Last Building on Earth

Chapter 166

Chapter 158: Seal Open

The Temple of Fear became silent, and the Dread King and the Scorpion Legion, who were about to be resurrected, were completely sealed again and turned into statues.

Wang Xuan sat on the ground, looked at Xiao Bichen who seemed to be sleeping in the past, and gently stroked her face. His emotions did not calm down, but a trace of sadness in his heart gradually became stronger, just like losing a very important life in his life. obsessed.

He has a good impression of Xiao Bichen, but it is still far from an unforgettable level. What’s more, he has come to this point and is used to seeing life and death. It’s a little sad, but it’s impossible to have such violent mood swings.

It’s just that at this moment, Wang Xuan is enveloped in sadness, and he can’t think of it. What he thinks of this time is to follow Xiao Bichen, Zhang Taixiong and Li Hao to complete this rare task. In any case, he can’t think of it. In addition, these three people are almost destroyed. Although Xiao Bichen is not dead, how is her current situation different from dead?

These three people are all powerful and powerful people, but in the end they said that they would die. What about themselves?

Although he is stronger than them, if Xiao Bichen hadn’t suppressed the power of fear in his body with his last-minute sobriety, once the seal of the stone sword was completely opened, how could he be able to fight against the resurrected fearful king?

At that time, I was afraid that I would not be able to even die, and would be swallowed up by the fearful power of the King of Fear and turned into a scorpion monster like Xiao Bichen.

He thought that even if he left here, he could not guarantee that no one else would enter here. If someone else obtained this rare quest, he could pull out the stone sword and open the seal, and he would be able to release the King of Fear.

He thought of the resurrected King of Fear and the countless scorpion legions that ravaged the entire worm town. Everyone would die and become monsters. Whether it was him, Gu Manyao, or Zhao Lei, no one could escape this monster. Horror encounter.

Thinking of monsters, he had the same scene of Xiao Bichen turning into an ugly and terrifying scorpion in his mind.

His heart trembled, and there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

Yes, after all, he is also a mortal of flesh and blood, and he will also be afraid.

Because of his grief, his emotions became unstable, his heart was broken, and his will became fragile. When this trace of fear finally appeared, it suddenly became irresistible, and it rushed up like a tidal wave. , occupying his entire mind.

His whole body suddenly fell into an ice cave, the power of fear flooded his body, and he began to frantically swallow and occupy his body.

At this moment, Wang Xuan finally understood.

He fell into the plot of the Dread King.

Perhaps when he inserted his hand into Xiao Bichen’s heart to kill her, the King of Fear understood that Xiao Bichen could not escape death, and it would eventually be sealed again.

So at that moment, the power of fear remaining in Xiao Bichen’s body quietly invaded into his body along with Wang Xuan’s fingers inserted into her heart.

However, Wang Xuan’s will is firm, and his spiritual and soul power is extremely powerful. The power of the sealed King of Fear is actually very limited, and it is difficult to directly control or devour his soul will.

Just like Xiao Bichen will be affected by this power, and then be swallowed up, it is also because Li Hao and Zhang Taixiong died one after another, this power has the opportunity to infinitely magnify Xiao Bichen’s negative emotions, and then let her be recruited.

This is why it was difficult for Wang Xuan to understand why Xiao Bichen reacted so violently because of the deaths of Li Hao and Zhang Taixiong, and even felt embarrassed and shed tears.

After all, who can become a powerhouse, which one does not have a strong inner capacity to bear, and which one does not experience life and death? It is not an unforgettable feeling, how can it react so violently.

Later, although he guessed that Xiao Bichen should have been influenced by the power of the King of Fear to react like this, he didn’t think about it deeply, much less thought that he would also be tricked.

The power of fear invaded his body, and the old trick was repeated, deliberately amplifying his negative emotions.

Because he had a good impression of Xiao Bichen, especially when Xiao Bichen finally desperately begged for her relief, watching her tears flow, even if Wang Xuan had a heart of stone, he would have strong emotional fluctuations.

The all-pervasive King of Fear quietly amplified this negative emotional fluctuation. At this time, Wang Xuan was almost undefended. He could never have imagined that he would be shocked, sad, and sad because of Xiao Bichen’s experience, but he also had The power of the Dread King guides.

