Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 30

Less than ten minutes later, Rosa and I flew up to Galuna Island, whose shape very much resembled a moon. No wonder it is often referred to as the Island of the Moon. 

I remembered that already now, above the island, high in the sky, a dome-shaped membrane of ether is hanging, which covers the entire territory of the island, so I lowered our flight altitude a little beforehand, on approach, so as not to accidentally crash into this dome. 

This tape was created because of the Moon Drop ritual. The fumes produced by attempts to melt Deliora's ice prison through the Night Ritual began to crystallize in the sky, thus forming a dome.

If you look at the sky from the island at night, you can see how the moonlight passing through the film changes to lilac. Also, the Moon itself changes its color, and it seems as if it was painted in lilac. 

For humans, this lilac radiation is harmless, but for demons there is a side effect. The trouble is that on Galuna Island, just the same, a tribe of friendly demons lives, which suffer from the radiation of the lilac moon. 

It had already been a year since Lyon and his gang started using Moon Drop, so the membrane should have formed by now, which means the demons are already suffering from the side effect. The side effect itself is a distortion of memory in demons. Demons have always lived on Galuna, but due to the lilac radiation, their memories are completely messed up, and now they think that they are ordinary people who turn into ugly demons at night, because of the Curse of the Purple Moon. 

When Natsu, Lucy, Gray, as well as Happy, how could I forget about him, arrived on the Island, the village elder asked them to destroy the moon in order to dispel the curse and remove the terrible night transformations into demons. Although it was their real appearance. Poor things. 

Even though I'm a Devil Slayer, I don't intend to touch the people of Galuna. They are completely harmless and live quietly on this island for decades, without disturbing or touching anyone. On the contrary, they do not want to contact the outside world and deliberately spread rumors that their island is cursed so that ordinary people are afraid to visit the island and do not interfere with their lives. 

So they certainly didn't deserve me to kill them just because they were demons, unlike Deliora. In addition, they are demons, not Etherias. The inhabitants of the island were not created by Zeref, they appeared in the world on their own, like other races. Since there are angels in the world, of course there must be demons. And the Etherias are just a subspecies of the demons that Zeref created. 

I'm just more of an Etherias Killer, I even have one killed Etherias on my account. So, let the local demons continue to live in peace, and I will even help them and end this whole story with a curse. 

By the way, an idea popped into my head. Will I be affected by the radiation of the Lilac Moon? Moonlight passing through a membrane crystallized from the fumes from the "Moon Drop" ritual is able to influence and confuse the minds of demons, and I, being a Devil Slayer, have a part of a demon in me. Etherias is more precise, but still.

In theory, I should also be subject to the effect of influence on the mind, but obviously much weaker than a real demon. Besides, most likely I will need to be under the lilac light for more than one week for any problems to appear. And I'm not going to stay on the island that long. I want to deal with Deliora and Leon before tonight. After all, I promised the Master that I would return to the Guild today, and promises must be kept. 

And if I don't make it before sunset, I'll immediately destroy the dome in the sky. Better to be safe. I do not want even a second to be under the lilac radiation, you never know what can happen. Well, if it just starts to have memory problems, what if my demonic part rebels and takes control of me? I don't know if this is possible, but this is the anime world, who the hell knows what can happen. It is better not to experiment with yourself once again. 

While I was thinking about the upcoming event, I simultaneously managed to fly to the island and land on it, while laying the ship on the sand and lowering Rose to the ground. I immediately removed the sphere of light that surrounded the ship, but still decided to keep the angel's transformation. Just in case.

- Are you worried about something? You've been silent for ten minutes now and you look thoughtful. - said Rose, a little worriedly, while looking at the ship of her company, which now lay quietly on the sand.

- It's all about the island. In Hargeon, I heard rumors about this place. They say the island is cursed and some dark things are happening here. - I said honestly. 

- What? Do you think it's true? - Miss Pines asked skeptically.

- Just so people won't talk about it. It is quite possible that there is no curse here, but some dark guild has simply settled. It is a good, secluded place for such individuals. - I suggested.

- Is that how? Your words make sense. And what are we to do? - Rose asked worriedly. 

- Although my duty in this building is only to save the ship, I will not abandon you and will provide you with adequate protection. Don't worry. Just in case, I will put up a solid barrier around this area so that you can safely audit. If something happens and some dark people show up, I'll take care of them. - I said with a charming smile. 

The smile worked and Rosa's cheeks turned red. Although we must pay tribute to her professionalism, she quickly came to her senses, and already calmly said: 

- Thank you. You did an excellent job with the mission and have already earned your bonus. I will definitely write a thank you letter to your Guild Master. 

