It's the age of cyber, and you're still a traditional villain?

Chapter 311: Big knowledge pours into little heads!

Chapter 311: Big knowledge pours into little heads!

Qin Yiyan was speechless after hearing Pan Ling's request.

She finally discovered that since she stayed here in Xu Shi, her native language had become speechless.

I thought I had a good time chatting with this little girl Pan Ling, but she was about to show off to her, right?

Really, no better than her black-hearted master!
I originally thought you and I could empathize with each other, but I didn’t expect you to do the same!
However, she was indeed intrigued by the other party now. If she really got stuck here, she might not be able to sleep tonight.

So, after thinking about it for a while, she had no choice but to bring over two cups of dessert, gritted her teeth and said, "Ms. Pan, use it slowly."

She can serve her saintly lady, but she can't serve others. Although she is nominally Xu Shi's maid, she has been so busy these days that she can't find Bei, so she doesn't have time to tease her. .

"Well, thank you Sister Qin."

Pan Ling was not polite at all, she took the dessert and took a sip, making a satisfied sound.

After enjoying the dessert, she slowly talked to Qin Yiyan about "the laws of heaven".

This was the first time the silly red-haired girl heard the complete facts. Before, most of them were fragmented in a few words. It was enough to arouse her suspicion and thinking, but not enough to form a complete story.

However, the more she listened, the more her hands and feet felt cold. After all, if what Pan Ling said was true, did it mean that her twenty-plus years of life were just like chess pieces in other people's hands? !

In particular, the position of her chess piece is very subtle - because Her Royal Highness, the most loyal saint, is the "supervisor" of the person behind the scenes, which means that the other party has certainly known about all this before.

However, Miss Saint will definitely not tell her this. On the contrary, she will make good use of Qin Yiyan's sharp blade. If nothing happens, she will probably bring her and Luo Yu together so that she can make things smooth. Join the family.

If something happened... it would be simpler. What happened during the final battle in the Holy See, the silly red-haired girl has not forgotten it yet.

This is actually quite chilling - after all, someone who has taken care of her as a biological sister for so many years is still being plotted against her.

It seemed that at this moment, Qin Yiyan really woke up. He wanted to take a drink of water to calm his mood, but found that his hands were shaking so much that he couldn't even hold the cup steady, and he dropped it to the ground and broke into pieces.

"This... can't be true?"

She is still trying to deceive herself.

"You know whether it's true or not."

Pan Ling's expression remained unchanged.

This is the advantage of knowing early - to be honest, when she first heard the truth, she was no less surprised than Qin Yiyan.

This was just the time when Xu Shi gave her an overview. The master would be busy later. She basically stayed with Wen Shengkui to take care of the old man these days, and heard more from him.

This feeling of fear is even worse.

But now, she has fully accepted all this, and can even provide science education to others as a person who has experienced it.

Great (Great Reading)

How could Qin Yiyan not know that this was true?It's just that she couldn't digest it for a while.

After all, she is different from Pan Ling, or she is in deeper trouble than Pan Ling - you know, she is not only surrounded by Luo Yu, but also Xu Ying.

Now tell her that these people all have problems, how can she be relieved one second after hearing it and the next second?
"……So be it."

After struggling for a long time, she spoke with distracted eyes, "Now Her Royal Highness the Saint is considered a sin... and she has no memory of the past. At worst, I will raise her as my sister again."

The subtext is choosing to forgive.

Pan Ling didn't say anything when she heard this.

Xu Shi had also given her a lot of serious information about psychology these days, and she knew very well that the knight commander in front of her might be more of a giving or a pleaser personality.

This is why she is not as decisive as she seems, but seems a bit indecisive - her character has been shaped for more than [-] years, and she is still willing to find a reason to convince herself and accept it all in her own way.

Thinking about it carefully, this may also be the positioning of her "character" in this plot. To put it bluntly, she has been taught in this way by everyone around her over the years, with the purpose of making her change. In this way, be willing to accept all possible changes.

It seems a bit pitiful.

If it were Pan Ling a year ago, she would definitely feel unbearable because of this, but now...

All I can say is, let go of the need to help others and respect the fate of others.

What else can I do now that I have said everything I need to say?Anyway, she won't change anything. From a more selfish point of view, it is a good thing that she is willing to train Xu Ying, who has been painted as a blank slate. It will not only save the master a lot of trouble, but also make it easier for the master to control her better. Is not it?

"So, I sometimes wonder if, in addition to arranging "supervisors" to bring order to things, the "law of heaven" itself will also do something to these so-called 'protagonists' to make their lives smoother. ? "

Pan Ling didn't care what Qin Yiyan thought, she just finished her analysis calmly.

This was an idea she had after her previous exchange with Mr. Wen. Before she could tell others, she simply regarded the silly red-haired girl in front of her as a tree hole.

Anyway, that's how she felt. Otherwise, even with the help of her master, her feelings for Luo Yu wouldn't have changed so quickly.

Even the idiot sister was the same. Although she was trapped deeper than herself before, she gradually woke up and drew clear boundaries with the other party.

And in the final analysis, all of this was caused by meeting Xu Shi, or in other words, it was caused by deviating from the original plot track, right?

In the words of the master, the so-called "protagonist" has lost his "filter".

So this is a very interesting thing. No matter whether you have it or lose it, where does the "filter" itself come from?

Obviously it didn't pop out of the cracks in the rocks.

The greater possibility is that "Heavenly Reason" is behind the scenes.

So how do they do this?

She probably has some ideas of her own, but this idea is not mature yet, so she can't express it immediately.

It's useless to tell Qin Yiyan, she has to be able to understand it.

Nowadays, Pan Ling is considered a mature child. She knows that if she has any ideas, especially ideas like this that can be called a big discovery, it is best to perfect them as much as possible before talking to her master. This will also show that she is not in vain. You have been his apprentice for so long.

