."
'Hm' Lucas could not help but look at the situation that way, the way they segregated the skills was just not that good. It was even downright ineffective.
"Holy shit!"
"No, listen. I don't think anyone learned the skills they gained from that chest till now. We should compile them all and give them to those that can actually use it with their roles!"
"That… is a good idea. But it will not go as you plan at all."
"What do you mean?"
"Not many would be willing to give their skills up and get nothing in return just because nothing was resonating with their roles for the territory. Ahem…I know my sons won't."
"But we will just make sure everyone gets a skill of their own. Damn, no one showed me the skills they got just because I didn't ask. Not even you, Uncle John."
"Then I will show it to you right now."