Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Vol 2 Chapter 407: Harry's change

Rock skin cakes have always been Hagrid's specialty.

This kind of biscuits that are hard enough to crack the teeth of ordinary people, Harry and the others are not acceptable in most cases.

It's just that today they didn't refuse, but stared at Hagrid's face while holding the rock skin cake in their mouths.

"What's the matter with you? It's like fighting with a dragon!"

Hagrid's situation does look pretty bad right now, even though he's in good spirits.

His hair was messy and clotted with blood, his left eye was swollen with a seam, it was blue and purple, there were scars on his face and hands, some still bleeding, and he moved carefully, Harry suspected that he might have a broken rib .

When he was in the Great Hall yesterday, Harry saw Hagrid hurriedly leaving just before dinner, and didn't notice how badly he was injured.

"What happened to you?" Harry asked, Fang hopping around them, licking their cheeks.

"I'm fine," Hagrid said casually. "Have a cup of tea?"

"Forget it," said Ron. "Look at you!"

"Tell you guys I'm fine," said Hagrid, straightening up, turning to smile at them, but the smile ripped at the wound on his face, frowning in pain, "Ah, it's nice to see you all—the summer vacation was great. Good, isn't it?"

Although it was almost a month after Christmas, it was not surprising that Hagrid asked, since they had indeed not seen him since last term.

"Hagrid, have you been attacked?" Ron asked.

"I said it one last time, it's all right!" Hagrid insisted.

"Would you say it's okay if one of our faces turned into a puddle of bolognese?"

"You should go and show Madam Pomfrey, Hagrid," said Hermione worriedly. "Some of the wounds look dangerous."

Hagrid, however, seemed to be fine, and took a piece of raw meat oozing green blood from the table beside him.

"Don't worry about me, I'm really fine."

As he spoke, he grabbed the piece of meat and brought it up to his face, which made Harry take a deep breath.

"You wouldn't want to eat raw meat, would you?"

Ron also leaned over to look: "This color seems to be poisonous."

Hagrid carelessly pressed the piece of flesh directly to the wound on his face.

"It's what it looks like. This is dragon meat. It can relieve pain when applied to the wound, so I can take care of myself without worrying about you children."

The three Harry looked at each other. They exchanged ideas and decided to put Hagrid's injury aside for now and ask others first.

"Can you tell us what happened to you?" Harry asked.

"No, Harry, it's an absolute secret, I can't tell you, and my job doesn't make up for it."

Hagrid's answer was that firm, but Hermione's next words made him panic.

"Are you looking for the giant? Hagrid." Hermione asked suddenly.

Hagrid's hand loosened, and the dragon meat slid to his chest.

"Giant?" Hagrid grabbed the dragon meat before it slipped onto the belt and reapplied it to his face. He didn't seem to have thought that it was Hermione cheating him, so he shouted in that rough voice, " Who said giants? Who did you talk to?"

Hermione's eyes showed an excited look, and said in an apologetic voice.

"We guessed it. It's obvious, isn't it? Besides, during the summer vacation, at 12 Grimmauld Place, we also overheard Kingsley and the others talking about trying to win over giants and werewolves."

There was annoyance on Hagrid's face, he was mad at himself for simply letting Hermione cheat him out of the months he'd been away.

He had always been trusted by Dumbledore, but at some point it wasn't that he didn't want to keep secrets, it was just that some people were too cunning.

"Okay, I'm indeed looking for a giant." Hager simply smashed the jar and smashed it. Anyway, this kind of thing is not a once or twice, and Harry and the others are not outsiders.

Both Ron and Harry showed great interest in the topic of giants.

"Honestly, they're not that hard to find," said Hagrid. "They're big."

"Where are they?" Ron asked.

"In the mountains," Hagrid answered vaguely.

Harry and the others asked a lot of questions about giants, and Hagrid answered them one by one.

Of course, Hagrid didn't go alone on this nearly half-year trip. He and Mrs. Maxime, the headmaster of the Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, eventually hooked up.

The two embarked on a journey to find the giant together under the guise of a holiday in France, all of which was done in secret in order not to attract the attention of the Ministry of Magic.

"Moody and the others reminded us that the Death Eaters have a lot of internal support in the Ministry of Magic, and they can use it to supervise the Floo network and monitor Apparition trails, so in most cases, we can only use walking. Way."

According to Hagrid, they eventually found a colony of giants in the mountains of central France.

They gave them gifts in the manner of giants.

At the beginning, things went relatively smoothly. Gugo (the leader's name) in the giant colony had heard of Dumbledore's name and knew that his long-standing proposition was to fight for the power of survival for the giants .

So in the first two days, Hagrid and the others were still very rewarding.

But on the third day after they arrived at the giant colony, there was a rebellion within the giants, and the Gu Ge who was friendly to Dumbledore was directly screwed off by the new Gu Ge.

The newly appointed Gu Ge was obviously not interested in them at all, and even when Hagrid bit the bullet and gave him a gift in the same way he had given old Gu Ge before, he was directly caught on the spot. Fortunately, Maxim The lady responded in time and saved Hagrid.

After that, they didn't give up and continued to stay nearby to wait for an opportunity, and then they saw the Death Eaters.

"Before he decided to go to the giant, Sherlock actually gave no hope for this action. He thought that the mysterious man was also in action, gathering his allies, and the ghosts on Azkaban had been completely destroyed. To them. According to Lupin's information, there are also a large number of werewolves joining the Death Eaters, because the You-Know-Who can give them better benefits."

"And we didn't promise too much, and we couldn't even give some illusory promises. Compared with those violent elements who didn't necessarily intend to keep their promises from beginning to end, we really didn't have much advantage."

