Join the Straw Hat Group, and the Whole Ship Will Help Me Simulate Crossing

Chapter 237

237: Defect Elimination Card, Undersea Adventure

Defect Elimination Card, Undersea Adventure

“However, I will not take your things for nothing, you will be a non-staff member of the Straw Hat Pirates in the future!

Only now, Ron is playing with the cards in his hand.

Of course, to have the Master in hand, it is just too troublesome to build from scratch, and there is not so much time.

If caught by the tentacles full of suckers, it will be shattered like the surrounding ships, and everyone will be buried on the bottom of the sea.

The moment Ron took out this card, Robin directly refused: “I don’t really need it, Captain Luffy seems to need this card even more!

This really eliminates Devil Fruit’s flaws, allowing him to swim in the ocean.

One of the pieces of information she knew was that Ron was hiding a secret.

“Since Miss Shakky is so optimistic about me, it’s disrespectful!”

Shakky looked at Rona’s solemn expression, as if thinking of something.

Staring at the huge octopus in front of him, Luffy was extremely excited, “This octopus is so big, grab it and make takoyaki, Sanji!

This made Rayleigh, who had been watching here, instantly appear beside Shakky.

Then, with a small coating on his body, he quickly opened the Sixth Gate of Eight Inner Gates, and kicked the huge octopus directly.

After all, Xia 173 Qi’s intelligence organization was stealing a lot of information from the World government.

It was comparable to the perfect unicorn fruit that Ron had brought out at the beginning.

“As long as there are no mistakes, it’s fine, but the creatures in the sea are so ugly, do they really grow at will when they can’t see each other!

But not too bad, they just lack a leader.

Behind them, the boats of Kid Luo and others followed.

A film wrapped in the sap of the mangrove tree protects ships such as Thousand Sunny from the sea water.

This intelligence organization is also extremely important to Ron, if at all possible.

When they came to the trench, they saw a huge octopus with a vertical and horizontal length of several kilometers.

Specifically Trafalgar Law, who faced Doflamingo at Summit War.

Now, they are no longer reluctant than before, but they want to go to New World with the Straw Hat Pirates.

As someone said, if you want them to lift the roof, they won’t agree, and if you take a step back and say you want to open a window, they will give in.

Now it is 10,000 meters under the sea, and the Haiya here is extremely terrifying.

That’s why Ron wanted to take over, the ready-made intelligence organization in Shakky’s hands.

But his figure quickly rushed out of the film: “Swimming, I’m going to swim!

Two hours passed in a flash, and in the process, Shakky had already woken up and informed Rayleigh of the information she had learned.

This is the reward that Shakky got after simulating crossing just now.

“I have already set it up, and I will start the time travel once every ten days. Today is the first time for the senior, and the senior enjoys it!”

Now, Ron and the others have gathered in Thousand Sunny, and there are other well-coated boats around them, these are the boats that belong to Eustass Kid.

She looked slightly hesitant, and after thinking for a moment, she decided not to refuse.

Just then, Shakky’s figure suddenly fell asleep on the counter.

From the beginning to the end, what Ron was eyeing was the intelligence organization in Shakky’s hands.

“What secret is there, it should be revealed when you wake up!”

That secret is enough to make him stronger with many crew members.

Looking at the excited Luffy in front of him, Ron didn’t care: “As long as you’re happy, how’s it going, Nami!99

Hearing this, Luffy quickly crushed the cards (adai), and the streamer flashed. Luffy felt as if there was no difference.

Hearing this, Shakky subconsciously wanted to refuse, but Ron spoke first.

As the driftwood detached, Thousand Sunny began to inflate and slowly sink.

The strength of these remnants is extremely strong, and if they are pulled up now, they will be inferior to the Four Emperors Pirates.

Ron stared at the creatures in the pitch-black ocean and complained helplessly.

Although Ron had promised to help him deal with Doflamingo, he still regretted missing the opportunity of the Battle of the Top.

The two fell silent in the small bar when Rayleigh spoke up.

Looking at Luffy’s excited face, Ron didn’t stop him, at least he still had a rope hanging from him.

As Luffy entered the water, there was no longer the feeling of lack of energy that he had before.

“Thank you so much Ron, I haven’t been swimming since I became a capable person, and I finally got my wish today!””

“It has already entered the ocean current. It is estimated that it will not be long before we will enter the bottom of the sea. According to the chart, it will take another day to go to Mermaid Island!”

Ron turned to leave, leaving only his leisurely words, which echoed in the bar.

It’s a pity that even after passing through the simulation, his strength has increased.

As for Ron had already discovered Rayleigh hidden in the dark, but he did not point out.

“Perhaps, there is nothing in this world that he does not know!

This is a Devil Fruit Defect Elimination Card, which can eliminate the side effects of Devil Fruit.

Only a strong man like Ron can adapt.

Under the foot, the octopus stunned, and Sanji chopped off one of his tentacles.

“It’s really astonishing ability, is this the little guy’s secret? It’s really amazing!”

Therefore, Luo can only pray now that the site where Doflamingo is located is the only way for Straw Hat and others.

Where did they come from, and why they appeared here, all aroused Shakky’s curiosity.

The tentacles full of suckers grabbed towards the fleet led by Thousand Sunny.

“Miss Shakky doesn’t have to refuse, this is a condition that I must have in return!”

At this time, Luffy looked at Ron excitedly, after Robin refused.

Rayleigh is also the combat power he can fight for, plus he is also involved in the remnants of the Roger Pirates.

Can only barely save his life in front of Doflamingo.

In this way, the members of Thousand Sunny are doing their own thing.

This makes Shakky extremely curious, whether it is Robin’s monster card or Nami’s four-leaf magic book, it is something that has never appeared in this world.

The intelligence organization of Shakky’s Master is estimated to be comparable to the intelligence organization of the Four Emperors Pirates, and even enough to compete with the intelligence organization of the World government.

Ron had already handed the card to Luffy: “Just crush it!99

Looking at Luffy’s eager eyes, the huge octopus couldn’t help feeling fear, and Sanji said helplessly: “Got it!””

These combat powers are an excellent aid in the fight against the World government. Ron has already been eyeing it for a long time, so how could he let it go?

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