Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 11

I arrived at Vistarion only towards nightfall. I overestimated my strength thinking that I could fly continuously for 10 hours straight after overstressing the Container. 

In this state, constantly, when I used Magic, the Container throbbed painfully. It was more or less tolerable, but not when I used multiple spells for hours on end. 

Over time, the pain increased and in the end I had to make two stops. Having rested twice, for two and a half hours, in some wilderness, I was able to replenish my strength, and also gave the Container an opportunity to rest.

In the end, fifteen hours after the battle, I ended up in Vistarion. Well, although I was full, although I was very tired, mentally and physically. The trouble is, since this city is full of potential enemies, I couldn't afford to shine with Magical Energy, so I still had to use a concealment spell. 

Which means that while I'm in the city, I will have to continue to disturb my Container with constant use of Magic. Because of this, I can't really rest. 

Vistarion, the capital of the Alvares Empire, was located in the southeast of the Alakitasia continent, on a peninsula that was surrounded on three sides by the sea. So, in the end it was a port city, by the way, the largest in the country.

The most remarkable part of the city is the huge palace, Alvarez Castle, the residence of the Spriggan Emperor, aka Zeref, which is located in the city center. The palace itself rises above all of Vistarion and had many towers and balconies, and was also surrounded by huge five-meter walls, after which the city began. 

The architecture of the palace itself resembled that in medieval Germany, except that the size was more impressive. In fact, the whole of Vistarion was just a castle town, the center of which was Alvares Castle itself. Plus, there was also a huge, even by the standards of my world, port. 

The architecture of the Vistarion itself was similar to what I had seen before, except that the building here was higher and the roads were wider. It was like an old town in the Netherlands or Germany. Actually very beautiful.

I saw all this when approaching the city. I decided not to take risks and did not even approach the Castle, where, according to the books, the entire administration of the country was located, most of the army was stationed and some Spriggans lived. Meeting with one, I had enough. 

Therefore, I flew around the city in a circle and landed already in the port itself, in the most remote part from the palace. My mood was rotten, and the night was in the yard, so I immediately found the most decent hotel and rented the best room. There was no point in saving. 

Luckily, especially for wealthy merchants, there was a first-class hotel right next to the port. After eating excellent food that would put some of the best chefs in my past world to shame, I immediately went to bed. 


As a result, I slept for two days. Looks like I'm a lot more tired than I originally thought. But now I am full of strength and even the Container is now more or less in order. 

I could have overslept even more if I hadn't been woken up by the noise in the street. My hotel was right off the main street, and the windows of my room, which was on the seventh floor, went out just on this street. So the noise was coming from there. 

Getting out of bed, I went out to the balcony, which was also in the room, and looked at what was happening on the street. And there was a real procession. 

The street was divided in the middle, and excited people crowded along the edges, held back by soldiers. And in the center was the procession itself. First of all, soldiers on horseback walked, then ordinary soldiers with spears walked in an even formation, followed by an open carriage in which one person calmly sat, then again there were soldiers, and again cavalry. 

The man in the carriage was obviously popular with the people, because the entire population of the city happily shouted and greeted him. This man was a handsome young man of medium height, wearing glasses. He had blue hair and red eyes. 

There was a stern expression on his face, no smile, although he waved a little at the screaming people. It is immediately clear that he was a disciplined person and loved order. He was dressed in formal attire, consisting of a pair of black trousers and a white shirt, on which he wears a blue tie. Over his shirt he wore a light blue coat with dark blue spots, with a large, open collar and large cuffs. 

At first I did not immediately understand who it was, because he was still far away, but after looking closely, I recognized him. 

'Do I have that vision improved? Why would?' - I thought, noticing the improvement in my eyes when I could see the face of the man in the carriage from this distance. 

It was one of the Spriggans, the Invel Yura, also known as the "Winter General". Emissary of Alvarez, chief of staff and consul of the Emperor, if I'm not mistaken. 

Marvelous, that at that age he already occupies such positions. Now he is about 20 years old. 

Most likely, this whole procession was organized in honor of his return from Ishgar. Since he is an emissary and consul, he must deal with diplomatic relations with other countries. And if you recall the recent attempted invasion of the Empire on Ishgar, it is not difficult to understand that Invel now has a lot of work. 

Most likely, he only returned to the country, after completing the initial negotiations on payment of compensation and the decision on the further relations of the countries of Ishgar with the Empire. If I am not mistaken, the result of these negotiations was the complete cessation of diplomatic relations between the countries of Ishgar and the Empire. 

Although this will happen only next year. As I said, now these were only primary negotiations. Politics. 

In fact, I even feel sorry for Inver. Because of, that his colleagues are incompetent idiots and cannot first think before doing something, he now has to sort out this whole mess. 

'Maybe kill him now... Out of pity. I think he himself is not happy that he became an emissary and has to wipe up after some idiots like Ajeel Raml. Imagine how much paperwork he has. Although no... Let him suffer, it's more fun.' - I thought as Inver's procession moved down the street. 

