Kismet’s Tale

Chapter 18: Old Oaths

      He saw them off after he had ‘persuaded’ them to go out of the Academy. Seeing the two of them walk side by side while arguing gave him quite a stir in the heart. It didn’t take long before the two had vanished from his sight. He had not immediately left the Academy, and stayed in the lobby where he had the pleasure of watching the comers and goers.

Then the lobby went quiet as he spotted two figures entering the lobby anonymously. He was disappointed that they really did come to this day. He stood on the side and waited for the two to climb the flight of stairs. The rather peaceful mood around them made him nod his head. Seeing him standing quietly with his subtle stare, the two approached Mavin.

“Your highness, and my Lady,” Mavin said.

The Crown Prince Arno studied Mavin before giving him a single nod. Lady Mildred Anastasia gave a graceful bow with her head. Her smile could weaken the hearts of men.

“Sir Mavin Tomas,” Lady Anastasia said. “I didn’t expect for the Sir to come to the City.”

The Crown Prince gave a meaningful stare. “I had heard that the Webman had come to meet the people of the Lazon. Is that why you are here?”

Mavin nodded lightly. The Crown Prince was a direct man. “Perhaps, I was merely the courier, your highness.”

“Is that so?” There was a doubtful look on the Crown Prince’s face. Lady Anastasia held her chin and said.

“The Webman has been making headlines. Now they intend to cooperate with the Lazons, which is interesting to say nonetheless.”

“It really is,” Mavin nodded, but he didn’t speak anything more. “But I doubt that I would know better, considering that I am only here because of a document.”

“Shall we have a chat?”

The Crown Prince invited. Lady Anastasia held her fan in front of her face and watched him with curious eyes. Mavin followed the Crown Prince until they reached an office that solely belongs to the Crown Prince. Lady Anastasia sat on the right sofa while Mavin kept standing hands on his back. The Crown Prince tended to his documents before sitting next to the Lady.

“Sit down, Mavin Tomas.”

“Your highness.” Mavin sat down without a word. His fingers were joined and he looked at them with a rather professional demeanor. The two played the same game, and yet Mavin didn’t budge. The Crown Prince seemed to understand that he could not win against a marksman’s patience. He probably knew more than anyone in this room what Mavin could do. Lady Anastasia was amused by their staring contest and proceeded to place her fan and watch them silently as well.

The office of the Crown Prince in the Academy was spacious. Though there was a scent of hardwood that Mavin could smell. The room didn’t feel stuffy and the air-conditioning of the office gave a rather quiet hum compared to the ones that Mavin knew.

“Your work in Flost was exemplary,” the Prince said. He was the one who broke silence first. He looked irritated about it, but he continued. “There would be many who would take that chance to take advantage of my favor. You and the Lady Bellatrix were truly the masters of battle that I had expected of you. Do you know that she had demanded to take pilot classes? She had even daringly come to my clerks in hopes she could hope for a favor. Unfortunately, the Instructors of the Academy does not allow anyone to become a pilot unless he or she is a citizen of the Empire.”

“Sounds…detrimental to the beliefs of our glorious Academy. Though I do recall that we do not allow it when we are at war. Is there a probation period that she has to wait?”

“There is. She had to wait before she was allowed to learn how to fly. Nonetheless, it would be hard for the Heads to enroll her into this Academy again, knowing that she is a citizen of the Republic, even if she is the Honored Daughter of the Duchy of Wilde.”

“I had to ask, my Prince. Why does this matter?”

“Because the two of you, were the only ones who would ask for this kind of favor,” the Prince leaned forward, his shoulders squared. “I can understand if someone from the Strongarm Clans would reject our favor. You yourself only ask that I leave the Greater Lazon to their autonomy. However, that is a favor that your region had earned through your loyalty to the Empire. That is why I question why the two of you would take such favor.”

Mavin paused for a moment, before answering. “I do not understand why the Prince would ask this of me. If Natalya would like to be a pilot, then surely the Crown Prince could allow it?

