Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Vol 2 Chapter 393: Troubleshooting

"Are you sure it's here?"

Amycus Carrow frowned. He felt that this Muggle village was unremarkable, and it didn't seem like a suitable location at all.

Rodolphus Lestrange, who was leading the team for tonight's action, looked gloomy as Amycus questioned his authority.

"You are not doubting my ability, but distrusting the judgment of the master."

"Stop pouring dirty water on me!" Amycus's voice was sharp, and some words should not be said nonsense, "Of course I will not doubt the judgment of the master, but no matter how great the master is, there will always be some wastes that are not perfect. Be loyal to him, carry out his orders, and contribute yourself!"

Even if the man wasn't here, Amycus wouldn't miss any chance to flatter him.

And what Rodolphus disliked most was this.

He always thought that the Carlo brothers and sisters were actually no different from the scumbags like Malfoy. When they were arrested in Azkaban, it was not because they were loyal and would rather die, but they were stupid enough.

And such a foolish man, roaring like a fly around him now.

Rodolphus was in a bad mood at first, and he looked at Amycus gloomily.

"If you have any dissatisfaction with me, you can go back to the master now and tell him that you want to replace me as the commander of this operation. But if you don't have the courage, you'd better listen to me honestly, otherwise Even if I kill you here, the master knows that he won't blame me for anything in the future! He hates trash the most!"

Amycus seemed to be shocked by his words and eyes, blushed, and wanted to forcefully say something cruel, but in the end he didn't have the guts, so he could only close his mouth.

Naturally, the Death Eater team that came here was not only the two of them, but there were three other people along with them.

It's just that the status of these three people is not as high as that of Rodolphus and Amycus, and of course they have no right to speak now.

Since the Death Eaters successfully escaped from Azkaban and reunited with Voldemort, the internal structure of the Death Eaters has also undergone a major change.

After experiencing a Waterloo, Voldemort can see more clearly who is truly loyal to himself, and who is just playing on the scene.

Those who have been in Azkaban for over a decade are naturally all irons of his irons.

Some of the people who came to the show, because of their family's irreplaceable status in the wizarding world, also made Voldemort turn a blind eye to their behavior in the past.

That is to say, these two types of people, such as gold, are the core of the Death Eaters, the servants with the highest status except for Voldemort, and the representatives of these two factions are Rodolphus' wife Bella and Lucius.

The others became junior members.

For example, he once had a history of betrayal against Voldemort, and Karkaroff, who did not play any role in the last year.

Although he was rescued from Azkaban and left with a life, but now he has become the bottom of the Death Eaters, and anyone can bully him.

Like him, there are Bagman, Wormtail, these guys.

They all helped Voldemort more or less in the past, but now they have all lost their value. It's not bad to have a life, and don't think about what else you can have in a group like the Death Eaters. such a position.

"Does anyone now have any other opinions on what I'm directing next?"

After crushing Amycus, Rodolphus glanced at the three Death Eaters behind him.

Every time his eyes saw a person, that person would lower his head, indicating that he did not intend to be a thorn.

After confirming his absolute dominance, Rodolphus ordered the next task.

"The owner just told us that he is in this village, but he didn't say the specific location, so we need to find it ourselves."

"There are only so many people in this Muggle village. It's easy to be noticed by outsiders who have been living in these days. Next, we will split up and find a Muggle to use Soul Repelling, and ask them from their mouths. During this period of time, the position of the new move-in person will be gathered at this position in ten minutes, and if there is any accident, the signal will be sent to the sky."

"Any other questions?"

He assigned the task very clearly, and the other four people, including Amycus, had nothing to criticize.

The five nodded to each other, and then parted in the dark.

And their conversations were all heard by Sherlock, who had already started to control the realm.

Rodolphus, of course, would not be blind.

As the current owner of the Lestrange family, Sherlock's huge fortune in the Gringotts vault in France was all moved out of his family vault.

But even if he has escaped from Azkaban, it is very likely that he has not discovered it yet.

After all, Voldemort led his men to announce their return in the wizarding world not long ago. Although the nature of the goblins in Gringotts has not changed, before the Death Eaters truly have an overwhelming advantage, they Not going back for the time being.

Therefore, Rodolphus, who is still a wanted criminal, has probably not visited his family treasury.

Whether he had seen it or not, Sherlock knew very well that this was not the time to think about it.

It was obvious from Rodolphus's words that they came here to find someone.

And the man they were looking for, except Slughorn, couldn't think of anything else Sherlock could think of.

Voldemort has never forgotten who the teacher who taught him the knowledge of making Horcruxes was. After his power has stabilized and his strength has almost recovered, he will not forget to deal with this hidden danger.

That's why Slughorn has been hiding all these years. He's always been aware that the proudest student he's ever been, never really died. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

Once he is resurrected, then he is likely to find himself, whether it is silence or imprisonment, all of which are unacceptable to Slughorn.

Sherlock certainly wouldn't let that happen.

He had received many favors from Slughorn since he had known him, and never had much chance of repaying it.

Now it was his turn to solve the problems for his very good elder.

Sherlock took the glass bottle out of his pocket and handed it to Silk.

"You go back to school with this thing first, it can't have any mistakes, I'll stay and deal with these people."


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