It’s a Stepmother, Not a Sister [70s]

Chapter 34

Chapter 33: Omen

At night, after dinner, Jiang Shuangling sat alone in front of the sewing machine, with several pieces of clothes piled on her knees, including Qi Yue’s clothes, Jiang Che’s clothes and Qi Heng’s military uniform, she turned over and over After reading it a few times, I kept writing and drawing on the paper with a pen, writing down various data.

The two little guys gathered around the radio and listened to the radio program quietly. No one spoke in the room, only the sound of Mandarin from the radio.

After a while, a song was played on the radio, and the two children sang along with the music.

Jiang Shuangling, who was holding Qi Heng’s military uniform, lowered her head and couldn’t help laughing, her shoulders kept shaking, and her hands were shaking continuously.

I don’t know how the sound insulation is here, whether the people next door will hear the voices of their two children.

Maybe it will, because Jiang Shuangling has also heard the sound of teaching children from the next door several times.

That’s all…

After all, there is no sound of beating or scolding the children in their family, only the out-of-tune sound of the children singing loudly.

“Sister, come and sing too!”

“I’m not coming, I’ll help you make small schoolbags, you can sing by yourself, be good.” Jiang Shuangling wondered in her heart, is it because their house has been singing in the past two days, so Wang Xueshu will Do you invite her to the art troupe?

But if she hears the children’s out-of-tune, why invite her to sing in the art troupe?

Children sing and have a strong brainwashing function. At least Jiang Shuangling, who used to have good music skills, has a tendency to be taken out of tune.

Jiang Shuangling tried her best to ignore the noise of the children and continued to study the clothes in her hands. Only now did she realize that the tailoring of clothes is also a technical task. Compared with sewing and repairing, making clothes is even more difficult. more difficult.

Clothes you make yourself look good.

Although this is the first time, she is still very demanding of herself.

She is doing research by herself today, and tomorrow she will ask Mrs. Mei Hong for advice. As the saying goes, sharpening knives does not cut wood by mistake. Jiang Shuangling really doesn’t want other people’s children to laugh at their children’s schoolbags being ugly. The clothes don’t look good.

Even if it is a schoolbag, she can’t handle it. She doesn’t want the little ones to be wronged. She promises them things, and tries her best not to disappoint the children.

Qi Heng walked over to her with a lamp, he turned on the lamp and handed it to Jiang Shuangling.

The warm yellow halo of the desk lamp illuminated Jiang Shuangling’s eyes, making her blind for a moment.

Qi Heng stood beside her, wearing a neat military uniform that had not yet been taken off, the hat on top of her head had been removed, and her beautiful face was completely exposed in warm yellow in the light.

The light shone on his face, making his skin look extra soft and delicate at this moment, and the originally cold and hard features were softened by the light at this moment.

He smiled at Jiang Shuangling in the light and shadow.

When Jiang Shuangling raised her head, she just met his smile, her breathing stopped for a moment, and her heartbeat seemed to slow a beat at that moment.

The usual stern man smiles and is more lethal.

She forcibly forced herself to look down at the military uniform in her hand, thinking in a trance: As a woman, it is difficult for me not to be tempted by this face.

I usually have that dog face, but now I suddenly smile in the light, what does it mean?

—Your love interest suddenly smiles tenderly in front of you, what kind of reaction do you want to make?

“I…I’m going to take a shower.”

She threw away the clothes in her hands and hurried to the bathroom.

After Jiang Shuangling ran away, only Qi Heng was left standing there, staring at the military uniform on the sewing machine and thinking: — is she happy? Still unhappy?

Immersed the towel in cold water and wringed it dry. Jiang Shuangling pressed the cold towel against her hot cheeks, and the pair of smiling peach eyes were still dangling in front of her eyes.

At this time, she regretted that she was a learner of painting, and her memory of beautiful things was too strong. She wrote down all the smiles of the other party, including all the details.

Even her mind automatically processed that smile artistically, making it even more beautiful in her memory.

How can this dog man smile so beautifully?

The color is like a peach blossom, the color is like a peach blossom…

Jiang Shuangling is beautiful, she looks at herself in the mirror since she was a child, she has long been accustomed to her facial features, but her appearance is between clean and pure and dignified and gentle , the former classmates also jokingly called her like a gentle Miss of the Republic of China.

Jiang Shuangling really doesn’t know how to evaluate Qi Heng’s appearance. He’s fine when he’s not smiling. When he laughed, it seemed that even his temperament had changed, and the pair of peach blossom eyes with a smile looked particularly sultry.

It’s like the peach petals blown off by the spring breeze fall in the heart.

Jiang Shuangling stared at the towel in her hand that was heated by the temperature of her face, “…”

“Is he really laughing and sultry, or is it my lover’s eyes?”

Jiang Shuangling dawdled in the bathroom for a long time before returning to the room. As soon as she entered the room, she first saw the three tofu cubes on the bed.

