Justice in the One Piece World

Luke 10:18

Chapter 19



Enel: … Who are you?



I didn’t answer that as I simply walked over to him and set foot on his ship. He frowned in anger before I turned to ask him.



Me: Who are you?



Enel: I am God



I expected this answer. Narcissistic bastard, actually thinking he’s completely invincible because of this devil fruit. He actually managed to kill thousands upon thousands of innocent civilians just because he thought it was his ‘duty’ as god.



Me: I don’t believe you. Tell me what is God to you.



Enel: I am GOD



He said with more anger as the ship glowed from the flowing electricity and power. No… I can’t do it yet, I need to distract him a bit more.



Me: I asked what is God not who you think you are. Tell me then, what is a God to you?



Enel thought over this question more carefully than he did my previous, though in reality it was the same question. He probably thought that this question, if well answered, would serve to boast his ego as God.



Enel: God is a ruler, a mighty and all powerful being. One of which that does not fall from power. It is the duty of a God to make sure that mortals like you do not overstep their bounds.



Me: Then you are not my God. Nor to yourself or by my own definition of God.



I stomped my feet to cancel out some more of Enel’s control of the ship as I started to explain what I mean.



Me: You tell me that a God is a ruler, yet you did not rule. Skypiea was left alone while you spent your time as nothing more than a figurehead. Your sect simply used your image and name to carry out their own agendas and plans while you, being their “ruler” did nothing. Not knowing that your name was stained each time they performed acts upon the people you should have cared for.



I snarled at Enel who almost flinched. He looked like he was about to say something but I wasn’t done yet.



Me: Besides, did you not state that God is an all-powerful being that does not fall from power? So how can that be you. How can it be you when you’ve just lost a battle against a boy made up with rubber? You were defeated, yes?



Enel was visibly fuming as he listened to my words.



Enel: Enough Heretic!



With that, he send a massive lightning bolt straight down onto the ship where both of us were standing… yet I was expecting this. I activated the second power of my devil fruit upon myself and took the bolt. Instead of damage, I felt energy flow through me as my body accepted the lightning instead of being burned and zapped like most things do. I simply smiled at Enel before continuing my words



Me: You’re no God. You’re just a narcissistic bastard who ate a lucky Devil fruit that gave you power over people.



Enel: Then answer this for me Mortal! What is a God!



Me: An omnipotent being, a being that does not exist in the stretch of time as it belongs in all of the past, present, and future. A being so powerful it can create a Universe, if you will, at just a moment’s notice. A being for whom, other’s death and rebirth is nothing but a state of being which it can easily change or restore. Something with the power to create create and defeat beings of power like you and me. That is the God I met and that is who I will accept as my God.



Enel: Truly… a being like that exists?



Me: It does… but you will never get to meet him in your life.



Enel: Why! I must ask him how! I must ask him to take me to Fairy Vearth! TELL ME MORTAL.






I yelled at him back at the top of my lungs as I activated my devil fruit to it’s full capacity. As expected, my preparation was well rewarded. Suddenly, the entire ship, despite being made out of gold, was suddenly turned non-conductible and Enel found himself unable to jump into and around the ship.



Cancelling out each other’s observation haki once again, I clad my hands in armament and met his electric hands.



We pushed on like this for a while until I realized this was going to end in a stalemate. While I was physically stronger, Enel was starting to take back portions of the ship back, which was once again boosting his strength as well. Still, to prevent him from escaping I held onto him with my pitch black hands.






I coated my forehead in armament haki and gave Enel a massive headbutt. One from which he reeled back and toppled over on his ship. Not letting him get away and take control of his golden ship once more, I used Soru to get close and grabbed him once again with haki.






I felt millions of volts of energy going down my spine as Enel bombarded me with lightning. Too much energy that I felt my body starting to heat up and start to burn from the strain.



I grit my teeth as I continued to plummet Enel with my Haki coated hand but he just wouldn’t get knocked out. Did he learn something new from Luffy when he was fighting him?



Enel had a bloody nose, a few broken bones and looked to be in pain, but somehow I just couldn’t overpower him. Every time I thought it was about to end, something in his body just changed and I had to fight him all over again.



Suddenly, I just got the craziest of ideas and started laughing as I held onto Enel.



Enel: Why are you laughing demon?!



It was a crazy idea. But from the way it seemed, it might be the only possible way to completely beat Enel. Without answering him, I showed it to him with my actions.



Suddenly, it felt as if gravity has increased a hundred time. One him, on the ship, and even myself. The ship, unable to hold itself up against the gravitational pull started to fall, and fall, faster and faster to the world below.



Through the clouds, Enel resisted by yelling and screaming. Lightning and thunder roared as we we started dropping in altitude and passed under the cloud…revealing the dark seas below.



Me: Luke Chapter 10, Verse 18.



I read allowed as I held onto Enel from jumping off the ship. I smiled like a maniac as I continued to recite off my memory.



Me: He replied “ I saw Satan fall like lightning from Heaven!” HAHAHAHA! Enel, that was a verse from the Holy Scripture of MY GOD. Is this not Ironic? It seems he labeled you Satan!



Enel roared in defiance as lightning started to burn off my skin and clothes. I could really feel the altitude changing as my ears opened and I could hear better again.



He grabbed my hand which held onto him hair and did something different. I felt a burning sensation as I watched in horror my skin starting to melt away.



My muscles started to tear but as my grip started to loose, I enhanced them with the strongest haki I could muster before sending an electric pulse to my own arm, essentially paralyzing it in that position; making sure Enel couldn’t run away.






With that, we plunged into the dark ocean below. Even when I decreased the gravity on myself before we hit the water, the pure face of it shattered a few of my bones. I felt my knees dislocate and my mind go slightly hazy from the pain… but I held on.



While I was thankfully immune to my request to God, I could see Enel’s power leaving him. Turning him into nothing more than a slightly fit human.


It would be a waste to let this ship sink. I though as I watched the golden ship, Ark Maxim starting to sink with us into the depths below. I immediately put the entire ship in my Inventory. Who knows? There might be a time when it is called to duty once again.



I turned to see Enel who’s hair was still gripped in my right hand. He was clearly drowning, with full knowledge that he will die. He was so in panic that he didn’t even seem to notice that his ship was gone.



I grabbed Enel and swam up to the surface…only for me. When I had a nice breath of fresh air, I remembered to keep Enel below the surface of the water. That would just ruin everything. Instead, I took out a single apple from my inventory and waited.



It seemed to take forever but it finally happened. As the fruit started to change, I let go of Enel to drown, sinking down to be eaten by some Sea Creature and never to be seen again.



As I held the newly formed fruit gingerly in my hands.



Me: The Goro Goro No mi…finally.



I braced myself…and took a bite.

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