Lay the Dragon v2 (18+ NSFW)

Chapter 41

"I see it!" Nury called out from above. Arland looked up to see her seeming to celebrate as she beat her wings to hover and do a little dance.

Trinar grumbled something under her breath.

"What was that, Trin?"

"Nothing. Just complaining that she's able to fly. Very few demons have functional wings, and those few that can fly without them use magic. I've never been capable of either..."

"Well, that's why you're traveling with us. To get away from them and help us out."

Trinar nodded as she watched Nury land. She looked away as the dragoness approached and Arland could feel her tail droop a little. He glanced toward Nury and gestured to Trinar, then up.

Nury smirked and rushed forward, lifting Trinar into her arms.

"H-Hey! Let me down!"

Nury smiled at her and beat her wings, taking to the sky and flying circles. Trinar looked down to see how high they were. She clung to Nury's neck.

Arland watched the two for a moment with a slight smile as he continued walking. Nury had called out that she'd seen Gelala, the capital port city of the Devilwood Wilds.

He reached the top of a small rise and could see the dark grey dot on the horizon. He could also see a pair of large green dots. He glanced over to see the two of them still circling. He waved, "Let's go! We've got a city to get to!"

They landed a few moments later and continued on. Trinar seemed to be in a fairly better mood. She seemed almost giddy as they walked along.

As night began to fall, Arland was looking for a good place to bed down for the night.

Trinar grumbled and kept looking towards the city, "Why can't we just walk until we get there? It shouldn't take us longer than a couple more hours."

Arland nodded, "That's true. But they close the gates at sundown. Which means-"

"We couldn't get in, even if we did."

"Right. And it's common to camp a couple hours out, unless you're a merchant or someone else that may need extra help in defense. Adventurers like us are usually sent away to leave room for anyone that MIGHT come along," Arland finished explaining.

Trinar sighed, "Fine... So, where are we stopping tonight?"

"Here looks good enough."

Trinar looked around and set about helping.

When camp was set up, Arland began setting out their dried ingredients while Nury and Trinar went about gathering wood and starting a small fire. He also found a signet ring of his family. He guessed his father had slipped it in at some point.

As he cooked, Arland glanced over at Trinar, "So what suddenly set you in a good mood earlier?"

Trinar blushed fiercely, "N-Nothing... I was just excited to finally get to experience flight..."

Nury laughed, "Bullshit, Trin. You were practically vibrating with excitement. Tell him what we'd discussed."

Trinar sighed, her blush deepening further, "Nury said... She said... I could..." She paused.

"She said you could what, Trin?" Arland asked.

Trinar took a deep breath before quickly rambling out, "ShesaidIcouldfuckyouifIwantedto," She paused to take a breath, "But only when we got to town and had a proper bedroom with a proper bed..."

Arland blinked, "Wait... Nury told you that you could have sex with me?"

Trinar nodded as she shrunk away, "Yeah..."

Arland glanced over at Nury, "Why? It's one thing to have me hug her or to tease, but this is..."

Nury smiled, looking between the two, "Come on, babe. You know I enjoy being watched. Is it all that surprising I enjoy seeing you be pleased, regardless of if I'm the one doing the pleasing?"

Arland raised an eyebrow, "I thought dragons mated for life."

"We do. But you're not a dragon. And I don't mind sharing, my love. Anything that makes you happy makes me happy. Your smile is mine. Your joy is mine. I'm not saying go out and fuck anyone and everyone, and I'm not saying you can just start fucking her without me, but..."

Arland looked at her for a moment longer before he smiled, "You just want to fuck her without cheating."

Nury's grin broadened, "That's part of it. She's cute and I wouldn't mind trailing my hands over those ashen breasts or running my tongue up those gorgeously grey pussy lips. But I stand by what I said. Ah long as you include me, at least for now, you two are welcome to fuck."

Arland shrugged, "Well, I can't turn down an offer like that."

Nury moved closer and rested her head on his shoulder, "I don't mind if you fuck her, as long as you keep loving me..."

Arland touched his lips to her head as Trinar looked on in jealousy. The demoness sighed, "I can tolerate being treated like a sex toy, but can you not rub my face in the fact that I'm not allowed to find love?"

Arland shook his head, "It's not that you aren't allowed, Trin. We just have other priorities right now."