During this step-by-step guidance, his emotions went out of control, and finally opened a gap in his heart. When fear appeared in his heart, it was finally uncontrollable. Like Xiao Bichen, he was caught.

When the fear was unstoppable, Wang Xuan saw that his hands and feet were changing, his skin became a hard shell, and he would also become a scorpion monster, which filled his heart with even greater fear.

He finally realized what Xiao Bichen had experienced at the last moment. He tried his best to restrain this fear, but he found that his hands and feet were no longer obeying orders. He only felt that the boundless darkness was invading in all directions, and his spirit and soul were suppressed. , being eaten away by fear a little bit.

He sensed a cold and evil will, which was full of blood, killing, death, and endless fear.

Suddenly, a new force appeared in his hands, rushing up, helping him resist the force of fear that was about to drown him. Wang Xuan was horrified to find that he had already clenched the stone sword in both hands. , pulled it out of the embossed seal on the ground.

When the seal was opened, the ground immediately shook, and there was a crackling sound from the countless scorpion statues, and even the 100-meter-long statue of the King of Fear was resurrecting.

The monstrous evil is surging, and the evil will is like a tide that almost drowns everything.

Although Wang Xuan held the stone sword in both hands, the stone sword released a series of sealing powers, and wanted to seal the fear force, but in this monstrous evil and fear force, there was no scorpion relief to help. The power released is simply not enough to confront and suppress this fearful power.

Wang Xuan stood at the center of the relief, holding a stone sword in both hands, and his open mouth seemed to let out a silent roar. Most of his body had mutated into an ugly scorpion.

The sealing power of the stone sword was completely suppressed, and the blue crystal scales in Wang Xuan’s body and the power of the beast exploded. It seemed that he wanted to help him resist the intruding fear force, but only in the face of this pervasive fear force, whether it was the blue crystal Neither the scales nor the power of the beast can resist at all. Even if his soul combines the blue crystal scale sleep and the will of the beast, it can’t resist the evil consciousness of the invading King of Fear at this moment.

A faint terrifying low-pitched whistle sounded, and the entire Temple of Fear was shaking. The surface of the 100-meter-long statue of the King of Fear had already peeled off, revealing a jet-black luster inside.

Wang Xuan’s eyes showed the last look of despair. His heart was full of unwillingness. No matter what, he would not be willing to be swallowed by the King of Fear and become a scorpion monster that completely lost his humanity. He did not want to die.

His throat trembled, and he let out a faint roar, which turned into a scorpion mouthpart and opened his mouth. Wang Xuan concentrated the last bit of self-awareness, burst out the strongest blue crystal scale energy, communicated with the stone sword, and wanted to use the stone sword And the energy of the blue crystal scales suppressed this fearful power for a moment.

Just this moment is enough.

The sealing power of the stone sword was completely defeated, and it was completely defeated by the increasingly powerful fear force. When it was about to be completely defeated, it sensed Wang Xuan’s consciousness.

Shi Jian’s mission is to seal the Great King of Fear, although he doesn’t know what Wang Xuan wants to do for a moment to suppress the power of fear, or, in other words, just suppress this moment, what can he do?

Since the King of Fear could no longer be stopped, its ultimate fate was to be completely broken and shattered. The stone sword responded to Wang Xuan’s call, bursting out with its final strength, sacrificing itself, and breaking into pieces.

In the eruption of its final power, the fear force in Wang Xuan’s body was suppressed, which allowed him to regain his short-term mobility.

Although its eruption could only last for a breath, it was enough for Wang Xuan. He immediately opened the Xumi mustard space in the waistband on the left, and took out a piece of golden paper only the size of a palm.

The Book of Giants, this is his last hope.

Although he didn’t know what price he had to pay, and he didn’t know that the Book of Giants could deal with this fearful king, now he had no choice.

His right hand slammed into his heart, and a stream of blood spurted out of Wang Xuan’s open mouth, all of which was sprayed onto the golden paper.

The Book of Giants absorbed his blood and sensed his call. Immediately, a pentagram pattern appeared on the surface of the gold paper.