After a couple of minutes, the procession moved on to the castle and disappeared from my field of vision. Inver, although a strong magician, is clearly not stronger than Larcade, so he definitely could not feel my hidden Magic Power and notice me. 

Which is good, because if there was a fight, I would have to molt out of here until the rest of the Spriggans arrived. 

But still, as I thought, the problems themselves find me. Less than three days after meeting one Spriggan, I meet another one. Although it is the capital, I do not think that ordinary people see the generals of their country every day. Especially since I'm as far away as possible from the palace. 

'Ehh… I hope there won't be any more surprises. I just want to get out of this Empire as soon as possible. Left just a little bit. All I have to do is cross the sea and I'll be in Fiore.' - I thought, looking at Alvarez Castle. The view is really amazing. 

I would really like to get in there and find something interesting, like some rare books on Magic or treasures and weapons, but I can't. It's a pointless risk. Against the same August, I am powerless. He will roll me into a pancake in a couple of seconds. 

So far, I am unknown to my enemies (although I have nothing against some of them, but I already got stuck killing Larcade) and it's best to keep it that way for as long as possible. 

After half an hour, Inver finally reached the castle and the procession ended. Now I could go outside. And although I want to get out of the capital as soon as possible, I could not deny myself the pleasure of taking a short tour, seeing the sights, eating local food, buying a couple of books, etc.

This is what I did until the evening. The city was really beautiful. Though I would have enjoyed the views more if not for the constant tension I felt due to my paranoia. Fortunately, I did not see anyone else high-ranking and strong. 

But I bought some interesting books about the Empire, such books can hardly be found outside the country. I also bought one Magic Item that would be useful to me at the beginning of the journey. It was a Magic Headphones similar to Laxus Dreyar's.

Although I had a completely new model that came out just a month ago. They were wireless headphones with visible, pointed Lacrima crystals protruding from each earpiece and acting as a Magical Database where all music was stored. According to the seller, the headphones could store 10,000 songs.

In fact, they looked very advanced and modern. If not for the big Lacrims, they would look like ordinary modern headphones from my previous world, for example from SONY. They cost only 36,000, which is very cheap for me, especially with so much music. 

Until I was able to appreciate the local music, the more I do not remember what I like, so I just asked the seller to download all the most popular. Now it will not be so boring to fly for several hours in a row. I also bought some local magazines. 

Basically, it was the yellow press and all sorts of magazines, with the latest rumors, but according to the saleswoman, a nice woman by the way, everything is true there. I bought this mainly to see how the capital lives and to collect some information about the Spriggans. So far, by the way, Larcade's death is unknown to the public. 

After dinner at an expensive restaurant (it was very tasty), I was returning to the hotel when my ass brought me new problems. As I walked down the main street with my shopping in hand, I saw some people stop unnaturally. 

Looking over there, I saw a very beautiful, luxurious red-haired woman with a fantastic body walking down the street. She was dressed in revealing clothes, a sexy witch, with a wide hat on her head and boots with long heels. In her hands she held an impressive magical staff. 

As you might guess, it was Irene Belserion, another Spriggan, this time the second in strength. Behind Irene were two beautiful girls. The first had blue hair, just like mine, piercing eyes, and a slender figure. 

She had a serious expression on her face, indicating that she was a very serious person. She was dressed in some kind of tight-fitting black shinobi outfit that perfectly accentuated her body. A cloak was attached to her shoulders. 

The second girl seemed to be the complete opposite of the first, as she had a cheerful smile on her face and seemed a little carefree and perhaps silly. The second girl had blond hair tied in two ponytails, brown eyes and a slightly childish figure. She was dressed in a white suit with gold frills, and the same skirt. 

The two were Heine Lunasea and Juliet Sun, Irene's close subordinates. In fact, they were enchanted swords that were given a human appearance. This is what I understand, the real art of Enchanting. Not like my imitation. I'm unlikely to ever be able to do this. If I had not known in advance, I would never have thought that they were not people. 

Irene and her wards walked majestically down the street, towards the port. People automatically stopped to let them pass, but it seemed that they did not see them. I was the only one who could see them, which was most likely due to my large Magical Energy. 

Quickly realizing that I stood out in this, I quickly looked away and walked on, pretending that I did not see anything strange. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that Irene glanced in my direction for a second, apparently sensing my gaze. 

At that moment, my heart almost stopped. I really got scared. Luckily, my concealment spell is really powerful and Irene didn't notice anything. She and her 'swords' continued on their way and were soon out of sight. 

'Ugh… Just a little more and I'd have been spotted.' - I thought wiping non-existent sweat.

If I had not turned away in time, they would have noticed me. It would definitely lead to a fight. And like I said before, I don't need it. Quickening my pace, I quickly went to the hotel.

'Something's wrong with my luck today. Met two Spriggans in one day. Good thing they didn't see me. Need to get out of here. I feel that sooner or later, but I will meet someone who will see through my disguise.' - I thought as I entered my room.


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