Besides, if you really make nonsense, you will be spanked by the master if you make trouble...

"...As for Luo Yu, when you say this, I seem to have discovered that he is not as good as I thought."

Qin Yiyan didn't know what she was thinking. She was still slowing down on the previous channel.

But she also had her own questions, "But having said that, what kind of person do you think Xu Shi is?"

"You mean master?"

Pan Ling blinked, "Master... he is a bad person." "Huh?!"

Qin Yiyan obviously didn't expect that Pan Ling, an apprentice, would say this about her master, and his eyes widened.

"Master, he is a bad person. His humanity has always been... pretty bad."

The young apprentice's tone was a bit like complaining, "You don't need to ask me about this kind of thing, you can tell it yourself, right?"

Of course I can tell!But it’s weird for you to say that, you know?
The red-haired elder sister was dumbfounded. In fact, her starting point for asking this question was not very good. She was more or less trying to "refute you with your words."

Luo Yu may not be excellent, but Xu Shi must be good?If you still follow him blindly, does that mean that Xu Shi also has the so-called "filter" on him?
If you say no, then why do you follow a guy with a bad character? If so, is he the same type of person as Luo Yu?

There is actually a bit of preconceived personal emotion here. It doesn't mean that she can admit that Xu Shi is excellent just because she found out that Luo Yu is not good. How can it be so easy to be so awkward?
But you, a little girl, admit it so readily, how can I go on?
"Look, I'm in a hurry."

Pan Ling learned so much from her master that she even copied the way he spoke, "You haven't forgotten that I can hear your thoughts, right? How could I not know what you are thinking?"


Qin Yiyan looked away with a guilty conscience. In his desperation, he forgot about this incident. It couldn't be too embarrassing.

"Of course, what I said is also true."

Pan Ling continued, "Because the master told me that he is not the 'protagonist', but the 'villain'."


The silly red-haired girl frowned.

"Yes, he complained to me, saying that if the original plot was followed, he would probably be stepped on by the 'protagonist' of their city-state as a stepping stone, and then die miserably or something like that."

Pan Ling nodded, "It was only because of a little chance that we avoided such an ending."

A little serendipity?
Qin Yiyan didn't believe such frivolous remarks. After all, the Hualan Empire had experienced a great turmoil. I thought that what the city-state had experienced in Xu Shi would not be any worse than here.

No wonder his actions feel so targeted...Have you already experienced this once?Come play with us with your previous experience?

She suddenly felt a little unconvinced.

"Don't be dissatisfied. If you want to say that, Master has also killed the 'protagonist' of their city-state before, right?"

Pan Ling must have stood there for a long time without thinking, and there is nothing wrong with what she said.

It's not like he came here to vent after losing before, but he has been winning, winning, winning all the way.

"As for why I can tell you so calmly that the master is a bad person, it's because it doesn't matter to me at all."

She continued, "Whether he is a good person or a bad person, he is my master and taught me a lot when I was confused."

Before she met Xu Shi, she was just a little girl with no opinion and a dark heart. She would probably end up with Luo Yu in a daze.

Looking at it from the current perspective, she felt that her life was over.

"In other words, the master's character does not conflict with what he wants to do and his ability."

She drank the last sip of the dessert and stood up, "After all, not everything in this world can be simply defined by 'good' or 'bad'. Are you right, Commander Qin?"


Qin Yiyan didn't know how to answer.

It can only be said that the recent experiences have subverted a lot of her knowledge. She wants to say a lot of things, but she doesn't feel confident enough.

"Of course, I believe you will not change your mind so easily. You may even feel that because I have been with the master for a long time, I will unconsciously defend him no matter what I do."

Pan Ling expressed her understanding, "So, my suggestion is, would it be better to see and analyze with your own eyes?"

The red-haired elder sister was noncommittal, and that was exactly what she meant.

"Just do it according to your own ideas. It just so happens that you still have very good conditions."

The young apprentice stretched out and said, "I won't disturb you, maid sister."

She has to take care of Mr. Wen later, and there are a lot of things that Maomao teaches that she needs to deal with. She doesn't have that much free time and can chat with him all day long.

Qin Yiyan rolled his eyes, is this the maid sister again?
I'm not a maid!I'm not!
Don't try to brainwash me, this is just a stopgap measure!

...Forget it, it’s not that important anymore.

The important thing is to put down the filter and take a good look at who Xu Shi is from another angle.

She cleaned up the debris on the floor, took a deep breath, and prepared to see what he was doing now.


Xu Shi was extremely busy.

It can only be said that this guy still likes being a big-tailed wolf so much that he insisted on giving himself the title of regent.

As a result, he couldn't get away now, and he had to take care of many matters in the Hualan Empire.

The main reason is that Dongfang Xiao's abilities still need to be improved, and some things are difficult for her to handle satisfactorily by herself.

Damn it, it seems that the private teaching is not enough, and I have to continue to teach hard, and use my great knowledge to pour into her little head.

In addition, there are many things to deal with on my own side.

For example, the original idea of ​​clearing the "rust fog".

There were not many survivors left in the Holy See. Xu Ying and Qin Yiyan woke up one after another, and the other two were a little closer.

For example, the intelligence agent Han Jingchuan, although he was given adequate treatment, could not be saved and stopped breathing two nights ago.

Xu Shi RIPed him for a second, but the other party was only saved by his help. If he didn't survive, he wouldn't survive. It could only be because his will to survive was not strong enough.

It's never my problem!
What matters is the other person.

And Lu Baiyan finally lived up to expectations and got out of danger and woke up.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the loving Xu Shi in front of him.

"Brother Lu, you finally woke up."

(End of this chapter)

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