Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch36- Dressing for Festivals

Attention, attention! Let's all raise our virtual glasses and give a thunderous round of applause to our newest patron, Eric! Eric, welcome to our merry band of literary enthusiasts. May your days be filled with thrilling plot twists, unforgettable characters, and an infinite supply of reading joy! Cheers, Eric!

A few days later, Orihime, Tatsuki, Chizuru, and Michiru excitedly dragged Kai to the shopping district for yukata shopping. The firework festival was coming up, and the girls wanted Kai to accompany all four of them. Now that Michiru had officially joined his harem, they all considered themselves to be his girlfriends.

As they walked through the shopping district, Kai couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. He was a naturally lazy person who tried to avoid trouble, and having four girlfriends seemed like the exact opposite of that. But he couldn't deny the connection he felt with each of them, and he knew that he'd have to face the music sooner or later.

Kai sighed and scratched his head as they entered the store. "Alright, let's get this over with," he mumbled, trying to keep his composure.

Orihime grinned at him, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Oh, come on, Kai! It'll be fun, I promise! Plus, you'll get to see all of us in pretty yukatas."

Tatsuki nudged him playfully. "Yeah, you should be honored, you know? Not many guys get the chance to take four beautiful girls to a firework festival."

Kai smirked. "Well, when you put it that way, I guess it's not so bad."

As they browsed through the colorful yukatas, Michiru shyly approached Kai. "Um, Kai, I wanted to thank you for letting me join your... group. I know it's not conventional, but I really feel like I belong here."

Kai looked at her with a soft smile. "No need to thank me, Michiru. We're all in this together, right?"

Chizuru chimed in, holding up a vibrant red yukata against her body. "So, Kai, what do you think? Would this color suit me?"

Kai glanced at the yukata and then back at Chizuru. "Well, it's a bit bold, but I think it'll look great on you."

Chizuru beamed at his compliment, and the girls continued to pick out their yukatas. As they did so, Kai couldn't help but think about how close they had all grown in such a short amount of time. It was strange, but he felt a sense of responsibility towards them that he couldn't quite put into words.

After the girls had all chosen their yukatas, they eagerly tried them on, coming out one by one to show Kai. Each time, he found himself genuinely impressed by how beautiful they looked, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of pride.

Orihime emerged first, wearing a soft pink yukata with a floral pattern. The color perfectly complemented her fair skin and fiery red hair. She twirled around, showing off the flowy fabric.

"How do I look, Kai?" she asked, her eyes wide with anticipation.

Kai smiled warmly. "You look amazing, Orihime. Absolutely stunning."

Tatsuki was next, her yukata a deep blue with a geometric design. The bold color suited her strong personality, and Kai couldn't help but be captivated by her fierce beauty.

"Well, what do you think?" she asked, crossing her arms confidently.

Kai nodded in approval. "You look fantastic, Tatsuki. That color really suits you."

Chizuru followed, wearing the red yukata she had picked out earlier. The color was indeed bold, but it brought out a certain vivaciousness in her. She struck a playful pose, winking at Kai.

"Is it a hit or a miss, Kai?" Chizuru asked, grinning cheekily.

Kai chuckled. "Definitely a hit, Chizuru. You look absolutely gorgeous."

Finally, Michiru stepped out, wearing a pale lavender yukata with an intricate pattern of cherry blossoms. The delicate color suited her gentle nature, making her appear both elegant and enchanting.

"Kai, do you think this looks okay on me?" Michiru asked nervously, tugging at the fabric.

Kai reassured her with a warm smile. "You look beautiful, Michiru. The color is perfect for you."

The girls exchanged excited glances, thrilled with Kai's compliments. As they purchased their yukatas, they decided that it was time to find one for Kai as well. They wanted him to look just as handsome as they felt beautiful, so they eagerly searched the store for the perfect yukata.

Kai scratched his head, feeling overwhelmed by their enthusiasm. "You know, I could just pick one at random. It's not a big deal."

But the girls were determined to see him try on a few different options, so they each selected a few yukatas for him to test. Reluctantly, Kai agreed, knowing that it would be less troublesome to give in to their wishes than to argue.

Orihime was the first to return, her arms full of yukatas in various shades of green. "I think these will really bring out the color of your eyes, Kai," she said, her eyes shining with excitement.

Tatsuki came back with a selection of dark-colored yukatas, thinking they would suit Kai's laid-back personality. "These will make you look cool and mysterious, Kai," she said confidently.

Chizuru returned with an armful of bright and bold yukatas, believing they would help Kai stand out among the sea of people at the festival. "You'll definitely catch everyone's eye in these, Kai," she said with a cheeky grin.

Lastly, Michiru carefully approached Kai, holding a few yukatas in soft, pastel colors. "I thought these might suit you as well, Kai," she said shyly, "They're calm and gentle, just like you."

Kai sighed, resigned to his fate. "Alright, let's get this over with."

The girls took turns accompanying Kai to the dressing room to help him try on the yukatas they had chosen. Each time he emerged, the girl who had assisted him came out with flushed cheeks and disheveled hair. The other girls couldn't help but smile knowingly at them, aware of what had transpired behind closed doors.

When it was Orihime's turn, she led Kai to the dressing room with a nervous giggle. "I hope I can help you put this on properly," she said, blushing.

Kai gave her a reassuring smile. "I'm sure we'll manage."

As Orihime helped him put on the first green yukata, their fingers brushed against each other's, causing her to blush even more. They exchanged a few shy glances and soft laughter as they worked together to tie the obi around his waist.

When they finally emerged from the dressing room, Orihime's cheeks were a deep shade of red, and her hair was slightly tousled. The other girls smirked at her, making her blush even more.

Next, it was Tatsuki's turn. She marched confidently into the dressing room with Kai, her yukatas in hand. "We'll have you looking cool in no time," she declared.

Kai chuckled, following her lead. As they worked together to get him dressed, they exchanged playful banter, and Kai felt his bond with Tatsuki growing even stronger.

When they stepped out of the dressing room, Tatsuki's hair was slightly out of place, and her cheeks were flushed. The other girls couldn't help but tease her, making her roll her eyes in response.

Chizuru was next, practically dragging Kai into the dressing room with a mischievous grin. "This is going to be so much fun," she said, winking at him.

Kai raised an eyebrow, wondering what she had in store. As Chizuru helped him into one of the more vibrant yukatas, she flirted shamelessly with him, making him laugh with her outrageous comments. Their time together in the dressing room was filled with laughter and teasing, and Kai couldn't help but appreciate Chizuru's bold personality.

When they emerged, Chizuru's hair was messier than usual, and her cheeks were flushed with excitement. The other girls giggled at the sight, but Chizuru simply shrugged it off, grinning proudly.

Finally, it was Michiru's turn. She took Kai's hand gently, leading him into the dressing room with a soft smile. "I hope you like the ones I chose for you," she said quietly.

Kai smiled back at her. "I'm sure I will."

As Michiru helped Kai try on the pastel-colored yukatas, their time together was filled with gentle touches and whispered words of encouragement. It was a stark contrast to the previous experiences, but Kai found himself feeling a deep sense of comfort and affection towards Michiru.

When they stepped out of the dressing room, Michiru's cheeks were pink, and her hair was slightly disheveled. The other girls cooed at her, making her blush even more.


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