Ladybird’s Yanderes

Chapter 27: A Brewing Storm.

Lady returned to class feeling somewhat better. His penchant for overthinking things had led him to question his relationship with those around him. Fortunately, the school nurse had saved him from the brink of mental collapse. The rest of the day played out like one would expect. Lady attended the rest of his classes with an unusually chipper atmosphere. Even during PE, a class in which he just sat on the bleachers and read, Lady was actively watching the basketball game being played between the boys and cheering them on. Admittedly, the rest of the boys found his enthusiasm slightly creepy but a few of them attempted a smile or small wave considering he was their only audience and a member of their class. After school, Lady was picked up by Noel who made good on her promise of driving him so he didn’t have to walk home from school. This time though, there was another person in the car with them. Rachael. 

To say the mood was awkward would be an understatement. Despite Lady’s turnabout in regards to maintaining his newfound relationships, he still had reservations about Rachael. Her actions for the most part had seemed harmless, a simple dare to ask him out, applying for the same job as him, and visiting his home in order to cook for him. Despite that, something still felt off about her. His suspicions had only been heightened after the incident with her and Anna over the weekend. At some point, he would have to confront her and ask her about what had really gone down. 

After reaching the small bookstore, Noel parked the car and unlocked the door. After the drunkard had attacked Lady and Rachael last week, Noel had closed the store down temporarily. “I know that what happened last week was quite scary, so if either of you wants to quit, I don’t blame you.” She said as she made her way behind the counter. “I made a few changes to hopefully make things safer. I had brighter lights placed above the entryway. There's now a metal detector installed by the door. I also had a panic button installed under the counter.” she bent down and showed the two where it was. There was also a taser located under the counter which she promised to show the two how to use at a later date. Unaware that one of her employees was already very familiar with its operation.

“Thank you, Miss Noel. I feel much safer working here now, and I don’t blame you at all for what happened.” Racheal said. “Alright then, I’m going to keep working on the website. I was going to reopen today but we can save that for tomorrow. Let’s just focus on getting things cleaned up.” She said as she began heading to the stairway that led to her office and room upstairs. “And Lady, if your chest starts hurting, let me know right away.” He nodded in response as she closed the door and went upstairs.

Lady began organizing books alongside Rachael. She was partially zoned out, as if reminiscing about something. Lady figured it must be hard for her to come back here considering what happened. While he wasn’t entirely wrong, she was in no way scared or pained by those memories. If anything, remembering what happened filled her with joy. The man grabbing at her had felt more disgusting than scary. What truly surprised her however was how Lady rushed in to protect her. He was just like a small dog, biting at the heels of an intruder in order to protect its master. Her desire to have him was growing by the day, and she could hardly stand it. 

“How did you sleep that night?” Rachael asked. She didn’t specify what night but she didn’t need to. They both knew. “What really happened. I don’t understand, what is it you want?” Lady asked, afraid of what she might say. Her face grew darker as she leaned in and whispered, “I’m asking the questions, now how did you sleep?”  He blushed slightly, likely remembering what had happened. “I slept fine. I was just surprised.” She laughed slightly at his response. Despite her nature, she had no qualms with Lady thinking about other women. A dog with no freedom was a sad affair. She preferred to keep hers on a leash, not in a cage. “I’m sure it was. It’s not every day you wake up next to such a beautiful young woman.” Lady’s blush deepened as he turned away. “I still don’t get it. Are the two of you just teasing me? Is it some kind of game, or prank?” 

Rachael feigned a look of shock as she said, “Not at all. It just seemed like the atmosphere between the two of you was tense. I just wanted to help you both. That Anna girl, she used to bully you though right?” Lady was surprised that Rachael knew as much. “Yes, but I don’t think she’s a bad person. She was just hurting.” Rachael licked her lips. “Then you don’t want to see her hurt?” Lady nodded as the girl pulled a photo out of her pocket. It depicted Lady and Anna lying in bed together. The latter in only her lacy underwear with her arms wrapped tightly around the boy. At the bottom of the photo was a phone number, written in marker. “I’m sure something like this spreading around school would hurt a lot, wouldn’t you agree?” Rachael asked.

Lady sat there, petrified. “What do you want from me?” He asked, his voice shaking. Rachael smiled and returned to her friendly act. “Just answer when you’re called for. That’s all.” The two of them resumed cleaning up the bookstore, neither of them speaking a word to one another. As the sun began to set, Rachel's driver arrived and took the girl home. Meanwhile, Noel drove Lady back to his apartment. 


