Kaijin Fighter: So I Have to Make Monsters, So What?

Chapter 1232: Reflective Fighting (1)

*Bing-Bong* Wait a minute... hey what's with the title change? I thought we were wrapping up Lythero's fight this chapter. |No no, we're going to be doing that a little later.| Why? |Because...reasons.| Uh...huh... *Bing-Bong* _____Shifting to the Gallery of Mirrors______ 'Well, this is the weirdest fight I have ever been a part of,' Zhen Liu thought to himself as he pushed back against the evil undead version of himself. 'I will not lie though, it is actually kind of cool seeing how I would've been if I had managed to go full aether warrior route." At this moment in time, Zhen Liu and his cousins were in the middle of fighting twisted reflections of themselves that seemed to have all of their abilities and then some. Granted that "then some" came in the form of weird distortions of their innate skills. Zhen Liu was busy focusing on trying not to get his blood being extracted and used as a great sword at the moment, so he couldn't comment on the clones of his cousins. However, he had plenty of thoughts on the fucked up facsimile that was supposed to be representative of himself. 'On the one hand, the fact that my innate aether skills amount to just being a fuckton of flames make a lot of sense. On the other hand though, I am now painfully aware how much of a one trick I am when it comes to fighting with aether abilities.' "Rash!" "Whoa!" As soon as the thought of his abilities being limited crossed his mind, the black mirror version of himself lashed out with a torrent of [Ghost Flames]...again. 'After this is all over, I need to absorb more natural aether treasures.' "OOOOoooOOoh!" "Shit!" Regardless of his own mental commentary though, the mirror version of Zhen Liu proved to be a most dangerous opponent. While he wasn't entirely sure if this was the case, but the black glass mirrors were unable to copy Zhen Liu's innate [Chaos] related abilities or kaijin, as evident by the fact that this zombie version of Zhen Liu was more or less bereft of the Kaijin accessories. However, since it was able to copy the aether treasure flames that were inside of Zhen Liu's soul, as well as the [Hammer of the Dearly Departed], the mirror seemed to focus on polishing the usage of those two things to their absolute limit. The end result was that Zhen Liu was now fighting the equivalent of an undead pyromaniac version of himself, and he couldn't just use [Chaos] to tank the attacks or cheap shot the bastard. Hell, even his unusually high strength wasn't much help at this moment due to his mirror copy being able to punch just as hard. In other words, Zhen Liu was being forced to fight the version of himself that could've been had he been born with all of his aether channels. 'Huh...this is...oddly insightful,' Zhen Liu realized after he blocked his mirror self from impaling him with a spear made of [Ghost Flame] by turning his own hammer and bone club into a shield. 'If this is how I could fight with just these two aether treasures of mine...what would it look like if actually had aether channels...,' Zhen Liu wondered before turning inwards. ... 'Okay, I know I said I was going to do this solo for cathartic reasons, but I have changed my mind and I need to see something. Who wants to go for a ride in my brain?' [I'll do it,] Screamira immediately volunteered. [I don't think I have had a chance to do so outside of practice.] 'Ooh, we can also use this as an opportunity to see if if we can just scream this thing to death. Hallelujah.' ... "Alright, copycat. Try to copy this!" Screamira's accessory came in the form of a bone earring, similar to Frosttusk's ivory one, but it looked less tribal and significantly more...heavy metal. While it wasn't necessary to perform any physical actions to have his Kaijin fuse with his body, Zhen Liu couldn't help but to do a performative flick of his earring to signal what he was doing. That and it served as an excellent means of throwing people off the scent of his abilities actually worked. Regardless, once he had Screamira do her thing and fuse with his aether channels, Zhen Liu's entire demeanor changed in an instant. An aura of death and rebellion began to encapsulate Zhen Liu's form, while his stance took on a more hunched look. It made him look unprepared to unlearned observers, but those who knew how to fight, recognized that this stance was a trap designed to lower the guards of opponents. In other words, Zhen Liu was about to fight like an undead monster. "Alright, copycat," Zhen Liu whispered in a voice that sounded like the howls of a hundred or so ghosts. "Let's see if you can...oh shit, he can copy you guys." Shortly after Zhen Liu's [Possession] kicked in, his black mirror duplicate suddenly stopped attacking. Then, over the course of a few moments, the black mirror copy suddenly started to change on both a physical and spiritual level. On a physical level, the undead looking Zhen Liu suddenly developed bony protrusions that covered his body like armor, including a pair of horns and shocking white hair that mirrored Screamira's Kaijin form. While on the spiritual side, the mirror copy began to release an aura that was very similar to Screamira's death aura but there was something more to it. 'Wait a minute...Screamira. Am I going crazy or...' [You're not going crazy, Producer. This guy has a more complete fusion of our abilities.] 'Huh.' Zhen Liu never really thought about it until recently, but his ability to fuse with his Kaijin wasn't truly a fusion of their abilities. If Zhen Liu had to give an example, his ability to combine with his Kaijin was more akin to a mech picking up a gun that belonged to a different type of unit. He could technically do what they could do, but there was always this level of disconnect that prevented full fluidity. This mirror copy in front of him, however, was a displaying a true fusion between his own abilities and his Kaijin's abilities, like mechs combining on levels beyond the physical. Using his [Chaos] enhanced vision, he could literally see that the mirror version of his hammer, his [Ghost Flames] and Screamira's cultivation were fully unified in one continuous whole and amplifying their power. Zhen Liu's ability to work with his Kaijin was additive, not multiplicative as he always thought. This mirror copy though was showing him true multiplicative power enhancement. 'Huh...' Confronted by this arguably better version of himself, Zhen Liu surprisingly didn't feel conflicted about this moment. Instead, he felt oddly excited. ... [Producer? Are you okay? Your connection right now is feeling weird, even when muted like this.] 'Yes, it's just...I get the feeling I'm going to need to talk to Logos and Pathos about this later. Well, once I get back to the Library that is.' [About what, Producer?] 'To truncate a long ass thought, I saw how Nepeherage, Frosttusk and Hurricroak fused to create Ragnarocker under very odd circumstances, and now this motherfucker exists as a very personal example. I get the feeling that we may be able to replicate this at home... probably.' [Hmm. Makes sense.] 'That said, we need to survive this ordeal first.' [Agreed.] ... "DIE!" "Oh shit, it talks?!" However, this excitement was cut short when the newly upgraded black mirror version of Zhen Liu decided to go on the offensive in a most unexpected way. The twisted version of Zhen Liu pointed his face downwards before releasing an ear pierce screaming that launched him towards Zhen Liu horns first. Not only that, but the mirrored version of Zhen Liu proceeded to use its own [Ghost Flames] to transform themselves into a burning and screaming missile of mayhem and death. In response to this attack, Zhen Liu prepared to counter with a technique he hadn't used in a long time. Pocketing his hammer, Zhen Liu proceeded to two-hand grip the [Veteran's Bone Club]! "Batter up! Aether out!" Just as the mirrored version of himself was about to headbutt him, Zhen Liu swung out with the bone club, aiming to smash in their fake skull and send them flying into a wall. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. "HA!" At the last possible moment, the mirrored Zhen Liu released a second scream and launched themselves into the air in order to avoid the real one's bone club. Zhen Liu was left swinging for the bleachers as the mirrored version of himself was now right next to him. At this close distance, it was practically impossible for Zhen Liu to block or dodge. "Oh...piss." Which is exactly why the mirrored version of himself proceeded to breathe a torrent of [Ghost Flames] directly into Zhen Liu's face.

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