Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch40- From Fest to Feast [R-18]

Hey there, folks! Breaking news! I couldn't resist spilling the beans early today. Brace yourselves for not one, not two, but three mind-blowing novels coming your way! Introducing: "Reincarnated as A's Heir!" (Naruto-Haku), "Reincarnated As Shiba Clan's Heir!" (Bleach-Gin), and the cherry on top, "Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City" (Meruem-HxH). Trust me, these gems are nothing short of amazing. And guess what? I happen to know the brilliant author personally! Now, here's the deal: I need your support. Add these bad boys to your reading lists or libraries, pronto! You can either search for them by name or find them in my profile. Get ready for a wild ride!

After the festival, Kai and the girls walked back to Orihime's house, their laughter and conversation echoing through the quiet streets. The night air was cool, and the stars shone brightly overhead, casting a soft, ethereal glow on the group as they strolled hand in hand.

As they approached Orihime's home, Yoruichi glanced at Kai, her eyes filled with both anticipation and apprehension. "So," she began hesitantly, "about our wager..."

Kai grinned, his gaze flicking to the other girls who were watching the exchange with curiosity. "Ah, yes. Our little competition," he said, his voice filled with amusement. "Well, since I won, I believe you owe me a reward."

Yoruichi sighed, though a hint of a smile played on her lips. "Fine," she agreed, "but let's settle that later. For now, let's just enjoy the rest of our night."

Orihime unlocked the front door, and the group entered her cozy home, immediately feeling the warmth and comfort it offered. They kicked off their shoes and relaxed in the living room, their laughter and conversation filling the space.

As the night wore on, the group began to grow sleepy, their eyes growing heavy with the weight of the day's activities. Kai, ever the opportunist, seized the moment to address the sleeping arrangements.

Kai looked at them one by one in their Yukatas, all looking extremely pretty. Licking his lips, he set the order, "Michiru, let's celebrate your addition to our little group first, then Orihime, my first girlfriend, then Tatsuki, Chizuru and last but not least, Yoruichi, who will reward me." Kai smirks and takes shy Michiru's hand.

The girls exchanged glances, each blushing at Kai's remark. Although his words carried an undertone of mischief, the girls understood that he merely wanted to spend time and bond with each of them individually.

Michiru's cheeks flushed a deep crimson as Kai gently took her hand. She glanced at her friends, who gave her encouraging smiles, and then back at Kai. "Alright," she said, her voice barely audible. "Let's celebrate."

The girls watched with curiosity and a hint of jealousy as Kai undressed Michiru. He started by removing her obi sash, revealing a simple white camisole underneath. Next, he untied the string holding her legs closed and slid off her geta sandals. Michiru stood motionlessly, allowing him to continue without protest or hesitation. Her arms hung limply by her sides as he peeled away her robe, leaving her clad only in lacy pink lingerie.

Orihime bit her lip, trying not to stare too obviously at Kai's skilled hands tracing across Michiru's skin. Even Tatsuki seemed captivated by the scene unfolding before them. Meanwhile, Yoruichi leaned against the wall with her arms crossed and a wry smile playing on her lips, clearly amused by the situation.

As Kai continued to explore every curve of Michiru's soft body, she found herself melting into him like putty. His fingers trailed over her curves, mapping out the lines of muscle and sinew under her pale skin. When they reached her breasts, Kai couldn't resist tweaking her nipples lightly between thumb and forefinger. A tiny gasp escaped Michiru, but she didn't pull away. Instead, she pressed closer, as if seeking more sensation.

"You are so beautiful," Kai murmured, his mouth hovering above hers. "Everywhere I touch you just feels so damn good."

Without waiting for a response, Kai claimed her lips with a fierce kiss, devouring her moan of pleasure. Michiru cried out involuntarily, arching helplessly into his embrace. Every touch, every taste of Kai's magic lips sent bolts of electricity through her veins. It was maddening. Delicious agony. Michiru had never felt such intense passion from anyone before, especially someone other than Haruka.

At the same time, Orihime, Tatsuki, and Yoruichi sat together in Orihime's living room, watching the scene play out before them with envy written plainly on their faces. Tatsuki shifted restlessly in her seat, feeling a stirring low in her belly that made her wonder about Kai's other abilities. As for Yoruichi, she simply observed dispassionately, waiting to see how things developed.thout warning, Kai dove in, using his probing tongue to trace slow circles around her swollen nub.

Michiru bucked and writhed beneath Kai's deft ministrations, overcome by the rush of sensory input. The heat of his tongue contrasted sharply with the cool air, driving her higher and harder towards orgasm. Kai kept at her mercilessly, pushing her further and further into the abyss of pleasure with each passing second.

Kai drove Michiru towards climax, teasing her with feather-light flicks of his tongue until she bucked and thrashed beneath him in ecstasy. Just when it seemed like she would erupt in explosive release, he suddenly pulled back, halting her pleasure mid-stream.

Tears pricked at the corners of Michiru's eyes, frustration warring with confusion as she begged him silently to finish what he'd started. But instead of giving her the satisfaction she craved, Kai dipped down to claim her lips in a searing hot kiss, sharing with her the flavor of her own arousal on his tongue.

Michiru's protests dissolved into gasps as Kai ravaged her mouth with his own, drawing out every ounce of sweetness from her lips. Each lap of his tongue evoked another moan from her throbbing core, fueling the fire within her until she could hardly bear it any longer.

Michiru trembled as Kai pushed himself inside her, stretching and burning her virgin flesh with each relentless thrust. She bit back a cry of pain mixed with desire as he filled her completely, breaking through her barriers and making her a woman in one swift stroke. The shockwave of sensation hit her all at once - a mixture of exquisite agony and divine bliss unlike anything she'd ever experienced.

She convulsed around him wildly, caught up in an inferno of pure pleasure. With each flex of her walls, Kai growled and surged deeper still, demanding even greater depths of submission from her. All thoughts of resistance fled her mind, replaced solely by animalistic cravings and carnal wanton desires. Their bodies collided again and again, their sweat-sheened forms grinding against each other in perfect harmony.

Kai tilted her pelvis with a firm palm, sending jolts of electric energy careening throughout her entire being. In return, she rocked her hips forward, eagerly encouraging the rhythm, willing him to take her to new heights. And yet, though she writhed and pleaded with impassioned whispers, Kai showed no signs of flagging. If anything, he increased the ferocity of his movements, determined to make her feel everything - every last drop of blistering joy he could coax forth from her quivering form.

Finally, after what felt like centuries of endless pleasure, the dam burst. Michiru shattered apart, her orgasm detonating in a brilliant flash of rapture. Her vision dimmed, consumed entirely by the unfettered delight racing through every cell of her body. For an eternal moment, there existed nothing beyond this world, just the two of them tangled in a cocoon of euphoria.


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