Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Vol 2 Chapter 386: Snape's Notes

"This class is not easy."

Sherlock folded his arms around his chest, watching Snape sort out the medicine he had collected before walking out of the classroom.

After Snape glanced at him, he didn't look at him again, and walked towards his office with the things in his hand.

Sherlock didn't care about his attitude either, so he followed him all the way to Snape's office.

Here, their conversation can really let go a little.

"Let me guess who's staring at you here? The Malfoy kid?"

Sherlock seemed to have returned to his own home, laying lazily on the chair, and asked Snape, who had been playing with the bottles as soon as he came back. Now Zhang Si

Snape's voice was still cold, but at least he didn't let Sherlock sing a one-man show.

"He's not the only one, there are many people watching my attitude towards Potter."

"He called you?"

"Yesterday afternoon, a time was set for me to meet him this weekend night."

Sherlock asked suspiciously.

"Actually, I really want to know what kind of psychology Voldemort will trust you again. In my impression, he should be the most suspicious person."

"He never trusted anyone at all," Snape said flatly, "Like he kept saying that the people around him were his friends, but in fact he didn't even have the qualifications to be a servant. Not giving them the same."

"It's only because he has enough confidence that the group of Death Eaters will appear. Like Lucius or Karkaroff, even if they have been betrayal in the past, only they are still useful, the mysterious man. will give them a chance.”

"The same is true for me. For him, my identity and utility are greater than most of the people around him, so he will still declare his 'trust' in me without hesitation, even if he is not sure. Do I keep my allegiance to him?"

Sherlock shrugged.

"It sounds like you're going to be in a very dangerous situation with him in the future, and if he thinks you're useless, or if your death will bring him greater benefits, then he'll kill you."

After putting away the students' potions, Snape sat down on the chair, his face was still so gloomy, as if it had never melted away.

But in fact, Sherlock not only saw him melt away, but his snot and tears were about to overflow like the Yellow River.

"Everyone around him is like that, and do you think I care about that?" he said nonchalantly.

Sherlock was still in a joking mood at this time.

"Maybe you didn't care before, but after Lily's soul appeared, you haven't really talked to her yet, have you? Are you really willing to die just like that?"

Like a burst of anti-aircraft guns jammed, Snape was choked by Sherlock's words.

He seemed unable to say anything, and finally took out a notebook-like thing from his drawer and threw it in front of Sherlock.

"When you get something, go quickly."

Sherlock didn't mean to toss Snape to a frizzy state. He took the uncovered notebook and stood up from the chair, and before leaving, he said to the old bat spirit who was still cold-faced. .

"Telling you this is not to stimulate you, but to let you understand that it is still meaningful to continue living, isn't it?"

After speaking, he turned and left the office.

Only the middle-aged wizard with a calm expression under the light was left, silently looking at the chair Sherlock was sitting on before, not knowing what he was thinking.

After dinner that day, Harry knocked on the door of Sherlock's office very punctually.

Before he came, Sherlock was ready and waiting for him.

Everything on the desk had been emptied, and things like hangers and chairs had been set aside, and as soon as Harry entered the office, he noticed that it was different from before.

"Sit down, Harry, I know you must be full of doubts right now."

Sherlock waved his hand lightly, and a chair appeared behind Harry's ass.

"Actually, the matter of calling you here is very simple. It is to solve the possibility that Dumbledore raised before. Since you can see Voldemort's perspective in your sleep, then Voldemort may not be able to see you in some way."

"For this reason, he specially asked me to take time out to teach you a kind of magic - Occlumency."

Harry had a blank look on his face when he heard the magic's name.

The level of this kind of magic is a bit high, so high that Harry has not even heard of the name.

"Although this thing is not easy to learn, its function is actually very simple, it is to protect your brain and block the connection between you and Voldemort."

As Sherlock spoke, he took out a notebook, apparently the one he had taken from Snape this morning. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"Originally, this job of teaching you should be in charge of Severus. He is the real Occupant in this castle, but he has other more important things to be busy with during this time, even if he can spare time. It wasn't a good fit, so the job fell to me."

"I have also done some research on this magic, but the study time is still short, and I am far less proficient than Snape, so I asked him to help organize this note not long ago to assist our teaching work."

When Harry heard what Sherlock said, he felt a burst of joy in his heart.

He had no problem with learning Occlumency, but if Snape was the one who taught him, it would be better for him to dream of Voldemort's nightmares every day.

Now that Sherlock is teaching him, the situation is naturally very different. Strong Sacrifice Read Sacrifice

When he was in the third grade, he had learned the Patronus Charm by opening a small stove in Sherlock alone, and now he is learning Occlumency, which is not much different from the previous situation.

"Then let's officially start our first class." Sherlock coughed lightly and said, "Occlumency, this spell can prevent the mind from being invaded and affected by magic."

"There's a magic in the wizarding world called 'Demention,' which a wizard can use to extract feelings and memories from another person's mind—"

Harry blinked and interjected, "Is it mind-reading?"

Sherlock shook his head seriously.

"Before I actually got into Legilimency, I thought the same as you, Harry, thinking that Legilimency is what Muggles call mind reading, but there is no magic that can read people's hearts."

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