“I could have, but you forgot who she is, Mavin Tomas. She is the Lady Bellatrix, she is a woman who had hunted many of our kinsmen with her rifle. You may be the Ghost of our Empire, but she is the Lady Death of the Wilde. That is why I find it interesting that the person who could only match the Lady Bellatrix are now both in the City. And both have asked for nothing grand from us.”

Mavin raised a brow. “Surely, the Prince does not expect a conspiracy from us?” Mavin thumped his hands on his thighs. His eyes sharpened. The calm and polite expression that he had kept vanished, leaving only the face that seemed to intimidate the Lady of Anastasia. The Crown Prince glanced to his side, saw the Lady’s face and shook his head.

“It is merely…a curious thing that I dare to mention.”

Mavin didn’t bother to explain. Not that he’d have anything to say about it when even he was confused on why Natalya was trying to get close to him when she had the right to get mad at him for scarring her. He had only recently come to accept that he may try to have friendship with Natalya. And even then he did not appreciate the tone of the Prince.

“But I won’t be prattling about that any longer,” the Crown Prince said. “Lady Natalya Wilde cannot attend the Academy for reasons that are political. Wounds have not healed, Mavin Tomas.”

“Forgive me, your highness, but what do you expect from me, truly?”

Lady Anastasia seems to have calmed from her recent fright. There was another look that she threw at Mavin. Mavin could only apologize at the habit of freezing all of his emotions when he was threatened.

“What are your thoughts on the Webman Company?”

“Good. They have their hands on the Vulcan Technology,” Mavin said.  He was sure that the Prince already knew the involvement of the Lazonians to the Webman, and the Holmians. It was tiring to pretend that he had no idea when clearly the other party knew already.

“They are also the only Company in this continent that is allowed passage everywhere. The wealth that they command is astounding and most of that wealth comes from their handling of Vulcan Technology. Those giant machines itself are feats of engineering, but surely you must know the real value of their technology.”

The power supply of the Vulcans was something that the Empire desired. It was a technology that would surely change the nature of the world, and Mavin believed this because he knew from the ‘memories’ that their development would advance the world. With the Greatest Minds of the Empire working and making use of this technology on their own. The Empire would become prosperous. Knowing the value of this resource, it was impossible for the Webman Company to hide this matter with discretion, not in the Empire where there are many birds and rats watching.

“It is a promising technology.”

“That your Greater Region now has a hand on. Truth be told, your family has grown large enough to be called a Kingdom itself. Count Derrick Tomas is only a Count-in name, but he holds the power of a King.”

“And I believe that he is someone who does not desire anything other than to rule the Greater Lazon,” Mavin began. “We have earned the respect and favor of the Emperor, and not once we faltered. We do not tolerate the slander of that honor that we had earned. I believe that your highness knows this better, that such words could produce misunderstandings.”

The Crown Prince smiled. “Your words come close to being insolent, Mavin Tomas. I suggest that you lower that tone.”

“Pardon me, your highness. The blood of the Strongarm does boil when it comes to slander to the loyalty that we had earned. I believe that your highness, and the Imperial Family still holds the written blood oath that my Clan wrote in the natural chainmail skin of the last walking longtongue dragon that we had slain in honor to the brotherhood. I believe that four legged creature, and alongside its skeleton is still in the Imperial Castle, and on it is the blood oath. Forgive me for my insolence, but I can only ask the Prince to confirm the words written in that oath again.”

The Crown Prince quieted. The blood oath of the Strongarm has been protected ever since the founding. It was a testament of the friendship and the trust of the Imperial Family to the Strongarm Clans who had acted as the protectors against the Demifiend Regions. It was the promise of the Imperial Family to have them take the Demifiends for themselves, and it was also that promise that had allowed them to take the Regions to themselves.

The implication of pulling the oath is akin to slapping the Prince and telling the Prince to go to where that parchment was and learn history. Though the Prince knew what he had meant by speaking of the blood oath. He did not take it as an insult and calmly looked at Mavin. His eyes remained steady and as expected of a future ruler, he showed composure unmatched from anyone who had dueled with his words. Even Lady Anastasia seems to have stars on her eyes as she admired the disposition of the Prince.

