Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 18

Chapter 17 : The usurper is dead

“Lonely conqueror, no one to accompany…Oh!”

Zhuo Ge dismissed the curse of Queliu, he was the son of Palber, and he was destined to fight for conquest. Only by conquering can he feel the meaning of life!

Otherwise, he would have been wandering in the familiar sea of ​​grass long ago to repeat the old glory of the past, so why bother to run around so fortunately to cross the black salt water?

As for loneliness, at least Zhuo Ge thinks that he is not alone now, because he has four relatives, Danni, the young dragon, and Xueqiu, which can barely be counted as one.

Besides, with so many Karratha admiring and loving him, Zhuoge’s heart is more satisfied than lost, and as he conquered all the way, he will get more attention.

Even if it is a fake, but as long as there is a strong base, there will not be too much abandonment, which is what he currently thinks.

In his previous life, he was a hopeless person who was sick and in bed. In this life, he is a reckless man. So although the two lives overlap, Zhuo Ge feels that he still needs to grow up!

As for whether the future life will be the subject of the shackles, let’s talk about it that day!

The dragon flame was extinguished, and the quail lizard did not even leave his ashes, and the wizard also left. The remaining Dumiao Zaro is a fat pig that can be slaughtered at his fingertips. The warrior headed by the blood alliance guard does not need the horse king’s meaning. It was surrounded by water.

Knowing that the horse king had a grudge against Zaro, the crowd did not immediately kill him, but pulled him off the camel, tied it with a waste horse rope to a strong one, and then punched and kicked him.

The one who played the hardest was Jora, who didn’t show up much. The reason was simple and rude. It was because Zaro had desecrated his goddess, and his jealousy was so strong.

As for the recent time he has not dared to target Zhuo Ge, it is because his sweetheart’s pillow person is too strong, how can he dare to touch the bad, besides, in his heart, he actually faintly awes the big guys who are courageous and strategic.

The so-called beauty with heroes is the reason for Jora to comfort herself.

I never wanted to come to a deserted city that was expected to have no owner. There would be a life-and-death crisis. Now that’s the end, Zhuo Gexin, who had escaped from the dead, watched the tribe playing sandbags and secretly let out a long sigh of relief: “Huh…”

Dany had a good impression of Zaro, but she tended to Zhuo Ge’s attitude. She only felt embarrassed now, how could she intercede for a frivolous person.

After all, Zaro is a high-powered Queers giant, a little self-esteem still needs to be maintained, and the fat is more resistant to fight, so at the beginning he endured not begging for mercy, but kept moving out of his identity and worth, in an attempt to deter the temptation. The barbarian who beat him.

Zhuo Ge did not admire the fat pig’s attitude, because he felt that the guy would have been too scared, otherwise an old and cunning wealthy businessman wouldn’t be able to talk these stupid things endlessly.

As Kao, he knows the Dothraki too well. His Kalasha is a mighty, wealthy, but not silver guy. It’s strange to be scared by him, and verbal buying is strange.

So he slowly heard the screams of killing pigs and the sound of begging for mercy.

It’s almost done. Although Zaro offended Dany, he was not guilty of the crime, and took human life at every turn. Zhuo Ge was not so ruthless. Besides, that guy was useful, so he called to stop.

“Karratha, stop, don’t spend your tired energy on a pig full of lies. The blood guard will take him and follow me, and the others will disband on the spot and move around freely. There is your need in this deserted city, and you can settle down. The favorite house, full of sweet spring water, and picking delicious fruits!”

After finishing speaking, he motioned to the Blood Alliance guard to take Zaro to go first, then walked to Dani, took her little hand, followed the mark that he had misread outside the city and mistakenly thought it was a horse’s hoof, and walked to the unknown front.

Zhuo Ge is playing romance with no one else, Qiao La only feels sour, thinking about the mission that had been stranded because of the mother of dragons, and was rekindled due to jealousy of Zhuo Ge, should it continue in a prosperous place? ?

Here there are devil grasses, no windows on the front of the building, the color is monotonous, and the eyes are all pale, and there are obvious faded and burnt ruins everywhere.

Coming to Drogoth, there has definitely been a fierce war here, and countless burning rocks have fallen from outside the city through trebuchets.

Passing through an empty square, he found that there were many marble pedestals. For a moment, the Dothraki people had definitely come to clean up the debris. Perhaps the idol that originally stood here is now in Vis Dothrack and other looted people. The idols are companions.

After walking for about a quarter of an hour, they came to the end, in front of the largest palace in the city.

I can recognize the traces of luxury, and the surrounding scenery is the most pleasant and magnificent building. He feels that this place should be the residence of the royal family that has not been destroyed countless years ago.

“I can enjoy it.”

Zhuo Ge stared at the bleeding Zaro who had been beaten into a pig’s head, and took the lead into the main hall.

Stepping on the mottled carpet with bacteria growing under your feet, the once gorgeousness is still faintly visible, and there are scattered and tattered furnishings everywhere, except for a long rotten oak table in the center that is not covered with dust, and is placed on it. Dried meat soaked in condiments, a pile of figs flowing with sugar juice, bottled juice, wine, etc., as well as some pure gold bowls, spoons and forks.

Needless to say, this must be the dinner for the three of Zaro, or supper.

Zhuo Ge feels that it is better to come late than to come by coincidence, just to interrupt their meal, otherwise these delicacies will become leftovers, UU reading www.uukanshu.com will be difficult to speak.

“Everyone fill up your stomach first, my moon, sit here.”

He is just like in his own camp, he has no sense of restraint at all, and his savage temperament is fully displayed.

After a few people devoured the food and took a break, he said to his contented wife: “Zaro Zanwang Dasos is one of the thirteen giants of Querce, doing import trade. I must have a good understanding of the current situation of Westeros on the other side of the ocean. If you have anything you want to know, just ask him.”

Because of hunger, fatigue, and fear, Dani woke up, showing a deep desire to look at Zaro, who had lost his original appearance, and asked: “Giant Quells, I am the daughter of Iris Targaryen. , The storm is born Daenerys Targaryen, I think you will be happy to answer me the current situation of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros.”

Zaro heard the shock, showing an unrecognizable color, and said in surprise: “So you are the daughter of the mad king. No wonder you can control the dragon. In fact, I should have thought of it long ago. I should believe those from Panto. As the **** said, they said that you were married to the strongest Kao of Dacaohai. It turned out to be true. I am curious why your husband can also guard the dragon? Not only the descendants of the conqueror Aegon can get the giant Does the dragon’s favor recognize it?”

Zhuo Ge, who was also interested in Westeros’ current information, changed his face, and said, “Quirs stinky pig, is this the question you should ask? Carriexi’s question is what you should pay attention to. Focus.”

Zaro realized that he had failed again, and quickly replied: “The current Westeros has changed! Robert Baratheon, the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and the guardian of the whole world, is dead!”

Danni collapsed on the chair when she heard it: “The usurper is dead!”

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