It's the age of cyber, and you're still a traditional villain?

Chapter 327: Does a kitten dream of performing a backflip?

Chapter 327: Does a kitten dream of performing a backflip?

Looking at the serious Tang Shuang in front of him, Xu Shi suddenly had four big words in his mind.

See the picture poorly.

In fact, you should have thought of it a long time ago, right?Could she just ask herself to come home for dinner?Even if you really want to eat, there will inevitably be a midnight snack waiting for you after eating.

In other words, Governor Tang no longer has the hobby of raising pets. Otherwise, she might not even have to cook, but would directly invite herself to her home to watch her kitten perform a backflip.

But Xu Shi never thought that she would choose to bring herself and Shen Qin together at this time.

To be honest, who doesn't know what's going on between him and his good sister?

In addition to the previous discord with the "Forgotten Ones", few people would say anything about it and just let things develop on their own.

However, Tang Shuang has some different views on this. Perhaps as she said, the Shen Qin whose memory has been reshaped is certainly not the same Shen Qin as before. There is really not much difference between her and Xu Ying in this regard. If Xu Shi can accept Xu Ying, Ying, then why can't you accept Shen Qin?
Of course, it's also possible that she found it strange when she saw how alienated and indifferent she was towards Shen Qin - she had spent so much effort training her to bully her, but now that she was really trained, she didn't care about him?Then why are you here?
This is not the style of your boss Xu Shixu, the number one villain in Night Sin City, has he changed his gender?


"Sister Tang, don't be so hard on your brother."

Before Xu Shi could react, he heard Shen Qin speaking from the side.

The good sister said calmly, "It's my own business that I like my brother. Even if we are not biological siblings, if he doesn't want to, it's good for us to continue to maintain this relationship."

"After all, being able to become my brother's sister is the luckiest thing for me."

Here we have to lament the power of "entropy of evil thoughts", especially for Shen Qin who has also undergone certain transformations - there is a saying that her closed loop should be more stable than others, saying this It is also expected.

I just don't know if Shen He's little baby, Quan Xia Youzhi, will be angry enough to live when he hears his sister recognizing a thief as a brother.

Oh, Shen Qin has no memory of him anymore?That's okay.

"But no matter what, there needs to be a result between you, right?"

Lin Yue also helped, and whispered a few words into Xu Shi's ear, "Actually, Shen Qin is very similar to me before. I know how she feels in her heart."


Xu Shi blinked and glanced at the three girls.

You guys have already colluded to co-author it, right?
What I am eating is not rice, this is the Hongmen Banquet!
He knew that the relationship between Lin Yue and Tang Shuang was very good - after he left, Black and White had long been a comrade-in-arms through their long-term cooperation, and it was not unusual to have a few whispers in private.

But with Shen Qin... it may be that as Lin Yue said, their experiences are similar to some extent, and they are both of the "lost way and finding their way back" type.

Now that I see sister Shen Qin being left out in the cold and feeling aggrieved all by myself, it's hard not to feel some compassion.

Xu Shi was actually not a hesitant person, but he had to admit that after the internal fighting in Night Sin City ended and his own situation opened up, many of his thoughts did change.

Otherwise, based on his previous personality, no matter what identity Shen Qin is, he only has eight characters.

If there is x but not x, a fine of 50 will be imposed.

"...So, do you think so too, Xiaoqin?"

After thinking for a moment, he politely asked the person involved for his opinion.

"I have already said that as long as my brother is willing, he can do whatever he wants to me."

The good sister said cautiously, "Don't say it's my body, even ask me to die, I will do it."

Boss Xu was greatly shocked. Why did he suddenly rise to such a noble level?

Looking at Shen Qin again, the little girl's eyes were slightly red, as if she had made great determination to say these words.

This charming appearance is indeed endearing - as long as she doesn't use her ability to become crazy, little sister Shen Qin usually looks like a standard sickly beauty. With this expression and what she said, you are not in vain. Lotus Who is White Lotus?
Of course everyone doesn't like Bai Lianhua, but it would be different if we knew that what she said was true. The influence of her abilities was there. Even if she occasionally sold tea, it was just to fulfill her wish. Just a little trick.