Hagrid said sadly.

"I had doubts about Sherlock's report at first. I felt that as long as I tried to get in touch with the giants, they would definitely be willing to communicate with us, knowing that the Death Eaters were not credible. But in fact, they were really willing to listen to what we had to say. The giants are an exception, and the conditions that the mysterious man gives them are more attractive."

Harry was silent, he could already guess what conditions Voldemort would use to tempt these giants to ally with them.

There are only less than one hundred giants in the world now, and it has become like this because the wizards are constantly expelling them, making their living space smaller and smaller.

Muggles have also expanded into the wild more than ever, which will undoubtedly make things harder for giants.

As long as Voldemort promises them, after he completely rules the magic world, so that they don't have to hide in the mountains all the time, they can get more territory, even if Harry himself is the leader of the giants, he will be happy to agree.

However, Hagrid did not return without success. After they avoided the joint pursuit of Death Eaters and giants, they contacted some giants who were unwilling to submit to Xingugo, but the number was not large, only about seven or eight. But it's better than nothing.

At the end of the conversation, Hermione asked cautiously.

"Then, Hagrid, did you ask your mother's news there?"

Hagrid didn't look sad or sad.

"Oh, I heard, she died a long time ago."

The cabin suddenly fell silent, Hermione said apologetically.

"Sorry Hagrid, I don't know..."

Hagrid interrupted her.

"It's okay, Hermione, she's not a good mother, and I don't have much affection for her."

"But you haven't explained how you came to be like this, Hagrid." Ron pointed to Hagrid's **** face.

"And why did you come back so late," said Harry. "Sirius said Madame Maxime was back early—"

"Who attacked you?" Ron asked.

Hagrid obviously didn't want to say more on this topic, and this time his tone was much tighter, and he didn't give Harry and the others a chance to talk.

"It's very late now, children, the curfew is about to start in the castle, you definitely don't want to violate the school rules and be caught by Filch and locked up, right?"

He pushed and pushed Harry and the others out of their cabin.

"Remember not to tell anyone else what we said today."

Harry and the others had no choice but to walk in the direction of the castle together in the dark.

"Hagrid must be hiding something," said Ron.

This is of course a fact that anyone can see.

"Forget it, the more we know, it's not really good for us."

Both Ron and Hermione looked at Harry in surprise, which was obviously not something that Harry could say before.

"You're not going to be robbed of your soul, are you? Harry!"

Hermione slapped Ron on the back.

"Don't talk nonsense, Harry is much more sensible than before."

Harry was silent at Ron's shock and Hermione's praise.

He was thinking in his heart now, if it was true before, maybe he would have to figure out what Hagrid was hiding no matter what, and maybe he would be wearing an invisibility cloak tonight to see what Hagrid was doing.

But now, with the teachings of Sherlock and Lily, Harry has changed a lot from before, especially in his impulsive personality.

And after Harry and the others left, Hagrid sat in his hut and waited uneasily.

He worked on the single sofa for a while, then stood up feeling weak, wandering back and forth between the huts.

About an hour after Harry and the others left, after nine o'clock in the evening, it was time for the castle's curfew, and there was a knock on the door of the hut.

Hagrid was instantly refreshed, he hurried over, opened the door, and welcomed Sherlock in.

"You're here at last, Sherlock, I thought you forgot."

Sherlock looked helplessly at Hagrid's impatience.

"How could I forget, you won't be waiting for me here, right?"

Hearing his question, the smile on Hagrid's face turned embarrassed, but he didn't intend to hide it either.

"A while before you came, Harry and the three came to sit with me for a while..."

Sherlock could have guessed what happened without Hagrid saying the next thing.

he asked with open eyes.

"You told them about the search for giants?"

"They guessed it first!" Hagrid was still explaining.

Sherlock sighed and waved his hand.

"It's okay, just say it, it's not a big deal anyway. You didn't say anything about what we're going to do tonight, right?"

Facing Sherlock's skeptical attitude, Hagrid dared to pat on his chest this time to assure him.

"I didn't say a word about this, I could swear it!"

"Did they guess anything?"

"Harry and Ron I'm sure they didn't guess anything, but I can't promise Hermione, she asked about my mother."

Sherlock shook his head.

"Hermione guesses it doesn't matter. She needs to know a lot. She guessed Lupin's identity early in the third grade, but she never said it, and didn't tell Harry and Ron."

Hagrid also nodded yes.

"Hermione is definitely better than Harry and Ron."

"Okay, let's stop talking about this, you have brought him to the forbidden forest?"

"It's not far from the centaurs."

"Then let's go there now and find a suitable place for him first."

The two left Hagrid's hut together, and Hagrid walked into the Forbidden Forest side by side with Sherlock, holding Fangya in his hand.

For Hagrid, who has been guarding this forest for most of his life, UU reading www. The routes and environments in uukanshu.com are naturally familiar.

Together they went to the deepest part of the Forbidden Forest.

"Do the centaurs have anything to say about their new neighbor?" Sherlock asked.

Hagrid laughed shyly.

"They didn't look too happy, and I kept trying to persuade them that Grap would be easy to get along with, but they didn't seem to think so."

"After all, he's not like you. He's a pure-blooded giant. It's good to be able to communicate with normal people, and I really can't expect more from him."

"I can teach him Sherlock, I can teach him well, he just doesn't know yet..."

"Don't get excited about Hagrid, I don't mean anything else, and I don't want to believe your ideas, and I won't force you to abandon him. Dumbledore asked me to help you to make his life better here. "


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