Leaves of Dawn

32: Mother Nature

“I’m early...” A quiet figure murmured to herself. Waving her hand, a slow tangle of vines and flowers grew up from the ground into a small, comfortable chair. 

Sinking down into her seat, the woman yawned and zoned out as the minutes passed. Reaching out her hand, the woman began petting the small deer curled up by her feet as the rest of its herd gathered around her. “Aww, aren’t you a cute one? You can stay around for a little. I’m meeting with a friend soon, though.” 

With a couple of the deer nuzzling up against her, the woman could only laugh, “No, you can’t stay. We’ll want some privacy, okay? And... well, you don’t want to get on the wrong side of this person. She’s quite scary. Rah! Like that! Mhm~? So scurry off now, lovelies.” 

Perking up after making a fake scary face to the deer, the woman continued petting the deer while looking off into the distance. “Speaking of...” 

As she was about to continue her sentence, the woman was cut off as a purple streak appeared in the sky. Not a moment later, a faint figure began floating down from above as the purple faded as fast as it came. 

“Valencia, how are you doing, dear?” The woman asked, standing up to greet Valencia while waving her hand to make another chair grow up from the ground. 

Dropping out of the sky and touching down with a quiet thump, Valencia walked forward and gave the woman a hug, “I’m doing well, Sylvia! It’s nice to see you again! Let me make a table and sit down before we talk more.” 

Snapping her fingers, Valencia walked back over to Sylvia’s makeshift seat as a pile of rock pulled itself up from the ground and into a full-fledged table. Sinking down into Sylvia’s chair, Valencia let out a long sigh while stretching her arms forward. “Your chairs are so much more comfortable than my rock ones.” 

“Well, that’s why I made it, honey, and that’s why I left the table to you though, mine are awfully uneven.” Sylvia chuckled, covering her mouth before resting her elbows on the table. “My, I just remembered, I shouldn’t be calling you honey or dear anymore, should I~?” 

Reaching up and scratching the back of her head as a sheepish smile tugged at the corners of her mouth, Valencia coughed to hide her embarrassment. “Yeah... If you could just call me Valencia or Val that’d be nice...” 

With Sylvia letting out a couple of breathy laughs as she always did, Valencia shook her head as a couple laughs of her own slipped out. “Also, wipe that smug look off your face, you do it so much I can see it in my dreams!” 

Grinning as her eyes curved up into half crescents, Sylvia took a few deep breaths to calm herself down. “Well, I’d love to hear more anyway, tell me about your lovely girlfriend Astrid. I’ll make us some tea while we’re chatting, would you like some more tea leaves while you’re here?” 

“No, I didn’t bring anything like a tin, and we are still fine on tea leaves in the shop.” Valencia reassured, leaning forward to get a little closer to Sylvia. “So, what do you want to know about Astrid?” 

“Hmm... I’m not sure,” Sylvia tapped her chin, her hand glowing green as she grew together a watertight teapot and set of teacups out of vines. Dispensing some water from her finger, Sylvia pushed the pot aside. “Just let it sit for a bit and we’ll be able to drink.”  

“Well, I have some news on Estelle if you want to hear it,” Valencia offered, shrugging as she took a cup. “Though I’m not sure what terms you two are on with each other...” 

“Oh, lovely, Estelle?” Sylvia drummed her fingers on the table, “She and I are on... interesting terms. I’m always up to hearing more news about her though, what shenanigans has she been getting up to now? Not bothering you too much, hopefully?” 

Spending a couple minutes retelling Estelle’s texting adventures from the day before, along with her visits to the tea shop, Valencia shrugged and capped off the story, “She’s not that much of a bother..” 

Facepalming and letting out a long sigh, Sylvia’s eyes flashed with a faint hint of sharpness before returning to their softer, golden tone. “I do want to apologize for dear Estelle, she’s just trying to have some fun. I just feel bad because without me there she only really has the elderly couple usually, so it must be that you’re back.” 

“Yeah, it’s not too big of a deal,” Valencia reached forward, clasping Sylvia’s hand, “I find it more funny these days. I think in the past I would’ve beaten her up by now, but I'm more willing to participate in her shenanigans now.” 

“Aww, that’s nice, look at your growth,” Sylvia praised, raising her other hand to offer Valencia a high five. “Perhaps this is young Astrid’s influence?” 

“I’d say so...” Valencia trailed off, returning the high five as a faint blush appeared on her cheeks. “She’s made me realize there’s a lot more to life than just fighting. I don’t know, with her I get the same adrenaline rush doing so many other things. I used to just chase that rush by fighting more and more and... well, you know how that turned out.” 

“Well, it’s your own fault everyone is afraid of you,” Sylvia covered her mouth, laughing as Valencia could only let out a couple of sarcastic huffs. “Do let me pour us some tea though, it should be done by now.” 

Putting their conversation on hold, Valencia just curled her finger to slide the cups over as Sylvia waved her hand to grow a vine. Wth Sylvia’s vine picking up and pouring the tea for the two of them, Valencia just sighed. “I always forget how useful your abilities are. That, with your temperament? You truly deserve the title of mother nature.” 

“Thank you,” Sylvia smiled, reaching forward and taking a sip from her cup. “Such praise though, I’ve never heard you so appreciative in my life! Dear Astrid must have really opened your eyes, hmm? Anyhow, tell me about what you’re doing now? You’re running a tea shop, correct? No hidden fighting rings?” 

“Of course not,” Valencia denied with a laugh, “You know Solomon and Estelle asked the exact same thing! Have I built up such a reputation?” 

“...Yes, my dear,” Sylvia confessed, taking a sip and using her teacup to hide her face. 

“Well, it was something Astrid wanted to do, she truly loves tea, and... no offense, I think she brews it better than you.” Valencia bragged, a faint smug look appearing on her face as she took the opportunity to puff up Astrid’s reputation. “Well, I’d say she’s actually around the same level as you, but she consciously, and unconsciously, puts some of her powers into the tea making it better.” 

“How interesting, maybe I could take some notes, I've never been able to make tea taste better with my powers,” Sylvia murmured as a faint smile graced her lips. “She does seem like quite the ball of sunshine from what I’ve heard. How did you two meet? And what exactly are the specifics behind those powers of hers?” 

The writer conference was super funnn

i'm so tired though T~T I'm not built for waking up at 5:40 am everyday, leaving at 6, and getting home at 11...
but i'm really glad I went... I made a small group of friends and like <3 i hope to stay in contact with them for a long time

anyway, break week this week from school, i'm so glad, bc i'd be dead otherwise for school

imma grind my writing so hard yes yes!!

... after spending today sleeping though of course...

Thanks for reading~!!
Take care reader friends~!! <3<3

ps join my discord! I'll be announcing some stuff soon (like expansion of my 'platform' lmfaooo which everyone at the conference was obsessed with)

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