Needless to say, it must be Qi Hengjie, he has been here before? Is it because you can’t stand the “Lucky Cloud Quilt” of the three of them?

Jiang Shuangling turned her eyes and saw a package on the table. It was not there during the day, and it must have been brought by Qi Heng.

She walked over, opened the package, and found that there were several brand-new comic strips and some pictorial albums inside, and at the bottom was a stack of drawing paper and paintbrushes.

Jiang Shuangling touched the stack of paper with her fingers, picked up one of the brushes, and swiped lightly on the back of her hand.

Paper and brushes of this era are extremely rough and shabby in her eyes, especially compared to the stocks in her homestay.

In the past 20 years, parents, relatives, teachers, classmates, friends and colleagues have sent her many painting supplies.

These things are probably the worst paper and paintbrushes she has ever received.

—but she was the happiest.

Jiang Shuangling couldn’t help holding these drawing papers in her arms, the pencil in her hand swiped across the drawing paper, and soon, a sketch of a person emerged on the white paper .

She hid this sketch in the drawing paper, turned back to look at the door of the room, the corner of her mouth ticked upwards slightly, and began to look forward to a certain gatekeeper who loves to stand there.

Not long after, the two children ran into the room, and Jiang Shuangling smiled and told them new stories with a new comic strip.

“Come and see, there are new comic strips.”

“I haven’t seen it.”

The two little guys were very happy when they heard that there was a new comic strip.

Jiang Shuangling pinched the faces of the little guys one by one, and told stories to the two little guys in a soft voice.

“Sister, your storytelling voice is even better than before.”

“Really? My voice was not like this before?” After she said with a smile, she couldn’t help looking back at the door, only to find that the person who used to stand by the door and read books was gone.

When telling the story, she frequently looked back to the door.

“Sister? What’s wrong with you?”

“Nothing…” Jiang Shuangling was a little annoyed, she really didn’t understand what was going on with Qi Heng.

Just now, she suddenly smiled at her inexplicably, and silently gave her these things, but now she can’t even see a person.

Didn’t he come to turn off the lights today?

Tonight’s story Jiang Shuangling told very late, when the two children couldn’t bear to fall asleep, she hadn’t put down the book in her hand, and when she turned her head to look at the door, she still couldn’t Not a single ghost was seen.

She gripped the comic book with her fingers getting tighter and tighter, and finally couldn’t hold back, and smashed the comic book in her hand under the table.

After the “pop”, there was no sound in the room.

Jiang Shuangling, who was sitting on the bed, had a dark face and an expressionless face, and learned someone’s tone and said coldly, “Turn off the lights and sleep.”

With a click, the whole room fell into darkness.

The next room.

Qi Heng held a piece of drawing paper in his hand, and a mirror was placed on the bed. He glanced at the drawing paper and then looked at himself in the mirror.

He’s words echoed in my ears.

—You see, just like this, a sincere smile that belongs to a mature man can move a woman’s heart the most.

Qi Heng: “…”

He was skeptical of Head He’s words.

Jiang Shuangling had a dream with a very complicated storyline this night. She dreamed that she was going to the west to study scriptures, and then dreamed of Zizhulin and Guanyin Bodhisattva, and then dreamed that the black bear spirit on the mountain ran away Sister-in-law Song hugged her cassock and said that her cassock had been stolen. Jiang Che held a golden hoop and said that Sister, this thing is so heavy that I can’t handle it. Head He became a Dapeng. Now, it’s Qiyue’s version of the red boy who was puffing clouds and mist in the Flame Mountain. She was forcibly held in her arms as a good-fortune boy, and the black bear spirit came out at this time…

This dream is very strange. When Jiang Shuangling woke up, she was stunned by the strange plot of the dream.

“What is the omen of this dream?”

The corner of Jiang Shuangling’s mouth twitched, and it took a long time for her to regain her senses. At this moment, most of the images in the dream quickly disappeared in her mind, and she could barely remember a few impressive ones.

For example, Adi ran after her with a golden hoop, Qi Yue, the arrogant cub, breathed fire, and the black bear spirit rushed towards her…

Jiang Shuangling: “…”

The plot is not right.

Why do I have such illogical dreams?

Jiang Shuangling shook her head and tried her best not to think about this terrible dream. The two children beside her were still asleep. She looked down at her watch and knew that Qi Heng had already left. .

Lifting the long hair on her chest behind her ears, Jiang Shuangling lifted the quilt and got out of bed, but inadvertently saw the comic book she threw under the table last night.

She pursed her lips, walked over and picked it up, carefully patted the dust on the book, and put it back on the table.

When she put the book back, Jiang Shuangling made the next decision in her heart. When Qi Heng came back today, she was going to ask him what he wanted to do? Why do you suddenly smile at her like that, and why do you give her these things.

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