It’s Colder Today

Chapter 9

Chapter 9


Lin Fang felt that he himself had been drinking, why suddenly he couldn’t understand what Wei Congying was talking about? Why did you suddenly buy socks?

Wei Zongying didn’t explain, ignored Lin Fang’s doubts, and reminded him kindly: “Jiang Xuyang said to find you 50, think about it.”

Lin Fang was a little confused, looking for fifty?

After realizing it, Lin Fang rushed into the men’s room again: “Jiang Xuyang, you’re only **** two hundred and five.”

Immediately afterwards, the person inside was furious: “Don’t tease me, you’re going to the toilet. That’s fine, if you shake me again, I’ll lick you.”

There was noise in the men’s room, but it was quiet in the corridor outside.

Shi Yun handed the paper to wipe his arm into the trash can, and the ball of paper was caught precisely.

When she heard Wei Congying’s words, “I keep the money to buy socks”, a little different emotion appeared in her heart, but Shi Yun just put those emotions to the end.

Lin Fang also said that he heard them chatting outside when he was going to the bathroom, so he knew she could actually hear them too. Whether those words were provocative on purpose or without thinking, only he knew the correct answer in his heart.

But Shi Yun was more inclined to the former.

Shi Yun looked in the mirror and adjusted his hair for the last time. When he went out, he was alone.

His cheeks and neck were flushed from the alcohol.

He stood leaning against the wall and waited for Shi Yun to come over. The canvas shoes stopped thirty or forty centimeters away from his sneakers. Shi Yun looked up at him: “You can’t drive back at night after drinking.”

It doesn’t matter, in this era, you don’t have to worry about not being able to find a substitute driver.

But Wei Cong should change his mind: “Give you a chance to exercise.”

There was no more noise in the men’s room, Shi Yun followed Wei Zongying and walked back slowly towards the box, with the soles of his shoes on the soft carpet, Wei Congying asked her if she was having fun?

Shi Yun turned to look at him, seeing his drunken appearance, raised his hand to support him: “Talking and laughing, I think they are quite interesting.”

Wei Congying listened, and played the role of the villain who stabbed the knife in the back: “But he is not a good person.”

Shi Yun turned back to the army: “People are divided into groups.”

Because of the supporting action, the two of them got close, and the warm palms pressed against his arms. Every now and then the shoulders bump into each other.

Wei Cong should be self-deprecating: “I am not.”

Wei Cong should not put a high hat on herself, but she is like a good teacher who encourages students: “When I saw me for the first time, I didn’t leave me alone at the barbecue stand, but sent me to the police station. She is a good person.”

The box was close at hand, and the waiter at the door saw them approaching and opened the door. Wei Zongying paused for a while, tilted his head and whispered to Shi Yun who was supporting him beside him, “How about repaying your kindness?”

What he said about knowing kindness and repaying his kindness was not to promise such a drama with his body, but to give up the position to Shi Yun by playing cards, saying that his eyes were blurred from drinking too much.

He sat in Shi Yun’s position, put one hand on the back of Shi Yun’s chair, and asked her to come wherever she wanted, and the loss was his.

The game didn’t end too late, Xiang Shaoyuan didn’t win all the time, and in the end he refused to let him go, so Jiang Xuyang persuaded him to go back.

When Lin Fang was going downstairs in the elevator, he was still calculating his win or loss for the day, when he suddenly thought of something, he turned his head and looked at Shi Yun who was standing in the corner of the elevator: “Don’t let him drive.”

It was Wei Zongying who paid the bill. He walked forward, and the waiter handed him today’s bill, and he took the pen and signed his name on the bill at the front desk.

Everyone seems to like to put a dot next to their autographs, and he was no different.

They separated at the door, and they drove away in their own cars.

Wei Congying threw the car keys to Shi Yun, and Shi Yun looked at the car keys in his hand, feeling a little apprehensive: “I can’t.”

“It’s not your fault if you rub against it.” Wei Zongying said that he had already opened the passenger’s door, not feeling distressed at all.

He sat on the co-pilot and adjusted the seat slightly to stretch his legs more comfortably. Looking at Shi Yun in the driver’s seat, he suddenly looked like a driving school instructor.

His car is a manual transmission, and a manual transmission car can preserve the driving experience very well.

They call this a man’s feelings.

