Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 24

I returned to the Iris Village only at four o'clock in the morning. Fortunately, I have a lot of stamina and I can easily go without sleep for several days. 

In a few hours, I completely set up my Poseidon Manor (sounds pretty good), and was also able to create two more spells for Light Demon Slayer Magic. Although I didn't come up with anything really original. 

First, this is the banal Light Devil Fist, when performing this spell, I simply envelop my fist with my anti-demonic light and that's it. But the spell still turned out to be useful, because in addition to the fact that such a fist is very convenient in hand-to-hand combat, because it caused additional light damage, I can also shoot out not very powerful, but extremely fast rays from my fist, which calmly pierce not such small boulders. And yes, the temperature is high.

It is not difficult to guess from whom I borrowed the idea for this spell. But the second spell I can rightly call my original creation, because I have not seen anything like it in this world. Although the idea was also borrowed. 

I named it Light Devil Eye Beams. Yes, I know, the name is not very good, I'm still working on it, but for now this option will do. As you can see, when performing this spell, I shoot beams of light from my eyes, just like Superman. 

Such rays are very fast and they also have decent penetration power, and again, you should not forget about the high temperature of the light itself. When I came up with the idea of ​​adding anti-demonic light to the eyes, I was afraid that the eyeballs would just pop, but I decided to take the risk anyway, and for good reason.

Of course, there is little pleasure in when there is a lot of Magic Power in the eyes and laser beams literally fly from them, but if I don't overdo it, my eyes only tingle. Most likely, my eyes are specially designed to hold more Magic Power, since my main magic "Light Ècuripte" is contained in my eyes. Although this is just my theory. 

Previously, when using this Magic, one of my eyes changed and glowed with a white light, but now, from time to time, the other one also began to glow. Not always, but about 2 out of 10 times both of my eyes change. I suppose this is due to the further development of magic. 

For example, one eye is the first level of magic, two eyes is the second level. Well, or somehow. When in 10 cases out of 10 both eyes will change, then we'll see if my proposal is correct and if Magic changes. But for now most likely this is what helps me not to lose my eyes when firing laser beams from them. 

It seems to me that this spell has great potential and maybe in the future I can even learn how to control the trajectory of rays, just like Darkseid with his Omega Beams. 

By the way…. good name, Light Devil Omega Beams. Really sounds good. Well, when I can control the rays, then I will change the temporary name to a new one. 

Another noteworthy thing is that I was able to get to know my Devil Slayer Magic a little better, so to speak. Yesterday, when I saved the Strauss family, I used 'the Light' transformation for the first time since I left the forest where I woke up. 

And although it was more for pathos, but when I used the Light Magic inherent in this form, I felt some interesting details. The basis of my Light Devil Slayer Magic, as you might guess, is the element of Light, which was the basis of all Larcade's magic, albeit very remotely, but still. 

From what I understand, Devil Slayer Magic itself has demon particles that give that magic the demonic element itself. As they say, to kill a Devil, you need another Devil, and although these particles do not turn the user into a full-fledged demon (although I'm not sure yet), they change his magic to demonic. In addition, they provide Curse Protection and Dark Matter, which covers the user and provides an additional boost. 

Also in this magic there is an element of Light, which changes the polarity of demonic magic, to anti-demonic, which can already harm the devil. A devil is a devil, so almost according to universal laws, the Light should harm them. 

I tried to imitate something like this in the fight with Larcade, creating an anti-demonic flame and I even, something worked out, but now I understand that this is a pathetic parody of the real Devil Slayer Magic, although it still helped against Larcade, but it worked out more thanks to a good plan and unpredictability. 

Well, the last part of this Magic is some specific attacking element, be it Ice, Fire, and so on. The formula goes like this: Demon Particles + Light + Element = Devil Slayer Magic. 

By analogy with this, you can make the following formula: Divine Particles + Darkness + Element = God Slayer Magic.

If Demons are creatures of Darkness and their enemy is Light, then Gods are creatures of Light and their enemy is Darkness. The latter can be clearly seen in God Slayer Magic, which always has dark tones, like Zancrow's fire for example. I think Dragon Slayer Magic is the same, but it's just Dragon Particles and just an Element. 

So, I am leading this to that my Devil Slayer Magic isn't exactly normal. Instead of the usual Demon Particles + Light + Ice (for example), I have Demon Particles + Light + Light. That is, I have a double saturation of Light in Magic. 

And I really don't know if this changes anything, but logically I should have double damage against demons and maybe some other pluses. But I only find out after meeting another demon. 

After returning from the underwater base, I slept for four hours, it was already 8 am and the time is tomorrow. The Strauss Family were still sleeping, and now I was sitting in the dining room of the hotel and eating calmly. 

And although it is a small hotel, in a small village, the food here is excellent. So homemade, I haven't eaten this in a long time, and perhaps never. 