“The master of ancient power… the womb of the underworld…”

A faint voice seemed to come from a distant void. Wang Xuan watched the stone sword shatter every inch and turned into powder. The sealing power of the Great King of Fear was completely destroyed.

The fully resurrected King of Fear began to move his body that was as long as 100 meters. The huge scorpion head raised its head slightly, and his evil consciousness was surging like a tide to drown everything. But at this moment, in this evil consciousness, suddenly appeared A huge dark pentagram.

With Wang Xuan as the center, the pentagram appeared around his body, and immediately expanded, covering King Lei of Fear and the resurrected Scorpion Legion.


There was a faint sound like thunder in this evil consciousness, a huge scorpion tail barb was lifted up, and a pair of huge scorpion eyes stared at Wang Xuan, or in other words, it appeared after staring at Wang Xuan. The pentagram is full of fear and doubts.

“…The King of Mummies…The Lord of the Pentagram…”

The rustling voice continued to sound, and Wang Xuan felt a supreme will at this moment, and the power of this will filled the endless void.

“Say… your… request…”

A voice resembling a man and a woman resounded in Wang Xuan’s mind.

“Kill it… Dread King… Scorpion Legion… Kill all… Destroy…”

Word by word, Wang Xuan raised his head and stared at the fully resurrected 100-meter giant scorpion, gnashing his teeth.

The real body of this fearful king is this 100-meter giant scorpion. Although it has been completely resurrected and has boundless fear power, at this moment, its scorpion eyes are full of faint unease and traces of fear. .

As the embodiment of fear, at this moment, it is afraid.

Suddenly, the scorpion-tailed barb that was lifted above the void was hooked out like lightning. This barb was unimaginable, and the light length was close to 100 meters, which was comparable to the body of the Dread King.

With a snort, the barb of the 100-meter giant scorpion hooked into the incomparably huge dark pentagram that appeared on the front. There, there appeared a vague and indeterminate shadow, which seemed to be absent, just that kind of dangerous and terrifying. The feeling makes the 100-meter giant scorpion full of unease.

Following Wang Xuan’s request, boundless darkness appeared silently from all directions. At this moment, the scorpion army was resurrected, and thousands of scorpion monsters were roaring and screaming, but at this moment, they were all covered by darkness. Which monster was covered by darkness, and the monster’s body began to dissipate into fine sand like weathering. new

It all seemed extremely distant and long, and in the blink of an eye, two completely opposite feelings appeared in Wang Xuan’s mind. He suddenly realized that all directions were dark, and only he and the 100-meter giant scorpion still existed. At the same time, the thousands of resurrected scorpion legions have been completely swallowed by the darkness and disappeared.

The 100-meter giant scorpion in front of him was struggling frantically in the darkness, and his open mouthparts continued to emit a sharp hissing. The barbs it swung into the darkness were eroded by the darkness, weathering, and turned into fine black sand that flew all over the sky.

“No… in the end… who are you…”

The evil consciousness in the 100-meter giant scorpion is screaming wildly, letting its power be monstrous, and the power of fear is everywhere, but at this moment it is powerless, as if it is stuck in a quagmire. It was found that its body was covered by darkness, and wherever the darkness covered, the body began to weather and disappear.

Its body shell is far harder than the hardest steel in the world. Even the Temple of Fear, even the power represented by this stone sword, can only seal it and cannot kill it, but now, it is terrified to discover that it is disappearing.

Its body far surpassed that of steel. In this dark power, it became vulnerable, and it was like the wind and sand.

The King of Fear, who can play with people’s hearts and can make endless creatures fear, is now finally his turn to feel this endless fear.

Standing in the dark pentagram, Wang Xuan stared at everything in front of him. He couldn’t imagine what kind of existence this Book of Giants represented. He just said the request. The Scorpion Legion was devoured and digested, and with another breath, the 100-meter-long Dread King had most of his body devoured and digested by the darkness.

With the last desperate roar, the evil consciousness suddenly disappeared completely. The 100-meter giant scorpion was completely covered by darkness, turned into sand, and disappeared.

The King of Fear, just died like this?

Wang Xuan was in a trance, and suddenly found that the surging darkness around him began to fade away. The book of the giant god, which originally released the light of the dark pentagram, faded and dimmed, and reverted into a palm-sized piece of paper. The golden paper fell on his right hand.