"Then prove it to me."

Xu Shi smiled, as if he had returned to the bad playboy he had been before.

In other words, the nature of this guy has never changed.

Shen Qin knew what he meant, and without any hesitation, he reached for his belt.

Of course she hoped for this result, and she even couldn't wait for it.

"Ha, this is a happy ending, right?"

Tang Shuang seemed to be happy to see the success, and walked behind Shen Qin with a smile, "How is it, are you happy now?"

"Well...thank you, Sister Tang."

Shen Qin nodded vigorously, with gratitude beyond words.

Before her memory reshaped her, she might have been a little more assertive towards her brother Shen He, but now when facing Xu Shi, she had to be much more restrained.

Because in her memory, she knew that she and Xu Shi had a "non-brother and sister" relationship, so she did not dare to show any extra thoughts - of course her brother was not bad to her, but if it was really because of this, he would go further. , and finally got the answer "I just treat you as a sister", and she didn't know how to deal with it at that time.

Coupled with Xu Shi's cold attitude during this period, it made her even more timid.

It is no exaggeration to say that if it weren't for what Tang Shuang did today, she might have been separated from Xu Shi like this.

Therefore, it would be false to say no thanks.

But when she was about to say something more, she saw her sister Tang holding her hand down.

"I'm happy to be happy, but the protagonist tonight is not you."

The Governor of the Tang Dynasty said in a brisk tone, "I have to come first. Some people have promised me things, but they have not yet been fulfilled."


She looked at Xu Shi.

Xu Shi coughed lightly.

Of course he knew that Tang Shuang was talking about the Flag that "I'll do it when I get back" before going to sea. People like him didn't have any bad habits of defaulting on debts.

It's just Shen Qin's foreshadowing. Now she's saying this again, so what do you mean?Are the two of you planning to go together?

Boss Xu couldn't bear such an exciting thing.

There is no other reason, the main reason is that I have never experienced it before... Oh, I have experienced it, then it's okay.Oh, I've experienced it more than once, so it's even better.

Without this layer of worries, he found it very interesting when he looked at Tang Shuang again.

Because the drama inside and out tonight gave him a very subtle feeling.

It's like... Tang Shuang is also working hard to become a doctor.

This is not the first time he has experienced this kind of thing, and it is not that no one has done this before, but the fate of the last lady named Xie who did not want to be named is indeed somewhat true...

But Tang Shuang is different. She is so soft and soft, and can still take care of both ends. It can only be said that her job as the Inspector General has not been in vain for so many years, and she herself is really not as single-minded as she imagined.

But this was actually because he was overthinking it. The fact was that Governor Tang had no idea of ​​competing with others, let alone Su Lin - she still remembered that she seemed to be in the relationship between Xu Shi and Su Lin. I played a very embarrassing role, and sometimes I even feel a little guilty when I think about it.

For her, being able to stay with her sweetheart forever is the best thing.

One thing to say is that she actually has a bit of Plato in her person. This can be seen from when she went to the Hualan Empire before... What kind of promise is she really going to fulfill? The half year is not enough for her?It was just that there were many other important things to do at that time, so this matter was pushed to the back.

Now that I have returned to the City of Night Sin and my mind has settled down, it is time to bring up the old talk again.

Even the matter with Xu Shi■■ itself is more like an obsession for her - since she has said so, it is absolutely impossible not to do it. Is this also a way to express love? Being in love without love always seems a bit empty.

But having said that, her helping Shen Qin was not completely selfless.

As for the reason... isn't it because Xu Shi, the thief, has too many girls around him?Sometimes it makes her feel a little insecure.

But if you find some people to form a clique, it seems that this unnecessary worry can be filled very well.

Including other people, the relationship is actually similar. For example, Su Lin and Gu Yi have a better relationship, and Jiang Chengcheng and Xia Wuyou are close sisters.

All in all, while speaking, Tang Shuang had already launched the ultimate attack on Xu Shi.

Elbow, follow me into the house!

