Konoha's Uchiha has a monster in his body

Chapter 96 Will the King of Dance dance immediately when he arrives on the dance floor?

Chapter 96 Will the King of Dance dance immediately when he arrives on the dance floor?
Even though there is a long distance, the high-temperature air waves still make the people on the boat feel as if they are under the scorching sun at noon in summer.

Looking back, the sky and the earth are only red, and the environment can be changed by a single ninjutsu, which completely exceeds their understanding of the ninja profession.

"Is this the power of Uchiha?" Subconsciously murmured softly to show his shock, and then he was shocked by it, and he was more confident in the subsequent battle.

What was left to the Hyuga clan was a deep shock, and the ability to speak was even lost in a short period of time.

Most of them have heard of the power of Uchiha Yuji, but the difference between what they heard and what they saw with their own eyes is very different.

How can our Hyuga Hede be able to be called such a guy?

"Go on." Uchiha Yuji's flat voice suddenly came from the direction of the flagship.

"Yes!" The roar of the answer was still resonant even through the howling sea wind.

A large number of attacks were broken, but small batches of attacks that seemed to be suicide attacks never stopped.

In the Blood Mist, this bloody term represents the ferocity of the Mist Ninja, but they will definitely not be fools, and use a team of several people to directly attack the large army. Do you really think you are Uchiha?
This kind of suicide attack regardless of oneself is obviously unreasonable.

Seeing another group of Kirin who were engulfed by the recoil water dragon bullet technique, Hatake Sakumo asked, "Have you found any definite information from torture?"

"So far there are no survivors." Anbu glanced at the Uchihas accompanying the team before answering.

You have also seen the ferocity of this group of guys, there is no way to keep them alive!
They didn't catch their tongues, but the Ruins of the Uzumaki Country arrived first. Their arrival was greeted with a warm welcome. Many water dragons rose abruptly on both sides of the ship to welcome guests. This is naturally the joint ninjutsu of Mist Ninja.

"Water Escape·Water Dragon Ball Technique!"

Compared with the Mist Ninja Water Dragon Bullet Technique, which requires many seals, the ninjas on Konoha's side are obviously faster, and the number of water dragon bullets that emerge obviously far exceeds Mist Ninja's.

This situation made Mist Ninja doubt for a moment who was the real Ninja of Water Ninja.

The Kaleidoscope Sharingan counted the number of Mist Ninja with a glance, Uchiha Yuji jumped off the flagship, and the ultimate yin chakra surrounded his body.

The huge Chakra giant standing on the water made Wu Ninja and the others recognize each other clearly, and Uchiha Yuji's huge Chakra that seemed to penetrate the sky and the earth was enough to make people recognize the power gap between them.

Reasonable guys avoided Uchiha Yuji's area, but a group of guys did not take the usual path.

Looking at the huge Susanoo, instead of showing any fear, this group of guys attacked Uchiha Yuji.

The leading group of ninjas had wanton evil spirits on their faces, laughing wildly and galloping on the horizontal surface, and their round eyebrows formed a sharp contrast with their crooked faces.

"The lunatic of the Huiye clan."

As soon as Yuji Uchiha said it, he felt awkward for a while.

The Uchiha clan is a bit crazy after the eyes are opened, but almost the whole Kaguya clan is so crazy.

The mental states of the two races are actually quite different.

But this group of guys actually laughed more wildly than me? !

"Hahahahaha!" The members of the Huiye clan laughed maniacally, probably because the inheritance of the blood succession boundary was not perfect, and the position of the bone spurs spreading from each person was different.

But the dancing postures are roughly the same, like an acting gang that has been rehearsed for countless years.

Tsubaki Mai with all her strength slashed heavily on Susanoo's armor.


Looking at the broken bones on his body due to the huge force, looking at the Susanoo who was still intact, not even a single slash mark, the fighting madmen of the Kaguya clan let out a puzzled sound at the same time.

"What? Didn't you eat?"

"I didn't even feel the slightest vibration."

"No, I actually felt the vibrations. The ripples from your trampling on the water surface are quite big. The strength of the Huiye clan is really strong."

Uchiha Yuji looked down at the sea water overflowing his feet and made a sound of admiration.

The Kaguya clan is a violent clan, and when they heard Uchiha Yuji's praise, their brains burst into anger, and the teeth in their mouths were crushed by them!

Once again, the bone was grown desperately, and it was almost a thunderbolt to hack at Susano.

Bones shattered into splinters, and the flying sparks left burnt red spots on their cheeks.

But one operation is as fierce as a tiger, causing zero damage.

Uchiha Yuji yawned, and the fierce Susano almost did the same thing in sync.

"The strength is good, the cold air brought by the sea breeze feels a little warm, keep working hard, Kaguya's bone scum."

In the land of water, who would dare to mock the lunatics of the Kaguya clan so boldly? Uchiha Yuji's contemptuous attitude made Kaguya's bone hyperplasia even worse.

Even the bone marrow proliferated on some people's foreheads showed a big [底] character.

"How dare you underestimate our Hui Ye Clan!"

"Tear him to pieces!"

"I'm going to cut him in half!"

The movements of the hands were not slow at all during the shouting, and they danced in various ways, but when the pale bones collided with the jet-black Susanoo, they were always the ones who were hurt.

Not a single member of the Kaguya clan had a brilliant performance.

"It's kind of boring."

Susano suddenly grasped the pitch-black long sword tightly, and raised the sharp swords with both hands above his head, and then fell straight down.

The air was cut open in an instant, and the sound of the silk cracking spread across the entire battlefield in an instant, and the sword energy that came out of the direct impact rushed into the land of the Vortex Kingdom in an instant.

The powerful shock wave accompanied by the washing waves interrupted all the ninja's confrontation. This kind of large-scale and destructive aftermath of the battle made them have to devote a little energy to observe the battlefield here.

The sea that was cut was gradually closing, and the pure white droplets and the blue sea were mixed with things that did not belong to the sea.

It was broken bones and flowing blood.

The corpses were mixed into the waves and dragged into the ocean.

The sea has been restored, but there is a long gully left on the distant Uzumaki Island.

Fortunately, most of Kaguya who survived the slash were only half-breathed, heaving and falling amidst the constantly churning waves.

"Aren't you full of energy?"

"what happened?"

"Just taking my knife, you can't stand up anymore?"

Uchiha Dance King Uchiha Yuu sneered, "Keep dancing, keep showing me your ugly dance moves again."

(End of this chapter)

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