“The Tomas Family and its blood really is fierce.”

“Thank you, we pride ourselves in being loyal vassals of the Emperor.”

“But may I remind you that you are right now only a member of the Tomas Family. You do not own a rank that allows you to be this insolent.

“Yes, I am,” Mavin started, “but I believe that the Prince knows the famous saying of my home.”

“The Good People of Lazon do not go to war.”

“But they do,” Mavin continued, “if you point a sword to their oaths.”

Another silence descended on them. The Lady of Anastasia was amused and yet there was a trace of nervousness written on her face. If this was before the incident in Flost, and before knowing Mavin’s merits. She would have surely had acted befitting of her rank and station. However, Mavin had suspected that she learned a lot about him and didn’t even try to hide about that. She was a daughter of a Grand Duke. If she did not know about his background, then she would be called careless by her peers surely.

This awful silence stayed for a while. The sharpened gaze of the Crown Prince and the gross indifference that Mavin showed to that gaze made it harder for the Lady to compose herself. She seems to be inwardly wrestling with something before she finally decided to slap her palm with her feathered fan.

“I believe that we should resume our discussion on the matter of the Webman Company,” she turned to Mavin. “I assume that you have given the documents to the Mechanical Division? Unfortunately, it seems that the one who had been in-charge of the deal had disappeared for a day-off.”

“It seems to be that.”

“Please, everyone in the Academy knows already. Do not make it as if we are clueless, Sir Tomas.”

“I understand. Yes, I had already given the documents to Doctor Rene.”


“It would be best if you hear the details from them. Milady, I am only the courier of this transaction. Though if the Lady wishes, then please speak with Sir Fred Duran.”

“Old Fred?”

Everyone in the high society knew of Old Fred. He was after all a longtime servant of the Tomas Family and the Strongarm Clans. The enduring line of the Duran Family had always been a constant companion of the Tomas. His name alone proved how much attention the Lazon Region had given to this deal with the Webman Company.

Lady Anastasia nodded her head, pondering, as if she was seeing something that Mavin could not. It was clear that they desire the technology that comes with it, and if they do manage to pull a piece of the pie, then they would benefit from the transaction. Knowing what will be coming doesn’t help, because what he knew in those ‘memories’ won’t help him. The only real advantage that Mavin had was knowing who the people that might give him an advantage, and even that was quite troublesome, knowing how fuzzy his memories have become. But if there was one thing that he was sure about, it was that the Imperial Family wanted the technology.

The Crown Prince would know how dangerously useful the skies were. From the aerial recon that it could do, to the bombs that it could drop on our enemies. If the Empire wants to continue its existence then it needs to rule the skies. Though it is a top secret material, Mavin knew exactly what Kristine was working on.

The Crown Prince, after a short moment of silence, began. “I understand your friendship with Doctor Abe, and Doctor Torre. Brilliance intends to flock together, that is understandable, but if you are trying to--”

“Make my friends go out of the Academy seeing that they are becoming unhealthy and pale?” Mavin said flatly. The Crown Prince stopped, wondering if he was being mocked.

Mavin raised his hands. “I truly didn’t intend to prevent your meetings with them, Prince. Again, I am merely the courier, and they simply got out of the Academy to spend time together under the sun.”

Though he did make it intentional that they would go out before they met the Crown Prince. Rene and Kristine were brilliant people who could remain composed, but even they did not have the status and the confidence to even imply to be insolent in front of the Crown Prince. He did not even think that they would be able to do anything other than nod their heads.

Those two were people who did not give a single damn about the politics of the High Society, and the Hundred Nobles. In the end they would still benefit from their research and even the Nobles would have to sucker up to them if they intend to profit from what they have.

“I’ve heard that they are close, but not that close.” Lady Anastasia said.

Mavin shook his head. “They are pretty shy, but I think that they are closer than they think they are. You know how it is, Milady. Pride is what makes them tick. Their personal impressions towards one another had decided their interactions, and I believe that there is nothing that can be done other than change how said person looks at you.”

