Kyle the Apprentice Warlock

Chapter 25


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When trying to freeze the monster from the inside didn’t work, Anna started to panic.  So, she hit it.  With her shield.  The ice shield.  The first few bashes with her shield didn’t do much at all, so she focused her power and sharpened the edge of the shield to hack at the back of the monster’ neck.

Oily blood splattered her face along with flakes of ice shattering from her shield.  Grinning at her success, the teen redoubled her efforts and adjusted the thickness of her sword lodged in it.  The blade widened and bit gradually into the metal flesh of the monster’s chest even as she hacked its neck apart from above.  Then, with a push of the magic that struggled to escape her, she sliced the beast in half from the center outward.

Her blood was rushing her through her fourth or fifth adrenaline high of the day.  It was amazing.  She’d done that.  She’d fought monsters.

“Nice work.”  Mr. Deville called over his shoulder as he pulled down a barricade to get at the bodies behind it.  “How much more of that do you have left?”

“Of what, Sir?”  Anna was making her own way toward the barricade on this side of the room checking if the people behind it were alright.

“Stamina.”  The teacher clarified.  “How long can you modulate your magical control.”  She slowed as she began pushing pieces of desks and chairs out of her way, wading through the mess to reach what she hoped was a living person.

“Oh.  Four hours without a break.  Ow.  Stupid metal shards.” She cursed as she stubbed her tow through her shoe. 

“Hmmmmm…?”  The thoughtful tone from the teacher made her eyebrow rise as she turned to glance at the minotaur over her shoulder.  “Good.”  They worked without speaking then.  “Got a body.”  She called out hesitantly before a groan made her amend her statement.  “Oh.  This one’s alive.”

It was one of the security contractors, half buried under the barricade. It looked like when the students had scrambled out that the pile of furniture had fallen on him.  He didn’t look seriously harmed, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t. 

“I’ve got two over here.”  The teacher added.  “Do you know any healing magic?  Can you get him up and moving?”  That made Anna hesitate…because of the caveat.

“Erm…I could…”  The girl started as she continued moving furniture.  “But then I wouldn’t be able to do anything else.”

“Right.”  From the other side of the room, she heard a pause in the moving of metal and the distinct smacking of a large hand into a fury horned head.  “Elementalists lose magical efficacy in magics that aren’t affiliated with their element.”  Anna had thought that was the end of it before the teacher continued.  “We’ll need to work on that. But another time.  Not today.  You need your full strength today.”

His words made her shudder with a dread chill, and Anna was terrified wondering what else the teacher could sense beyond the ice wall that she couldn’t with her limited affinity.  Another sound drew her attention to the ice wall, and she saw the monster she had trapped there struggling to get free.  Oh yeah.  I forgot about that one while I was dealing with the other two.

With a distracted nonchalance Anna raised one hand and froze the monster in the wall all the way over.  Through the new stream of magic, she reconnected with the existing ice construct and extended it around the back of the monster also.  She made adjustments to her control and continued uncovering the security guard while strengthening the ice wall construct.

Before long, two security guards had been revived by the minotaur and he resuscitated the man Anna had uncovered.  They continued their room-clearing retreat and Anna sealed the room behind them.  That was the last room they found that had been breached and the rest of the classes had been evacuated.

That didn’t matter though.  The limousine-form-centipede monster was making its way through the outbuildings.  Mr. Deville passed Anna off to Dean George before heading back down the dark hallway to his wife.  Anna was soon distracted.

“Dean George,” the school’s head of security spoke like he was reporting to a superior officer in the military.  He had that look about him, Anna had noticed, and she wondered if he was from one of those civilian contractor firms that her mom was always bitching about.  “The majority of faculty and students have been evacuated to a hospital or to the alternate location.  It’s just the last two busloads waiting to leave.”

That was good to know.  Anna was ready to go.  She’d had enough of a monster experience for this emergency and she wanted to sit down and relax for a bit.

“Good.”  The dean nodded acknowledgement dabbing away some perspiration from her face.  “Are we ready to go?”  The security chief checked an enchanted gauntlet he had strapped to his arm where a mini message scroll was keeping him apprised of his men’s movements.

“Yes.”  His brow furrowed with concern a moment before his head snapped up.  “Ma’am.  Primary target is approaching the main building.  The busses won’t return to evacuate the remaining staff and students before intercept.” 

“Ah.”  The dean’s shoulders slumped, and she rubbed the bridge of her nose in resignation.  “I see.  Pull back and create a defensive line for retreat.”  The dean ordered with a sigh before turning to Anna who had been slumped against a wall giving her legs a rest. “Anna?”

“Yes?”  She called out unsure how she could help or what she was going to be asked to do.

“I need you to call your mother.”  The dean was holding Anna’s phone to her and Anna felt the bottom falling out of her stomach as the remaining students and faculty susurrated in sadness. 

“Oh.”  You didn’t call Camina Wattkins when you thought the odds were in your favor.  She turned the phone back on and dialed.  But the call didn’t go through.  It went to voicemail.

“She’s not answering.”

“Shoot.”  Dean George snapped her fingers in recollection.  “She was on a plane when I called her earlier.  They would have been redirected away from here and she might be too high up to get reception.”

“I might be able to call someone else.”  Anna volunteered hopefully.  When the words had left her mouth, she’d been thinking of calling in some of her IOU’s but she quickly remembered that she didn’t have phone numbers for any of the joint chiefs’ of staff.  Okay.  Then Kyle?

Dialing his number, Anna turned and fidgeted to avoid showing anyone how nervous her face was right then.  Voicemail again.  Fine.  She knew she couldn’t get ahold of her dad and his magic would be useless with all the power out anyways.  So, there was only one option. 

Before she could dial, a group of five men with weapons and wands drawn came running through the front door of the school.  The huge limousine monster leapt into view from around a corner and suddenly it was screams and panic again.  The monster fell sideways with a lunge, its pincers gnashing.

“Retreat.” The head of security shouted.  “Retreat to the second floor.”  A pair of guards lead the way up the double stairway of the main hall, somehow their uniforms looked surprisingly reassuring suddenly.  Anna, along with everyone else ran.  The guards took up defensive positions on the staircase to cover their charges’ retreat.

Panting up the stairs, Anna made her last call. 

“Please pick up Sam.”


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