Nury kissed him before standing and moving over to Trinar. The dragoness placed her hand on the demon's cheek, "We didn't mean to upset you. I'm sorry, Trin. If it's any consolation, I never said you two weren't allowed to fall in love. As long as it doesn't reduce the love he shows me, I don't mind sharing him with one other girl."

Arland began dishing up the food, "And I don't mind you two having a little something on the side. As long as Nury still loves me."

The dragon wrapped her arms around Trinar and mushed her face against hers, their cheeks pudging out together, "Hear that Trin?! You can have a sexy dragon girlfriend!"

Trinar sat up straighter and looked around, "Oh? Where's this sexy dragon?"

Nury pulled away and crossed her arms, pouting, "Meanie..."

Arland laughed, "Nury, don't tease her so much. Just because I'm not going to be fucking her tonight doesn't mean you two can't. It'd be fun to watch if you're up for it."

Trinar shook her head, "Nah. I was promised a certain someone would take my virginity, and I want to wait until I can have him before I have anyone else." She looked pointedly at Arland.

Arland nodded as he finished serving the food, "Alright. Well, let's eat then get some rest."

Nury and Trinar both nodded and joined him.


"What's this about?" A knight stood at attention next to a massive ornate door.

Arland held out his hand, showing the signet ring his father had slipped into his luggage, "My name is Arland Norman, of the Norman Duchy within the Kingdom of Cheecia. I seek an audience with Lord Morvos of the Devilwood Wilds."

The knight raised the visor of his helmet and blinked, "Did you say... Norman?"

"I did."

"As in Duke Norman's son?"

"That's right."

"The one that had come to Gelala a while ago with Leera the Swordmaster?"

"That's correct. Are you going to allow me in or not?"

The knight stepped aside, "RAISE THE GATE!"

A pair of guards nearby did as ordered and Arland stepped inside, Nury and Trinar following him closely.

"Wait here, I'll go announce you," the knight stated, as he disappeared deeper into the city.

Arland sighed and glanced back, "How are you two doing?"

Trinar shrugged, "I'm fine. Why does everyone act like they've heard of you?"

Nury laughed, "He's the first trainee of a famous Swordmaster who passed away shortly after his graduation."

Trinar turned and looked over their companion, "Did you...?"

Arland looked at her, "What, did I kill her? No. I loved her. I wasn't IN love with her, but I did love her. She was the one that raised me primarily from eight to eleven, and exclusively from then on."

Trinar nodded, "I see... So, she died from old age, then?"

"No. She was killed by goblins."

"Not a very masterful swordmaster then."

Arland glared at her, "You don't know the story."

Trinar scoffed, "So tell it, then."

Arland was about to answer when he heard footsteps coming towards them. The knight from before approached and saluted, "The lord will see you now."

Arland nodded and the trio followed the knight. They were led through the city, right up to a large manor. The knight led the way up to the door. It swung open, a butler standing inside and beckoning them in. The knight turned and made his way back to the front gate while the butler led the group further in.

They stopped in the sitting room and the butler bowed, "Please wait here for a moment. I'll go announce you."

Arland nodded and sat down on one of the sofas. He glanced over at Nury and Trinar, "Sit down, guys."

Trinar shook her head, "No. I'm fine standing."

Nury grinned as she plopped down on the couch next to Arland. She pulled her feet up onto the cushion, turning to face him before resting her head on his lap. She rolled over, so her face was right against his abdomen. She turned her head slightly and planted a soft kiss on his crotch.

The door opened and a man in fancy garb walked in, "Hello, Arland. I've heard much about you. It's good to finally place a name to the face. I must say, I was a little disappointed you hadn't stopped to say hello the last time you were in town."

"Well, at the time I was just an exile."

"Exile or not, you were the student of Leera. She often stopped by, and would commonly talk about you. It saddened me that you never came, considering your father and I know each other quite well."

Arland looked up, "My apologies, Lord Marvos. I'm afraid he never made mention of you specifically. And neither did Leera."

Lord Morvos waved his hand, "It's fine. We don't need to discuss this now. Let's move on to more important matters. I understand you're trying to go to war with the demons. Is this true?"

Trinar tensed as Arland nodded, "For the most part. That is the gist, but I'm afraid it leaves out some detail."

