Jade Without Fragrance

Chapter 24

Chapter 25: Bitter Fruit

Chapter 25 The Bitter Fruit

As soon as General Lin died, Wen Rugui’s mind moved.

He waited patiently for more than a year. I don’t know how many times he thought about today’s scene in his mind, and every possible omission was blocked in his imagination again and again.

He made all preparations, and because of this, when he heard Wen Rusheng’s words, he knew something was wrong.

“Myna, the old lady asked me when I would marry.” Wen Rugui emphasized the word “when”.

The old lady smashed his cane at his feet, causing the dust to fly up: “What are you talking about!”

“My son-in-law was worried about the nervousness of the clan brother and said the wrong thing—”

The old lady sneered: “I think you are guilty.”

Wen Rugui suffocated and looked at Wen Rusheng with a warning hidden in his eyes.

Wen Rusheng scratched his head, looking helpless.

The old lady spoke softly: “Just say what you know, don’t think about others.”

Wen Rusheng looked at Wen Rugui, and then at Lin’s, and became even more cramped: “But I can’t remember exactly when the tenth brother and his younger brother and sister got married. Back then, the tenth brother got married in the capital, and was too far from home. I couldn’t come…”

Hearing this, the crowd suddenly became louder.

Why do you hear this, it doesn’t look like Mr. Wen was married in his hometown?

Wen Rugui’s face sank, and he endured his anger to remind: “Myna, the old lady asked me before I entered Beijing.”

“Before entering Beijing?” Wen Rusheng looked blank, “Ten brother didn’t get married before entering Beijing.”

As soon as these words came out, Wen Rugui’s complexion changed greatly.

Even the old lady felt like she was hit by a pie from the sky.

This is indeed an honest man.

“Myna, are you confused?” Wen Rugui’s tone was stern, and veins appeared on his forehead.

He never imagined that he would fall into a fool’s errand.

Wen Rusheng’s father and son came to the capital, he entertained him without any slights, and even introduced his nephew to many people.

Fools all know that Wen Feng’s future will be without his help, no matter how he tries to break his head, he can’t figure out what’s going on right now.

In the face of Wen Rugui’s questioning, Wen Rusheng couldn’t stand it, and he couldn’t help but swept towards Wen Hao from the corner of his eye.

“Kacha.” The girl who was standing behind the old lady with little sense of presence took out something from her sleeve and took a bite with no expression on her face.

Wen Rusheng shivered, his face pale.

The old lady tapped the ground with her crutches: “Wen Rugui, what are you doing to scare honest people, when you think everyone else is as cowardly as you are?”

Wen Rugui almost didn’t come up in one breath.

But at this time, if you want to reverse the unfavorable situation, you still have to rely on Wen Rusheng.

“Mynah, have you forgotten Xiaoqing?” Wen Rugui tried to keep his tone calm and motioned for Mrs. Chang to come forward.

Xiaoqing is Chang’s boudoir name.

Faced with countless gazes, Mrs. Chang rushed to Wen Rusheng and said, “Does mynah remember me?”

Wen Rusheng stared at Chang Shi for a moment, then showed a sudden look: “It’s Sister Xiaoqing.”

Wen Rugui’s expression softened a little, and took the opportunity to remind: “Mynah doesn’t remember me and my cousin?”

Wen Rusheng slapped his forehead: “Remember!”

Without waiting for Wen Rugui to breathe a sigh of relief, he heard Wen Rusheng say, “Didn’t you two have a verbal marriage contract? Later, the tenth brother went to Beijing to take the exam, and there was news that you were named on the Golden List and married a noble girl, so sister Xiaoqing It’s gone, it turns out that he came to Beijing to find his tenth brother…”

Wen Rugui’s face was completely cold: “Myna, my cousin and I got married before I entered Beijing, you forgot!”

The honest Wen Rusheng became anxious when he heard this: “How could I forget whether you and sister Xiaoqing were married? My memory is not as good as my tenth brother…”

The crowd was already in an uproar.

“Wen Shi Lang said that he was forced by General Lin to stop his wife and marry another, so he didn’t marry his cousin.”

“Then I don’t understand, why do you have to say that you have been married before? In our big week, it is against the law to stop wives and remarry.”

One person touched the goatee and gave the reason: “What’s wrong with this, look at the two little girls standing beside the old lady of the Lin family, and then look at the son and daughter standing behind Wen Shi Lang, Wen Shi Lang is sure I’m planning for my only son.”

“But even if he is a concubine, as Wen Shilang’s only son, he will inherit everything in Shilang’s mansion in the future. Why is that so?”

“It’s like this in an ordinary family, but it’s not necessarily in the Shilang’s mansion. Didn’t you hear what the old lady of the Lin family said, even the house where Shilang Wen lived was owned by the Lin family. Is it so easy for Shilang Wen to give all this to his son? ”

“Oh, man!”

Wen Rugui couldn’t listen to these discussions anymore, he stared at Wen Rusheng, extremely angry.

clearly told good things, what happened to mynah?

But no matter how angry he was, he couldn’t attack in front of everyone’s eyes.

At this moment, Wen Rugui tasted the bitter fruit of shooting himself in the foot.

“Wen Rugui, what else do you have to say?” The old lady hated and felt relieved.

Wen Rugui tried his best to keep calm: “Mynah said that day when he hit an evil spirit, could it be that he hasn’t recovered, so his memory is confused and he talks nonsense?

“Jiangxie?” Wen Rusheng glanced at Wen quickly and shook his head into a rattle, “No no no, how could I hit the evil one! But what happened to the tenth brother, why do you have to say that she was married to Xiaoqing’s sister—”

“Mynah, think clearly before you speak!”

Wen Rusheng turned pale with fright: “Ten, tenth brother, what do you want me to think?”

“You—” Wen Rugui was so angry that his blood was surging, and he understood that Wen Rusheng could not be counted on.

He knew there was something wrong with it, but at this time there was no chance for him to find out.

As a last resort, Wen Rugui called out Wenping.

Wen Ping lowered his head and stepped forward, not daring to look into Wen Rugui’s eyes: “The old slave is here.”

Wen Rugui looked at the old lady: “The clan brother is addicted to drinking, and his mind is not clear. Wen Ping followed me after I was elected, and I know the situation at the time. The old lady might as well listen to him first. I know Wen Ping. Ping is my person, and what he said is unbelievable, so the old lady can send someone to Wenjia Village to check.”

With Wen Rugui’s family background, naturally he couldn’t afford to raise a book boy. It was different when he was chosen as a scholar. Some people gave gold and silver, some gave fields, and some gave people.

Wen Ping was delivered by local staff.

Wen Rugui knew that what Wen Ping said was light, but there was no better way right now. Even if the vast majority of people believed in the Lin family, as long as the matter was controversial, they would have reason to go to Wenjia Village to inquire.

When outsiders came to Wenjia Village, it would be strange if they could ask the truth.

Over the years, he has donated money to the village to build ancestral halls and schools. People from other villages did not dare to offend people in Wenjia Village because he was a senior official in Wenjia Village. It can be said that everyone in Wenjia Village has benefited from him.

He doesn’t believe that there are such stupid people as Wen Rusheng.

“Wen Ping, you were there when my cousin and I got married. Tell the old lady about the specific situation at that time.”

Wen Ping bowed his head and did not move.

“Wen Ping?” Wen Rugui suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Wen Ping raised his head and glanced at Wen Rugui, with sweat on his forehead: “Master…Did you forget that you and Mrs. Qing have never been married.”

(end of this chapter)

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