He understood that the existence that he summoned and slumbered in the depths of darkness left after fulfilling his request.

However, every time he uses the Book of Giants, he has to pay a price. This is the first time he has used it. What is the price?

When he just had this thought, he suddenly felt a strong hunger and thirst. This feeling was unprecedentedly strong, completely occupying his body and mind, making him uncontrollably open the Sumeru mustard space and take out nutrients from it. liquid and poured it into his mouth.

A bottle of advanced nutrient solution can last for two days, but after Wang Xuan poured it into his mouth, he found that he was still extremely thirsty, so he could only open the second bottle of advanced nutrient solution.

He poured bottle after bottle of high-grade nutrient solution into his mouth, but the hunger and thirst became stronger and stronger. It seemed like a bottomless abyss appeared in his body, which was devouring these nutrient solutions frantically.

Later, he almost opened several bottles of nutrient solution at the same time and poured it into his mouth at the same time.

In his current Xumi belt, there are 175 bottles of advanced nutrient solution, and soon, he poured all the advanced nutrient solution into his mouth.

In addition to so many advanced nutrient solutions, he originally had 245 bottles of intermediate nutrient solution. Later, when he separated from Gu Manyao and the others, he took out 200 bottles and distributed them to everyone. Now there are only 45 bottles left. He also counted them out and continued to pour them into his mouth.

When he poured these 45 bottles of intermediate nutrient solution into his mouth, finally, the feeling of hunger and thirst gradually disappeared, and his belly swelled like a ball and bulged high.

There was a rumbling sound in his mind, and suddenly, he realized that in his right hand, a black energy in the shape of a teardrop appeared in the white light.

This black energy is shaped like a seed, and like a black flame, quietly suspended in this black light, it looks extremely strange.

“This…this is…what…”

Wang Xuan sensed it, and immediately found that this black energy was frantically absorbing the energy of all the nutrient solutions he had just swallowed. This black energy devoured it.

At the same moment, he heard a faint voice.


Wang Xuan’s swollen belly returned to normal. He sensed this vague consciousness, and his heart froze. The sound seemed to come from the white light in his right hand, and it came out from that black energy.

“The gluttony collection is complete? What do you mean… gluttony?”

He thought of how he had just devoured the nutrient solution frantically. Could it be gluttony?

But, what does this mean? Is this the price to pay for summoning the Book of Giants?

If summoning the Book of Giants just needs to devour the nutrient solution, then the price is nothing. With the power of the Book of Giants, how much nutrient solution cannot be obtained?

“No, it’s never that simple… The gluttony collection is complete… This black energy seems to be like a seed… There must be something wrong…”

Wang Xuan’s heart was awe-inspiring, and he suddenly thought of something.

“Brother Shen!”


When Shen Changqing was walking on the road, when he met someone he knew, he would say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who.

Everyone has no superfluous expressions on their faces, as if they are very indifferent to everything.

to this.

Shen Changqing is used to it.

Because this is the Ministry of Suppression of Demons, which is an organization that maintains the stability of Daqin.

It can be said.

In the Suppression Division, everyone had a lot of blood on their hands.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but over time he got used to it.

The Town Demon Division is very big.

Those who can stay in the Town Demon Division are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Suppressing Demon Division is divided into two occupations, one is the guardian and the other is the demon slayer.

Anyone who enters the Demon Suppression Division starts from the lowest level of demon slayer.

Then he was promoted step by step, and eventually he was expected to become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing’s predecessor was an apprentice slayer in the Suppression Division, and he was also the lowest-ranking slayer.

Has the memory of the predecessor.

He is also very familiar with the environment of the Town Demon Division.

It didn’t take too long, Shen Changqing stopped in front of an attic.

Different from other places full of chills in the Demon Suppression Division, the attic here seems to stand out from the crowd, showing a different tranquility in the **** Suppression Suppression Division.

At this time, the door to the attic was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing just hesitated for a moment, then stepped inside.

Enter the attic.

The environment has changed in vain.

A scent of ink mixed with a faint smell of blood rushed towards his face, causing his brows to instinctively wrinkle, but they quickly relaxed.

There is almost no way to clean up the **** smell on everyone in Zhen Mosi.

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