King boo, the true king of undeath

Chapter 3: a king does what he must

King boo looked down at his new subjects, his glowing purple eyes staring into the souls of the humans, quite literally, as he sensed their sin, the mere action of taking them to his realm cut them off from the Embodiment of evil, so their sin was already slowly dieing.

"Now then, let's get to work." He lifted them closer, before changing them, he left the souls alone for now, letting his realm deal with the sin. "There we go.."

He looked at the family, looking even more like the perfect American Family, but he then got down and got to work on their minds, altering things just a bit, as he really needed Martha, a woman basically loved by people as a hero would spread his name far and wide across the country, as he could then focus on other areas of the earth.

"Um my lord? I feel..weird.." ralph didn't know what was happening, he felt so horrible for all the things he did, and yet it was like it wasn't him, like a him who existed but now was long gone, he didn't even notice him calling king boo lord, it just felt natural, his soul and all his families knowing he was their one true lord.

"No need to worry, just head home, I will handle the imps." He went back to earth, still invisible, as he slowly alters their memories, making them think they killed her, as he used his powers to make a fake version of Martha's head, sending them back to hell. "There we go, hell is pretty big, Martha won't notice if she can't find Martha for a long time, and by then Martha's usefulness will be done."

He let the family come back, giving them a book on his titles and name, and his dimension, knowing he had to keep it under heavens radar, he instructed them to make it out to be an old myth, one that Martha would publish about him..including ways to summon king boo.

"Yes..that's all I need, people summoning me, and then my ghosts, soon the world will be mine, all souls and then my own paradise of ghosts! Of the paranormal! Mm still I wish I had some ghost minions."

King boo tapped his throne, he knew he had to find more criminals, unlike good people he had no problem changing evil people to suit his needs. "A prison? No if I see a rapist or pedo I will just start blasting, those people should just die and stay dead."

He knew if he saw one he would destroy the prison immediately, he tried to be a good man, but to him pedos should all get the death penalty, no expectations, and anyone who defended them deserves a good beating.

"Alright, maybe..leave a trail of fake clues about myself all over the world, make it seem that my legend is far older and was spread out all over the world and was suddenly forgotten." He smirked to himself. "Yeah, there are tons of places that had taken their myths from other places, as long as I keep it believable ish, it should get people's attention."

He knew right now people needed to know about him to actually go to his afterlife, and if the entire world learns about him, then good for me.

Time skip

A year had fully past, the family I had converted to my loyal followers had done their tasks, the kids helped spread the rumor of his existence, planting the idea of him into the young minds, as they even made memes about him.

Martha though had been the biggest help, with her hero status he got her to talk about him, saying she loved old legends and it all started with his book, and with that the flood gates opened.

He left clues of his existence all over the world, with varying degrees of time passing, one looked five thousand years old, another looked to be nearly eight thousand, the earliest was over a thousand and two hundred years old.

He kept his distance, Martha and her family though soon faced the imps again, turns out they found out they were tricked somehow, but this time he let them die, making sure everyone knows that though him, their souls can return to the earth whenever they wish would soon be a possibility, he just needed to make sure heaven couldn't get him.

"Mm look at this." He sat atop a moon styled throne, seeing the family of ghosts, completely at his mercy. "Alright then, no hell for you, go forth, spread my name, if someone summons a ghost then you will answer, I will only answer if it's important." He smiled, sending the family off, he had worked hard on his dimension so he let them have a little fun.

"Now then, time to check hell.." he opened the portal, noticing the red glow on the other side, before he flew in. "Huh, yep, just what I expected." He saw an Angelic steel spear on a roof, deciding to check something. "Alright should check, hopefully I'm immune, but I gotta know if I'm not.." he slowly pushed the spear into his arm, as it just went right through him. "Oh thank God! I'm immune!."

Now he just had to worry about being stuck in a vacuum, though hopefully since he was more mystical it would take a more mystical trap to contain him, which was alot harder to get.

"Alright, now then..this looks new, and the hotel in the distance looks like it's before Adams attack on the hotel..maybe.." he thought of adam, while he was no ror adam, he was still the most screwed over human in existence, and understanding the first mortal

would be helpful to his powers.

He went to the embassy, taking a look as he suddenly felt it, the heavenly magics trying to find..well anything, not just him, but anything that trys to enter the embassy, luckily they haven't found out about his magic, so he could slip by the wards of the place, though he had to be careful. "OK...a meeting with adam, hopefully that hasn't happened yet, time seems to be a little different." He found the room where adam was in the show, looking like it has been empty due to all the dust.

"Good, now I just need to leave a mark for when he shows up." He left the mark of king boo under the table, making it look like someone just scratched it in, before he left hell.

King boo finally made it back to his realm, feeling right at home, before he felt it, souls..they were linking to his realm, to him!. "Its happening...people are curious beings, well then..let's see who I got." He found the souls, and was shocked. "No fucking way.."

It was another family, or well a family and a couple other people, because he found them all in a mansion, the fucking mansion of luigi's mansion, it was them, the first bosses..before they became ghosts. "Oh this..I like this alot." He let out a laugh, wondering what to do now.

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