The Lady nodded subtly. She took a single glance at the Crown Prince before looking away. There was a desire that she wanted. Lady Mildred Anastasia was a woman meant to be an Empress. She had believed, no, she desired to the point of believing that it was her right. She was someone who had molded herself into perfection. Her merits alone in the High Society puts anyone to shame.

Only one woman was her equal and that woman was winning over the Crown Prince’s heart. Mavin did not dare to understand what goes inside the heart of a woman. However, even fools could see that she desired the power and the Prince. Many would probably be surprised that they had come together in the Academy when they barely met one another and she had little time to meet with the Prince.

Mavin guessed that her vulnerable appearance during the chase in Flost had changed some of his opinion towards the ‘Perfect Woman’ persona that she deemed to show everyone. Not knowing that it was hurting her chances in winning the heart of the man she loves.

Mavin was curious about what change had come to the Crown Prince. But he knows that it was something that made him lower his guard a bit to her. Mavin didn’t care who was going to be the Empress. Lady Shina and Lady Anastasia were worthy of being the Empress. However, to become the Empress Regent meant that she would rule an Empire with the Emperor. Mavin could understand if the Crown Prince would seek someone who could provide him comfort during the hardest times and would rule with him with wisdom.  Someone who he can show his weakness and leaned to when he falters on the burden of the weight he carries.

The Crown Prince wrestled with something inwardly and interlocked his fingers. The two tried to get information out of Mavin, but they simply didn’t believe that he was uninvolved.

It was then that one of the student council members knocked on the doors of the Crown Prince’s office. Informing the Prince that his presence was needed. The Crown Prince whispered something to Lady Anastasia and she agreed rather hesitantly.

“It looks like I am needed somewhere else, please accompany the Lady until then, Sir Tomas.”

Mavin gave him a crisped salute and left alongside that student council member, leaving Mavin and the Lady of Anastasia alone.  Mavin kept his still smile, leaving the Lady to sigh helplessly.

“They say that the difference between Emilia and me. Sir Mavin, who do you think should be the Empress?”

“May I speak the truth?”

“You can.”

“What the Empire needs right now is Lady Emilia Shina, no doubt. She can help heal the wounds of the Empire. The Empire needs a mother-figure that they can dedicate their hearts to, like Empress Veronica who had given her love to the Empire years ago. You are…brilliant…wise…but if this was another time, then I would have no doubt that you would be the Empire’s Empress.”

“You…why do you look as if you truly believed that?”

“Do I?”

A golden age ruled by the Empress of Athesia, her majesty Mildred Evanne Anastasia, the Empress who salvaged the ruined Empire after the defeat of the Imperator Viola Whitefall..

Even in the ‘memories’ the image of the Empress standing tall despite the hurt that the Empire had sustained burnt in those ‘memories’ so brightly. That image of the Empress addressing her Empire. The iron lady of the Athesia Empire had bloomed, and brought forth a ruler that had endured against the storm. It was a beautiful sight out of the sheer tragedy that had come. Even her rivalry with Lady Emilia Shina was not enough for her to abandon the Empire when she needed it.

Rising up from the depth of sadness, abandoning that grief and heartbreak so she may rule for the time she had left. Mavin Tomas knew that she was so worthy of being the Empress that it hurts. Lady Shina and Lady Anastasia were worthy to become the Empress. Nonetheless, there can only be one regent, and their pride would not allow them to be merely a concubine.

Lady Anastasia’s stare was frozen. She looked at Mavin before throwing her head back to laugh. “It seems that I am lacking in your eyes. I am not blind to their preference, they would prefer Emilia who seems to be so warm compared to me. I understand what they feel when they gaze at her. She has the gentleness that soothes troubled hearts.  I cannot deny that her image would ease the hearts of our citizens.”

