King of Industry

Chapter 18

Chapter 18 – What Is The Intention

Chapter 18 What is the intention

Poor horse factory manager, who was typically shot while lying down, and was bombarded by the surrounding Siyang Group employees, which almost did not affect the eight generations of ancestors.

As we all know, in this era, most of the factory employees who can enter the inspection station are old employees with certain work experience. In all likelihood, they climbed up from the bottom bit by bit.

What haven’t these people seen? It’s all old Jianghu, and it’s handy to hurt people, making Ma Jian wish he could find a crack in the ground to get in.

Seeing the embarrassment on the face of Director Ma, Zhao Guoyang quickly stood in front of him and said loudly: “Leaders, masters, please listen to me first!”

Zhao Guoyang’s voice was very loud, and he immediately calmed down the crowd of the Siyang Group.

He then cleared his throat, raised his head and chest and said word by word: “What I just said is true, and it is definitely not alarmist. If you really think that the frame of Shunxin Machinery Factory is a boutique, then it is Big mistake!”

After Zhao Guoyang finished speaking, the silent crowd broke out into commotion again.

Seeing this situation, Stationmaster Xiao was overjoyed. He put one hand on his hip, pointed at Zhao Guoyang with the other and said, “Boy, do you see that? This is not my attitude alone. Your nonsense has already aroused public outrage!”

Inspector Lao Zhang glanced at Station Master Xiao, frowned, stepped out of the crowd, and said to Zhao Guoyang: “Young student, I think your words are plausible, and you shouldn’t be fooling people.”

“How about this, you first talk about your reason, if it is really reasonable and can convince us, then we will help you intercede with Station Master Xiao and put your factory’s frame into storage first, how about it?”

“Master Zhang is right, let’s see what his reasons are!”

“Let him talk, why alarmist!”

“Yes, let’s see what this kid can say!”

The people behind shouted one after another.

Just as Zhao Guoyang was about to speak, a low and hoarse voice came from not far away: “What’s the noise! During working hours, what are so many people doing here? Do you have nothing to do? Go back to your post!”

Zhao Guoyang followed the sound and saw a middle-aged man with slightly white hair, glasses, and a navy blue jacket walking slowly.

As soon as he saw this person, Station Master Xiao, who had been flabbergasted before, became honest all at once.

He trotted over to the other party, said hello, and then told the whole story of what happened just now.

Of course, the stationmaster Xiao must be fueling his jealousy, deliberately exaggerating Zhao Guoyang’s arrogance and arrogance. As for whether this middle-aged man believes it or not, that’s another matter.

The person who can make Stationmaster Xiao treat each other like this, you can tell with your toes that he is a leader.

Indeed, this middle-aged man is Liang Hongjun, director of the Technical Quality Department of Siyang Group, and he is an absolute middle-level cadre.

When Ma Jian came to Siyang Group on a business trip last time, he also met Liang Hongjun. Seeing him now, Ma Jian hurriedly went up to shake hands with him with a smile on his face.

“Oh, it’s the director of the horse factory! Hello, hello! Are you here to deliver the frame? You have worked hard all the way!” Liang Hongjun was very kind, and said a few polite words to Ma Jian, then turned his gaze to Zhao Guoyang who was aside.

Seeing this, Ma Jian quickly pulled Zhao Guoyang to introduce to Liang Hongjun: “Minister Liang, this is Zhao Guoyang, the acting deputy chief of the technical department of our Hongda Machinery Factory. You can call him Xiao Zhao.”

Zhao Guoyang didn’t find it strange that the director of Ma factory temporarily arranged for himself the status of “acting deputy section chief”. The reason for doing this was to make himself more qualified to speak.

Otherwise, you are an ordinary technician of a supporting manufacturer, why should you talk to the head of the technical quality department of Siyang Group?

Liang Hongjun was very sincere. After shaking Zhao Guoyang’s hand slightly, he directly asked about what happened just now, and asked him what he found.

Zhao Guoyang explained: “Minister Liang, that’s it. After I saw this frame, I found that there might be a problem with the material of the main body, so I mentioned it to Station Master Xiao and the comrades of Siyang Group. Maybe I expressed It’s not clear enough, I was misunderstood by everyone…”

“Hmph, you are obviously making trouble for no reason!” Stationmaster Xiao couldn’t help but interjected.

“The frame of Shunxin Machinery Factory replaced Q235 with 20-gauge steel of better material. This is a great thing. Not only did you insist on a problem, but you also made alarmist remarks, saying that our Siyang Group wants to attack the street. .Tell me, what are your intentions?”

Zhao Guoyang ignored the stationmaster Xiao, but looked at Liang Hongjun with scorching eyes, and said word by word: “Minister Liang, I think you should know the difference between Q235 steel and No. 20 steel.”

Seeing Liang Hongjun nodded slightly, Zhao Guoyang continued: “The yield point of Q235 steel is 235MPa, and the elongation is 21-26%.”

“It is widely used to make general mechanical parts with certain strength and elongation, such as pins, shafts, tie rods, connecting rods, ferrules, bolts, nuts, cylinders, gears, brackets, frames and weldments.”

“The yield point of No. 20 steel in the normalized state is 245MPa, and the elongation is >25%. The yield point of the quenched and tempered state is 280MPa, and the elongation is >22%.”

“Widely used in the production of parts with low load and high toughness requirements, such as forged tie rods, sleeves, fixtures and pads in heavy and general machinery, small and medium-sized carburized and cyanided parts in general machinery and automobiles and tractors superior…”

People around were shocked by Zhao Guoyang’s profuse explanation at this moment.

They didn’t even think about it, this immature young man actually had such a deep understanding of the properties of the two kinds of steel, it was like a treasure.

Listening, Liang Hongjun’s eyes lit up, and he kept nodding in agreement.

Zhao Guoyang continued: “No. 20 steel is high-quality carbon structural steel, Q235 is carbon structural steel, and the price of No. 20 steel is higher than that of Q235. Everyone knows this. Generally, when the load is not large and the requirements are not high , the two steels are indeed interchangeable.”

“But…” Zhao Guoyang suddenly changed the subject.

“If I’m not mistaken, the frame provided by Shunxin Machinery Factory should be a straddle-type large motorcycle frame, right? The displacement is at least 125cc or more.”

Hearing this, Liang Hongjun roughly understood what Zhao Guoyang wanted to say.

He glanced at the young man approvingly, nodded and said: “That’s right, Comrade Xiao Zhao, you guessed right. This frame is a trial product, and it is a Siyang 125 motorcycle newly developed by Shunxin Machinery Factory for our factory.” For prototyping.”

Zhao Guoyang interjected: “Since it is a large motorcycle, your factory should have a rough estimate of the load capacity of this model, right? I believe that this figure should be above 200KG.”

Liang Hongjun nodded again when he heard the words, and the smile on his face became wider.

Station Master Xiao and the employees of the inspection station looked at Zhao Guoyang in astonishment, wondering how this young man could guess so accurately.

Zhao Guoyang walked to the frame of the inspection site, knocked on the frame of the main body a few times with his fingers and said: “Minister Liang, the inspection results just now show that the main body of this frame is made of 20-gauge steel.”

“If it is an ordinary scooter, there may be no major problems. But now this is a large motorcycle with a load of more than 200KG. I think you, as an industry expert, should be able to see the hidden dangers…”

(end of this chapter)

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