Legend of the Elven Investigator

Chapter 33 Teaching Skills

Mediterranean Ashin led the two of them to swipe their employee cards into the backyard of the control center, and came to an old-fashioned hydraulic turbine generator.

"Do you have any elves that need to learn electricity skills, and you can't blame me if you can't learn them."

Before Murashita Shin finished his long-winded words, two red lights flashed, and Haoli and Guisi had appeared in front of him. The naughty Guisi suddenly made a terrifying expression and surrounded Ashin with his gas body.For a moment, the old man was shrouded in smoke, as if frightened by a ghost.

The old man had never seen a ghost elf before, and he was immediately frightened by Gui Si and froze.

"Guess, you frighten him, who will teach the skills? I think you don't want to eat dinner, don't you, stop now!" Shinpei immediately scolded this lawless guy.

Guisi let go of the old man as soon as he heard that he was eating, and surrounded Zhenping with a shy face that was not cute at all.

"Come out, come out, Electroshock!" The old man stammered as if to embolden himself, and let his Electroshock come out.

Apparently, Nobu Murashita doesn't know how to breed elves. The electric shock beast in front of Shinpei is even a head lower than him, which is about 1.6 meters. It has a thin body and dry and dull hair on the surface. It can be regarded as a very mediocre tool elf.

Ashin's Electric Shock Beast didn't have the violent temper of the electric elf at all. Seeing the strong and muscular Haoli in front of him, he almost shrank his head and looked at the strange elf in front of him timidly.

This made the old man Ashin's passive skill 'middle-aged man's self-esteem' immediately activated. He pulled his face and defended the electric shock beast: "Electric shock beast is just old. When we were young, we were the top leaders in the factory."

"All right, all right, your electric shock beast should know Thunder Fist and One Hundred Thousand Volts. Please teach my Haoli and Guisi respectively." Although he looked down on this electric shock beast, Shinpei took the lead and bowed out of respect for the instructor.

Gui Si also followed the crowd and tried to bend down, but suddenly realized that he didn't have such a thing as a waist, and turned around in the air before turning back to the original place.

Apparently, Shinpei's bowing has dispelled the passive skill of "middle-aged men's self-esteem", and Nobuo Murashita looked at Shinpei and Haoli with a lot more gentle eyes.

He began to explain these two skills.

The initial Thunder Fist is to explode the power of the electric system in the body through the form of fists, and use the berserk characteristics of the electric system to achieve the purpose of killing the opponent.

As he spoke, the skinny Electric Shock Beast beside him also demonstrated Thunder Fist on the spot.

As electric sparks flashed between the fur of the electric shock beast, it seemed that the electric current condensed on the fist of the electric shock beast in a strange way. After about one breath, dazzling electric sparks crackled on his fist, and the dazzling electric snake danced. Zhenping soon smelled the smell of ozone in the air.

Hao Li looked at it more seriously, the big man shrunk his back, and from time to time, he uttered a few words in elf language and exchanged a few words with the electric shock beast.

It seemed that the questioning was almost over, Hao Li squeezed his right fist, trying to condense the Thunder Fist.

Hao Li clenched his fist with great strength, and the blue veins on his right arm exploded. The monster-like muscles bulged along with the skeleton, and a menacing aura began to spread.

But nothing happens.

Shinpei looked suspiciously at Nobu Murashita, wondering if he was cheating on himself.

Nobu Murashita was also embarrassed for a while, but he seemed to have experience in dealing with such situations: "Haoli's situation is just a lack of energy in the induction system, which is easy to solve. You just need to feel the current personally, and you will feel it slowly."

Shinpei still looked at him suspiciously, "Well, in fact, it's just a few more shocks, and it feels like the shock."

Nobu Murashita came to the ancient hydroelectric generator by the river, fiddled with it for a while, took out two wires, and clamped them to Haoli's left and right hands respectively, and then he pulled down the valve.A flash of electricity spread along the wire to Hao Li's flesh and blood.

Haoli let out a cry of pain, and the sudden electric current caught him off guard, but soon the big muscle bully got used to the low voltage of the hydroelectric generator, and at the same time, it began to recall the explanation of the electric shock beast in its heart, and concentrated on running the electric current.