This was actually the first time Xu Shi had been honest with her to this extent, and it was hard to look away for a while.

Like Xia Xiaomao, who has long known the basics, Tang Shuang, as a front-line combatant, also has a standard body-building figure. Not to mention the mermaid line of abdominal muscles, the back line is clearly outlined, and the slender body contains Explosive first-class power.

Even though she no longer has to fight on the front line, the traces of years and years cannot be eliminated, and she has not become pampered.

"Why, have you never seen a girl?"

Seeing him staring intently, Governor Tang found it a bit funny, and for those who didn't know, he thought you were some innocent boy.

He didn't say anything for a while, but stretched out his hand to touch the scars on her body, and his expression became a little complicated.

Compared to Xia Wuyou, her body is even more mottled - this is the difference between the consortium's field department and the inspection bureau. Not only is the former well-equipped, the risks of many tasks are not that great. They are all members of the consortium. Look up. No matter how you look down, unless you really want to fight to the death, who has nothing to do with you?

But the Inspection Bureau is different. For many years, this has been a department that my grandma did not care about and my uncle did not love. If there is any trouble between the consortia, they will be treated like dogs. The gangs in Sui City will be more courageous in front of them.

Especially for a type like Tang Shuang who worked his way up from the bottom of the staff, he had to interact with street gangsters every day, and bleeding and injuries were inevitable.

"...How about an operation to remove it?"

Boss Xu sighed and said, "Maybe I remember that the "snake ring" should have a special medicine, and it can be restored to the original state with just one application. "

"It's not necessary, it's just a minor injury."

Tang Shuang didn't care about this, and she could still joke with him, "It won't affect anything if I keep it. Why, you won't find fault with me because of this, will you?"

"Well, I just don't like it."

Xu Shi nodded along with her words, his tone a little more unhappy.

"Oh, okay, okay."

Tang Shuang smiled. She knew that Xu Shi's sudden tantrum was actually because he felt sorry for her, and the teasing was still teasing, but she still chose to listen to him.

"Anyway, Director Xu has a high and powerful position, so I will listen to you."

"No matter how high you go, you can't go to Governor Tang."

Xu Shi snorted, then lifted her chin and kissed her.

This was no longer the time to be reserved. Tang Shuang unconsciously wrapped her arms around his neck, and not long after, she took the initiative to wrap her legs around him as well.

She has been waiting for this moment for a long time. Spiritual Plato is spiritual Plato, but what cannot be ignored is her unlucky complication.

In the past, I only entertained myself with Xu Shi as a side dish, but now I am actually fighting with real people. If I say I am not excited, I would be lying.

It could be seen from the fact that her body started to tremble not long after, and in her confusion, she also began to mutter unconsciously.

"Next time...can you wear the clothes of the Governor's Palace?"

"It's not over this time, so you're just thinking about next time?"

I can't laugh or cry for a while, why do you still have the mind to think about these weird things?Is it that my brother's attack is not strong enough or that you are too greedy?
No, you have to teach me a lesson!

The lesson was given by Shen Qin. Seeing her brother and Tang Shuang being inseparable there, she couldn't help but feel sour at that moment.

She also thought that today's stage was given to her, but it turns out that I am actually a part of your Play, right?
The little girl doesn't have a good temper, and now she is even more interested in revenge. She doesn't care if you were speaking for me just now!
In other words, I can't just do it and watch, I have to find a way to join in.

Looking left and right, she suddenly discovered a perfect location.

That was the... face of the Great Governor of the Tang Dynasty.

"Shen Qin,"

Even Tang Shuang herself didn't expect this to happen - she was a newbie in human affairs and had never experienced the operation of three people in a row. Her mind was already in a mess, and she was dealt such a hand before she could react. I can't even speak.

The atmosphere was charming to the extreme.

Why?Have you forgotten anyone?
In fact, I haven’t forgotten it either.

But Lin Yue...she has always placed her position very low, so she is not as demanding as the other two.

For her, even just kneeling aside and licking the fingers of her good master is something she can enjoy.

(End of this chapter)

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