When I was about to answer, I heard a strange rustle from behind, and then a sound sounded: - Kukyu… 

Turning towards the sound, I saw a four-meter rat that stood on its hind legs and looked at us somehow aggressively. Her hair was light blue, and she herself was dressed in a woman's dress, with ruffles, and a cap was on her head.

- Shhaa… - the rat hissed at us, but it was quickly swept away by a beam of light that immediately knocked it out.

- Hmm… Looks like I was right about the dark things. - I said, with my hand outstretched, from which a Light Magic attack just flew out. 

'I completely forgot about that giant rat. How is she there? And for sure, she was supposedly called Angelica, Sherry's pet. What only does not happen in the world.' - I thought as I lowered my hand. To be honest, this attack was completely instinctive. I was a little scared when I saw this miracle.

- Okay, it looks like something really fishy is going on on this island. I need to deal with this. - I said, approaching Angelica and casting several spells on her to completely disable me. 

First, I cast "Light Ècuripte: Devastation", this spell forcibly expelled all Ethernano from the rat's body and now its reserve of Magic Power is completely empty. 

Then, I cast "Light Ècuripte: Seal", this spell will prevent Angelica from absorbing Ethernano from the atmosphere to replenish the reserve, so it will remain empty until my spell wears off. 

And finally, I used "Light Scripture: Paralysis". It's obvious. Now the rat will not be able to move even a finger (more precisely, a claw). This spell combo is my way of making sure the enemy is 100% down and can no longer fight or escape. Yes, I'm still that paranoid, but I'm so calmer. 

Picking up the rat, I dragged it to the ship. There I left her and now she will lie here until everything is over.

- Is it some kind of monster? - Rose asked in disgust, looking at Angelica. Apparently she doesn't like rats.

- More like a tamed animal. This proves that there are Mages on the island. - I said.

- Then can we still leave? - Miss Pines asked a reasonable question, but unfortunately this is not to my advantage.

- No, my intuition says we should stay. But don't worry, you can go about your business behind the barrier and not worry about anything. - i said and created a large cubic barrier that covered the entire ship and a decent piece of the beach. 

I put a large amount of Magic Power into the barrier, so that even an S-Rank Magician cannot penetrate it. At least not on the first hit. As far as I remember, such a strong magician should not be here.

- Okay, stay here and check the goods. Good luck, Miss Pines. - I said and went to the exit from the barrier.

- You can say me just Rosa... Be careful. - was the last thing I heard before I left the protected area. What a sweetie she is. 

Unexpectedly, but behind the barrier they were already waiting for me. A group of five Mages, dressed in purple robes and some strange masks, were just coming out of the jungle. 

Neither I, nor they, definitely expected to meet me, so we all froze a bit. 

- Who is it? Some kind of angel? - one of the magicians asked his comrades.

- I don't know, but he might interfere with our plan, so attack him. Then we'll figure out who he is. - said the female Mage, judging by her voice, who was clearly the leader of their group. 

Following their commander's command, the others started preparing spells to attack me. I don't know why they decided that I would wait until they finished chatting and getting ready, but each of the mages was hit on the head by a bullet of light that I fired from my fingers. know I don't have a very rich repertoire of Light Magic spells. 

They clearly did not expect such a quick attack and did not even have time to react. All bullets hit right on target. The power of the Light Bullets was greatly reduced and the magicians were fine. So, a small bump and possibly a slight concussion. But after the attack, they all fell down as if they had been knocked down. 

They were still conscious, but now they are no longer fighters. Yeah, I didn't think they were that weak. Maximum C-Rank, absolutely no combat experience. And these guys were hoping to defeat Deliora. A shame. 

After casting my 100% disable spell combo on all the mages, I dragged them all under the barrier and placed them next to Angelica. Rosa was already busy in the hold, and did not even notice my arrival, so I just dropped the load and left the barrier again.

'So, the most interesting thing is going on in that pyramid that I saw from the air, so I'll go there.' - I thought and went into the forest, towards the pyramid. It's good that I know the way. 

Even though I'm still in the Light Transformation, I decided not to use my wings, but to walk on foot. I hope to meet a couple more groups of mages. It would be better if I get rid of the pawns first. 

Frankly, I was too lazy to fight Leon and his group. All of them are arrogant weaklings, with minimal combat experience. I don't know what they hoped for with such pitiful force, but it's none of my business. 

My target is Deliora, who, after eight years of captivity, is likely to have become so weak that he can't even withstand one of my spells, but my goal is not to fight him, but to check Devil Slayer Magic. So I will quickly knock out all the enemies, and in the angel transformation, this can be done faster. And then I'll deal with Deliora.


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