The only manual transmission car that Shi Yun has come into contact with so far in her life is the coach car of the driving school. She almost forgot how to start.

He reached under the steering wheel, looked at Shi Yun who was sitting awkwardly, and told her that the buttons to adjust the steering wheel were under this: “Press the clutch and brake.”

Shi Yun adjusted the height and angle of the steering wheel, looked at the car logo on the steering wheel, and knew that this car was not cheap.

As if the car didn’t belong to him, Wei Congying was very calm: “Don’t worry, it’s okay to start in second gear. Few people can still turn off the engine when driving this car.”

Shi Yun slowly drove the car according to his instructions. She had learned her driver’s license for a while, but she didn’t drive often, especially after she was in a car accident with her mother, she had a little psychological shadow on driving.

His car has a sensor radar for the distance between cars, and when an object approaches the car, it will make a beeping sound. The direction of the object is reflected in real time on the central control display.

The road out was not wide, and there was a row of cars parked by the side of the road. She didn’t have a sense of the distance of the width of the car, and the whole car drove very close to her.

Even so, the vehicle distance radar still indicates that there is an object in the direction of the co-pilot.

Shi Yun drove the car out at a snail’s pace, Wei Cong should remind her to drive towards him, but she didn’t dare.

Wei Congying listened to the “Dididi” notification tone of the radar in the car, and teased her: “Where are you sending a telegram?”

Wei Congying sat calmly in the co-pilot and joked with her. The driver ignored his words to make her relax, and reminded him to help him watch the road conditions.

“Afraid of what?” Wei Congying raised his hands, folded the palms of his hands together, and rested them between the back of the chair and his head.

“I was afraid after the car accident.” Shi Yun’s nerves were highly tense.

These words did not make Wei Congying give up the idea of letting her drive. He had more car accidents while driving. In his opinion, once fear arises, running away cannot solve the problem.

But he still sat up a little bit to make himself look a little more secure: “Don’t be nervous, let go of the accelerator, and take the straight road in the middle.”

Wei Congying put one hand on the gear, watched the speed of the car, and asked her to step on the clutch to help her change gears.

The car stopped at the traffic light, and Shi Yun let out a sigh of relief when the car stopped. She sighed quite loudly, and just as she relaxed, she heard laughter from the side.

Slightly angry: “What are you laughing at?”

He put away that smile, changed his face, and became a little serious: “How long has it been since Auntie passed away?”

After hearing this, Shi Yun lowered his eyes: “Three years.”

The red light lasted for a long time, Wei Congying observed her expression: “Is it because of this reason that you don’t go home during the summer vacation?”

It was hit by Wei Zongying.

Shi Yun looked at the green light and lifted the clutch: “I was going out to play at night. My mother was worried about me and drove me home. There was a car accident on the way.”

She thought about the day when her mother asked others to save her first, but she sat helplessly on the side of the road and watched the car burn down in the fire.

If it wasn’t because she was coming to pick her up at that time, my mother would not have driven out.

Subsequent tragedies will not happen.

The dark cloud that lingered in Shi Yun’s heart after her mother’s death rained glass on her heart, pieces of glass cut her painfully.

Guilt and remorse.

This growing emotion was suddenly interrupted by the arm that had been hanging on her arm, and Wei Congying looked ahead: “Concentrate on driving.”

However, Shi Yun still missed the turning intersection, Wei Congying told her that it’s okay, and it’s okay to turn right at the next intersection.

There are no noisy nightlife bars on this road. There are not many cars coming and going. Occasionally, a few taxis pass by. However, there are many residential buildings along the street with lights on. distance.

There were no stars in the dark sky, half of the moon was blocked by tall buildings not far away, the street lamp was about the same height as a camphor tree, and the faint light of the street lamp leaked a little light from the gaps in the leaves.

Wei Cong should remind her to turn: “Turn on the turn signal.”

Shi Yun stepped aside, and there was no car in the rearview mirror. She wasn’t driving fast, but she had her hands behind the steering wheel, which had only wipers and no turn signals.

After a while of fussing around, Wei Congying stretched out his hand and helped her press the turn signal that looked like a gear paddle: “This is how it is pressed.”

Shi Yun turned the corner, but in the next second she saw a battery car coming out from the side.


Shi Yun’s heart skipped a beat. The sound of the impact and the shaking of the vehicle made the scene of the car accident flash before Shi Yun’s eyes. Hidden in the folds of memory, the forgotten scene came to mind again.

