Journey of the Legendary Wizard

Chapter 16 - misfortune

Skolet They looked at Evans standing quietly in front, their eyes full of fear.

This is a formal wizard, a real first-level wizard, it is simply not comparable to their wizard apprenticeship. The gap between the wizard apprentice and the formal wizard is too large, and the big one is unimaginable. The gap between them, It is simply a sky that cannot be crossed.

Not to mention the people in front of him, not ordinary wizards, but ghost hunters known as blood and cruelty.

“Dear Lord Evans, I don’t know if you are here, what’s the matter?” Skolet exhaled deeply, calming himself down, and then he asked in congratulations to Evans, but There was still a slight tremor in his voice.

If they are ordinary first-level wizards, they still have the courage to escape separately, but in the face of the sudden appearance of Evans, they dare not have the slightest thought of confrontation.

Dare to resist, only die.

The corners of Evans’ lips turned up, his body suddenly flashed, as if crossing the space and distance, and suddenly appeared directly in front of Skolet.

Scollet and several other wizard apprentices felt stronger, and they bent down to make themselves more respectful.

“You hunted leading wizards and wizard seeds in the dark forest, please kill them.”

Evans’ voice passed quietly.

Skolet immediately screamed and shook his head, saying, “Master Evans, this is a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding.”

Evens did not speak, just stared at them straight.

After a moment, Evans suddenly laughed and said, “Actually, you don’t have much to say about killing them. After all, they are not as powerful as you. So, if they die, die.”

Evens whispered to himself, and the voice came, but it was Scollet, but their heartstrings were tight and there was no trace of relaxation.

“What do you have?”

Evens asked suddenly.

Skolett finally breathed a sigh of relief and said quickly.

“Master Evans, I have a magic stone, and I hope you will accept it.”

“Dear Lord Evans, I have an inadvertently obtained incomplete map here, which has information on resource points. It is said that the accuracy is very high. Now I will give you this map.”

“I have …”

Skolet, as they spoke, took something out of their pockets and placed them respectfully in front of Evans.

“Do you only have these things?” Evans looked at this scene, and suddenly a corner of his mouth said, “That’s good.”

Evans’ pupil suddenly changed into a strangely cold and empty white.




Several screams suddenly sounded, among them the wizard apprentices had horrified shouts, and their hair suddenly grew strangely, growing longer and longer, and they immediately enveloped the whole of them, followed by the screaming sounds. There came blood, and the hair turned into steel wires, twisting the wizard apprentices into countless pieces of meat.

A subtle voice sounded, and the hot, minced meat fell to the ground, and those hairs were dry and tarnished, mixed with blood and minced meat like messy weeds.

In an instant, several powerful third-level wizard apprentices died weirdly. On the ground, there was only that fluffy hair.

Is quiet all around.

Morin looked shockedly at Evans, who was standing quietly, and his heart was almost shocked, and the seeds of black robe, looking at Evans’ eyes, were extremely fanatical.

“Gurron.” Skolet swallowed subconsciously, fear flooded his heart, and the clothes on his back were instantly wet with cold sweat.

There are only two wizard apprentices. Besides him, the other is a wizard apprentice in Hard Castle.

The rest of them are already dead.

“Big … Adult …” Skolet raised his head, stammered, trying to squeeze out a smile on his face, but he found that he couldn’t laugh at all.

“If you don’t buy enough things, you can die.”

Evans’ voice was indifferent and indifferent, saying: “The others don’t have to be alive, there are only two left, just right.”

Scollet suddenly understood what was going on. It turned out that Evans had just asked them what they had, even if they inadvertently let themselves buy their own lives. Among them, the highest valued talents could survive, the same wizard organization. There is no need for others to live.

So, here is only him and the other people in Hard Castle.

“Damn!” Skolet was terrified. If he gave less value at that time, then the dead person was him.

At the same time, Skolet was also shocked by Evans’s means, so strange and bloody, really worthy of the shadow hunter, Evans.

“Go tell Eric and Sheryl and say, not long ago, they joined forces and seriously injured me. I wrote it down, and I will give them back later.” Evans said lightly, “Leave everything , And you guys get out! “

Skolet did not dare to say more, he understood that in the eyes of formal wizards, they were only worth the news.