After being electrified for about 5 minutes, electric sparks began to flash across Haoli's arms, and in 10 minutes, the electric sparks condensed many jumping thunder snakes on the two bowl-sized fists.

Da Muba excitedly tore off the two wires on his body, condensed a thunderbolt fist on his fist like he was getting a new toy, and punched the air a few times fiercely.

"Your talent for strength is very good. It took a full week for a student I taught before to be able to initially release the current."

Ignoring the old man's thoughts again, Shinpei cast his eyes on Gui Si who was controlling the peeping, and then a harmless smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Jie Jie!!" As a collection of negative emotions, Guisi could not feel the extremely obvious malice in Zhenping. It immediately stepped forward and listened carefully to the explanation of the electric shock beast.

About 10 minutes later, Guisi and Electroshock finished communicating. After Electroshock showed up and demonstrated three times, it was Guisi's turn to practice his skills.

Having learned a lesson from Haoli, Zhenping picked up two wires and was ready to hit Gui Si twice at any time.Seeing Zhenping's dangerous move, Guisi suddenly felt chills, and quickly felt the electric energy in the air according to the electric shock beast's narration.

Dazzling yellow electric light erupted brilliantly from Guisi Zihei's body, and the extremely intense electric light was even exactly the same as the one hundred thousand volts demonstrated by the electric shock beast.

"This, how is it possible, did you learn it just by looking at it?" The old man was really dumbfounded this time. He was surprised that Hao Li had learned Thunder Fist so quickly just now, and the even more difficult hundred thousand volt ghost was released after only a few times of listening and observing.

"You don't know how to do it, do you?" Ignoring the old man's resentful eyes, Shinpei touched Guisi's gas-like body with great satisfaction.

"Aren't you out of battery? I'm not satisfied! Ahhh!" Gui Si, who had gradually developed a tacit understanding with Zhenping, obviously read the meaning of Zhenping's smile, and immediately automatically turned into a red light and drilled back into the luxurious ball.

"Since the goal has been achieved, I will take my leave first, uncle."

After finishing speaking, Shinpei hurriedly turned around and left. He still had a little fire monkey waiting to be rescued by Okamoto.

"It's time to prove it to me!"

"I know, I know!"

Tatara Steel Works.

Okamoto, who was still thinking about how to lose his reward, stared blankly at Shinpei and Yumi who had returned.

You are back so soon?You just ran back and forth, right?
Even though he thought so in his heart, Okamoto still had a formulaic smile on his face.At the same time, he was also full of question marks, why did that stubborn old bastard Murashita agree to give this kid the electrical skills? Didn't he swear to never have any contact with him?

Yes, from the very beginning, he didn't think that Shinpei could learn electric skills from Murashita Nobu. As long as he didn't master the electric-type tricks that pose a fatal threat to Gyarados, how could he be Gyarados' opponent with two little kids with no hair?

At that time, you only need to report to the alliance that these two reckless newcomers provoked the furious Gyarados and brought huge troubles to your steel plant, so get rid of the two, and then use the hands of the alliance to get rid of the Gyarados, and you can return to your old leisurely life of making money.

This, this does not fit the plot!
Shinpei's return completely disrupted Okamoto's plan. If he could get electrical skills from Murashita Nobuo, how could he fall into such a passive situation?
But things have come to this, and there is no turning back when he opened the bow, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue to ask Zhenping to deal with the Gyarados.

"Since the two young and promising trainers have learned electrical skills, please hurry up and get rid of that lunatic elf for us. On behalf of the 150 employees of the Tatara Steel Plant, I would like to thank you two for your generosity."

"Wait, where are we acting out of righteousness? It's clearly the manager who is generous and donating money!"


Shinpei choked again and Okamoto was speechless. Okamoto was almost furious, but he could only coax Shinpei to deal with the Gyarados.

"It seems that we have to find another way to take the blame on this kid." Okamoto thought silently in his heart, as if he had made up his mind, and after Shinpei went to the lake, he quietly called his confidant and whispered a few words.

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