Wei Zong seemed to lose his strength in response to alcohol in an instant, he was the first to react, and got out of the car to check the battery car.

It’s a guy who delivers food.

People fell to the ground, and the takeaway was spilled all over the floor. The elbows and cheeks were torn, and the pants were also worn out. When he got up, he grinned in pain. When he saw Wei Congying who got out of the car, he said in a slightly aggressive tone, “What’s the matter with you? If you want to turn around or not, if you turn around, you won’t look at it.” glass.”

Wei Congying took out his mobile phone from his pocket and called the police, and also contacted his insurance company: “I have already called the police, and I am fully responsible for it, so I will take my insurance. Do you have any discomfort? I will also call an ambulance. “

After finishing speaking, he heard the sound of the car door opening and closing, and turned around to find Shi Yun walking over. She looked at the delivery boy with a pale face. As a medical student, she instinctively wanted to step forward to help him check the wound.

In the trunk of Wei Zongying’s car, there is a reflective warning vest given when he bought the car and a first aid kit that can be used in an emergency.

The first aid kit contained gauze and cotton swabs, but no iodine.

Shi Yun brought over the mineral water from the takeaway, and made a gesture to unscrew the bottle cap, but the delivery boy stopped her: “This is from the customer.”

“You don’t care about your wound?” Shi Yun still unscrewed the cap of the bottle, and poured mineral water on his wound. The movements of her hands looked numb, but her hands were shaking all the time.

The takeaway boy was so hurt that his five sense organs flew wildly, but he still thought of calling the customer first and explaining the situation of his car accident. The customer was also reasonable. Shi Yun saw that his hands on the phone were torn, and also saw a small card stuck in his phone case, which looked like it was drawn by a child.

Shi Yun treated the wound and said, “I’m sorry.”

The takeaway boy looked at the broken skin in his hand: “You are really driving. If you want to turn, just turn directly. I see you are hesitant, so I think I will pass by. If you turn right, you have to see if there is any car coming later. The road is not driven by your house.”

Shi Yun listened, raised his hand slightly, and wrapped it in gauze: “I’m sorry.”

None of the limbs seemed to be broken, and she couldn’t detect the remaining possible internal injuries. After insulting her for a few words, the delivery boy stopped talking, and sat quietly on the side of the road waiting for the police and ambulance.

During the period, he also received a call, which sounded like his wife. Before answering the call, he coughed twice and cleared his throat: “Hey… I will go back after a few more orders… You and Mengmeng go to bed first… I know , I’ve been driving very slowly, well, I won’t tell you anymore, I’m going to call the customer and tell him to open the door…”

The fear gradually faded away, and what came to my mind was guilt and shame.

Shi Yun thought about walking back to the car, and took out his bag from the car. The action was seen by Wei Congying, and he didn’t let it go: “It’s mine.”

Shi Yun didn’t speak, but he kept pulling out his phone.

Wei Congying pressed her hand down, put the phone back into the bag, threw the bag back into the car, and raised his hand to close the car door.

Wei Congying saw that her eyes were watery: “Are you scared?”

Shi Yun stood beside him, and the night wind blew away the smell of smoke from the two of them. She stood a little closer to Wei Congying, and after he nodded, he gently raised his hand and hugged her in his arms.

Kong Wu’s strong arm rested on her shoulder, and Shi Yun staggered a step, leaning against his chest, the cotton cloth was still a bit smelly, but when he got closer, he could still smell the smell of smoked pine wood.

Thick palms touched her shoulders, and the warmth of the palms was transmitted to her skin through the fabric of the jacket. His voice came from above his head. He was a little hoarse after drinking, but his tone was gentle and not loud: “It’s all my fault. It’s because I’m not good enough to force you to drive. Blame me, okay, don’t cry.”

The author has something to say:

The daughter really has a psychological shadow, so she looks a little crying. I have a personal matter tomorrow, so I won’t update it.

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-05-08 12:42:24~2022-05-09 22:17:05~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the rocket launcher: Dongji 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: Jing Jing ya., it’s Yu, not Yu! 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of elegant life; 12 bottles of wearing the wind and listening to the rain; 10 bottles of a fish; 4 bottles of the old time; 3 bottles in the spring tree;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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