Marvos stepped around and sat in a chair across from the trio, "Then please, fill me in."

Arland glanced up at Trinar before turning back to Marvos, "I promised Leera I'd help her free her people. Sadly, she's gone. I can't exactly help her free them, but I can arrange to ensure that they are freed."

Trinar spoke up, "You're going to war with us to free the elves? Why? They like being enslaved."

Marvos cleared his throat, "I'd appreciate you train your slaves better, Sir Arland."

The warrior smiled, "She's... Actually not a slave or retainer. She's one of my companions."

"And a potential girlfriend, if she'd hurry up and admit she wants to fu-"

"NURY!" Arland hissed, "Inappropriate timing!"

"Sorry, my love."

Marvos laughed, "So that's how it is. No matter. Miss Demon... Do your kind truly believe that elves - or anyone for that matter - truly enjoy being enslaved? To have no freedom? To be able to do absolutely nothing that you desire?"

Trinar shrugged, "I guess? I mean, the few I've seen were always happy."

Arland looked up at her, "While some may enjoy their current role if they didn't choose it, then it's not right."

"Rich talk coming from you..." The demon said, her hand going to her chest.

Arland shrugged, "Such evils are occasionally necessary in times of war. You were given a choice."

"And I chose death."

"And I said that wasn't an option, Trin. You'll be freed after the war, should we win. You know this. Get over it and suck it up."

"Or you can suck HIM off-"

"NURY!" Arland reprimanded her.

"Sorry," She said quickly, laying her head back down.

Marvos stood, "You lot are funny. I'll leave you three for now. Arland, I'll speak to you in a couple days. You have free roam of the manor until then. As per protocol, I'll have Cantrile here show you to your room. Your companions are welcome to remain with you or within the room, but I ask they not wander freely without you."

Arland nodded, "I understand protocol. Thank you, Lord Marvos."

The demon lord turned to the butler, "Cantrile, show our guest to the north wing, third room on the right."

The butler bowed, "Yes, Lord Morvos."

The man walked out and Cantrile turned to the group, "If you'd follow me."

He led the way through the manor, up to a hallway with doors on one side. He opened the door and stood aside. The trio walked in, with Nury and Trinar looking around in mild awe while Arland seemed to take it all in stride.

Cantrile closed the door with a gentle thud as Trinar turned to Arland, "How are you taking this all in stride?"

Arland smiled as he pulled off his leather armor, "I went with my father often when I was a child. Despite my years in exile, I feel like I never left my station. It's been fairly easy stepping back into it."

Nury stretched and flopped back on the bed, "But you didn't, did you? Normally, a noble emissary would arrive by carriage after sending a messenger declaring their intent as well as their estimated arrival date."

Arland tapped his chin and considered it, "You're right. I spaced that. No wonder Marvos hadn't seemed prepared to meet us."

"To be fair," Trinar said, "Neither were we. Arland, you did well enough, but you allowed the conversation to stray. Nury, you kept turning everything sexual. I can't imagine that's proper during political discussions."

Arland removed his shirt and grabbed a towel to go bathe, "Actually, this is fairly common. Day one of a meeting is to introduce and have pleasantries. Day two is usually edging on business, and day three is normally when you broach the matter at hand. It doesn't normally turn sexual, that much is true. However, it still accomplished our goal for today. We needed to show him that we're not here on a violent mission."

"But we are...?" Trinar raised her eyebrow.

"In the end, yes. But our goal in being here, right now, at this point in time, is not to cause violence or chaos, or upset the order of his land. It's to recruit forces to end the war with minimal bloodshed on our side."

Nury twitched her tail, "We could've if Nephy hadn't informed the demons of our intent. snuck in and ended his life with one fell swoop."

Trinar snorted, "You think it'd be that easy? Demons' rankings are decided by their power. The stronger they are, the higher they rank. The Lord is our strongest."

"And if she hadn't, he wouldn't have sent Trinar and her former partner to spy on us. Which means we wouldn't have met Trinar."

Trinar nodded, "That's true. And while it's far from my ideal time... I have to admit, I've enjoyed this. Being around you two has been quite enlightening."

Arland looked between the two, "We should go get in a bath while we're here."

The girls quickly gathered their towels and got ready, Nury being far more exuberant with the idea while Trinar was a little more subdued in her motions.

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