Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 215: William's Strength

Closing his eyes to grasp better concentration, Jonathan did everything he could to unseal his powers.

With the keys time power, Jonathan knew he had every chance to unseal his mistake and break right into the God rank which he couldn't in the past.

However, nothing serves as a free meal, and not only he knew this but Greg too.

Because the key was something that the Creator made, its power was far more scarier than anything else. It is not a coincidence that only that can obtain the keys who had the Blessing.

Because Greg has already obtained 3 keys so far, he clearly knew what they could do. The fire key could wound Wayne and Russ even though they were far above the Evolution Step, while the stone key could turn anything into solid stone. 

But it seemed that those two key's power was kid's play compared to this one.

Time itself was very scary, but luckily no one was able to control it to the fullest. Even Nick and Jonathan who had Guardians with time powers could only control time to a limited amount. 

However, this key was an exception. Greg could clearly feel that the key was time itself, with its own consciousness. Even though it was not behaving like an intelligent being, it had its own 'instincts'.

Just like bees, it didn't care about others in its proximity, but if one tried to hurt it, no matter if it was accidentally or on purpose, it would strike back.

And this is what was currently happening. The moment Jonathan touched the key to use its power to help himself, the key's 'instinct' instantly turned on and assaulted Jonathan.

Yet even though his bones were undergoing visible and painful changes, Jonathan didn't let go of the key and still attempted to unseal his power.

He did everything he could and there were small signs that he will succeed, but unfortunately, it seemed he won't make it in time.

Greg saw this and looked a bit worried, so instabtly started to think of a way to help him.

"Even if I use my light element, I can only slow down his aging process by a few levels, but I don't think it would help him at all."

While Greg thought about this, suddenly a loud shout came from the side, making him to turn his head toward where the sound came from.

Among the several assaults that the Scepter Family members threw at them, Greg could clearly see that William was slowly walking toward them with a mocking smile.

"It seems we finally meet again trash! I couldn't get my revenge on you from before, but it seems God has smiled on me and gave me this chance. I was not able to give you back what you did to me in the past, so I will make sure trample on you until you won't be able to breathe!"


Instantly as William said that his whole being exploded with a scary presence, while his whole being suddenly grew up to 5 meters.

He was like a massive mountain which made anyone believe that one strike from him could shatter the earth into two.

With bulging muscles and an appearance that was similar to that mystical beast from legends, Minotaur, William exhaled hot steam from his nostrils.

"He has already reached the Ascender rank?!"

Emma next to Greg looked at William with a shocked expression.

Back in the tournament, she could clearly remember that he was still on the Soul Collector rank, so thinking that he reached the Ascender rank in such a short amount of time. It was scary.

Not even Joe was on that rank. He just used one of his power that let him surpass ranks for a limited time, but originally he was still on the Calamity rank.

Greg looking at William's approaching figure, which shook the earth with each of his heavy steps, looked calm.

"Well, it is not a surprise he reached the Ascender rank under such a short amount of time."

Greg thought about this because he knew that everyone's cultivation path and the process were different. Some were geniuses and could surpass ranks faster than others, while others struggled each time. There were even a few who stuck on the same rank for years if not until the day they die.

However, William was neither a genius nor someone who would be stuck on the same rank for years. The reason why he reached such height under such a small amount of time was because of his Guardian.

While those who had a Guardian with complicated powers and strength, like Joe or Roy, William's Guardian was a simple beast that concentrated on nothing more but raw strength.

Just like everyone knows if one wanted to reach the next rank, one needed to consume energy crystals while comprehending his or her Guardian's power.

So because William's Guardian was a creature that fought only with its own body with no extra abilities, William's breakthroughs are relatively easy.

"That would have been a great surprise if he wouldn't have been able to reach this rank.", thought Greg, and after glancing at Jonathan who was still trying his best to unseal his power he frowned.

"I can't fight William like this.", said Greg quietly, but just before he could have done anything, the fairy appeared before his face.

Looking at the little fairy, Greg frowned slightly and thought, "She wouldn't be much of a help. She is only on the Creator rank, she would only die."

Greg didn't want to let the fairy go fight against William, because next to Shapeless, she was the only useful Soul Creator he had. He already lost Typhoon Beast so losing her too would be a great blow to his strength.

Just imagine fighting against someone who could seal his Guardian's power. Then the only solution for him would be to fight with his Soul Creatures. However, if he loses his fairy too, he would die for sure.

"If I have the time, I need to get more Soul Creatures.", thought Greg suddenly, realizing he spent way too much time on searching for the keys while neglecting getting stronger.

As he thought about this, he unsummoned the fairy and glanced toward William.

"Even if I can't move, I still have a way to fight him.", said Greg and without hesitation, he activated his Third Flow.

Instantly as this happened, thousands of ice spikes appeared in the air, then slowly they became solid, turning into a similar appearance that of Greg's Jade Skin.


Stopping in his tracks, William looked toward Greg's power, but after a small while, he just started to laugh.

His laugh was so loud that even the earth started to tremble.

"Try whatever you want, you won't be able to injure men matter what. My skin is harder than steel!"

Greg hearing this smiled and said, "We will see it."


Instantly with that said, the thousands of Jade Spikes burst forward and like bullets, they exploded into William's skin.

One blast after another, the spikes hit William like rain, but even after several hundreds of hits, William was standing as proudly as ever.

"Haha! I told you! No matter what you try, you won't be able to wound me! I am invincible!"


Instantly as he said that William waved his arm from side to side, creating a huge shockwave which made all of Greg's power to fly away like sheets of paper.

However, Greg seeing this just smiled slightly and said, "Are you sure about that?"

William hearing this stopped smiling and looked confused, but seeing that Greg was pointing above him his expression became slightly dazed.

Right above him, a shocking sight waited for him. Hundreds of thousands of wind blades with golden flames covering them appeared above him, making not only William turn to shock but everyone else around him too.

Greg seeing this smiled and with a wave of his hand he said, "Let's see what you will do now."





Like fire raining from the skies, William's whole body for assaulted with hundreds of thousands of flaming wind blades.

No matter how strong one's physical resistance was, against something like this it would become completely useless and it showed on William too.

Because of Greg's assault which had his wind elements slicing and tearing effect and his golden flames' burning impact after impact, on William's body, several open wounds appeared one after another.

Laura seeing that Greg was capable even of something like this, she glanced at him with a curious glimpse, trying to figure out just where his limit could be.

However, she couldn't watch him for too long, because the next second a deafening roar echoed throughout the whole ruin.


William who was assaulted mercilessly looked maddened and after exhaling blazing steam from his mouth he started to run toward Greg and the others with crazy speed.

Seeing as William was about to trample on them with his earth-shaking momentum, now Greg's expression became a bit heavy too.

Glancing at Jonathan, he saw that he still didn't found a way to unseal his power, Greg frowned even deeper and thought.

"Now what should I do?"

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