Lily left Lady’s apartment and locked the door behind her. As she did, a car pulled in front and Lady got out. There was only one stairway leading down and she doubted she could reach it before him. Jumping was also out of the question. She didn’t panic though. She had a plan in case he came home early. The boy spotted her after coming up the stairs and approached her cautiously. She was wearing a pair of shorts and a tank top alongside her backpack. Despite the fact that she had been nothing but kind to him, Lady couldn’t help but feel nervous. Especially considering what had just happened with Rachael.

 “Were you waiting for me?” He asked. “Yea but don’t worry. I wasn’t waiting long.” She replied “I just wanted to return this to you.” She reached into her bag and pulled out Lady’s shirt. The same one he had spilled soda on while at her house. It was now clean and freshly pressed. “Oh, thank you, but you could have just done this at school.” He said as he took it. "I was absent today, family stuff ya know. Well, I should get going. Don't want to worry mom." She said as she turned to leave. Before she could though, she was stopped. Lily turned her head and looked at Lady who was holding onto the strap of her backpack. She tensed up as he opened his mouth to ask. "Lily, are we friends?" Her heart stung as she nodded in response. "Yea" 

Lily was walking home, clutching her backpack tightly. She was still carrying it despite having skipped school that day. When she reached her house, she quietly opened the front door and began tip toeing to her room. As she reached for the handle of her room's door, a sudden hand grabbed her and spun her around. Her grip on the backpack was loosened and her mother pulled it from her hands. “Wait!” Lilly cried as her mother ripped the zipper open revealing the contents of the backpack. Shoved inside were several articles of clothing, all belonging to a certain gray haired boy. “Lily, we need to talk,” her mother said as she handed her back the backpack. 

“It… It’s not what you think, I swear.” Lily stuttered as tears began to form in her eyes. Her mother pulled her into a hug and began stroking her head. “I already know, but you’re not in trouble. It’s ok. I just want to talk to you. ” The two of them staggered into Lily’s room and sat down on her bed. “I know it might be hard, but I want you to talk to me.” Abigail said. It took several minutes before her daughter's reply could be heard over the sound of her tears. 


An older man was sitting in a cramped jail cell, whistling his favorite song. Despite being charged with assault and battery, the man couldn’t care less about his current confinement. Ultimately, he knew he would walk away scot-free. He finished the song he was humming as the droning sound of a police officer's boots and jangling keys filled the hallway. “Let’s go.” the officer said gruffly as he unlocked the cell door. The man stepped outside of the cell and stretched, despite there having been more than enough room for stretching in the cell. He followed the officer who led him to the back of the station where there was a large door connecting the station to a small parking lot. The man stepped outside as the officer closed the door behind him. Several seconds later, a black Cadillac pulled into the lot and stopped in front of the man. He entered the vehicle before it pulled out of the lot and began driving away. 

“I knew the boss man would get me outta there. There ain’t nothing he can’t do.” The man laughed heartily as he accepted a can of beer from one of the other passengers. He chugged the drink, spilling most of it on his shirt, before crushing the can and throwing it. “Yes, he’s a man who gets things done. Unlike yourself, Viktor.” A young blonde said. Viktor wiped a trickle of beer from his unshaven face as he replied. “What the hell you mean. I did what the boss man asked me, didn't I?” The blonde pulled a pair of latex gloves from his pocket and began putting them on. “You were told to scare the store manager, a brunette. So then why did you attack the blonde girl and gray haired boy. Are you colorblind?” 

Viktor suddenly began to feel dizzy as he replied. “I.. I was gonna, I just was, drawing her out is all. I followed orders. He never told me that bitch would have a gun. What’s going, what's happening” He reached for the door handle but his arms felt like led. “The boss expects results, not incompetence. You’ve been relieved of service. I suggest you spend your last moments making peace with your god” The blonde man pulled a mask over his face as the car rolled to a stop. Viktor  tried to retort but he began choking on his words, no, on nothing. His mouth was foaming as he struggled to breath. He collapsed against the front seat as his body twitched and jerked. A concrete block and chain were pulled from the back of the Cadillac by the blonde man. They were both fastened to Victor's twitching body before he was dumped into the harbor. The last thing he saw were the rising bubbles that escaped his pained lungs.


Removed the R-18 tag and changed the description slightly. I still plan on having R-18 scenes later (Hence why the sexual content warning remains) but I didn't want to feel like I was baiting people into a story that's more of a slow burn character drama than smut.

Also feel like starting a new series soon. Dunno why but I suddenly felt compelled to write an Isekai. First few chapters are written. Might start uploading later this week or next. Hopefully will still be able to upload this and Judas weekly. Ultimately though, I hope to have more series going and just cycle through which ones I am focusing on without dropping any. 

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