Half an hour later there was a noise upstairs. Apparently Elfman woke up. And although thanks to enhanced hearing I could hear everything they said, but I did not, because I don't want to hear all this family drama. No, thanks. 

An hour later, the Strauss Family finally descended. All three of them had red eyes, which meant there were a lot of tears again. 

When I saw them enter the dining room, I smiled and said: - Good morning.

I received no answer, but Elfman quickly approached me with a determined expression on his face. Once there, he made a perfect 90° bow and shouted loudly: - THANK YOU FOR HELPING US!

There were few people in the dining room, but still there were some travelers who were now all looking at Elfman.

: Quiet, quiet, don't make noise, people actually eat here. And you don't have to thank me, your sisters have already done it, and besides, you're already helping me join Fairy Tail, so it's okay. - I said with a slight wave of my hands. 

I don't need anything else from them, except for a recommendation, and what can they give me, which I no longer have. I'm already probably the richest person in the world, well, maybe after Zeref, he most likely accumulated wealth for 400 years, although he doesn't really need it.

- Thanks anyway, I owe you, Nathaniel-san. : Elfman said, still resolutely. Apparently he has already started to change.

- Just call me Drake, I don't mind. In the meantime, sit down and have breakfast, I already checked the schedule, the next train is in an hour, so we don't have much time. - I said calmly. 

The Iris Village, although small, still has a station where the train stops, which will take us to Magnolia. And although I myself can bear all the Strauss Family, but I'm just too lazy.

In general, many villages and small towns in this part of Fiore are connected by railway lines that lead to the main railway line that connects larger cities such as Hargeon, Magnolia, Onibus, Kunugi, Oshibana and Clover. 

Half an hour later we all finished breakfast and left the hotel. Although I had to pay for the Strauss as well, as it turns out they lost all their money in the battle and only now found out about it. Okay, I don't have lunch. Although I had to once again listen to thanks and apologies from all three. Eh, this is starting to get on my nerves.

Pretty soon we all got on the train and went to Magnolia. We drive for about three hours, not very much, but compared to the flight, it is painfully long. But okay, I'm not sugar will not melt. 

Mira sat next to me, while Elfman and Lisanna sat across from us. This is a good sign, Mirajane is a beautiful girl and I'm not averse to starting a relationship with her, but first we need to get to know each other better. 

Apparently Elfman finally decided to show his shy nature. He sat quietly and was embarrassed, although he obviously wanted to start a conversation, but was shy. Although it's better than if he yelled 'THE MAN!'. 

Deciding to break the awkward silence that the girls somehow maintained, I said: - So, Elfman, I understand that during your attempt to Take-Over the Soul of the Beast King, you lost control and the creature almost took over your body?

It was clearly unpleasant for Elfman to remember all this, but he understood his mistake and already seems to have accepted it, so he calmly said: - Yes, that's how it was. Beast King was much stronger than me and had locked me in my mind.

- It's clear. Have you had such failures before? I asked.

- No, everything was fine before. It's just that the monster was too strong this time, or I was too weak. - Elfman said, lowering his head. 

- Drake, why did you start all this talk? - asked Mira, who was not entirely satisfied, apparently having spent a lot of effort to convince Elfman that everything that had happened was not his fault, but I was spoiling everything here. 

- I'll explain now. I have already said, but I also know Take-Over Magic, or rather its variety called Angel Soul, although very bad, I would even say terrible. But still, I was able to capture the Soul of a rather powerful Angel without any problems, and this thing helped me in this. - said, I took out the sphere from the spatial pocket on my bracer.

- What is it? - Lisanna asked curiously.

- It's called the Soul Sphere. It helps in capturing souls with Take-Over Magic. After defeating a suitable Magical Creature, such as an Angel, Devil, Beast or Animal, you need to place this sphere on the body of the creature and it will take over the soul, and then begin to suppress the mind and instincts of the creature. After a couple of days, you can safely absorb the soul, with little to no resistance. - I replied, passing the sphere into Mira's hands.

- It's great, it's just the thing for us. - Lisanna said happily, examining the sphere with shining eyes.

- Right. So I showed it to you, you can take it. - I said. 

Initially, I wanted to give it to them, so the reason appeared, all the more so I will increase my impression of myself even more. 

- But it's probably a rare thing I have never heard of such a thing and it must cost fabulous money. We cannot accept it. - Mira said, returning the orb to me. 

And although Lisanna and Elfman clearly wanted to leave the sphere, Mira, as an older sister, decided everything for them.

- Don't worry, I know a way to make such spheres, so when I find a good craftsman, he will create as many new ones for me. - I said with a smile. 

Mira blushed slightly when I smiled, but still refused: - When you have a dozen spheres, then we will take one, but for now it is the only one, let it be with you.

What a fundamental, but okay. I fulfilled my main goal, I made an impression, so it doesn't matter. Then we talked and time went faster. Three hours later, we could already see Magnolia. Finally I got there. Didn't think it would take that long.


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