The wizard apprentice of Had Castle was anxious and said, “Master Evans, we have taken over the mission. There are so many wizard seeds here, they …”


Before the words were finished, the wizard apprentice uttered a scream, and a flame burned frantically from his body, making him burn like a human torch. After a while, he became a charred corpse. , Fell to the ground powerlessly, still smoking green smoke.

Evens turned his head, looked at Skolet lightly, and said, “Do you have anything to say?”

Scollet’s face was scared, his face desperately squeezed a smile, and then stumbled, ran to the distance like crazy.

On the way to the run, Skolet even fell a few times, but he didn’t pay attention to these things at all, he didn’t dare to pay attention, just wanted to escape early, far away.

“Master Evans, in fact, you don’t need to let go of the wizard apprentice, kill them all.” A female wizard apprentice stepped forward and bowed slightly in front of Evans. She is Emily.

Evens did not speak, just glanced at Emily.

Suddenly, Emily didn’t dare to say more, but she knew deeply how strange and difficult this adult in front of her was. On the surface, the wizard apprentice was let go, but in fact, there was no secret to the wizard. No one knows what an apprentice does.

“Aren’t you two, another apprentice.” Evans’ voice came.

Emily replied quickly, saying: “Master Evans, Derek is dead. Not long ago, I saw the faint disappearance of Derek’s Soul Imprint.”

When talking about here, Emily’s expression was a bit bleak. Derek was very confident that he could resist the attack of other wizards and apprentices, but he didn’t know why, and he died.

Didn’t know what happened to him.

Evens slightly stunned, then nodded, did not say much.

If he is a young potential wizard apprentice, he might ask a little bit, but the dead is an old wizard apprentice who has no potential and has no value at all, so … die if you die .

“Master Evans, what about these seeds of white wizards?” Emily seemed to think of something, saying: “Have you all killed?”

Evans suddenly smiled and said: “It’s a pity to kill, haven’t we lost a lot of apprentices recently, and this batch of seeds has also died a lot, just right, there are many seeds of wizards, but they have not joined Bai robe.”

“Mix them with the seeds we collected and bring them on board together!”

Evans’ voice came coldly.

The wizard seeds all around were startled. The black wizard seeds were surprised for a while. Then, they looked at the white wizard apprentice opposite with an inquiring and eye-catching eye. Their eyes were slightly shiny, full of provocation and blood, The Witch Seeds of the Ring of Blue and Hard Castle were stunned.

Next, they are going to mix with the black robes and go to the dark forest?

“No, you can’t do this, I’m going to Hard Castle … Ah!”

A fat wizard seed shouted, rushed out, and yelled wildly.

But he just shouted halfway, he made a stern shout, he slammed directly, UU reading burst.

The people of Blue Ring and Hard Castle were shocked.

After a long time, another teenager with blond hair stood up and looked at Evans, his face full of anger, said: “How can you just kill someone, you are just …”


Seems to have a big hand with invisible smashed down, the young man did not hum, and was directly smashed into a ball of meat sauce.

Is quiet all around.

Everyone’s eyes widened, but no one dared to speak.

Evens turned around slowly, looking at the people of Blue Ring and Hard Castle in coldly, and said, “Do you have any opinions?”

Died quietly all around, no one dared to say a word.

“No comments?”

Evens sneered, said: “This is good.”

He looked at the front, then turned around, and got on the four horse-drawn horse-drawn carriages,

“Departure, go to the sea cold port, we board the ship, go to the dark forest!”


After a slight delay, the Witch Seeds of the Blue Ring and Hard Castle were mixed with the seeds of the dark forest, followed by Evans, and walked forward.

The whole team is extremely dull, and the low feeling is accumulated in the chest, which makes people extremely depressed.

“Morin, we …” The look on Richard’s face was a little flustered.

“It’s nothing, Richard.” Morin patted Richard on the shoulder, comforting him.

It was too fast and too sudden. Evens’s cruel and weird means, even Morin, felt shocked.

Finally, Morin smiled at Richard and said, “Well, Richard, don’t think about it.”

“Let’s go.”

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