She was troubled. She was a thorny rose that is admired from a distance. Lady Emilia was different in a way that she was someone who everyone could admire without feeling danger. That’s why it must have been rather surprising to her that Mavin believed that she was really worthy. At the same time, Mavin thought that she understood what she was lacking. She prided herself in demeanor and attitude. She was not afraid for people to know her beauty and ability. She must have thought that she was lacking in some areas, and yet she did not falter in the regard that she should still be herself. That ‘pride’ of hers did not allow herself to think that she was lesser than anyone. However, she could not truly deny on who had the greater pull on the hearts of the people.

“But is it wrong to be true to yourself? I do not understand what is so wrong with me. But in Flost, I understand that what I was lacking was the charm that made others swoon. He always saw me as nothing more than the ‘perfect woman’ that he held no interest other than a passing glance. To think that he would only show interest after that incident in Flost. Is it the same for you as well? To have a wanting to protect those who are afraid.”

“I won’t deny it that it does.”

“I see. Maybe that’s what I was lacking. That I was vulnerable and he saw that I crumbled. Who wouldn’t be scared during those times? I did not expect that I would witness the sight.”

“You don’t look bothered.”

“I can…cope with what I saw. I don’t know how I should comprehend the death that happened that day. Do you know why he allows me to accompany him? Because he thinks that the events had caused me some nightmares. That man thinks that I was afraid and is using that to go through my defenses and I feel helpless.”

“You say that, my lady, but you don’t look that bothered.”

“Emilia works in hospitals and she had always been someone who had thrived to become a Doctor herself. She had seen death and could remain calm and yet here I am afraid of a few deaths.”

“That isn’t something to be ashamed about, milady. You are not accustomed to death.”

“Yes, he says that as well,” she lowered her head. “He really doesn’t put me into his line of sight doesn’t he? Do I need to be in danger all the time just to get his eyes focused on me again?”

“I don’t think that’s something you should ponder, milady. Those are words that might hurt you in the end if you choose to do so.”

“I am not that desperate, Mavin Tomas. I know what my value is. This is more of a painful realization that it would take me more than this to get his attention.”

“Milady,” he started. “No one in this Empire would doubt even for a second that you are not worthy to become the Empress. The Crown Prince has the Emperor’s pride and principles. I won’t lecture you in the affairs of your love. I think that the lady would be fine without the persona that you seem to hide when it comes to others.”

“Mildred,” she said, lifting her lips. “You can just call me, Mildred, I shall permit you. I need more insolent people like you around me, Mavin Tomas.”

“Would that be alright?”

“Why not?” she crossed her legs. “You are part of the Tomas Family, and you are a War Hero with merits to his name. Do I have to add to the fact that you had saved our lives? How can we have lived without your skills during that day? I shall dismiss your rather arrogant words today if you allow this.”

“I understand, Mildred.”

She nodded and placed her fan in front of her face.

“Good. I met with Lady Natalya not long ago. I remember that you had danced lovingly with her. It was quite elegant how you two pranced around. I would call it kismet, knowing that you two are the best that the Empire and the Republic can offer. Hmm, I do like the Lady’s arrogance and natural movements. I had thought she would happily return to her home, to think she would want to learn how to fly.  Do you perhaps know of this?”

“I heard of it.”

“Wonderful isn’t it? Her endless ambition and merit makes her an admirable woman. She is an example of what a woman should be other than the ones who hold chores and the finances of the family. I could never dare to handle such machines. Yet she would bravely try to do so.”

Mavin could only smile warily at that.

“It is unfortunate that we cannot allow her to have that aspiration fulfilled. However,” she trained her sight on Mavin, “I believe that she would find a way, considering that we owe her favors.”

The two chatted for a while until the Crown Prince returned.  When the Prince returned he began another round that ended with him being unable to gain anything from Mavin. As the three went out of the office, walking around, the Crown Prince who had attracted the attention of the research division members were separated from them, leaving Mavin to accompany Lady Mildred while the Prince conversed with the members of the research division. As Mavin Tomas continued to converse with Lady Mildred casually, passing the time, he averted his eyes for a second and locked eyes with a woman with a violet eye staring at him with a dull and frosty expression behind the crack of a metal door.

Thank you for reading so far!

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